detailed bulge

post #2622598 post #1444502 post #2609310 post #3890028

Explicit Tag
See Help: Ratings for more info.

When a bulge is detailed enough to distinguish different sections, and not being amorphous. As with the other *_outline tags: balls, sheath and/or penis should not be tagged if they are not directly visible.

A detailed_bulge will not always have an accompanying *_outline tag, as detailed bulges may not be well defined enough to distinguish what something is, such as with the fourth example above. There's two distinct sections, but neither can be labeled as any particular outline due to the ambiguity above, and the lack of separation below.

See Also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: detailed_bulges (learn more).

This tag implicates bulge (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: balls_outline, knot_outline, penis_outline, sheath_outline (learn more).

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