Topic: Shit that pisses you off

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Fenrick said:
You people need real music

man, i think the last i heard that was on newgrounds...years ago.

also, "real music", hello opinion.

Updated by anonymous

As someone whose grandfather was shot down behind German lines and captured in WWII, well, I don't want to get too into politics, but a certain thing said by a certain presidential candidate got my attention.

But what's a million times worse is the people defending what he said. "Real soldiers don't surrender," I've heard some say. Yeah, what we really need is to have our people throwing their lives away.

Updated by anonymous

Almost everything Obama does pisses me off.
Lol, sorry if I start political debate, but he just pisses me off big time.

Updated by anonymous

Garrett said:
Almost everything Obama does pisses me off.
Lol, sorry if I start political debate, but he just pisses me off big time.

same here. i don't normally care much for politics but a lot of the things obama has done while our president... *facepalm* the legalizing gay marriage was a good thing, sure, but he's gone and screwed up so much. it makes it hard for me to like the guy much.

Updated by anonymous

Garrett said:
Almost everything Obama does pisses me off.
Lol, sorry if I start political debate, but he just pisses me off big time.

Finally, I found someone who has my exact sentiments, I agree with you completely.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
yop, this is the right thread, foxwhisper pisses me off :<

Oh please! You two just recently had your fight on that 3d forum thread!!!

Updated by anonymous

"Tiltrotor" not being a recognized word by default on my computer

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
"Tiltrotor" not being a recognized word by default on my computer

At first I read that as "TILL - troh - door" and was very confused, but then I remembers you're a fly guy :P
I still don't know what a tiltrotor is, but I assume it spins and can tilt.

Updated by anonymous

Real life pisses me off.

  • I go out of my home:
    • Poor people living in the streets
    • Hungry Africans waiting for their approval in Middle Eastern refugee camps
    • Some extremist trolls me for being a Christian minority No, I'm not a Christian anymore
    • Some faggot ridicules my Scheuermann's disease that gives me a curved back.
  • I sit in the home and turn on the TV:
    • Al Ghaeda Strikes Again
    • Israel bombing Gaza Strip (and reverse)
    • ISIS killing religious minorities!!! (uh-oh)
    • Some Americans begging for war with Iran.
  • I try to communicate with my family:
    • My mother used to beat me very hard in my childhood and early teens, when I reached late teens, she replaced her weapon to trolling me 24/7. So no chance.
    • My father left me alone since I was born until I was 11. I don't give a fuck to such this selfish man.
    • My stepfather behaves me like a stranger so no chance of a "father-son" thing.
    • My brother, A spoilt early teen. Do you even believe he cries when I get his console from him? You're 12-year-old boy sucker!!!


And all that causes me to turn on my PC, go to E621 & see some furry pics, where all furries are happy and real life does not exist...

Updated by anonymous

Things that piss me off...*ahem*

- People that down-vote art and write bullshit comments without giving constructive criticism just because they hate said art/style. Clearly using the blacklist is painful to utilize without exerting a minimal degree of effort.

- People that make snide/smart ass remarks and go to great lengths of desperation to try and "defend" their arguments, even if it involves argumentum ad hominem.

- Idiots that drive down the street with loud music over 90 decibels trying to be cool when they make themselves look stupid and will end up with permanent ear damage.

- Every single politician in the US government, irrespective of which party (GOP or GDP), along with discussing politics in general.. I find it all depressing and upsetting no matter the topic.

- Raisins, they look like dried up pieces of crap, white raisins are better but not by much.

- McDonald's, seriously, why do people like their food so much, besides being cheap? Places like Wendy's, Burger King and even Hardee's/Carl's Junior are better by a long shot. McDonald's gave me food poisoning and I was forced to stay indoors for 48-hours.

Updated by anonymous

Fucking "I found your username in the Skype directory" bots...

Updated by anonymous

People that smoke or that want you to start smoking.
I mean, people are free to do whatever they want, it's their life and BS... Except when their life choices invades yours.

Like, goddamn, you're all fine and dandy standin' somewhere, then some smoker comes and lights that stuff near you or in the direction of the wind. UGH, that smells bad as heck, and the person that is smoking doesn't give a fuck.

