howto:sites and sources - a to h
[Back: howto:sites_and_sources]
[See also: howto:sites and sources - i to p and q to z]
Sites listed below
- Amino
- Artconomy
- Art Fight
- ArtStation
- Behance
- Blogger (a.k.a. Blogspot)
- Bluesky (a.k.a. Bsky)
- Cara
- Cohost
- Commishes
- Derpibooru and Furbooru
- DeviantArt
- Discord
- Dropbox
- Eka's Portal
- Fanart Central
- Flickr
- Fur Affinity
- Furiffic (defunct)
- FurryLife Online
- Furry Network
- Gfycat
- Google Photos
- Hentai Foundry
- HicceArs
Social network and app focusing on topic-based communities
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Non-GIF images are automatically converted to 65 quality JPEGs and are limited to a maximum resolution of 1024 by 1024 pixels. Images that are larger than that are downscaled to a resolution of 1024 pixels in width or height (whichever is longer), regardless of original format.
- To view an image directly, right-click on it in a post.
URL format
User page (general):<UserHandle>
Community page:<community-name>/
User page (community-specific):<community-name>/page/user/<user-name>/<four alphanumeric characters>_<thirty alphanumeric characters>
Post or wiki entry:<community-name>/page/<blog or item>/<page-name>/<four alphanumeric characters>_<thirty alphanumeric characters>
- blog is for non-wiki posts (blog posts, quizzes, polls, etc.), and item is for wiki entries.
Direct image:
https://<c/p><m/a><four digits>/<hexadecimal characters><r1-[original width]-[original height]v2>_hq.<filetype>
- In the prefix:
- c is for the community's images, and p is for a specific post's media.
- m is for non-animated images, and a is for animated GIFs.
- <r1-[original width]-[original height]v2> seems to only appear if the original image is larger than what the site's resolution limits allow.
- The hq at the end is for "high quality" images (i.e. largest image size available). It's replaced by 00 for downscaled images (used for preview thumbnails no larger than 512 by 512 pixels) and 120 or 128 for avatars at those square sizes.
Art gallery primarily focused on commissioning
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- This site's file size limit matches eSix's (100 MB).
- Videos are supported but they are currently not converted on upload. Thus, you will have to convert a video to WebM for upload to eSix if it was not uploaded in that format.
- Additionally, the only video formats that can be viewed on the site are MP4 and WebM; videos uploaded in other formats such as the QuickTime File Format (.mov) cannot be viewed and must be downloaded first.
- To view an image directly, either left-click on the image and then right-click to open the image in a new tab, or just right-click the blue download button on the upper-right to do the same (left-clicking that button will bring up a download prompt instead).
URL format
Artist page:<Username>/about
Submission page:<submission number>
Direct image:<year>/<month>/<day>/<filename>.<filetype>
Art Fight
Homepage - Wiki page
Annual art game played during July
Semi-favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- This event's website has a low file size limit of just 5 MB, although it maintains the original quality of uploaded images.
- Images are separated between "characters" for character profiles, model sheets, and references, and "attacks" for artists' works of other artists' characters (attacks are also called "defenses" for the artist receiving the "attack").
- Character profile pages will also have links to their owners, designers, and any links where users can find more information about the character, such as on
- While character images can be uploaded to the website at any time, attacks can only be made during the event, which lasts during July (more specifically, from July 1 at 12 PM Mountain Daylight Time [UTC–06:00] to August 1 at 12 PM MDT).
- Users must be logged-in to view most of the site, including artist profiles/userpages, character profiles, and attacks.
- Just click on the the image or click "Full view" underneath it (where it says "Image by <artist> (Full view)") to view it directly.
URL format
Artist page:<Username>
Character page:<attacks/><character number>.<character-name>
- attacks/ (without the inequality signs surrounding it as seen above) goes straight to the character's attacks page, showing all the "attacks" the character has received.
Attack (submission) page:<attack number>.<attack-title>
Direct image:<character or attack>/<60 alphanumeric characters>.<filetype>?t=<number>
- The ?t=<number> suffix is superfluous and can be removed.
Portfolio website and showcase for professional artists
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Artwork is automatically converted to a 90 quality JPEG. Minimum resolution is 400 by 400 pixels and maximum resolution is 10000 by 10000 pixels. Maximum file size is 10 MB.[source]
- Users could view the original size prior to November 2017, though this has since been disabled except for GIFs. The best available version is now the "4k" option.
- To view a direct image on a submission page, hover the cursor over the image and select the fullscreen icon at the bottom. It will then open it in a new tab. Change large in the image's URL (see format below) to 4k to get the best quality and resolution available.
