Character: scp-426
"Hello, my name is SCP-426. It is necessary for me to introduce myself this way in order to avoid confusion. I am a Toaster. I am a simple electric toaster capable of toasting up to 2 slices of bread if inserted inside me and if provided electrical power. My primary anomalous property activates when anyone tries to talk about me. Simply put, they will come to describe me in the first person even if they do not know I exist or if referring to individual pieces of me like screws. This makes talking about me very difficult and confusing. My secondary, anomalous property activates when people either spend a few months near me or a few months talking about me. Individuals who do this will come to identify themselves as toasters, and may injure themselves by trying to replicate my basic functions. This includes attempting to fill themselves up with as much sliced bread as humanely possible, or connecting themselves to electrical outlets. Despite this, they will still refer to me in the first person.According to some I am also an eldritch horror. The fact that people will still talk about me and identify as a toaster means that it is quite possible and likely to turn everyone in the world into me, even if my current form is reduced to atoms. Thankfully, I prefer to use my abilities to protect The Wanderer's Library.Oh, I almost forgot, I am designated as Euclid."
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