And there's those that want you to smoke, I'm very happy without the need of a addiction that will possibly cause some real damage in the future, so no thank-you.

Updated by anonymous

People who think that all military aircraft are operated by the Air Force

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous

People who don't understand that
metric system = master race

Updated by anonymous

mvpm8 said:

I can't stand anyone like that, regardless of their beliefs.


Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I can't stand anyone like that, regardless of their beliefs.


eh, only time i go on about that kind of stuff (i'm an atheist btw) is when a religious person starts a fuss or argument...

on youtube at least, this generally tends to lead to nothing but conflict. more so sometimes than others depending on the topic at hand.

and no, i still don't see much point in religion. it's all just different forms of fantasy and/or delusion imo BUT thats all i'm going to say on the subject here since religious and political discussion tends to be frowned upon here. (and it's certainly not hard to see why. >.>)

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
eh, only time i go on about that kind of stuff (i'm an atheist btw) is when a religious person starts a fuss or argument...

As for me, I will never understand how people feel the need to make snide insults to someone who says something innocuous like "The blue whale is God's most beautiful creature" on a video.

But then again, we're a lot more likely to notice the problems with groups we disagree with, because that's just how we are.

(I'll drop this topic now before I get another thread locked, though)

Updated by anonymous

To whomever I say: I'm Asexual, he says: oh, you were raped as a child?

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
To whomever I say: I'm Asexual, he says: oh, you were abused as a child?

That reply deserves a facepalm...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
That reply deserves a facepalm...


Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
To whomever I say: I'm Asexual, he says: oh, you were abused as a child?

Does this work for pansexual, homosexual, and polygamist too?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Does this work for pansexual, homosexual, and polygamist too?

I don't know if you are being sarcastic by this ^ reply,

But there's a stupid belief among Middle Easterners that think sexual orientation is defined to how parents behaved to you. (Didn't understand? Read the example below.)

For example they think if you were a boy which your mother beated you a lot and had no motherly love to you, You'll be homosexual.

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
For example they think if you were a boy which your mother beated you a lot and had no motherly love to you, You'll be homosexual.

How do you become bisexual?
probably if your mother only beats you every other day, as opposed to every day

Updated by anonymous

Little children


People who pick things up and don't put them back in the same spot they found it

Baby strollers

Hillary Clinton

Donald trump

Updated by anonymous

RustyTorpedo said:
Little childrens

Baby strollers

Like * 10000

Updated by anonymous

Some people from the nfs community,sometimes they just go full retard on things and other times they curse your mother for shit

The proof

But like most wanted said on the video it must be kids behind their tablets.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
People who don't understand that
metric system = master race

We tried that once in the U.S. but people got confused and pissed :I

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
We tried that once in the U.S. but people got confused and pissed :I

The problem is deeper than people just not being willing to try new things. There's a ton of infrastructure and precise, delicate technology that uses imperial measurements (although the latter is shifting to metric).

Everything from altimeters in airplanes to road signs...

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
The problem is deeper than people just not being willing to try new things. There's a ton of infrastructure and precise, delicate technology that uses imperial measurements (although the latter is shifting to metric).

Everything from altimeters in airplanes to road signs...

that reminds me of an episode of top gear i've seen (well, i think it was a top gear episode. might've been something else). something about how the UK uses tons for one thing, tonnes for another, kilo's for something else, lb.s (pounds, whatever the abbreviation is, i'm not sure of the spelling currently) for yet other things, MPH for certain things, and whatever the abbreviation for kilometers/hour was for another form of measuring.

overall it sounds completely confusing and overly muddled imo. why the heck does everything have to be so darnn complicated like that?

oh! and then they use stones (i don't even know where that weight measurement comes from tbh) for something as well.

Updated by anonymous

RustyTorpedo said:
Hillary Clinton

Donald trump

Sadly I can see those two being the last two canidates left standing.

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Sadly I can see those two being the last two canidates left standing.

female president tho

Updated by anonymous

My nationality & race.

Yes, I'm ashamed of my race.

Most westerns mistake me for a Italian or Greek, and then I hate to tell them: No, I'm middle easterner.

I feel ashamed of being a middle easterner, the most hated race among the world.