URL format
Artist page (community profile):<artist name>
Artist page (ArtStation-powered website; general subdomains)[source] :
Submission page (community):<artwork hash>
Submission page (portfolio):
https://<username><artwork hash>
Direct image:
https://cdn<a or b; possibly additional characters including numbers><three digits for image ID; millions digits>/<three digits for image ID; thousands digits>/<three digits for image ID; hundreds, tens, and ones digits>/<sample size>/<artist name>-<artwork name and possible additional characters>.jpg?<artwork ID>
- Current available sample sizes: small, medium, large, and 4k; original is disabled except for GIFs.
Portfolio website run by Adobe for professional artists and designers
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- When viewing a Behance project (gallery), click on an image to get a full view of it. Right-click on the full image to download it or view it directly.
URL format
Artist page:<username>
Submission page:<project number>/<project-name>
Direct image:<fourteen hexadecimal (base 16) characters>.<thirteen hexadecimal characters>.<filetype>
- fs in the direct image URL is for full sizes, which have a maximum width of 1920 pixels. Preview and resampled sizes include max_1200 (maximum width of 1200 pixels), hd ("high definition" width of 1240 px), and 1400 (forced width of 1400 pixels).
Blogger (a.k.a. Blogspot)
Blog publishing service owned by Google
Favorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Click the image to see it directly. If needed, change s<width> in the URL (most likely s1600) to s0 for the full size.
- Note that <width> is actually the maximum allowed width of the image in the URL (usually defaulted to 1600, but it can be changed to any value). That means that if the full size image is wider than whatever width is set in the URL, it will be downscaled and resampled to meet that width. However, if the full image's width is at or below the width set in the URL, then it will just show the full original image. s0 will bring up the full image directly, since it would be impossible for any site to render a 0-pixel wide image.
URL format
Artist page:
Submission page:
http://<blogname><year>/<month in 2 digits>/<post-title>.html
Direct image:
Bluesky (a.k.a. Bsky)
Twitter-like social networking service
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- All images are converted to 80 quality JPEG, 4:2:0 (chroma quartered) and downsized to 2000px on its largest dimension.
- Warning: Thumbnails and images retrieved from posts less than 2000px in its largest dimension will be artificially upscaled, which would make it undesirable compared to the original size image that may be smaller. Use the URL format or add this userscript (direct user.js link) to a userscript manager (such as Tampermonkey) to obtain the "original".
- For images smaller than 2000px in their largest dimension, the Bluesky original will generally be better than X / Twitter.
URL format
Artist page:<username>
Submission page:<username>/post/<post-id>
Direct image (Thumbnail):<decentralized identifier>/<IPFS content identifier>@jpeg
Direct image (Fullsize):<decentralized identifier>/<IPFS content identifier>@jpeg
Direct image (Original blob, redirect):<decentralized identifier>&cid=<IPFS content identifier>
Direct image (Original blob, CDN)
https://<CDN server name>.<geographical location><decentralized identifier>&cid=<IPFS content identifier>
A list of Bluesky CDN servers can be found at . Currently, the only geographical locations are us-east and us-west
Furry art gallery
Favorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Full images are immediately viewable on the submission page; right-click to view an image directly or download it.
URL format
Artist page:<username>
Submission page:<username>/art/<submission-name>
Direct image:<eight hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<twelve hexadecimal characters>_<eight hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<twelve hexadecimal characters>.<filetype>
Artist-focused social network and art portfolio website mixing elements of Instagram and Twitter
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Although it accepts PNG files, most of them are converted to JPEG format. Only animated GIFs and some less detailed PNG images maintain their original quality.
- Full images are immediately viewable upon selecting a post; right-click to view an image directly or download it.
- Posts can have multiple images.
- Note that some images cannot be viewed directly in the browser outside of the post and will be automatically downloaded to your device if you attempt to load the image within the browser.
- This site currently does not host NSFW content due to limited moderation staff.
- This site does not host videos but allows artists to embed videos from third-party site such as YouTube and Vimeo.
URL format
Artist page:<username>
Submission page:<eight hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<twelve hexadecimal characters>
Direct image:<same post id as mentioned above>/<username>-<21 characters, including numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, underscores, and hyphens>-<filename given by artist>.<filetype>
- Since most PNG files are converted to JPEG, <filetype> usually refers to the format it was originally uploaded in, not the actual filetype of the image as provided by the site.
Simple file hosting and sharing service
Possibly favorable source (filesize limit exceeds eSix's)
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Caution: Although the site itself is safe, people have used the service to host malicious files. The site's developer has taken steps to block these, but there may still be other malicious files on there that they don't know about. Make sure your antivirus software is up to date, and only use the links provided by the artist when linking to here.
