february (month)

February is the second month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, lasting for 28 days or 29 days in a Leap Year, and is the shortest month of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, February is the second full month of winter and in the Southern Hemisphere, the second full month of summer. It is named after februum, a Latin term meaning "purification", after the Februa purification ritual once held on February 15.

February's birthstone is the amethyst, representing humility, piety, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom. February's flowers are the common primrose (Primula vulgaris), irises (Iris), and violets (Viola). In regards to the western zodiac, February is under the sign of Aquarius until the 19th, when the sign of Pisces begins.

Note: This should only be tagged when a monthly calendar is in the picture or when the picture is visibly February-themed. It should not be tagged for a themed art month (such as Inktober) or the month a post was originally created.


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