Topic: The dumbest thing you've ever done

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Before I was crippled, me and my older brother went to the movies to see "A Haunted House." About halfway in the movie, some jackass in the front row forgot to turn his phone off, so it went off with his corny ringtone blasting. He answered it and started talking really loud about what was happening in the movie. We're (me and my bro) are sitting in the back row. I got so irritated by his obnoxious laughs and loud talking I yelled at him, in quote, "Hey! Turn your Goddamn phone off! We're trying to watch a movie!" After that, security came and escorted all three of us out of the theater. They said we were banned from this theater. When me and my bro got home, he started raising hell about how stupid I acted in the theater.

That was the dumbest thing I have ever done. What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Updated by user 59725

I told some dude who was on the edge of a bridge about to kill himself to do a flip.
He jumped. I didn't realize he was actually going to jump.
I'm an asshole.

Updated by anonymous

I tried to shoot out Kennedy's tires but I missed, twice.
I'm an awful shot.

Updated by anonymous

The dumbest thing I've done? exist...

Moon_Moon said:
I told some dude who was on the edge of a bridge about to kill himself to do a flip.
He jumped. I didn't realize he was actually going to jump.
I'm an asshole.

shit... ._.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
I told some dude who was on the edge of a bridge about to kill himself to do a flip.
He jumped. I didn't realize he was actually going to jump.
I'm an asshole.

you messed up

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
I told some dude who was on the edge of a bridge about to kill himself to do a flip.
He jumped. I didn't realize he was actually going to jump.
I'm an asshole.

But did he do a flip?

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
I told some dude who was on the edge of a bridge about to kill himself to do a flip.
He jumped. I didn't realize he was actually going to jump.
I'm an asshole.

Goddammit, Moon Moon.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Most ashamedly, was a brony.

There, there. Liking the stuff doesn't make you one...

Updated by anonymous

Downloaded child porn.
Got caught.
Spent a year in prison, and got kicked out of the Navy.

If you're thinking of doing it, don't.
Even beyond the moral implications, it's not worth the punishment and the stigma it places on you for the rest of your life.
Seriously, don't fucking do it, ever.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
But did he do a flip?

biggest question of our generation

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Downloaded child porn.
Got caught.
Spent a year in prison, and got kicked out of the Navy.

If you're thinking of doing it, don't.
Even beyond the moral implications, it's not worth the punishment and the stigma it places on you for the rest of your life.
Seriously, don't fucking do it, ever.

Big brother is always watching us

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Some serious shit

Woah dude, that's some serious shit. How did you get caught?

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
Woah dude, that's some serious shit. How did you get caught?

It doesn't matter.
Don't do it or you get caught somehow.

Updated by anonymous

Not paying attention at things has become my greatest defect and fear, I've done some serious mistakes because of that.

Updated by anonymous

As for me, probably looking down the barrel of my friend's loaded airsoft pistol. I'm lucky I still have an eye.

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
Woah dude, that's some serious shit. How did you get caught?

Even by saying those two words in this forum there is probably a bunch of people checking out what's going on.

Usually moral implications is correlated to moral stigma. This kind of stuff seems to be at the bottom of the scale right now.

I salute @Halite for having the bravery to share his experience here and admitting it was a dumb thing to do.

For your own sake and for everybody around you, just don't do it.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Reminds me of that guy who thought his gun was empty after he took the mag out. He tried to be a comedian by pretending to shoot himself, dying before he had time to learn why it was a bad idea.

Astonishingly, the clean-up crew found brain matter.

At least you've never done anything that stupid... or so I hope.

Good news, my pistol doesn't fire without a clip in it.
Hurray safety features!

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Good news, my pistol doesn't fire without a clip in it.
Hurray safety features!

Don't you mean magazine?

Anyway, I seriously hope you aren't attracted to the stuff still.

Updated by anonymous

ZigguratVertigo said:
Don't you mean magazine?

Sure, that.

Anyway, I seriously hope you aren't attracted to the stuff still.

I was more OCD/Addicted to porn than actually attracted to it.
I used to download, collect, and sort porn a lot of which I never even looked at for longer than was required to sort it into the proper folders.
It was just another type of porn to collect for me, I have since gotten this problem mostly under control, (although being on this type of website maybe not so much?) and certainly avoid anything illegal.

Updated by anonymous

I sprayed my testicles with cirus air freshener, hoping it would make my junk smel less. I told my
best friend he should give his ex gf a second chance.
I committed sexual acts with a blood relative.
They all feel equally stupid.

