Copyright: unico (series)
A children's manga series created by Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy and Kimba the White Lion) that ran from November 1976 till March 1979 that was a joint effort with Sanrio. Unico is focused on the titular young unicorn that was separated from his family by The Gods (specifically Venus) due to his ability to spread happiness and love to everybody he encounters and meets. The West Wind is forced to wipe Unico's memories of his friends and himself in order to not get easily spotted by The Gods (Venus in the manga).
The series gained two feature films by Sanrio Animation/Sanrio Film (The Fantastic Adventures of Unico and Unico in the Island of Magic) and a pilot short from 1979 called "Unico Black Cloud and White Feather". He also starred in a 2000 anime short "Saving our Fragile Earth: Unico Special Chapter" and co-starred in the 2005 short "Dr. Pinoko's Forest Adventures".
In Spring 2022, an English-language manga reboot series of Tezuka's Unico was announced with Samuel Sattin writing the series and illustrated by Gurihiru. The new manga series will run for a total of 4-volumes accompanied by a guide book and activity book. The first volume titled "Unico: Awakening" was released August 6, 2024. The Unico Reboot series is published by Scholastic's Graphix Imprint label.
This tag implicates osamu_tezuka (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: katy_the_cat_(unico), unico (learn more).