Species: morphfly

post #2672901 post #4803588
Morphfly is a flying insect created by qwaxi~lixard with a green appearance, antennae and insect wings
They will fly to the subject's male genitals and insert their ovipositor into the subject's male genitals to eventually ejaculate
The morphfly's entire body will then merge with the subject's male genitals, and the host will undergo genital transformation to give birth to larva

According to qwaxi~lixard, if a second morphfly lands on an already transformed genitals it would simply fuse into a bigger cock, and the host would produce twice the brood
In addition, he personally considers the process a permanent change or at the very least hard to reverse
Ultimately, despite the uncertainty of the seriousness of this comment, wearing a condom seems to be able to stop morphfly from modifying the subject's male genitals

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