URL format
Direct file:<six alphanumeric characters>.<filetype>
Soon-to-be-defunct Tumblr-like social media site focused on community, without visible statistics to distract the user
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Cohost is read-only as of October 1, 2024, and will be taken fully offline on December 31, 2024. New account creation is no longer possible, so accessing posts marked 18+ requires an existing account made prior to September 9, 2024.
- Uploaded images have their metadata stripped, including color profiles, which can affect how images appear if they originally contained an embedded color profile. Images in Cohost user data exports are the original images as uploaded to Cohost, and do not have their metadata removed.
URL format
Post URL:[username]/post/[post ID-with-post-title-or-first-19-characters-of-the-post]
Direct image URL:[image ID?]/[filename].[ext]
- If a preview version of an image is opened, the URL will contain several arguments at the end, after a ?, depending on what kind of preview was opened. These arguments can be stripped to access the original image.
- width=[width in pixels]
- height=[height in pixels]
- fit=crop (used for inline post images)
- auto=webp (previews are always served as WebP)
- dpr=1 (unknown, seems to always be 1)
Commission auction site for artists and commissioners
Semi-favorable source depending on subdomain and permissions
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Each Commishes subdomain requires a separate login and one-time authorization to integrate with the user's main account
Favorable source
- Send commissions and view commission status
- Files sent here are full quality and publicly accessible but not publicly searchable
URL format
Direct image URL:<first number>/<second number>
- <first number> probably corresponds to <post ID> for ych.commishes direct URL format
Unfavorable source
- Mostly an activity feed for the artist's posts on ych.commishes and portfolio.commishes
- Some standard social media capabilities (Likes, Replies, Shares) that are rarely used
- Images are 80 quality JPEG previews resized with the same rules as portfolio.commishes but scaling one dimension until 1280 pixels instead of 1920
URL format
User page:<username>
- No individual post pages
Direct image URL:
https://cloudyslave<1-3><200 character string><200 character string>
- Commishes appears to use four cloudy image servers
Favorable source with script (here)
Unfavorable source, normally
- Generally used as a gallery of finished art to demonstrate artists' style, quality, and completed YCHes
- As a third-party user checking Commishes for art to upload to E621, portfolio.commishes is probably the most intriguing area of Commishes
- Normally, post pages show a preview image, an indexed PNG (reduced to 256 colors) scaled to 1920 width
- Avoid uploading these previews to e621, especially upscaled art, which goes against our uploading guidelines
- Reduced color (quantization) varies in perceptual quality:
- Barely noticeable compared to other sources of the art
- Tinging some sections' colors with that of neighboring sections (black to greenish black)
- Completely switching colors (blue <=> purple) or losing color details in small areas like eyes
- However, portfolio.commishes does serve original quality art with a crafted URL, which can be manually determined from reading each post page's code
- Faucet's script will retrieve the original quality art on post pages instead of the preview
- These are fine to upload to e621
URL format
General portfolio gallery:
Artist portfolio gallery:<username>
Single image page:<post ID>/
Image redirects:
Normal/Preview:<image ID>/large/
Crafted/Original:<image ID>/original/
Note: The <image ID> is the value required to craft the image redirect URL. The <image ID> appears at /upload/tag/<image ID>/ in the post page's code, for instance in the upload/show/<page ID> document.
Direct image URL:
Posts after mid-January, 2021:
https://cloudyslave<1-3><200 character string><200 character string>
Posts before mid-January, 2021:
Preview:<never ID>/never/u4bxFNtbWHwV8i3iVjMxvDJBHu7Cf2V2QZBAz?w=1920&s=<32 character string>
Original:<never ID>/never/u4bxFNtbWHwV8i3iVjMxvDJBHu7Cf2V2QZBAz?s=<32 character string>
Usually unfavorable source
- Shows active and closed auction listings
- Currently, has categories for Furry, Pony, Human, Adoptables, and Crafts, but of course humanoid auctions are also available
- Active auctions at the ych.commishes homepage
- Active and closed auctions at artist profile pages
- Pictures seem to present original quality art when clicked
- However, most art here is unfinished YCHes, sketches, samples, crops, and so on, often with distracting watermarks that won't appear in final versions
URL format
Open auction gallery:
User page:<username>/
Auction page:<post ID>/<title>/
Auction followup:<post ID>/<title>/
- These followUp links are likely for commission updates or completed commissions, but they either no longer work or are not publicly accessible
- Many older Commishes posts with full-quality art seem to use followUp sources
- Replacing followUp with auction will open the original auction page if that is still available
- Possibly replaced by crm.commishes
Direct image URL:<image number>/
Derpibooru and Furbooru
Derpibooru home page - Derpibooru wiki page
Furbooru home page - Furbooru wiki page
Booru-style image boards respectively dedicated to My Little Pony and the furry fandom
Favorable sources (both)
Derpibooru direct uploads whitelisted, Furbooru direct uploads not whitelisted
- Although third party sites like chans and boorus are usually discouraged, many artists directly post their My Little Pony artwork on Derpibooru.
