Character: scp-701-1

post #4578470

SCP-701-1 aka, The Ambassador from Alaggadda is a character in SCP-701: The Hanged King's Tragedy, an anomalous object in the SCP Foundation Mythos.

SCP-701-1 is an androgynous humanoid entity that appears during a live performance of the eponymous tragedy. It appears a hooded figure with chains binding its arms to its torso. On a first glance the being also appears to have a skintight outfit and high heels, which in fact are part of it's body and not clothing. During the performance, if SCP-701-1 appears it will cause the actors, stage hands, director, and audience to go off-script and eventually start killing themselves and each other via stabbing or hanging or both. Contrary to popular belief, SCP-701-1 is not the Hanged King.

The Hanged King's Tragedy is classified as Keter.

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