Topic: Shit that pisses you off

Posted under Off Topic

bad grammar/poorly used context.

example (from dead island wikia):

Blue Skull Altar: Act I. Bunker 06 in the Resort area will be surrounded by zombies, with a single survivor, Jose Garcia, to rescue. Once he is rescued, the player should travel through the manhole in the bunker to the other area of it. There is a metal door on the level, and propane tanks on the level above. The player must place the tank next to the door and shoot it to blow it open. The altar is on the wall underneath the big blue arrow. (note the italics section for my main point here)

um, yeah, wtf are you talking about when you say "level"? the game doesn't have or use "levels" in that way/context you idiot. surely the guy who wrote that could've used his brain to try and think of something better fitting, right? the only "levels" in dead island at all are the skill lvls as part of the rpg skill/lvl up system. i had to deal with that crap when looking for one of the skulls earlier today too while running through the sewers when i had this: "level, is this nutjob talking about, upper level? does he mean upper FLOOR?"

can't stand it when people do crap like that. all it does is make things needlessly confusing and in no way helpful. i bet if i spoke with him and asked what he meant by level when i asked what the heck he meant by level he'd get just as confused as me. then i'd have to explain why he should've said floor, not level.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
um, yeah, wtf are you talking about when you say "level"?

The technical term for "floor" is "level"; floor is, in my understanding, most often used if you literally talk about the part of a room where people walk on, not the entire section of a building.

Source: I had to create maps of buildings.

Edit: Also used for stuff like sea-level and water-level to create references for height systems. The term "levelling" describes the process of measuring the different levels/heights of specific points, or trying to make something level by by smoothing the upper surface.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The technical term for "floor" is "level"; floor is, in my understanding, most often used if you literally talk about the part of a room where people walk on, not the entire section of a building.

Source: I had to create maps of buildings.

Edit: Also used for stuff like sea-level and water-level to create references for height systems. The term "levelling" describes the process of measuring the different levels/heights of specific points, or trying to make something level by by smoothing the upper surface.

also, in the case of video games where you can have lvls (stages/rounds/etc.) and skill lvls (aka exp lvls in RPG's) saying level rather than floor can be misunderstood if you're not used to hearing the word refer to floors like in a house as you said.

eh, guess i'll just count that one as a misunderstanding then. ugh, one word, so many different meanings. not so much the word itself but rather context, that must've been what i misunderstood in this case.

Updated by anonymous

Forcing acceptance on people, ultra liberalism,
ultra conservatism,
Gun control
The federal government,
Racial hate,
Race baiters,
Drama-posting on Facebook,
Double standards,
Cultural cleansing,
Losing my keys/wallet
Being broke,
When our cars brake down,
Stale cookies,

Updated by anonymous

People who call any naval vessel a "Battleship."

People should really know better, especially when the vessel in question is an aircraft carrier. If your aircraft carrier is anywhere near a battle, you're using it wrong.

Battleships are meant to shoot other ships. The role has been transferred to aircraft and submarines, and genuine battleships haven't been in service for a long time (although I've heard talk of railguns having the potential to revive them...).

Another thing is how the movies and games still portray warships that can blow something up on the other side of the planet duking it out at Napoleonic ranges.

Pet peeve of mine.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
also, in the case of video games where you can have lvls (stages/rounds/etc.) and skill lvls (aka exp lvls in RPG's) saying level rather than floor can be misunderstood if you're not used to hearing the word refer to floors like in a house as you said.

eh, guess i'll just count that one as a misunderstanding then. ugh, one word, so many different meanings. not so much the word itself but rather context, that must've been what i misunderstood in this case.

The meaning of level for skills and sections of a game actually comes from the height one since the 'level' increases (eg. everything gets higher).

Updated by anonymous

When all that people post on the pics I submit is "lol" without explaining why they post it. It really pisses me off ><

Updated by anonymous

When people don't get my jokes and take offense to them.


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fox_whisper85 said:
When all that people post on the pics I submit is "lol" without explaining why they post it. It really pisses me off ><

Lol, ikr?

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
Lol, ikr?

People obviously don't have the cojones to explain themselves it seems lol.