- There is a specific derpibooru exclusive tag.
- Furbooru was founded by Derpibooru staff but is operated separately from that site. It is combined with Derpibooru here because it runs on a fork of the same software; thus, the functional and technical differences between both are minimal.
- Both sites respect artists' wishes, follows takedown requests, and forbid uploads and edits if such are prohibited by the original artists.
- Rule #1 Respect artists and their artwork: (Derpi link, Fur link)
- Derpibooru and Furbooru both have their own Do-Not-Post (DNP) Lists, too.
- Click "View" to see the full size version, or "Download" to download such version without viewing it in the browser. Click the simple options ("VS" or "DS") if you don't want tags in the file names.
- Both sites filter out things like memes and explicit content by default. This can be changed via the Browsing Filters menu (Derpi, Fur) linked on top-right corner (right side of the top panel under "Filters (<active filter name>)"). No account needed unless you want to fine-tune what is filtered.
- Files undergo lossless compression on both sites, resulting in an MD5 mismatch with the original content if it's also available elsewhere. Use the original linked source wherever possible.
URL format
Submission page:
https://<derpi or fur><post number><any extra superfluous stuff like search queries>
Direct image:
https://<derpi or furry><year>/<month>/<day>/<post number><two underscores then a number of tags separated by plus signs if regular options are selected>.png
- view is replaced by download for the direct download options.
Homepage - Wiki page
Online art community and social network
Semi-favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- To get the best version in the current Eclipse layout, click on the Download icon underneath the image to the right. The icon is an outlined arrow pointing downward at what looks like a bracket turned on its side, closing the bottom. Note: You must be logged in to DeviantArt to download the original images from there.
- Artists can disable the ability to allow downloads of the original file and also watermark it automatically with DeviantArt's default watermark. In this case, click on the image to view the largest available preview, then right-click on the image to open it directly. If the original image was an opaque still image (i.e. not transparent and not animated), then the preview that you're viewing is most likely a lower-quality JPEG, even if the original file itself was not a JPEG. Open the "URL format" section for DeviantArt below and open the "Notes on current direct images" folder for more information and for how you can improve the quality of the preview.
- Some images can be viewed and downloaded in their original resolution and quality even if the artist(s) didn't "allow" downloads, either because the image's original resolution was too low to be affected by DeviantArt's resampling or the artist(s) permitted the full size to be viewed on the "deviation" page anyway.
- As of November 2018, DeviantArt's JPEG images old and new have been moved to Wix Media Platform servers and URLs ( Ltd. are the current owners of DA), and the JPEGs that are displayed to the viewer on first viewing are recompressed. As of December 2018, PNG files have also been affected. With the exception of GIFs, all direct links to images uploaded to DeviantArt are no longer easily accessible. Provided that the artist has permitted downloads of their work, you will have to download these images first before uploading to e621. (See this link for more.)
- As of January 2019, clicking on the download button (if the artist has permitted downloads of the original image) now no longer allows for the direct in-browser viewing of the original images at all; a download prompt will open up instead, forcing users to download the images directly to their device. However, the browser add-on Viewhance allows users to suppress prompts and force media inlining.
- To grab the URLs of download images for eSix uploading via URL, use Viewhance with "Force media inlining instead of download" enabled in the extension settings and this simple userscript so the download image URL will redirect to the one in eSix's whitelist. (i.e., It switches from to; the former is used for downloads and the latter is used for the images displayed to users on the site proper.)
- All old image links from still work, provided that they have been linked to or archived before (or if you knew them or have previously accessed them).
- No content containing sexual activity shown or described in explicit detail allowed.
URL format
Artist page:<username>
- Previously, <username> was a prefix instead of the standard www, but it was changed in June 2018 to the current URL format. You can read why the site changed it over here. The old URLs still work as a redirect to the new URL, however.
