Topic: Shit that pisses you off

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Xch3l said:
The 999 in price tags... why can't they just put "$4000" instead of "$3999" or "$23999.99"? >_<

As stupid as it sounds, there's just something about our silly human brains that makes us think that "$599" is significantly less than "$600."

Related: the fact that they don't show you the actual price that you will pay for products, expecting you to figure out the tax value yourself, is so arbitrary and annoying.

Updated by anonymous

Nyteshade said:
The fuse will burn out after about 8 minutes...just so you know. *whistles innocently*

OK, I actually lolled.

Updated by anonymous

Nyteshade said:
The fuse will burn out after about 8 minutes...just so you know. *whistles innocently*

Oh. Didn't know that XP

Xch3l said:
The 999 in price tags... why can't they just put "$4000" instead of "$3999" or "$23999.99"? >_<

I think they just want to sound fancy, or make you think that cents matter. Pretty stupid though IMO.

Updated by anonymous

Par-T-Bag said:
I think they just want to sound fancy, or make you think that cents matter. Pretty stupid though IMO.

Well, actually it's a psychological exploit that makes people think a product is cheaper than it actually is. :I

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Well, actually it's a psychological exploit that makes people think a product is cheaper than it actually is. :I

Yup. There's actually (a lot of) very interesting research on the psychology of numbers when used in prices. In a nutshell though, psychologically a 9 as last number in a price triggers the impression of both "high value" and "a bargain."

With three effectively identical items priced at $34, $39, and $40, the majority of the purchases will be the $39 item. The mind be a crazy thing.


On main topic again:

  • New college/university students that think their popularity status from high school carries over. (This one is conditional: If I don't have to deal with them directly I find it hilarious.)

Updated by anonymous

The fact that the herd of boars tearing up the neighbors yard about 50 meters away are still not classified as pests. Fuck's sake, let boars be shot on-sight already, they breed like rabbits.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
…Let boars be shot on-sight already, they breed like rabbits.

Well, y'know, today it's boars, tomorrow it's children…

Updated by anonymous

1. people who make fun of the mentally challenged or gifted... that's about it

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Well, y'know, today it's boars, tomorrow it's children…

Bwahaha! Oh goodness, that's why I love this thread, there's gold on every page.

Updated by anonymous

People who think my jokes are funny.
Oh, wrong thread…

Here we go; college kids who think Communism or whatever is hot stuff. They're always the most smug SOBs.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Here we go; college kids who think Communism or whatever is hot stuff. They're always the most smug SOBs.

Yep, yep, totally agree with you there. Those durn commies... heheh... hate em. Communism is my least favorite government doctrine!

...красная армия всех сильней!

Updated by anonymous

Phantom_Janitor said:...красная армия всех сильней!

Lol, Thank google translate ^^

Updated by anonymous

Phantom_Janitor said:
Yep, yep, totally agree with you there. Those durn commies... heheh... hate em. Communism is my least favorite government doctrine!

Worth noting is that none of these people have ever been near a Communist country and were born after or not long before the collapse of the USSR.

Ask anybody who spent time in East Germany if they'd want the Stasi back. Better yet, go to Cuba if you think it's so great.

I think the only reason they say things like this is because they want to look down on the rest of us silly "Sheeple" as they pretend to be modern young rebels.

Back on topic: anybody who uses the term "Sheeple" without irony.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
I think the only reason they say things like this is because they want to look down on the rest of us silly "Sheeple" as they pretend to be modern young rebels.

related to this : people tagging walls and vandalizing and thinking they are changing the world into a better place.

Updated by anonymous

Yyunko said:
related to this : people tagging walls and vandalizing and thinking they are changing the world into a better place.

I thought you meant tagging in the context of this site and was confused, lol

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I thought you meant tagging in the context of this site and was confused, lol

Lol sorry, I should have said "painting walls then" ^^

Updated by anonymous

People who think that video games (or other media) are an accurate representation of reality.
Exhibit A: shotguns.
No, shotgun pellets do not just disappear at one or two meters, nor do they have the spread of somebody just throwing the pellets. But many people think that's how they actually work…

I don't have a problem with the portrayal itself so much as I do with the people who think it's real.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
People who think that video games (or other media) are an accurate representation of reality.
Exhibit A: shotguns.
No, shotgun pellets do not just disappear at one or two meters, nor do they have the spread of somebody just throwing the pellets. But many people think that's how they actually work…

I don't have a problem with the portrayal itself so much as I do with the people who think it's real.

regarding the weapons, not many people had the opportunity to use one, or to be taught how they behave in real life, you should be more pissed of that we don't educate enough on these kind of topics, you know what they say, knowledge is power.