Updated by anonymous

people telling me i'm wrong about something when i'm quite certain i'm not. even more so when it turns out i really was wrong.

that and assumptions. assumptions make EVERYONE look like idiots.

example: when i'm in my room most of the day being quiet with my headphones on my aunt tends to "think" i've been sleeping the whole time. just cause you haven't seen me out of my room most of the day does NOT mean i'm sleeping (only sometimes is that true not all the time).

Updated by anonymous

What also pisses me off is inadvertently loading a picture you deeply regret uploading and can't remove it manually, especially if you feel super embarrassed having uploaded it XD

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The mods at CBR, forums those assholes get their panties in a knot for even the smallest shit.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
The mods at CBR, forums those assholes get their panties in a knot for even the smallest shit.

CBR? Hmm, not sure if I've heard of that, but is that bad?

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
What also pisses me off is inadvertently loading a picture you deeply regret uploading and can't remove it manually, especially if you feel super embarrassed having uploaded it XD

i'm guessing you've had that happen before. lol

Updated by anonymous

More stuff that pisses me off:
Warm beer,
Today's excuse for country- music,

Updated by anonymous

vampires make me angry

The vampires got to go.
Every time people want to have a good time, ignorant-ass vampires got to ruin it for everybody. Can't keep a blood bank open. Grand opening? Grand Closing!

You wanna know the worst thing about vampires? The worst thing about vampires: vampires can’t be in the sun! You can’t have no vampire friend and then take them to the beach!

Updated by anonymous

I went to the US Army Aviation Museum which apparently has not one, but two of the rare and very cool AH-56 Cheyennes, and there weren't any of them there!

Updated by anonymous

I was looking forward to EAA Oshkosh this year, but we couldn't make it. I missed out on some of the coolest aircraft on the planet, including the civilian debut of the F-35 Lightning II. Damn. :(

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
When people don't get my jokes and take offense to them.


When comments make me laugh, and there's no lol_comments tag.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I was looking forward to EAA Oshkosh this year, but we couldn't make it. I missed out on some of the coolest aircraft on the planet, including the civilian debut of the F-35 Lightning II. Damn. :(

I have yet to see one of those in person. That and the F-16. Seen all the other modern US fighters a couple times.

I guess F-35s have been too busy getting that little engine fire issue fixed lately.

Speaking of which... what really pisses me off like nothing else is traffic- and the traffic I encountered upon driving home from Ocean City after the air show last month was the worst I have ever seen in my life.

Updated by anonymous

Oooooh, I'll like this one. My top 9 annoyances/things that anger me.

1. When other artists ignore questions in response to a critique they have and post on/about your art. That's the absolute worst. It's even worse when they're clearly better than you like... several leagues better and they can't spare the time to give advice on what to focus on or try to do, even if they have the time to post said critique in the first place. I understand people are busy but... it's two minutes max. If you can critique, you can give advice 95% of the time xD

2. People who tell me not to do something, only for them to do that exact thing themselves as if they've no idea what hypocrisy is, despite them being deep into economics, environmental science and accounting.

3. People who interrupt me despite the fact that I'll wait until they're not talking anymore and then when I talk, they continue soon after and are completely oblivious to it.

4. People who flip out and do awful things and then later will completely ignore the fact they ever did it, while if you do something awful, they remember it until they die and then some.

5. People who cheat on their spouses/loved ones... like... full offense intended, they aren't even sub-human they're so below the rest of us.

6. People who think that because they're better than me at art or games, that they're in the right place to basically crap on my efforts and insult my passion without even giving constructive advice.

7. People who are just unpleasant and rude to begin with. Just... Go away if you can't be nice, cease your wishes to talk or even interact with me... Y'know?

8. People who keep saying they'll do a thing that NEEDS to be done, but when it comes to doing it, they just don't.

9. When I can't draw what I want to no matter how many times I try (always just 2-4 times).

Sorry for the wall... I don't know how to make that smaller because I don't really know how.

Updated by anonymous

Stormy_Facade said:
Sorry for the wall... I don't know how to make that smaller because I don't really know how.



