inflatable gag

post #2176771 post #3610276

An inflatable gag is a gag which can be filled with air, typically by pumping an inflation_bulb. This allows the size of the gag to be changed at will, allowing a gag to be larger than the opening of the mouth.

  • Tag gagged if a gag is currently in a character's mouth.


An inflatable gag is not the same thing as an rebreather bag.

An inflatable gag has a smaller rubber bulb, often black, small enough to easily fit in a human hand. There will also be a small metal valve on one end of the bulb, usually shiny, although this is not always shown. There will be a small hose, usually about about 10 mm or 3/8" diameter, running from the bulb to the gag itself. If the gag is in use, it is often concealed behind a muzzle that holds it in the character's mouth.

A rebreather bag has a much larger rubber bag, often black, about the size of a football (either kind). The bag has a large hose, usually about 25 mm or 1" diameter, running from the bag to a mask over the character's mouth.

Rebreather bag examples: post #3815523 post #2562954

Gag types:

This tag implicates gag (learn more).

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