Copyright: pi day

March 14 is Pi Day to honor the number π (pi). As March is the third month of the year, this was date was chosen to match the first three digits of pi, 3.14 as written in the U.S. standard of dating.

A physicist and employee of the San Francisco science museum known as the Exploratorium, Larry Shaw, created Pi Day in 1988, and the Exploratorium celebrates this day every year since. On March 12, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives recognized that year's Pi Day with a non-binding resolution, and in November 2019, UNESCO designated Pi Day to be the International Day of Mathematics.

Related days are July 22 as Pi Approximation Day (as 22/7 is a close approximation of pi) and June 28 as Two Pi Day or Tau Day[/i] (as 6.28 is a close approximation of 2 times pi, a common multiple in mathematical formula).

More Information

Pi Day (Wikipedia)

See also

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