Wall of text\

Updated by anonymous

Stormy_Facade said:
Sorry for the wall... I don't know how to make that smaller because I don't really know how.

heh, that's nothing compared to the likes of my comments on some things at deviantart and youtube sometimes. :P

edit: oh and to add another to the list. whenever i go to download a torrent of something and the darn thing is near or flat out dead. it would be nice if the seed/peer stats on torrent sites updating automatically every once in a while. >:( also doesn't help that that seems to be the one download related thing that this wifi i use is actually bad at, VERY bad at. most of the time i'm lucky to get 1-10 seeds OR peers connected, unless it happens to be a recent and very active torrent.

and before anyone dares to bring up that stupid "torrents are little more than malware/spyware" crap. no, just like any other download, they aren't even remotely all that bad. you just have to know reliable sources (sites) and avoid really obscure/shady places is all. that stupid stereotype about torrent downloads pisses me off more than the other point cause it's just stupid like all stereotypes. (note: as it turns out, in some ways, even "good" stereotypes are bad.)

between adblock plus and AVG antivirus (free version), i rarely ever get any major alerts and when i do it's typically a false positive when installing a game or even if i did get something nasty in a torrent, AVG would likely stomp the offending data the instant it downloads. (tends to block a download outright if it detects anything through firefox too)

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i'm guessing you've had that happen before. lol

Regrettably, yes, I've since had it removed, thankfully.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I have yet to see one of those in person. That and the F-16. Seen all the other modern US fighters a couple times.

I guess F-35s have been too busy getting that little engine fire issue fixed lately.

Speaking of which... what really pisses me off like nothing else is traffic- and the traffic I encountered upon driving home from Ocean City after the air show last month was the worst I have ever seen in my life.

I could have seen a B-52 flying! I'm so disappointed. :(

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I could have seen a B-52 flying! I'm so disappointed. :(

I missed out on the chance to see WWII-era aircraft flying over DC, which is a stone's throw from my place. I heard a lot of WWII veterans attended. The flight was in honor of V-E day. Why'd I miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that would have taken little effort to see?
Nobody told me about it.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I missed out on the chance to see WWII-era aircraft flying over DC, which is a stone's throw from my place. I heard a lot of WWII veterans attended. The flight was in honor of V-E day. Why'd I miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that would have taken little effort to see?
Nobody told me about it.

EAA Oshkosh had several WWII planes, too. They had a P-40, and you could even ride in a B-17. It has to be the coolest experience in the world. It's a shame I couldn't experience it. I have had the pleasure of going inside a B-17 and a B-24 on the ground, but that was at a different event.

Updated by anonymous

OMG, it is so annoying when you want to download something off the internet and this happens,

Daily Download Limit Reached. Come back after 2 hrs.

Ok, i can wait. *waits for 2 hrs*

Wait! Before you download, pls verify that u r not a robot with this captcha!

*types in code and presses enter*

Sorry, captcha expired. Refresh the page.

*refreshes page*

Daily Captcha Limit Reached. Come back tomorrow.


Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
OMG, it is so annoying when you want to download something off the internet and this happens,

Daily Download Limit Reached. Come back after 2 hrs.

Ok, i can wait. *waits for 2 hrs*

Wait! Before you download, pls verify that u r not a robot with this captcha!

*types in code and presses enter*

Sorry, captcha expired. Refresh the page.

*refreshes page*

Daily Captcha Limit Reached. Come back tomorrow.


lol sounds like something on one of those random file hosting sites that employ waiting times + captcha when you click "slow download". the time limit one has happened to me before when a large download fails/times out mid-download. (why can't all you people make those thing pause/resume capable like everyone else does/has? we're not living in the 90'2 anymore.) always fun when you try downloading something relatively large depending on you're average download speed and that happens.

and something else for my list: summer heat in southeast oklahoma. good gods does it ever get hot here in the summer. it's at least 102+ Fahrenheit in the shade here currently. (thankfully it'll cool to under 70 by roughly 10pm) it's not melting our blinds YET this year but it's certainly getting up there in temperatures.

1-2 years ago it got so bad here that we had fire trucks and the police going down the road multiple times a day due to fires and stuff while we had the shed door hanging wide open (in an attempt to keep anything flammable in there from getting TOO hot. >.>). on top of that, the blinds in one bathroom were literally sagging and melting in the heat. you know it's hot outside when the blinds on the inside start to sag and melt slightly.

i really do hate this heat. winter doesn't bother me much but i get hot easy enough as it is and summer time sucks if you're like that.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
EAA Oshkosh had several WWII planes, too. They had a P-40, and you could even ride in a B-17. It has to be the coolest experience in the world. It's a shame I couldn't experience it. I have had the pleasure of going inside a B-17 and a B-24 on the ground, but that was at a different event.

