Copyright: oe-sql

お絵SQL (Oe-SQL), official name:このお絵かき掲示板はMySQLを(以下略@ふたば (kono oekaki keijiban wa MySQL o (ika ryaku@futaba), is an oekaki BBS that is one of the boards in Futaba Channel.

This board has highly peculiar culture compared with other boards in Futaba. Its users uses their own handles, as an exception in Futaba Channel where is basically anonymous.
Almost all Nijiura characters (which are famous in other boards) don't appear, many of the characters specific to the board are its users' original characters (often used as substitutes of themselves).

Posts (view all)

blood blue_clothing blue_shirt blue_topwear bodily_fluids bottomwear clothing cloud cloudy_sky digital_media_(artwork) drying female feral footwear futaba_channel grass_field group hair human lagomorph laundry_basket leporid low_res mammal megadeth nosebleed notsu_usagi oe-sql oekaki parody rabbit red_bottomwear red_clothing red_footwear red_hair red_shoes red_skirt rock shirt shitai-chan shitaiya shoes skirt sky text topwear turn_pale white_body
blood blood_from_ear bodily_fluids bubble digital_media_(artwork) feral fish futaba_channel group hunting lagomorph leporid low_res mammal marine mosasaur mosasaurus nosebleed notsu_usagi oe-sql oekaki placoderm prehistoric_species rabbit reptile scalie seaweed shitaiya simple_background trio turn_pale underwater water white_background white_eyes
2010 anus_mouth blood bodily_fluids coffin-san digital_media_(artwork) duo female feral furniture futaba_channel human inside japanese_text lagomorph leporid longcat low_res mammal meme nosebleed notsu_usagi oe-sql oekaki poster rabbit shelf shitaiya sofa text white_body