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Switched over to Source instead of Garrysmod and still not enough it seems. Heck the people who approve stuff don't even like me, wasn't even a day and already deleted. I've seen others still waiting to be approved for weeks now and such. :(

Well time to kick Skype on the nuts and off my phone, move to Telegram and free 1GB at the same time c:

But first I have to send some messages (mostly saying I'll be moving). If anybody wonders, I'm using the same name as here and possibly everywhere

Holy fucking shit guys I felt like Raiden today.
I shocked myself with a metal shelf SO SHARP, I saw a 1 inch blue streak of static electricity. A few diapers that were shelved slightly jolted! Strangely it didn't hurt me much as it surprised me.

Mmm, I find it odd such things cannot be edited. But I use blips so little I wouldn't know otherwise. Information relating to the Minecraft Server is in the profile. I am also curious to find an artist/composer before too long. Lots of future plans.

In response to blip #67908

@Hudson: Also my delayed response is delayed.

In other news, I have a Minecraft Server starting up if anyone is interested in that. Aims to be a small community at the moment. Fun and exciting plans, that is when not working on my game.

Short answer: Because life happened. And other reasons like my game company.

Well at least on my end. Don't know about him. Never seem him around all that much.

Hudson said:
Why were Scrydan ... demoted

My 27 year old brother has the mentality of an 8 year old: he doesn't like vegetables, constantly asks for help in video games because he doesn't want to take his time on it, and gets pissed when the game does it's job on being difficult.

So I have a problem I'm hoping someone here might know how to fix, but a game of mine (Dark Souls 3 specifically) used to run fine at a hard 60fps, now runs bad, and I've unsuccessfully tried a dozen different fixes.

Any ideas?

Man, I had a dream where somebody invited me some ice cream but I had to wake up...

Well, time to fake being happy and make like nothing's going on for about 8 hours again (gotta work)

In response to blip #67885

@W0LFB3AT5: I honestly don't care about spoilers, it's how I find out if a game looks fun or not. I didn't even watch a whole playthrough anyway, just parts.

@Sorrowless: I don't really know, but like I said above, I honestly don't care.

Unless I'm not searching it right or it is not tagged, there are no collaborative cunnilingus on this site :(
nvm, fellatio is a tag for penile only. I started to wonder as I had thought I had seen it before.