Submission page:[source]<username>/art/<title>-<base 36 converted to base 10>
Direct image (old; kept for historical purposes):
https://<pre/img/orig><four hexadecimal (base 16) digits>/<i or f>/<year>/<three digits corresponding to the day of the year>/<one hexadecimal digit>/<one hexadecimal digit>/<title>_by_<username>-d<six base 36 digits>.<filetype>
Notes on old direct images
- Regarding the prefix, pre is usually a downscaled, resampled JPEG serving as a preview sample, orig is the original version, and img is a downscaled resample that's available to the viewer. If orig is not available, then img will usually be the best version of the image. Avoid using pre unless it's the only accessible version available.
- Preview image URLs also have additional characters between <four base 16 digits> (which pre images use a different combination from their img and orig counterparts) and <i or f>: /th/pre/; thus, pre URLs begin with:<four base 16 digits>/th/pre/<i or f>/
- Like with images on Twitter, PNG images with alpha transparency will be kept as such in DA preview images.
- Preview images will very rarely be better than their img counterparts. (e.g. post #1477370, which is a transparent PNG, uses a preview image that is a higher resolution than its more downscaled img version.)
- The double zero in the prefix used to be a number ranging from 00 to 15 (possibly corresponding to one of 16 servers), but DA later changed it so all image prefixes would have 00.
- There is also a t prefix, which leads to a thumbnail version of the image. These are not acceptable for e621.
- <i or f> appears to correspond to whether the full-sized original image is available for the public to download. If there is an f, then the full size original is available for download and the prefix will start with orig; if there is an i, then only an intermediary downscale is available and the prefix will begin with img.
- All letters, including those used for hexadecimal digits, are lowercase.
- <three digits corresponding to the day of the year> is anywhere from 001 to 365 (common year) or 366 (leap year) corresponding to what date of the year when an image was uploaded. Some examples:
- January 1, the first day of a year, would be 001.
- February 2, the 33rd day, would be 033.
- 060 would correspond to March 1 on a common year or February 29 on a leap year.
- December 31, the last day of a year, would be 365 on a common year and 366 on a leap year.
- As of late 2019, all img00 and orig00 URLs, no matter how old they are, now redirect to the current format. This also means that they now cannot be uploaded directly to eSix via URL on the upload form at all; they must be downloaded first before uploading. Older images that have been removed from DA by the artist but were still accessible if previously linked elsewhere on the Internet may now actually be deleted, since DA previously kept the originals on their servers even after an artist removed or deleted them.
Direct image (current):<eight hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<twelve hexadecimal digits>/d<six base 36 digits>-<eight hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<twelve hexadecimal digits>.<filetype>/v1/fill/w_<width>,h_<height>,q_<JPEG quality>,strp/<title>_by_<username>_d<six base 36 digits><-fullview/-pre>.<filetype>?token=<a large number of random characters>
Notes on current direct images
- Because the encrypted download tokens are unique for each and every time someone wishes to download them, and have an approximately ten-minute timer before they expire, then if you're posting using the "Upload from URL" method, you may have to generate a new token by refreshing the deviation (submission) page and copy-pasting the URL with the new token in the File URL text box.
- The tokens are encoded with JSON Web Token (JWT) and can be decoded at
- ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2 is actually part of the prefix being used by DA for previews; it does not change.
- q_<JPEG quality> is usually q_75 when first shown to clients (users/visitors/you), meaning that it's a resampled JPEG quality of 75. (Quality number in the initial preview may be higher or lower than 75.) Changing the number to 100 increases the JPEG quality of a JPEG image's resample to 100. Lossless images that have transparency (PNG, GIF) or are animated (GIF, APNG) are not affected by this.
- <-fullview/-pre> determines whether the image shown is a larger preview (fullview) or a smaller, lower quality "social" preview (pre). The <filetype> before the token will always be jpg if the source image does not feature any transparency or animation.
- If the source image is a PNG image (if the <filetype> before /v1 is png), then you can change the -fullview.jpg or -pre.jpg before the token to .png to get a PNG version of either preview image.
Intermediary image (works on posts up to approx. April 2019):<eight hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<twelve hexadecimal digits>/d<six base 36 digits>-<eight hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<four hexadecimal digits>-<twelve hexadecimal digits>.<filetype>
Notes on intermediary images
- Before approximately April 2019, DeviantArt created a publicly accessible, "intermediary" sample image from uploads. These intermediary images are lower quality than the original uploads even at the same resolution, and they have a maximum resolution of 6 megapixels. DeviantArt's preview images are probably generated from the intermediary image, so they should be even lower quality.
- To access the intermediary image, edit the direct image URL with /intermediary before the /f/ and delete /v1/fill/ and everything after.
