Character: mycha (seaf)

post #3507310 post #4576244 post #4512898

Mycha (pronounced "miʃə" or "me-shuh") is a regal tang fish character owned by SeaFishelle (Seaf). Mycha is 193cm tall (6ft 4in). Mycha's feet are fins that are good at swimming, but she is still able to walk.


- She's a goofball when she's allowed to be, but is also a bit of a firecracker when her emotions kick in. Like, any of her emotions.
- It's easy to start a conversation with her, but beware her temper if you strike a nerve.
- She tries to be smiles around anyone she meets, but isn't subtle when someone she isn't a fan of comes around.
- She takes after her mother's personality, but her father's pragmatism. Her beliefs don't always fit her lifestyle, but it's something she's still trying to navigate.

- Her favorite hobby is writing. She has a knack for technical details, and has been struggling to get an in with a publisher to get her work out there.
- She's got a mind for logistics, having worked a few stints with naval freight companies as a traffic controller. She almost always gets fired, though, thanks to her short temper under such stressful working conditions.

- Her favorite food is the crunchy vegetables, and she loves to make weird salads out of carrot, celery or cabbage. She'd call herself a "salad-mancer" but it doesn't roll off the tongue; she tried "salamancer" but someone thought she was a lizard and it was kind of awkward.
- Her least favorite food is seafood. Fish are friends, not food. She's learned to be okay with people who like eating fish, but don't ever try to defend your diet; it may end in blows. (Or even start in blows, depending on who you are!)

- She loves dresses. Any chance she can get to wear a dress, she'll take it. They're not so great in the water, so it's a treat for her whenever she's on dry land. So flow-y!
- Her preferred sub-oceanic attire is "diver chik", tight clothing meant for underwater use that resembles modern fashions and styles as much as it can.

- She's essentially gender-blind in her personal affairs, her preferences changing with her mood.
- She's had limited experience with romantic partners. Her tease-riddled upbringing has sewn a natural distrust of people into her psyche, and very rarely does she let anyone in.
- She wants to be more into guys, but the horror stories her few friends have told her make her very wary of seeking their courtship.
- She's been flirted with of course (I mean, look at her~!) but she doesn't really have the social education to follow up on it properly.

Reference sheet: post #3507310

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