Updated by anonymous

Hiatuss said:
I sprayed my testicles with cirus air freshener, hoping it would make my junk smel less. I told my
best friend he should give his ex gf a second chance.
I committed sexual acts with a blood relative.
They all feel equally stupid.

Oh god, I used Nair on my balls once.
Don't fucking do that either.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Oh god, I used Nair on my balls once.
Don't fucking do that either.

I smashed some chilly peppers with my hands and went to the bathroom afterwards. Guess you also need to wash your hands before going to the bathroom.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
And whose foot won?

Mine did but his partner thought that he was chasing me down

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Mine did but his partner thought that he was chasing me down


Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
But did he do a flip? he did not, he basically belly flopped on the concrete.
His head separated from his body, the police questioned me and I told them I didn't know he was going to jump.
He looked like he was doing the scene from the titanic, I didn't realize...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said: he did not, he basically belly flopped on the concrete.
His head separated from his body, the police questioned me and I told them I didn't know he was going to jump.
He looked like he was doing the scene from the titanic, I didn't realize...

Whoa. I thought you were kidding at first. That's really messed up, and it must've been quite awful to be in such situation. Thanks for sharing your experience.

As for me... hmm... I've done many retarded things in my life. Most recently though, I almost left my sister discover this site. It would've been embarrassing. She doesn't know I'm into these kinds of things, and it would've taken a lot to explain...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said: he did not, he basically belly flopped on the concrete.
His head separated from his body, the police questioned me and I told them I didn't know he was going to jump.
He looked like he was doing the scene from the titanic, I didn't realize...

I understand that you might have found it humorous and you didn't see the severity of the situation at the time, but just a message for the public on what to do if you see someone looking depressed standing in a high place:
1. CALL 000/911/999 whatever the number is.
2. TALK TO THEM BUT DO NOT TRY TO TELL THEM THAT LIFE IS WORTH IT OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. Maybe ask if they really think it will be good to jump or if it's a spur of the moment thing. Trust me, I've been there, on both sides.

Updated by anonymous

DatChodeTho said:

Why not?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why not?

They will already have had at least 3 people say that to them and it feels like a reminder that how they're feeling isn't going away any time soon.

Updated by anonymous

Every dumb thing I've ever done was the dumbest thing I've ever done. I suppose letting my mother find my furry porn was pretty damn stupid.

Updated by anonymous

My suggestion, explain to them that the survival rate of suicide by jumping is surprisingly high, and almost all of survivors regret jumping.
There are faster, less painful, and more certain ways to kill yourself if you really want to.

As a side note, wrist cutting is also a really shitty choice.
Fails frequently, ans death from blood loss is one of the most painful ways to die from many accounts.

Updated by anonymous

old dumb choices thread

My post in that thread basically applies to this thread, so...

elad said:
Regrets. Uhhh... Well, I've generally tried to avoid a regretful life. There's deep existential regrets about the direction of my life but those aren't interesting to read about, and also things that are so trivial it's more a wonder that I remember them at all.

I'm kind of that way, but I also use my mistakes as learning experiences, make them into who I am, and remind myself that many mistakes were natural if not inevitable given my wisdom and experience when I made them. And some other rationalizations to get past guilt, shame, depression, and so on.

Regardless, I still typed this post, and I don't want to delete it. So here's me Sorry if TL;DR boring:

1. Eating candy off the floor at a grocery store when I was 6. It was there before we arrived :).

2. Jumping off the top of the "jungle gym" (i.e., a 2-3 story play structure) in elementary school to see what would happen. I couldn't really feel one leg for the rest of the day, and I wobbled for about three days. Now I think of it as "testing my mortality." Later on, I asked one of the tough kids (but not a bully) to punch me in the arm as hard as he could when he was mad. It took some coercion before he really put his strength into. Numb for a day, again. Much safer.

3. The absent-minded fuckup and probably the longest 2-5 minutes of my life... when I was changing gym clothes and took off more than usual without noticing. Still embarrassed. I'm not certain about this next part because I really want to forget the whole affair, but the incident may have been prolonged by all the other boys watching me and a few other (three?) voluntary homo-erotic flashings from some others. I don't know... the two events did happen, and they make for a better story happening together.