Updated by anonymous

Yyunko said:
you should be more pissed of that we don't educate enough on these kind of topics, you know what they say, knowledge is power.

Yes… especially considering how many people here in the US have guns.

Some people don't even understand how their own guns work.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Yes… especially considering how many people here in the US have guns.

Some people don't even understand how their own guns work.

I remember hearing someone say that you don't even have to aim a shotgun in close quarters due to the spread of the pellets...
(also I should add that I live in europe but it still applies)

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
People who think that video games (or other media) are an accurate representation of reality.
Exhibit A: shotguns.
No, shotgun pellets do not just disappear at one or two meters, nor do they have the spread of somebody just throwing the pellets. But many people think that's how they actually work…

I don't have a problem with the portrayal itself so much as I do with the people who think it's real.

Similarly, something that pisses me off is how Destiny is nerfing shotguns to have a range and spread equal to your examples

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Similarly, something that pisses me off is how Destiny is nerfing shotguns to have a range and spread equal to your examples

I know! As if they weren't useless enough already…

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
I know! As if they weren't useless enough already…

I did not play he game but maybe it makes sense in terms of gameplay mechanics?

Updated by anonymous

Yyunko said:
I did not play he game but maybe it makes sense in terms of gameplay mechanics?

Kind of yes, kind of no. People were complaining about how good shotguns were so bungie nerfed them. What no one seemed to realize is that its really easy to out perform shotguns in certain close range situations. The problem arose when people were able to make their shorties good at short/medium range too (ie, close to the effective range of a real shotgun). They still weren't that good honestly...

But dem fusion rifles! MmmmMmmm

Updated by anonymous

Speaking of patches, the fact that you can't reliably kill people with MAVs anymore in Battlefield 3. The MAV is a small remote-controlled aircraft intended to be used for reconnaissance or destroying enemy equipment. However, in the past, you were able to kill people with them very easily by smashing their faces.

The best part? The medics, who could revive somebody who got spent time under the treads of an M1A1 Abrams or shot to shit by 40mm quad-cannons, were unable revive people killed by an MAV.
Then DICE took its skull-crushing awesomeness away. The game just isn't the same.

Seeing people with light machine guns and missile launchers shoot wildly and flee in terror from a little robot was the best part.

Updated by anonymous

People that throw things off of overpasses at cars below. Especially rocks and pumpkins. Fuck you if you do this. Fuck you for endangering others. If you do shit like this, you are the worst kind of person. It makes me so angry when kids do this because they think it's "funny." It's not.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
People that throw things off of overpasses at cars below. Especially rocks and pumpkins. Fuck you if you do this. Fuck you for endangering others. If you do shit like this, you are the worst kind of person. It makes me so angry when kids do this because they think it's "funny." It's not.

While going under an over pass I once got hit with a bucket full of... well, I'm not exactly sure what, but it was gross and smelled terrible, and completely obscured my vision. Windshield wipers couldn't get it off quickly, so I was pretty much blind, on the freeway, at ~70 MPH for a good 30 seconds. Luckily it was at night so there weren't many other cars around, but still really dangerous.

Updated by anonymous


1) 4Chan and people who think being a furry is only about doing it in a fursuit. No people. Not all of us are like the... "Extreme" end of this "group".
2) First posting. Stop. It's like spam. Jesus H. Christ STOP.
3) Smokers. No. Not the ones that like nicotine. I mean the ones from Left 4 Dead. Fuck those bastards... With a chainsaw... That shoots guns that shoot chainsaws.
4) G.I.R.L.S. I mean guys in real life by the way. These....... BASTARDS. Think it's funny to act like that so they can get some sort of "premium" bonus.
5) Cancer jokes... That is all.
6) Extreme porn. *HURLS THE CONTENTS OF MY STOMACH UP.*... Yeah... Just... That...
7) Spam, viruses, and Click bait. Evony is one of those things. It's a game of lies. DON'T PLAY IT. IT'S SPYWARE IN DISGUISE.
8) Gamergate extremists. Stop sending death threats. It's not helping. ever.
9) Feminist extremists. Stop acting like total whores. It's not helping. ever.
10) Candlejack. DAMN IT MAN WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH ROPE?! AND WHY DO YOU NOT LET ME FINISH MY SENthis is getting way too easy.

Updated by anonymous

JaceTheHybrid said:
4) G.I.R.L.S. I mean guys in real life by the way. These....... BASTARDS. Think it's funny to act like that so they can get some sort of "premium" bonus.

