Species: arxur (the nature of predators)

post #4008519 post #4147565 post #4377699
The Arxur are a race of aliens featured in the science fiction Web Serial Novel The Nature of Predators. As one of two known sapient predator species (besides from humans), they are the sworn enemy of the Federation.

Arxur are carnivorous reptiles similar in appearance to a crocodile due to their long, v-shaped snouts and sharp, protruding teeth. They are covered in thick, grey scales, hence being referred to as "the grays" by the Federation. Spines line the backs and tails of these lizards. The Arxur are bipedal but assume a hunched posture, lending to their tendency to lunge on all fours while attacking. Arxur are genocidal maniacs intent on exterminating all sentient life in the galaxy, enslaving and eating all other aliens they encounter without second thought - at least according to the Federation.

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