
Vore, short for "vorarephilia", is the attraction to the consumption, insertion, absorption, and/or digestion of a living creature by another. This can occur with any bodily orifice, regardless of real life anatomical function.

While the word "vore" can describe the paraphilia itself as well as "the act" — the depiction of a character consuming another living creature alive — as a tag vore is exclusively for scenes where a character is actively consuming/has consumed another, and/or a character is being actively consumed/has been consumed by another.

Similar to BDSM terms like "dominant" and "submissive" vore uses "Pred" (short for predator) and "Prey" to indicate who is eating, and who is being eaten. These terms will be used throughout the article. While vore can involve any orifice or organ, the wording in this article will imply Oral Vore, however, the information below broadly applies to all other types of vore as well — words like "eaten" "swallowed" "consumed" etc. are used for brevity's sake.

Tagging notes

With few exceptions, posts tagged as Vore should at least be rated Questionable - unless graphic or sexual content in the post prompts an Explicit rating.

Vore stages
  • imminent_vore - The stage before ingestion has actually started. A good rule of thumb is to view this stage as presenting the prey before they have entered the body. This stage should not be considered vore, as vore hasn't technically happened yet.
  • after_vore - Also known as the finish, or disposal stage. A good rule of thumb is to view this stage as presenting the prey after they have digested and died, or after they have left the body.
    • disposal - The prey leaves the body digested.
    • full_tour - The prey leaves 'the other end' unharmed.

All other states in between, and including after_vore are simply tagged as vore or a more specific vore method tag.

Vore methods

The process by which a prey enters the body. These tags are usually named using an orifice descriptor. For instance, if a prey enters through the mouth, the image should be tagged as oral vore, through the anus; anal vore, and so on.

Sometimes this is ambiguous, and that means we cannot specify how the prey entered the body.

  • The vore tag applies to the act of a character ingesting/being ingested by another, not for a general "vore theme"
    • If a scene only implies a character is going to be eaten in the future, use imminent vore, not vore.
    • A mouth shot, where a character is showing off a gaping mouth to the viewer, should not be tagged vore or imminent vore unless dialogue implying or visual evidence for vore is shown.
    • If the ingested character has been digested, absorbed, or released from the pred's body (intact or as waste), use after vore.
    • See imminent vore and after vore for more details.
  • If a character is casually in the mouth of another, and there's no implication that they will be eaten (eg. a micro character brushing a larger character's teeth), use in mouth; tags like body in mouth and head in mouth can be used for characters that are partially in a mouth. These tags can also be used for vore content, but do not always imply vore is happening or about to happen and should not inherently be tagged as "vore".

Entirely non-fetishistic depictions of natural predation should never be tagged as vore e.g. a bear catching fish from a river, a wolf with a dead rabbit in its mouth, lions feeding from a carcass etc.

Guide to handling prey

Prey refers to the presence of a character that is consumed, in the process of being consumed, about to be consumed (imminent vore), or digested (after vore, digestion).

The concept of a prey, unlike the concept of a character, has a very loose definition. Many situations can receive a prey tag that would not ordinarily be treated the same way as an actual visible character.

For specific tags related to prey, and predator alike, see the Pred/Prey Tags section a little further down in the wiki.

Evidence of prey

A theme does not need to meet a high bar to prove a prey's existence.

- A bloated stomach can be evidence of several themes related to consumption (inflation, stuffing, vore).
- Dialogue hinting at the presence of prey is evidence of prey.
- Evidence of digestion usually is also evidence of prey.
- Digested remains is often evidence of prey, but not always.

Prey appearance

Prey may appear alive, or dead in varying states of decay. The remains of a prey refers to the matter left behind after the digestion process, and any clothing, and accessories associated with the prey.

The concept of releasing a prey in an altered (digested) form is known as disposal. Any evidence that a prey exists or once existed allows the disposal tag to be used.

Examples of prey remains

Gender tagging

Prey must follow the same gender rules as any other form of character in adherence to our Tag What you See (TWYS) policy. This includes gender-specific pred, and prey tags. Even if the character is taggable, and we know the gender of that character, the anatomy visible determines the gender tag used. Use gender lore tags when applicable.

  • ambiguous_prey - This tag is useful, especially when only a small amount of the prey is visible.

Character tagging

Prey may receive a character tag under the following circumstances.

- The prey is visible in their identifiable form somewhere in the post.
- The prey remains match items associated with a particular character. This is essentially the same treatment as cosplay. Outfits of characters inherit identifying properties for tagging purposes.

Just referencing a character through dialogue is not enough to receive a character tag.

Character counts
  • The prey does not count as part of the character count if you cannot see it, even if there is an imprint, or body outline.
  • Prey remains typically do not count as characters. Exceptions can be made if the prey still more or less looks like it can pass as a character, or is somehow still alive after the digestion process.
  • The internal backdrop associated with a perspective inside of a character counts as a character. Characters inside one of these internal frames shall use focus tags (solo_focus, duo_focus) if all there is to see of the pred is this backdrop.