I'll admit I'm one of these, I'll pretend to be a girl on some random chat site like omegle, and sext/flirt with guys for hours.

Yea I'm pretty fucking weird.....

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
I'll admit I'm one of these, I'll pretend to be a girl on some random chat site like omegle, and sext/flirt with guys for hours.

Yea I'm pretty fucking weird.....

... I'll give you ten seconds to run.

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
I'll admit I'm one of these, I'll pretend to be a girl on some random chat site like omegle, and sext/flirt with guys for hours.

And this is why I assume everyone I talk to on the internet is simply a gender-confused robot programmed only to lie.

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
I'll admit I'm one of these, I'll pretend to be a girl on some random chat site like omegle, and sext/flirt with guys for hours.

That sounds hilarious.

I mean, I assume you're doing it for the laughs… right?

Updated by anonymous

Cub porn being allowed on this site,blacklist not being able to add new things,and people not tagging their cub porn.
And this extreme porn.

Updated by anonymous

4channyGranny said:
Cub porn being allowed on this site,blacklist not being able to add new things,and people not tagging their cub porn.
And this extreme porn.

You can add as many things to your blacklist as you want. There is literally no reason you should ever have to see cub porn, save for the rare occasion people forget to tag it. If you're morally opposed to being a part of a site that hosts it, go to FA.

Updated by anonymous

Especially when they stand right next to doorways

Updated by anonymous

The only thing worse than people who drive faster than me... are people who drive slower than me.

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N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
Heheh... Dubstep tank.

But yeah that kinda pisses me off too. Why in the hell would you ruin a perfectly designed killing machine like that?

Perfectly? Get a dog, strap remote-controlled C4 onto it's ass, throw some meat under the tank, and see just how "perfectly designed" it was.

Updated by anonymous

Perfectly? Get a dog, strap remote-controlled C4 onto it's ass, throw some meat under the tank, and see just how "perfectly designed" it was.

The Russians tried that. Didn't work.

Updated by anonymous

How about when people are careless with your stuff and won't fess up? I had a B-29 model kit that was missing its cockpit canopy. I know it's because my mom dropped it. I also noticed that the wing was separated slightly. I had glued the wings so that they wouldn't fall off. When I went to push the wing back in, it snapped off in my hand. I just destroyed the rest and threw it in the trash. Thanks a bunch, Mom! I liked that model, and your clumsy ass just cost you $15. Oh, she will be buying me a new one. She owes me that much.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
How about when people are careless with your stuff and won't fess up? I had a B-29 model kit that was missing its cockpit canopy. I know it's because my mom dropped it. I also noticed that the wing was separated slightly. I had glued the wings so that they wouldn't fall off. When I went to push the wing back in, it snapped off in my hand. I just destroyed the rest and threw it in the trash. Thanks a bunch, Mom! I liked that model, and your clumsy ass just cost you $15. Oh, she will be buying me a new one. She owes me that much.

When I was still in my early teens, I had a SNES that had stopped working. Just some cables that had been over used and broken, I figured I'd replace them some day, so I kept it in my closed for a couple years, along with all the games, until then. Got home one day and noticed that my mom had inexplicably cleaned my closet... And i realized a couole days later that she threw away my SNES and all my games. Sadly, it was gone from the dumpster by the time I figured it out. Parents, what the fuck, right?


Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
When I was still in my early teens, I had a SNES that had stopped working. Just some cables that had been over used and broken, I figured I'd replace them some day, so I kept it in my closed for a couple years, along with all the games, until then. Got home one day and noticed that my mom had inexplicably cleaned my closet... And i realized a couole days later that she threw away my SNES and all my games. Sadly, it was gone from the dumpster by the time I figured it out. Parents, what the fuck, right?


Yeah, no joke. She wonders why I confront her about it. She always tries to deny it instead of confessing.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Pilotwings, Banjo-Kazooie, and Smash Bros... may you rest in peace.

Banjo and smash were SNES games? This is news to me..

Updated by anonymous

FoxFourOhFour said:
Banjo and smash were SNES games? This is news to me..

Actually, they weren't. The debuted on the N64.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Actually, they weren't. The debuted on the N64.

Sarcasm. Not for everyone.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
When I was still in my early teens, I had a SNES that had stopped working. Just some cables that had been over used and broken, I figured I'd replace them some day, so I kept it in my closed for a couple years, along with all the games, until then. Got home one day and noticed that my mom had inexplicably cleaned my closet... And i realized a couole days later that she threw away my SNES and all my games. Sadly, it was gone from the dumpster by the time I figured it out. Parents, what the fuck, right?