- Intermediary image links will work without stripping /v1/fill/ and the following text, but the image preview parameters likely apply a second pass of processing to the intermediary image in addition to the processing used to create the intermediary image. Even editing the resolution parameters (maximum 5100 pixels in both dimensions) to "restore" a smaller intermediary image to its original resolution likely only applies upscaling to the intermediary image and is likely visually inferior to the intermediary image. The ?token= and following text can be removed.
As of December 2023, e621's policy toward these intermediary images remains that they should be deleted and not approved, regardless of any existing posts source linked to intermediary images.
Download URL:<a very large number of alphanumeric characters, along periods/full stops and hyphens>
- This can be viewed within your browser by forcing media inlining, which can be done by using Viewhance.
Reverse searching
- Indexed by SauceNAO.
- Insert information from filename into the following URL:
https://<username><six base 36 digits>
Deviant Art 100 quality UserScript by Tarrgon
// ==UserScript== // @name Deviant Art 100 quality // @namespace // @version 2024-12-29 // @description Opens deviant art images with q_100 // @author Tarrgon // @match https://** // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let match1 = window.location.href.match(/q_(\d+),/) let match2 = window.location.href.match(/\.png\/v1/) let match3 = window.location.href.match(/\.png\?/) console.log(match1, match2, match3) if (match1[1] && match1[1] != "100") { if (match2) window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(match1[0], "q_100,").replace(".jpg?", ".png?") else window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(match1[0], "q_100,") } else if (match2 && !match3) { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(".jpg", ".png") } })();
Homepage - Wiki page
Instant messaging and VoIP service
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Service allows of uploading almost any files as long as the file size limit is not exceeded, which is 8 MB for free users, 50 MB for nitro users, 100 MB for level 3 nitro boost servers.
- On desktop, does basic metadata stripping e.g. scrubbing EXIF information but does not touch the file itself. On mobile, images are really commonly downscaled during upload.
- When uploading, please make sure to provide all three URLs, at minimum the direct file link!
- Because of the nature of the service, third party uploads are extremely common. As such, URLs are crucial on verifying the content is from first party source.
- To get message link, enable developer mode (Settings -> Appearance -> Advanced -> Developer mode) and then either right click, long tap or click three dots on the message and select Copy Message Link.
URL format
Invitation link:<Random or predefined string>
Message link:<Server ID>/<Channel ID>/<Message ID>
File link:<Channel ID>/<??? ID>/(SPOILER_)<Filename>.<Filetype>SPOILER_
is part of the filename if the file was spoilered during upload.
Homepage - Wiki page
Cloud storage service
Favorable source (cloud storage)
Direct uploads whitelisted
- On regular link, either download file under three dots on top right or convert the URL format to direct file and use with direct URL upload.
- The account holder needs to create a share link for the file in order for the original image to be directly accessible. (Click Share button on file preview, click "Create link" under "Share a link instead" in share window, then click "Copy link" to view the file share link and copy it to your clipboard.)
URL format
File share link:<random string generated by share link>/<filename>.<filetype>?dl=0
Direct file link:<random string generated by share link>/<filename>.<filetype>
It's possible to convert share link into direct link by simply copying the string and filename/type to direct link format.
Eka's Portal
Homepage - Wiki page
Online community and art archive dedicated to vore and unbirthing
Favorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Either click the image to get the full-sized version or press "download" underneath it.
URL format
Artist page:<artist>
Submission page:<submission ID>
Direct image:<submission ID>-<???>.<filetype>/<artist>-<submission ID>-<title>.<filetype>
Homepage - Wiki page
World's largest social network
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Facebook will always recompress images uploaded to their servers, even if the image is uploaded in "high quality".
- Click on a post or image on a user's timeline or album to view the image in theater mode. Right-click the image to view it directly.
- To download it to your computer, hover your cursor over the image in theater mode, click "Options" on the bottom-right of the image when it appears, and then click "Download".
Fanart Central
Fan art gallery and forums
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Don't expect a lot of images from this site to meet eSix's minimum quality standards.
- Right-click an image on its submission page to view it directly or download it.
URL format
Artist page:<username>/profile
Submission page:<username>/<submission number>/<Title-of-the-Submission>
Direct image:<letter>/<username>/<submission number>/<username>-<submission number>-<Title_of_the_Submission>.<filetype>
Image and video hosting service
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- Click the "Download this photo" button (an arrow pointing down at an underscore) on the lower right of a submission's lightbox to access the download options for that image. To view all sizes, click the "View all sizes" option, and you will be taken to the image's download page. From there, select the largest size available (usually original), provided that you are not viewing the largest one available. Right-click the image shown on the page to view it directly or click "Download the <size name (should be 'Original')> size of this photo" to download it to your device.