My grandfather was a crew member on a B-17... he originally trained to be a pilot but the Army decided his flight school class wasn't needed, so he had to settle for being a gunner (otherwise they would have made him an infantryman). He said he enjoyed being on board, but on his second flight, his bomber got shot down by ground fire while in German territory and he was immediately captured by the Wehrmacht and held for the remainder of the war.

They had a B-25 at the OC Air Show. That was also where they had this, which I'm pretty sure I mentioned before.

-anyway, back on topic-
Fire ants sure make me mad. I had two of them sting me on this trip on the same spot on each foot. The worst part isn't the pain- which, although quite sharp, only lasts about a second- it's the itch that comes later. Fire ants are not friendly girls.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
My grandfather was a crew member on a B-17... he originally trained to be a pilot but the Army decided his flight school class wasn't needed, so he had to settle for being a gunner (otherwise they would have made him an infantryman). He said he enjoyed being on board, but on his second flight, his bomber got shot down by ground fire while in German territory and he was immediately captured by the Wehrmacht and held for the remainder of the war.

They had a B-25 at the OC Air Show. That was also where they had this, which I'm pretty sure I mentioned before.

-anyway, back on topic-
Fire ants sure make me mad. I had two of them sting me on this trip on the same spot on each foot. The worst part isn't the pain- which, although quite sharp, only lasts about a second- it's the itch that comes later. Fire ants are not friendly girls.

Also, the only air-worthy B-29 Superfortress was there. I've waited so long to see and hear those engines run. Damn.

Back on topic, myself. Fuckin' fruit flies, man

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
lol sounds like something on one of those random file hosting sites that employ waiting times + captcha when you click "slow download". the time limit one has happened to me before when a large download fails/times out mid-download. (why can't all you people make those thing pause/resume capable like everyone else does/has? we're not living in the 90'2 anymore.) always fun when you try downloading something relatively large depending on you're average download speed and that happens.


What makes it even more worse, is that you can't pause your download without it failing the second you continue.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:


What makes it even more worse, is that you can't pause your download without it failing the second you continue.

:/ that just proves the site in question doesn't support those features. i typically use the flashget download manager myself. (usually seems more reliable for me than firefox's built-in download manage and give more info on the download like server connection info and a progress chart as well as the normal progress bar. the chart is basically just a lot of small blocks that fill in as the file in question is downloaded, it's kinda neat to watch sometimes.) something even worse that typically puts a site among my "NEVER visit again" list would be those that try to force a survey on you before letting you start the download.

those darn surveys are one reason i use torrents most of the time unless i already know the site in question is trustworthy and reliable (as in, none of that crap on the downloads, EVER). never gotten anything bad from downloading here at e621 or emuparadise (games). :)

Updated by anonymous

Back in secondary school I was also downloading from sites like that. The internet connection we had at home was extremely slow, so whenever I could, I did my downloads in school, during IT classes. Of course, the sites I used had several limitations for free users. No parallel downloads? Eh, fine. Limited download speed? Still way better than at home. Waiting time between downloads? Slightly unpleasant, but it didn't bother me much. Said waiting time only starting once a download finished? Well, that was annoying, but still bearable. Restricting downloads based on IP address filtering? Now that was hell.

My school had about 8 IT classrooms with roughly 20 PCs in each. Of course, the school didn't have that many external IP addresses available. This meant that whenever somebody was downloading something from a site like that, nobody else in the building could download anything from the same site. If you didn't have any other mirrors (that worked), you had to wait until the other person finished downloading. Then you had to wait an additional 60 minutes (I think). Then start your download as quickly as you could, praying you could do that before the other person.

Updated by anonymous

what a sad story, EsajRider.

worst we've ever had to deal with wherei live is dial-up or a BS satellite ISP called wildblue. (note:if anyone here ever thinks of getting that dishnet bundle for dishtv. you'll be buying repackaged/renamed internet from wildblue, not dishnet.)

wildblue:12gb/month bandwidth cap at best (12gb ain't squat nowadays) and if you ever use go past that amount prepare to be throttle to UNDER dial-up speeds for a while rendering the internet as a whole COMPLETELY unusable.

needless to say, we're never using wildblue again.

