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The earliest memory I had of Pokemon Silver was way back when I was a child and had no idea how story progression worked. I tried getting into Kanto before getting Waterfall, but when I discovered that I wasn't able to, I just broke down into tears.

I think Deathclaws and Super Mutants were nerfed in Fallout 4, because I don't have much trouble taking them down at level 18 with a combat rifle (who's damage is 49 at the moment). Deathclaws and Super Mutants were extremely dangerous in New Vegas.


It's finally snowing... -__-

And RIGHT after I finished washing my car on a beautiful sunny day yesterday...

Am I the only one who didn't realize the M on Mettaton's face wasn't pixel art of a glass bottle? How did I mix those up? I don't even drink.

Damn you Resident Evil 7 for being the first RE game ever to allow us to use a chainsaw but only letting us use it for one boss battle only.

Sure you gave us a circular saw, but Leatherface didn't get popular because of a damn sharp metal circle.