4. I bit someone in Grade 5. I don't know why. Unchecked aggression? He had Herpes... I'm ok, though.

5. Literally jumping for joy (entertaining the animals, lol), slipping on my landing, and gashing my palm on the metal corner of a sturdy chest. Curiously, the tissue that I covered my wound with at the hospital had dried and attached to some loose hand fat. Waited 8 hours to be seen, by the way. Around 10 years later, I was washing some 20-30 year old glass cups, broke one, and cut my other palm. Symmetry.

6. Grade 4 was a good year for me. Lots of stuff happened. Established a group of friends for the next 5~9 years. Our group also met a transfer student who instructed us how to enact various scenarios "like our favorite digimon" or something. You know, Wargaymon and Gayrurumon. LOL. A true furry at such a tender age. God bless. Lol! A supervising adult rushed out to stop us after a few minutes, principle's office, parents, blah blah. He transferred away before middle school. I really didn't figure out specifically what was wrong or why it was wrong until years later.

7. I've decided against revealing specific details. I don't want to get in trouble or go to jail over something I did many years ago as a minor. The most unilaterally reviled fetish, then? I never perpetrated or advocated it and have since quit. It was tremendously difficult to work through the self-imposed shame.

8. Fast forward several years and I'm playing in a national team tournament for a lesser known collectible card game (CCG). And we won. For our prize, we got to design a promotional, tournament-legal card that we had the sole rights to circulate. I handled most of the correspondence and effect tweaking with the game's lead designer. I never wanted to bring up the "business" of asking my friend to sign his consent form when he was over. I'm still not sure what I was afraid of or why I procrastinated over that. Completely irrational.

Eventually, he signed it, and I mailed our forms to the company, late of course. A month goes by and I'm asked why I still haven't sent our forms. I believe they actually got lost in the mail. I never answered, my activity dropped to zero, so I burned that bridge hard... Years later, I just want to see the card, but I'm pretty sure it was either destroyed or never printed.

9. Going to university the first time. Just that. Completely derailed me for over a year. When I graduated high school, I had qualified for an "Advanced Early Scholarship," the second highest amount offered to local high school students for purely academic achievement. Not enough to get me through a full year, but a decent amount. Anyways, I had to apply fast to retain the scholarship. As demonstrated by my past, I had no idea what I was doing. Sure, I was smart enough to understand the material, but not responsible enough to do the work. And the pressure got to me.

Nowadays, I'm far too inactive and conscientious to deal with the unexpected consequences of recklessness. The dumb choices these days amount to wasting my potential.

10. Keeping myself in a secluded, rationalized rut. I wouldn't call myself a hikikomori, but I could understand if I were mistaken for one.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
My suggestion, explain to them that the survival rate of suicide by jumping is surprisingly high, and almost all of survivors regret jumping.
There are faster, less painful, and more certain ways to kill yourself if you really want to.

As a side note, wrist cutting is also a really shitty choice.
Fails frequently, ans death from blood loss is one of the most painful ways to die from many accounts.

one of my friends tried ODing on sleeping pills... I did, however, make him vomit before taking him to the hospital. Thankfully he is still alive.

Updated by anonymous

Probably PCP.

Don't. Ever. It's not fun, it's not cool, and it's the closest I've come to gutting myself with a plastic knife.

Updated by anonymous

I made a bet with someone at school but I don't remember what it was, it just ended that he just flew to the window and a shard embedded in his nose. Hmm I think it was an interesting day.

Updated by anonymous

Dumbest thing ive done? stay home. not kidding. Every, and i mean EVERY, time i stay home when i should/ have to go out, and i stay inside instead, something awesome happens and i wish that i had been there. One time i remember i faked sick to get out of school, and a kid who bullied me often got hit in the face with a football, broke his nose, ruined his shirt/ the pavement with the sheere amount of blood, and had to go to the hospital. The next day, people acctually asked me to fake sick more often so more things like that would happen. (Which i did later, and the same asshole got a concussion from a faceplant.)

Updated by anonymous

Went roller-blading down a hill when I was really young (I dunno, around six) a buncha times. I'd stop myself by holding my hands out and hitting the back of a parked card. Well, one time I guess I was going a bit too fast and smashed my face against the back of the card, damaging my front four teeth. To this day one of them are missing because dentists suck. Don't go to the dentist kids, they'll only make things worse.

I'm actually going there tomorrow.

Updated by anonymous

endroid said:
I googled my own name bcuz I thought that my ego is more important than my face.

If that's the dumbest thing you have ever done, I bow before you! I do that with my name and all my forums user names all the time...

Dumb would be to post your own name here. Mine is Lauren Faust.


Just kidding! Can you imagine?