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
My nationality & race.

Yes, I'm ashamed of my race.

Most westerns mistake me for a Italian or Greek, and then I hate to tell them: No, I'm middle easterner.

I feel ashamed of being a middle easterner.

Race means nothing
One can't reasonably be judged or judge themselves from the actions of their ancestors, positively or negatively.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Race means nothing
One can't reasonably be judged or judge themselves from the actions of their ancestors, positively or negatively.

Many people say that, but when it comes to action... A few will do it.

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
Most westerns mistake me for a Italian or Greek, and then I hate to tell them: No, I'm middle easterner.

I feel ashamed of being a middle easterner, the most hated race among the world.

People hate Germany more, maybe because of the whole WW2 thing.
And because we keep giving them money.
The more money we give them, the more they hate us.

Updated by anonymous

LeonTheKitsune said:
Pewdiepie pisses me off quite a bit, mainly his "bro's"

this and his rabid fanbase that tries to convince you hes a great guy by pointing out all the donations and whatnot hes done. look, he can give and be the most charitable guy in the world but in the end i'll still think and KNOW that his let's play videos and horrid acting sucks majors BS. (seriously, why DO people like this guy? i'm a wee bit curious as to WHY.)

actually, i rather like markiplier instead as hes usually rather funny or...well, ok, hes still pretty funny even when doing creepypasta game let's plays or atleast entertaining and not overly annoying.

Updated by anonymous

If you have a problem with your order at a drive through, park and go the fuck inside to argue with management. I'll fuck you with a cheesegrater, see if I don't.

Updated by anonymous

1. Being drunk
2. Making marijuana illegal!!!
3. Crapping in public
4. Being cheated
5. People saying shit to me
6. People trying to [CENSORED]
7. Crying, crying and again crying in public!

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
My name is a dual name (like John-Micheal or Anne-Marie, my name is Ali-Reza).

And it really pisses me off when people don't pronounce my name completely. Like calling me "Ali"...
Really, How much energy does it take to pronounce my name fully???

For some it may feel redundant after a while. It's like saying Los Angeles instead of LA. At first it might not seem like such a big deal, but after saying it over and over you'll eventually just use a shortened version, ie LA.

Updated by anonymous

Having been told a name and forgetting it right after...

...or as just happened a few hours ago: I took a package of napkins, to refill the thing-whose-name-I-don't-know, and forgot where did I picked the package from...

Updated by anonymous

LeonTheKitsune said:
Pewdiepie pisses me off quite a bit, mainly his "bro's"

treos said:
this and his rabid fanbase that tries to convince you hes a great guy by pointing out all the donations and whatnot hes done. look, he can give and be the most charitable guy in the world but in the end i'll still think and KNOW that his let's play videos and horrid acting sucks majors BS. (seriously, why DO people like this guy? i'm a wee bit curious as to WHY.)

actually, i rather like markiplier instead as hes usually rather funny or...well, ok, hes still pretty funny even when doing creepypasta game let's plays or atleast entertaining and not overly annoying.

Dear good I really hate that fucker, he's got the most annoynig voice ever.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Having been told a name and forgetting it right after...

Ah, I hate this! It feels like the name just enters through one ear and leaves through the other! It makes the other think that you usually are a absent-minded person...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Having been told anything and forgetting it right after...

fixed to what applies to me aside from that, i agree with the poor unfortunate derp eyed bird here. (too many hits with confusion? lol)

also, it may be nitpicky but whenever i go to look for a download (game/rom/song/etc.) on a website only to find that all titles that start with the word THE are NOT in the T section but rather they are scattered about having been sorted by whatever the 2nd word in the title was.

example: if i'm looking for something related to the legend of zelda. say, a link to the past. first thing i'd look for is The legend of zelda: a link to the past NOT legend of zelda: a link to the past, The.

where can i find that pic of jackie chan asking why you do this?

WHY? the first word of the title is literally "The" meaning T for The, not L for legend of zelda, The. i can't stand it when people do this.

i mean, when you look at the box the game came in, do you read the title with the The at the end or beginning of the title? you read it from the beginning as it sounds stupid the other way.

