
Risotto is an Italian rice dish cooked with broth until it reaches a creamy consistency. The broth can be derived from meat, fish, or vegetables. Many types of risotto contain butter, onion, white wine, and Parmesan cheese. It is one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Italy. Saffron was originally used for flavour and its signature yellow colour.


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2023 absurd_res annoyed anthro asian_clothing avian bible bible_(object) bird camo camo_clothing camo_headgear camo_headwear camo_print camo_topwear candle christian_symbol christianity clothing cross darnell_(zummeng) deity domestic_cat duo east_asian_clothing empty_eyes english_text eye_veins felid feline felis female fire funeral galliform group gun haplorhine headgear headwear hi_res holidays humor husband_and_wife hybrid japanese_clothing kimono lagomorph leopold_(zummeng) leporid lion lizard long_image luna_(zummeng) male male/female mammal married_couple military_uniform miralle monkey neck_tuft nigel_(zummeng) pantherine pattern_clothing pattern_headgear pattern_headwear pattern_topwear phasianid plant praying prehistoric_species primate rabbit ranged_weapon religion reptile rhinoceros rifle risotto saber-toothed_tiger scalie shani_(zummeng) simple_background solo supreme tall_image term_of_endearment text thanksgiving topwear tree tristan_(zummeng) tuft turkey uniform weapon wondering yellow_eyes zummeng
16:9 2023 2d_animation 4_fingers 8_legs addiction addison_(tloz) ahoge aircraft angry animated anthro apple backpack bag bandage barefoot bear bed bedroom bench betting black_clouds black_hair blonde_eyebrows blonde_hair blood blue_background blue_body blue_eyes blue_floor blue_fur blue_sky blush blush_lines bodily_fluids bottomwear bowl bracelet broom brown_body brown_bottomwear brown_bracelet brown_clothing brown_eyebrows brown_facial_hair brown_flag brown_gloves brown_hair brown_handwear brown_mustache brown_pants bruised bruised_eye buckteeth buried burning canyon censored cephalopod channel_4 chanting cleaning_tool clothing cloud coleoid collaboration container countershade_face countershade_torso countershading crash crashing crowd crumbling cutlery death dialogue digital_media_(artwork) domestic_pig doorway dragon drooling drugged dust dust_cloud ear_piercing ear_ring eating elf english_audio english_text epicfacefist eyebrows eyelashes eyes_closed facial_hair falling feet female feral fight fingers fire fish fist flag floor flying food footwear forest forest_background frown frowney_face frowning_at_partner fruit fungus fur furniture ganondorf gem gesture glider gliding glistening glistening_body glistening_eyes gloves gold_(metal) gold_bracelet gold_jewelry gold_ring grass green_body green_skin grey_body grey_clothing grey_fur grey_scales grey_shirt grey_topwear grey_tunic grey_underwear grey_wall group hair hand_gesture handwear happy hi_res hieroglyphics hill hood huge_filesize human humanoid humanoid_pointy_ears humor inside island jewelry journal kitchen_utensils lake lava ldranzer link log loincloth long_playtime looking_at_another looking_down looking_up lying lying_on_ground magic magic_user male mammal marine mashed mashed_(copyright) math melee_weapon middle_finger mollusk monster mountain muscular muscular_anthro muscular_male mushroom mustache mythological_creature mythological_scalie mythology nature nature_background naydra necklace nintendo notched_ear octopodiform octopus on_front on_ground on_rock one_eye_closed open_mouth orange_eyes outro_panel outside pain pale_skin palms pants path path_lines pathway piercing plank planks plant plateau pointing ragged_clothing red_blush red_clothing red_hair red_sky red_topwear red_vest ring_piercing risotto rock rodent saliva sandals satisfaction satisfied satisfied_look scales scalie sciurid screaming sculpture shadow shirt shocked short_film short_hair sign simple_background singing sitting sitting_on_rock size_difference sky sleeping slipping smile smiling_at_partner snout sound sparkles sparkling_eyes spoon stab standing statue stick stone_wall struggling substance_intoxication suid suina surfing sus_(pig) sweat sweatdrop sword tears tears_of_the_kingdom teeth text the_legend_of_zelda tongue tongue_out tools topwear toss tossing tree tree_squirrel tunic tusks ultrahand_(totk) underwear unknown_species vegetable vehicle vest voice_acted volcano waking_up walking wall_(structure) water weapon webm wheel white_clouds white_eyes widescreen wink wonchop wood wood_bench wood_furniture wood_sign wood_statue wood_wheel wounded yelling youtube
ambiguous_gender anthro apple basket blonde_hair blue_eyes blush bodily_fluids bottle container cooking cookware curious_cat cutlery daww english_text eyes_closed fire food fruit frying_pan fungus fur gabriel_(pawberry) hair happy kitchen_utensils lagomorph leaf leporid male_(lore) mammal milk milk_bottle mushroom nun_outfit outside pawberry plant rabbit risotto solo sparkles spoon sweat sweatdrop text tools white_body white_fur