Updated by anonymous

1) When I was in kindergarten my brother (who was around 13) and I would look up porn on Newgrounds when we were home alone. I wish I didn't do this because this got me into sex at a very, very young age, and I blame how sexual I am with everything now on it.

2) Also in kindergarten, my neighbor and I would play sex games where I would hump her leg or we would lie in bed together and moan. I only regret it now because I found out later she was sexually abused by her father and uncles and I was perpetuating sex as the norm.

3) In third grade I convinced a girl to show me and my friend her vagina. Later I pulled her pants down when she was on a jungle gym and a lot of people saw. She was really nice to me and I feel guilty as fuck for being a cunt to her.

4) When I was in sixth grade, my group of friends and I were into rape jokes and would constantly make them. On a dare, I went and "raped" a classmate (dry humped her leg) and almost got punched in the face by her.

5) Also in the sixth grade, I told a second grader my friend was going to rape her as a joke but she though I was being serious. This is one of my biggest regrets and I sincerely hope that girl is doing okay. I've taken rape a lot more seriously since then and I no longer make rape jokes.

6) Apparently when I was a toddler I jumped into a cactus.

Updated by anonymous

Diluting Cyclophosphamide for intrapleural treatment with D5 instead of normal saline. Only a $22,000 mistake.

Updated by anonymous

Crashmast said:
6) Apparently when I was a toddler I jumped into a cactus.

I'm just going to focus on this one.

Updated by anonymous

Jesus this thread has gotten very serious very fast.

Worse I've ever done was put. "kaboom" basically a much more powerful form of Windex to the point where it's more then twice as toxic and actually should even be avoided putting on skin.

I put literally 1 drop of the stuff in a cup of my dads (Now ex) girlfriends coffee. Of course, this made it taste like chemicals.

Despite the fact that this was not even close to a toxic dose. She nearly called the cops on 13 year old me. Funny thing was my little sister is the one who gave me up, she simply spilled the coffee into the sink afterward. She then proceeded to try and convince my father we needed to get the police involved.

He left her roughly a year later.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I'm just going to focus on this one.

That's probably for the best. I am certainly not proud of my past.

Cutedementia said:

I put literally 1 drop of the stuff in a cup of my dads (Now ex) girlfriends coffee. Of course, this made it taste like chemicals.

But why?

Updated by anonymous

Being here for around 7 years as a guest without registering... does it count?

Updated by anonymous

I managed to accidentally slice my arm open with a scalpel.
When I was younger, I was using my brother's laptop and I went onto his history only to see 'preteen double penetration' searched into Google. Additionally, when I was about 6, we were sitting together, looking through pictures on the web, and then he started looking up things along the line of 'nude man sex' (I don't remember it too well, since I was 6). To sum it up, I blame him for my sexual interests.

Updated by anonymous

EmoCat said:
I managed to accidentally slice my arm open with a scalpel.
When I was younger, I was using my brother's laptop and I went onto his history only to see 'preteen double penetration' searched into Google. Additionally, when I was about 6, we were sitting together, looking through pictures on the web, and then he started looking up things along the line of 'nude man sex' (I don't remember it too well, since I was 6). To sum it up, I blame him for my sexual interests.

what about the time U bumped a 5 month old thread

Updated by anonymous

Might as well update this while it's resurrected;

sudo chown -R user:user /

I... I don't know why I thought this would work, or that it wouldn't have horrific consequences. Needless to say, we had to nuke the server from orbit.

Updated by anonymous

I thought it would be funny to duct-tape my brother to the wall when I was 15

Instead, the cops came.

Updated by anonymous

I decided to play Mario Kart with all of my friends.

Now I don't have any friends.

Updated by anonymous

worst decision in my life was to date the first guy who ever showed interest towards me. long story short, shit that happened got me depressed, i became suicidal and mentally unstable trash, i got life long traumas and i almost got me and my family killed. all this because i decided to date the first guy who ever showed interest towards me. at least i was smart enough to kick him out of my life and contact polices before something worse could happen.

Updated by anonymous

EmoCat said:
I managed to accidentally slice my arm open with a scalpel.

This reminded me of one.

I used a box cutter to try to cut open the LCD screen on an old mobile phone because I was curious to see what it looked like on the inside.

Unfortunately, I had this working against me...

  • I was under-slept.
  • I didn't take the phone apart first.
  • I had a really cheap box cutter, and it was probably dull.
  • I decided to use my thigh as the surface for cutting.