- For videos, click the "Download this video" button (same icon) on the lower right of a submission's lightbox to download it to your device.
- Note that users can restrict the ability to download their content.
URL format
Artist page:<username>/
Submission page:<username>/<submission number>
Image download page:<username>/<submission number>/sizes/<size>/
Direct image:<four digits>/<submission number>_<ten hexadecimal digits>_<size>.<filetype>
- There are different letters for different sizes; the original size's letter is o.
- _d is added between <size> and .<filetype> for image downloads, which brings up a download prompt instead of the direct image in the browser.
Fur Affinity
Homepage - Wiki page
Furry-focused online community featuring furry art, music, and literature
Usually unfavorable source for images uploaded before the site update on November 26, 2022 / Semi-favorable source for images uploaded after the site update on November 26, 2022
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Prior to November 26, 2022, Fur Affinity had a resolution limit of 1280 by 1280 pixels at initial upload only.
- Art that were of a higher resolution than either 1280 pixels in width or height before the update were automatically downscaled and converted to a 90 quality JPEG, even if the downloaded file is stated to be a PNG. If the image matches this description, avoid posting it unless it's the only place it's available.
- If the original file was larger than 1280px, then the submitter has to reupload their submission for it to show up on FA in its original size. In order to do this, they needed to select "Change submission file" under the Owner Options on the submission's page, select the original file from their computer, and then click the Submit button to upload it. This did not violate any rules according to site director Dragoneer.
- If they wanted to save time doing this as they were submitting a new image to FA, then they could have uploaded a small dummy image during the initial submission process, and then change the submission file to the intended image.
- Here's a before and after example involving a 1920 by 1080 pixel image uploaded to FA (taken under the classic UI) showing the workaround:
- After November 26, 2022, Fur Affinity has raised the default upload resolution, but a maximum resolution has now been set at approximately 3.7 megapixels (3,686,400 pixels, which is 2560 by 1440 pixels at a 16:9 aspect ratio, a.k.a. 1440p or 2K, or 1920 by 1920 pixels at a 1:1 aspect ratio) for all users. This is raised to approximately 8.3 megapixels (8,294,400 pixels, which is 3840 by 2160 pixels at 16:9, a.k.a. 2160p or 4K, or 2880 by 2880 pixels at 1:1) for users with an FA+ subscription. The old "Change submission file" workaround no longer works, and the maximum dimensions regardless of user status are now 6000 pixels in either dimension.
- Images that are larger than the total pixel count allowed by the user's status (see bolded pixel counts in above bullet point) are downscaled by the site as with before. However, PNG images are no longer converted to JPEG format and will maintain their alpha transparency, finally fixing one of the site's biggest problems.
- The expanded image on the submission page, the full view submission page, and the download button all serve the same image.
- If you have an account, it's possible to automatically load the highest quality image. Go to My FA (classic template) or the gear icon (modern template) at the top of the page header, then select Account Settings (under "Account Information"). At the settings page, scroll down to "Account Personalization". Under the "Image Full View" option, change the dropdown option to "Full resolution". Then scroll to the bottom of the page, enter your password to verify, and click the "Update Account Settings" button.
- Mature and adult content requires registering and toggling the maturity filter in account settings in order to view.
- No underage characters depicted in any sexual manner allowed.
- Under the modern UI officially introduced on December 31, 2019, clicking "Download" on a submission page will only bring up a prompt to download the file to a device, not to view a direct file.
- Fur Affinity's search checks post descriptions, tags, and file names and will not match search terms contained in larger, unbroken groups of characters.
- This search behavior excludes results where a post description links to another user only using Fur Affinity's icon embed feature, which is very common for artists and commissioners crediting each other and owners of other featured characters. This poses a significant challenge for e621 uploaders looking for an artist's works that are only found in commissioners' galleries and not the artist's.
- The icon embed syntax is :icon<username>: and :<username>icon:, and Fur Affinity's search will show exact matches of those terms. Thus, to include posts mentioning a Fur Affinity user only with an embedded icon, also search icon<username> | <username>icon, where | means OR. For a practical example, searching gerkk | icongerkk | gerkkicon will return all posts were the artist gerkk is mentioned directly or only with an icon embed.
- Due to Fur Affinity's file naming behavior, the uploader's username is included in the file name, meaning a search for that name should always return all posts from that account. Add @lower !<username> to the end of a search to filter out posts from that user, where @lower is followed with the username and ! means NOT. For a practical example, gerkk | icongerkk | gerkkicon @lower !gerkk will find all posts mentioning the artist gerkk but filter out gerkk's own posts.