Updated by anonymous

when people do this:

in response to a comment i made on post #710402 nrein said "I know this pic is Mario related, but do you really need to spread the 1-Up?"

spread the 1-up...what is that even supposed to mean?

then i have sorrowless saying i'm "grey" because i have a different opinion regarding pokemon than his opinion(s).

again, what does that even mean?

in my mind, that's no different than WoW players throwing around the word gay whenever anything bad happens or they don't like something.

i'm not psychic, i have no idea what you're trying to say to me when you say things like that. if nrein meant 1-up = shit then just say shit instead of substituting it with a completely unrelated word. if sorrowless meant i'm dead in some way (i'm clearly not dead) then just say that and don't say i'm "grey" and assume i magically know what you're saying/thinking.

ugh, i hate it when people do that crap. (see? i'm not afraid to say what i'm thinking and don't substitute words with unrelated words.)

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
No. You were in the wrong.

When I see something I don't like, I blacklist it. I despise Nazi fetishes, so I don't look at them. I'm not scribbling over swastikas in pictures like this, because I know that's a recipe for a shitstorm. And getting all high-and-mighty in the comments just makes you seem like an elitist douche.

There is a fetish for nazis? Now I've heard everything

Updated by anonymous

When people send me a PM or Note that has no subject, and only says "hi"

This is currently the best way to piss me off.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
When people send me a PM or Note that has no subject, and only says "hi"

This is currently the best way to piss me off.

These people are so lame.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
When people send me a PM or Note that has no subject, and only says "hi"

This is currently the best way to piss me off.

And you know who is worse?
The people who you send them a long detailed message, and they reply "OK" >:|

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
And you know who is worse?
The people who you send them a long detailed message, and they reply "OK" >:|

I'd rather have that then the people who flood your PM box trying to have casual chitchat like it's skype. >:L

Updated by anonymous

i sometimes shit and piss off in toilets and i don't send message you up people write when I'm in toilet

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
If you have a problem with your order at a drive through, park and go the fuck inside to argue with management. I'll fuck you with a cheesegrater, see if I don't.

Lol, where do you work?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
when people do this:

in response to a comment i made on post #710402 nrein said "I know this pic is Mario related, but do you really need to spread the 1-Up?"

spread the 1-up...what is that even supposed to mean?

then i have sorrowless saying i'm "grey" because i have a different opinion regarding pokemon than his opinion(s).

again, what does that even mean?

in my mind, that's no different than WoW players throwing around the word gay whenever anything bad happens or they don't like something.

i'm not psychic, i have no idea what you're trying to say to me when you say things like that. if nrein meant 1-up = shit then just say shit instead of substituting it with a completely unrelated word. if sorrowless meant i'm dead in some way (i'm clearly not dead) then just say that and don't say i'm "grey" and assume i magically know what you're saying/thinking.

ugh, i hate it when people do that crap. (see? i'm not afraid to say what i'm thinking and don't substitute words with unrelated words.)

You misunderstood me. The way you experience things seems "grey" to me. Lacking, compared to other people. I respect different opinions but it doesn't necessary mean that I like or agree with them. And why would I believe that you're dead when you're clearly not. I didn't know you had trouble understanding synecdoches.

Updated by anonymous

secretfaux said:
There is a fetish for nazis? Now I've heard everything

hugo boss tho

Updated by anonymous

Sorrowless said:
I didn't know you had trouble understanding synecdoches.

tbh...that's the first i've ever heard that word.

Updated by anonymous

Garrett said:
Lol, where do you work?

I work as a tutor. That post was prompted by me being stuck in a Sonic drive through for twenty minutes (by the clock) because this asshole wanted to waste everyone's time while he argued about the half price shake deal. They sent carhops out to the people behind him, so everyone behind him paid and had their food and had to sit there (it's one of the ones where the drive through lane is physically separated from the rest of the lot) for around fifteen minutes after that.

Updated by anonymous

Internet mob mentality.
Somehow most people don't seem to understand that ruining someone's life and demonizing that person for disagreeing on a particular subject doesn't prove them wrong.

Updated by anonymous

People that think the Illuminati is Satanic...I can go on a long rant and say why I beg to differ if I want to.

Updated by anonymous