Vore Tags:

This is a non-exhaustive list of tags used for vore related media, some tags are unique or inherently related to vore, while others are general tags that are frequently used in vore content.

Orifice used for Vore

Tags describing the orifice or mechanism a character may be consumed with, or form they are consumed in. For more details, see individual tag pages.

Common Types:

Uncommon Vore Types:

This is a non-exhaustive list of particularly atypical methods of vore that involve orifices not listed above; for other unusual vore types, see Unusual Vore

  • Tags describing a character dissolving into a bodily fluid (besides stomach acid). These tags should be used along with the tag describing the tag that describes vore (cock vore or unbirthing).
Tags Describing Vore Scenarios
Secondary Tags
  • Soft Vore - The prey is ingested unharmed and alive, as the most common form of vore, it is often untagged. Note: soft vore is not safe vore.
  • Hard Vore - The prey is eaten in pieces, either by being cut up, bitten into, ripped apart, or chewed up.
  • Fatal Vore - The prey dies after being consumed, usually via digestion within the predator character
  • Cannibalism - The predator and prey characters are of the same species, this tag can apply regardless of type of vore, not all posts involving cannibalism are vore
  • Recursive Vore - a character consuming another, who is in turn consumed by a third character, or is inside of the third character, can repeat indefinitely (pred eating pred eating pred eating...)
  • vore_through_object - one or multiple prey entering a pred while being in an object. (A competitive tag is Encapsulated vore.)
  • vore tether - the prey is inside and attached outside by a kind of "safety line".
  • leashed-in vore - reverse scenario of vore_tether where the prey is outside instead and pulled inside by a previously-inserted leash/rope/chain.
  • restricted swallow - a vore scenario where the prey can't go further into the pred's throat due to an object making the neck too narrow.
  • Cooking with furs - A character is cooked, butchered, or prepared as food, while this tag names "furs", this tag applies to any form or species
    • Note: This tag does not inherently involve vore, a post should only be tagged as vore if the cooked character is actively shown being consumed (usually as hard vore).
Progression Tags

See Prey Location bellow for more descriptive tags.

Safe Vore Tags

These tags describe vore scenarios where the prey is consumed (often willingly) and is not digested or otherwise harmed

  • Endosoma - The prey lives safely and indefinitely within the pred's body, the character isn't implied or shown to be leaving the pred's body
  • Full Tour - The prey is ingested or inserted at one end of the digestive tract, and travels through to the other end unharmed
  • Regurgitation - The prey is swallowed, and then "spat back up" unharmed, from the same orifice. Not inherently a vore tag, but often is used for vore.
Tags describing who or what is being consumed:
  • Multiple Prey - When more than one character is consumed, or implied to be consumed
    • Mass Vore - The pred consumes a very large number of prey at once - roughly, more than 5 or 6 (but hard numbers are unimportant) - usually involves a macro pred, or a pred with a hyper belly
  • Object Vore - A character consuming an object that is likely to contain other characters, such as a building, pokeball...
    • Planet Vore - A character consuming a celestial body, this is considered a sub-type of object vore
    • Object Ingestion describes a scenario where an entirely inanimate object is orally consumed (whether bitten and chewed or swallowed whole), this is not technically vore and usually should not be tagged as vore.
  • Auto Vore - A character either partially or completely consuming themselves whole, either literally by swallowing their own tail and somehow ingesting large portions of themselves whole, or by consuming another instance of themselves (such as a clone), among other bizarre methods.


  • Willing Pred - The pred willingly and usually actively consumes the prey, this doesn't have a tag due to being the default state in vore content
  • Willing Prey - The prey allows themselves to be consumed, requests to be consumed, or actively forces themselves into the pred.
  • Unwilling Pred - The pred unwillingly consumes another character, this usually involves willing prey, but can also be the result of being force fed by a third party or by a "feeding machine" of some sort that forces the prey into the unwilling pred. This can also be a part of accidental vore (see below)
  • Unwilling Prey - The prey does not want to be consumed, usually untagged as this is the default state in vore content, but may be used in specific circumstances where there is a change in willingness or multiple characters with varying willingness in a single piece of media
  • Unaware Pred - The pred is unaware of having consumed the prey, either because of size differences, being distracted, or is unconscious
  • Unaware Prey - The prey is oblivious to being eaten (usually this falls under imminent vore, where the character is unaware that they are about to be eaten)
  • Hypnotized Pred - The pred is put into a hypnotic trance, and consumes another while in this state
  • Hypnotized Prey - The prey is put into a hypnotic trance, and is usually willingly consumed by another while in this state
  • Accidental Vore - A scenario where a character is ingested by another by accident, this tag doesn't inherently indicate anything about the willingness of either party, a character might swallow a smaller character accidentally, but is aware of it as soon as the accident occurs, and willingly leaves the prey character to their fate inside of their stomach.