Needless to say I sliced through my work pants straight across my leg. One of the few times in my life I've said out loud "wow, that was really stupid, why did I do that?"

Updated by anonymous

Let a kid bully me for 3 years in middle school. Not gonna go into details but I'll say that he moved the summer before highschool and I learned to never let anyone give me shit like that.

No one messed with me in highschool

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
worst decision in my life was to date the first guy who ever showed interest towards me. long story short, shit that happened got me depressed, i became suicidal and mentally unstable trash, i got life long traumas and i almost got me and my family killed. all this because i decided to date the first guy who ever showed interest towards me. at least i was smart enough to kick him out of my life and contact polices before something worse could happen.

Damn, man! What happened there?

Worst thing that's ever happened to me was getting stabbed in the leg with a pencil. To this day I still got a dark spot where the graphite was left in.

Updated by anonymous

NoctemWerewolf said:
I tried to do the thing with a real knife

fortunately my miss only left me a small scar on the side and not without a finger ._.

Not going to try it, ever.

How fast were you going?
I can do it real fast with a pen or pencil, I've done it with a real knife but I have to go at a slower pace than what I can do.

When I was younger I've done some stupid careless shit with guns, careless muzzle control, fortunately they weren't loaded and nobody got hurt, but I still kick myself over doing it.

Updated by anonymous

Running indoors isn't the absolute dumbest thing I've done, but it almost left me missing half an ear... slow and steady wins the race, guys.

Updated by anonymous

When I was younger I've done some stupid careless shit with guns, careless muzzle control, fortunately they weren't loaded and nobody got hurt, but I still kick myself over doing it.

I'm proud to say that the worst gun-related thing I've ever done was picking up a hot casing. I adhere to gun safety rules religiously and I absolutely do not understand how so many people treat bullet-spewing blast machines like toys.

NoctemWerewolf said:
I tried to do the thing with a real knife

fortunately my miss only left me a small scar on the side and not without a finger ._.

Not going to try it, ever.

The trick is to practice with the flat side of a pen first.

Nah, I'd never do that. I'm actually more afraid of blades than guns... for some reason.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:

Nah, I'd never do that. I'm actually more afraid of blades than guns... for some reason.

I don't think I'll ever get another chance to use this one.

post #320719

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I don't think I'll ever get another chance to use this one.

post #320719

Piggyback ride!

(That slide would hurt though)

Updated by anonymous

I was playing PS2 in the middle of an intense fight and I almost won but PS2 restart itself then the anger got the best of me so I pour water into it and smash the thing on the street... in day light and people saw that... also my game is still in there and the memory card too...

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
I was playing PS2 in the middle of an intense fight and I almost won but PS2 restart itself then the anger got the best of me so I pour water into it and smash the thing on the street... in day light and people saw that... also my game is still in there and the memory card too...

"He started it..."

Updated by anonymous

RustyDildos said:
How fast were you going?
I can do it real fast with a pen or pencil, I've done it with a real knife but I have to go at a slower pace than what I can do.

Durandal said:
The trick is to practice with the flat side of a pen first.

Nah, I'd never do that. I'm actually more afraid of blades than guns... for some reason.

I had done the "thing" with all sort of stuff and pretty good at it, but, you know, friends and some rum made me feel like a pirate.(literally, praise the cellphone-falling-into-seawater GOD, because the cellphone with the video lies within Poseidon's lair)

"So I was like, Fuck this, Imma do like the fucking movie"...
Well, I love still having 10 fingers.

Updated by anonymous

NoctemWerewolf said:
I had done the "thing" with all sort of stuff and pretty good at it, but, you know, friends and some rum made me feel like a pirate.(literally, praise the cellphone-falling-into-seawater GOD, because the cellphone with the video lies within Poseidon's lair)

"So I was like, Fuck this, Imma do like the fucking movie"...
Well, I love still having 10 fingers.

And that's one reason I don't drink

Knowing me, I'd be lucky to wake up with two eyes

Updated by anonymous

I never did anything stupid in my life, i guess i'm pretty fucking boring.

the last thing i did that had some repercussions was swinging from a table trying to kick my cousin and i ended faceplanting in the floor and broke half of one tooth.

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:
I never did anything stupid in my life, i guess i'm pretty fucking boring.

the last thing i did that had some repercussions was swinging from a table trying to kick my cousin and i ended faceplanting in the floor and broke half of one tooth.

Anything that results in you breaking one of your own teeth counts as stupid.

Updated by anonymous