URL format
Artist page:<artist>/
Submission page:<submission ID>/
Direct image:<artist>/<UNIX timestamp>/<UNIX timestamp>.<artist>_<title>.<file extension>
Thumbnail:<submission ID>@200-<UNIX timestamp>.jpg
- NOTICE! Direct image URL does not contain the original page ID, so always remember to add this to the sources field when uploading directly!
- For timestamps in direct image URLs, the first is the time of the post's latest update and the second is the time of the post's upload. If they are the same then the file has not changed since upload.
- <file extension> may be different from the actual file type.
Reverse searching
- Original filename will always contain <UNIX timestamp>, <artist> and <title>. This way you can look up artists gallery from around the timeframe specified in the filename (time converter) and search with title. Sites search function can work, but more often than not it just fails.
Furiffic (defunct)
Homepage (offline)
Defunct furry art gallery and social network
Website offline
Direct uploads no longer possible
- This website shut its servers on June 1, 2022 and is no longer accessible.
Former URL format
Artist page:<username>
Submission page:<username>/view/<submission number>
Direct image:<submission number>.jpg
FurryLife Online
Furry art gallery and social network
Maybe favorable source?
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- It's tricky to access direct images on this site; clicking on an image's preview or thumbnail while navigating a gallery or album will only bring up the image within an in-window lightbox pop-up, which doesn't provide an easy way to view the direct image. Right-clicking the image in the lightbox will not bring up an option to view it directly, and closing the lightbox will only bring you back to where you last were.
- To get the link to the full image, you need to open the image's submission page. This can be done by either opening a submission page in a new tab or opening an image normally with the lightbox popping up and then refreshing the page. In both instances, the lightbox will show up with the image again, but you will have to close it by clicking the X on the upper-right.
- When you see the submission page without the lightbox pop-up, you will see the image within a different lightbox and the image's description, tags, comments, et cetera are below the image. (The lightbox pop-up features the description et al. to the right of the image.) Hover your cursor over the lightbox and you should see an icon showing up on the upper-right area that features an arrow pointing out from a box towards the upper-right. This is the "View Full Image" button that will load the direct image. Click on it to open the direct image in a new tab.
URL format
Artist page:<user ID number>-<username>/
Submission page:<submission ID number>-<submission-name-in-all-lowercase-letters-without-symbols-and-with-spaces-replaced-with-hyphens>/
Direct image:<yyyy>_<mm>/large.<fiename>.<filetype>.<hexadecimal digits>.<filetype>
Furry Network
Homepage - Wiki page
Furry art gallery and social network
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- All audio, video, Flash, etc. is bundled under "multimedia".
- Press Download to get the highest quality version. Image on the page is always a compressed JPEG and larger resolutions are also downscaled.
- Mature and explicit content does not show up while browsing without creating an account and altering content settings, although going directly to a submission's URL will allow you to view it after asking for confirmation.
URL format
https://*<artists two first letters>/<artist>/submission/<year>/<month>/<md5???>.<file extension>
(unknown where MD5 comes in or if it even is MD5)
Homepage - Wiki page
Animated GIF gallery
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Site supports multiple different formats. Content posted to e621 is preferred to be closest to the format it was originally uploaded in, with videos being a WebM file and GIFs a GIF file.
- GIFs of content originally uploaded as a video are usually heavily downscaled and have an almost slideshow-like framerate, where as if content was uploaded as a GIF, the largest GIF can look as good or even better than the WebM file.
URL format
Submission page:<ID [AdjectiveAdjectiveAnimal]>
Direct image:
Google Photos
Homepage - Wiki page
Photo and video sharing and storage service developed by Google
Possibly unfavorable source (users can select lower upload quality that doesn't count towards their storage quota)
Direct uploads not whitelisted
- This essentially includes all content that is from a single Google user, which can include Google+ and forms (e.g.
- At the end of the URL, you may see either =sXXX, =wXXX or =hXXX. Manually replacing the XXX with 0 should give you the original image without sampling or scaling.
Hentai Foundry
Homepage - Wiki page
Adult art gallery
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Quality guidelines specify to post submissions as JPG with dimensions no larger than 1500 pixels.[source]
- No underage characters depicted in any sexual manner allowed.
Homepage - Wiki page
Art gallery specializing in underage artwork
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
- Click download to get the best version with the original filename. Simply saving the image should also give the same file, but with a generated name.
- An account is required along with manual confirmation in settings to view Extreme, Ideology, Mature, Homosexual, Non-human and Loli/Shota content.
[Back: howto:sites_and_sources]
[See also: howto:sites and sources - i to p and q to z]