My mom threw away my old Pong system while I was at Basic. That sucked.

Updated by anonymous

Nyteshade said:
My mom threw away my old Pong system while I was at Basic. That sucked.

Well that always sucks, but you can always find new ones for relatively low price on ebay, I recently a Vectrex with games and packaging going for only 100 euros, you sometimes have luck.

Updated by anonymous

This thread being inactive for over a month

Seriously though:

My car has a safety feature that causes an alarm to go off when a certain amount of weight is in the passenger seat and the seatbelt is not on.

So whenever I have groceries in the front seat, I have to take my eyes off the road (the alarm does not activate until after you start moving) because a sack of potatoes forgot to wear its seatbelt.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
This thread being inactive for over a month

Seriously though:

My car has a safety feature that causes an alarm to go off when a certain amount of weight is in the passenger seat and the seatbelt is not on.

So whenever I have groceries in the front seat, I have to take my eyes off the road (the alarm does not activate until after you start moving) because a sack of potatoes forgot to wear its seatbelt.

Why not just strap the potatoes in. That way if you get in a horrible accident at least your potatoes won't get all smooshed.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Why not just strap the potatoes in. That way if you get in a horrible accident at least your potatoes won't get all smooshed.

I expect them to take care of themselves

Updated by anonymous

Its pretty irresponsably of your potatos to not put the seatbelt themselves, don't they think the trouble that could cause to you?

What if the police were to stop you? =3

Updated by anonymous

We have click it or ticket here in Illinois. I guess if you don't strap in your spuds, it would be click it or po-ticket?

Updated by anonymous

Inspirational songs n shit

Most of the time they don't even inspire me. In fact, they do the exact opposite, and make me feel worse, because of the fact that I don't have the means or chance to make the most of my life!

Updated by anonymous

The way !most! furries act. It's like a mix of a person who's offended by everything and a deviant.

Updated by anonymous

ShaggySnacks said:
The way !most! furries act. It's like a mix of a person who's offended by everything and a deviant.

I wouldn't say most are like that. As with pretty much any group you can name, the loudest and most obnoxious few are the ones you notice and remember.

Updated by anonymous

I am very calm and somewhat hippie, so basically this are the only things that makes me mad.


2-Reggaeton (you have a splendid life if you don't know it).

3-Long trips.

4-My Curly Hair.

Updated by anonymous

Quite a lot of things piss me off, but if I had to make a list of 3...

1. Idiots/gullible people. *coughTumblrcough*
2. People who do not knock.
3. My awful memory.

Updated by anonymous

1. Standing out in a way that makes you look awkward.
2. People who say your life will be better if you dont know of something as simple as a music genre.
3. Getting an amazing song stuck in my head but being unable to recall the name.
4. Forgetting what I was about to do in the process of starting the task.

Updated by anonymous

DariusTheDragon said:
3. Getting an amazing song stuck in my head but being unable to recall the name.

I listen to music that is almost entirely no vocals. This is the worst.

DariusTheDragon said:
4. Forgetting what I was about to do in the process of starting the task.


Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I listen to music that is almost entirely no vocals. This is the worst.

"Hey, can you tell me what that tune is called? The one that goes Daah,dah-dah-dududah, dah, da-dudududududah..."

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Hey, can you tell me what that tune is called? The one that goes Daah,dah-dah-dududah, dah, da-dudududududah..."

"It was kind of like...tinnitus, but with a 2-step beat led by marimbas"

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Hey, can you tell me what that tune is called? The one that goes Daah,dah-dah-dududah, dah, da-dudududududah..."

"Oh, yeah! Uh, Batman?"

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Hey, can you tell me what that tune is called? The one that goes Daah,dah-dah-dududah, dah, da-dudududududah..."

Darude - Sandstorm

Updated by anonymous

the IT class ive been taking since august. dear god, what a complete joke of a class. i could ramble on and on about this shit.

Updated by anonymous

DariusTheDragon said:
Darude - Sandstorm

I was having trouble coming up with things, until I read this.

One of the people in my online tabletop group always always links to that when I try to talk music (admittedly because I always turn to electronica at some point), either joking at how we all have radically different tastes or trying to poke fun at me or... something.

It's not that he links it, it's that he links that specific song.

Put bluntly, it's a flat, boring song with crap synths. I'd say it didn't represent the whole umbrella genre if it wasn't for Sturgeon's Law... Or maybe I just need to stop being a music hipster. Still hate it!

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