First Person View
  • Pred Pov - Vore from the predator's point of view
  • Prey Pov - The viewer is consumed or about to be consumed by a character in first person
    • alternatively describes a perspective of a prey character who seen in third person elsewhere in a comic, sequence or animation, as they're being consumed
Pred/Prey Tags

Vore tags describing the size, sex or shape of the characters and their roles:

Important Note:

The tag predator/prey is not a vore tag — it describes when a character of a predator species is interacting with a character of a species that is their natural prey (eg. a fox and rabbit, a cat and mouse, lion and zebra...). If the characters involved in a vore scenario are naturally predator and prey the tag predator/prey can be applied — vore posts featuring humans or fantasy species (dragons, gryphons, unicorns etc.) should never be tagged as predator/prey.

Same Size Vore

Both pred and prey are of the same size (or close to the same size), due to the overwhelming number of vore posts featuring this, it is rarely tagged

Size Difference

Size difference in vore scenarios can refer to a wide range of heights — it may involve a short character consuming a tall character, a short stack consumed by a normal sized character, or extreme differences in size between predator and prey, as seen with vore in macro and micro scenes.

Extreme Size Difference

Vore involving characters that are macro or micro, the above larger/smaller tags should also be applied

  • macro pred - The pred is "giant" in comparison to the world around them; when consuming smaller prey, they are eating normal sized individuals — "smaller prey", not "micro prey"
  • micro prey - A prey that is "tiny" compared to the world around them, they are consumed by normal sized characters — "larger pred" not "macro pred"


Pred and Prey Sex




  • unseen_pred - we only see inside and haven't see the pred which we are seeing inside
  • unseen_prey - we can't see the prey (but have proof of its existence)


Vore Related Actions
General Action Tags
Exit of the prey
"Vore Specific" Sexual Tags
  • Sex With Pred - a character having sex with the pred, either before they are consumed, while the pred is consuming someone, or after the pred has consumed another
  • Sex With Prey - a character having sex with the prey before, or while they are being consumed by a third character, this should not be used for the pred having sex with the prey
  • Sex Inside Body - two or more prey engaging in sexual activities with each other while inside of the body of the pred character
    • Sex In Stomach - two or more prey engaging in sexual activities within the stomach
  • Recursive Penetration - a character is penetrated while their whole body is "penetrating" another character's orifice (e.g. a character is performing fellatio while being swallowed, technically the penis is inside both predator and prey's mouths)
    • In Utero Penetration - specific to unbirthing, a character is penetrated while within the uterus of another character
  • Masturbating Pred - the pred masturbating at any time before, during or after consuming another
  • Masturbating Prey - often indicates willing prey, can involve a character masturbating before being consumed, and then eaten unwillingly
  • Masturbation Inside Body - prey masturbating after being consumed, rather than before or during their consumption
Body Parts and Prey Location Tags

Tags describing commonly seen organs in internal views, and where a prey may be (or how they are interacting with a body part) during a vore scenario

Oral Vore


Anal Vore




Cock Vore
Body Deformations

Tags describing ways the predator's body might change shape with the prey character inside of them.

  • Bloated - A belly that is temporarily enlarged due to his content.
Oral Tags
  • unhinged jaw - Often attributed to snakes, who employ this ability to consume whole prey much larger than them.
  • stretched mouth - a character whose mouth has stretched around their prey to unrealistic levels past the means of an unhinged jaw, often applicable when prey is the same size or larger than the pred
Bulge Tags

Note that these tags are not inherently vore related, in the context of vore, these describe ambiguous bulges caused by the prey's body

  • cheek bulge - a character with full cheeks
  • neck bulge - usually appears when a character is swallowing
  • abdominal bulge - a distinct bulging out as the prey is struggling within the character's abdomen
Imprint Tags
Sound Effects

Related Tags:

  • Weight Gain - A common consequence of vore
  • Dominant/Submissive - Themes of dominance and submission frequently play out in vore
  • Living Insertion - A character inserted into a bodily orifice for purposes other than consumption
  • Stuffing - A character consuming excessive amounts of food, stuffing and vore can sometimes cross over

The following tags are aliased to this tag: eaten, micro_insertion, permavore, vorarephilia, vore_belly, vore_sex, voreaphilia, vorephilia (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: abdominal_vore, absorption_vore, accidental_vore, after_vore, anal_vore, assisted_vore, attempted_vore, auto_anal_vore, auto_unbirth, auto_vore, belly_vore, bladder_vore, breast_vore, casual_vore, cloacal_vore, cock_vore, cum_vore, ear_vore, endosoma, fatal_vore, foreskin_vore, goo_vore, hair_vore, hard_vore, healing_vore, horn_vore, mass_vore, mutual_vore, nasal_vore, naval_vore, navel_vore, nipple_vore, non_fatal_vore, object_vore, oral_vore, partial_cum_vore, partial_vore, paw_vore, pectoral_vore, plant_vore, plushie_vore, pouch_vore, pussy_juice_vore, recursive_vore, reverse_forced_vore, reverse_vore, same_size_vore, sheath_vore, slit_vore, smoking_vore, soft_vore, tail_first, tail_vore, techno_vore, tentacle_vore, toilet_vore, transformation_through_vore, trunk_vore, tuba_vore, udder_vore, unaware_vore, unbirthing, unusual_vore, urethral_vore, vacuum_vore, wing_vore (learn more).

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