detailed food

post #3732493 post #2238352 post #3874272 post #3384928

Food rendered with a notable amount of visual complexity — detailed food will have small details, texture, highlights, shadows, and/or colour variation.

Detailed food is often seen in detailed digital paintings, it is particularly popular in kemono style anthropomorphic art — where the detailed food items frequently contrast with much simpler character designs. Detailed food is also seen alongside micro sized characters, where the food acts as a prop and/or background, and is given greater detailing than it would were a normal sized character interacting with the item.

Burgers, sandwiches, pizza, sundaes, curry, and various rice and ramen dishes are common food items to be drawn in detail.

What Is Not Detailed Food

Dishes that merely have a combination of simply drawn ingredients should not be tagged as "detailed food"


post #3489723 post #3374601 post #603034

Posts where a photo of real food is used as a background or as a flat texture on an asset in a 3d rendered image should arguably not be tagged as detailed food either.

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