Updated by anonymous

EsalRider said:

If you didn't have any other mirrors (that worked), you had to wait until the other person finished downloading. Then you had to wait an additional 60 minutes (I think). Then start your download as quickly as you could, praying you could do that before the other person.

Hah, just remembered I could use proxy servers to get pass the limited downloads at a time thing.

Updated by anonymous

When my art gets a certain negative score when there's nothing wrong. Either people are really pissy about 3D or, well, people are full of s**t when it comes to hating said medium.

The icing on the cake is when poorer quality art gets higher scores. Lol okay.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
When my art gets a certain negative score when there's nothing wrong. Either people are really pissy about 3D or, well, people are full of s**t when it comes to hating said medium.

The icing on the cake is when poorer quality art gets higher scores. Lol okay.

It's kinda like a domino effect. When someone downvotes, others would follow.

I myself, rarely downvote any post unless it's really bad.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
It's kinda like a domino effect. When someone downvotes, others would follow.

I myself, rarely downvote any post unless it's really bad.

That and like you said, peer pressure and it pisses me off. I rarely downvote myself, I almost always upvote, but yet, clearly I must have effed up badly if it got so many -_- I would link the pic here, but I won't for the sake of sparing me embarrassment.

Updated by anonymous

My mother starts fights over the most ridiculous things. I have certain chores around the house to do, and I was doing them. My mom wanted me to clean the upstairs bathroom, which I tried to do, but my aunt's hairspray was making me nauseous. She also wanted me to take out the garbage in the powder room, but the floor was wet with bleach. I didn't want to slip on the wet floor, or inhale bleach fumes. She wasn't understanding at all. She decided I was refusing to do the jobs. I tried to explain, but she decided to act like I was trying to get out of doing the work. I wasn't. I'm sick and tired of being treated like a doormat on a regular basis.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
Hollywood messing around with things they don't understand

My reaction

all i can say or do is merely HOPE that it will not wind up as bad as DBZ evolution... (and whoo boy was DBZ evolution ever a stinker >:( FYI hollywood: Piccolo does not fall under the "villain of the week" category like the "1-shot wonders" that power rangers has grown to be so well known for over the years.) given that it's likely to be live action however, my hope may turn out to be a big turd. i don't think hollywood 'gets' anime or why people love it quite so much.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
all i can say or do is merely HOPE that it will not wind up as bad as DBZ evolution... (and whoo boy was DBZ evolution ever a stinker >:( FYI hollywood: Piccolo does not fall under the "villain of the week" category like the "1-shot wonders" that power rangers has grown to be so well known for over the years.) given that it's likely to be live action however, my hope may turn out to be a big turd. i don't think hollywood 'gets' anime or why people love it quite so much.

And just to add the cherry on top of the sundae I just heard that the live action death note project was just resurrected with the director of iron man 3.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
And just to add the cherry on top of the sundae I just heard that the live action death note project was just resurrected with the director of iron man 3.

really? you know, i've yet to bother checking out any of the death note movies.

Updated by anonymous

Wax moth larva.

Honey is a lot less appealing when you're the one who harvests it.

Updated by anonymous

People that use the titles of what they claim to be, despite not following what they believe but continue to be what they claim to be.
-Anita Sarkeesian
-American Republican party (political Christians)
-SJWs (I know I know, I personally feel they should just be called Social Warriors.)
-[Have anymore you want to fill in here?]

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
People that use the titles of what they claim to be, despite not following what they believe but continue to be what they claim to be.
-Anita Sarkeesian
-American Republican party (political Christians)
-SJWs (I know I know, I personally feel they should just be called Social Warriors.)
-[Have anymore you want to fill in here?]

nothing else comes to mind right offhand. i stay out of politics so i dunno about the republicans but i've heard enough about the other 2 to know you're quite right.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:

I tried drawing a plate of spaghetti once.


I'll stick to cooking it.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:

This... FUCKING THIS! Screw hands, screw feet, hell screw the human anatomy! >:L I'll stick with paws~

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:

SirBrownBear said:
This... FUCKING THIS! Screw hands, screw feet, hell screw the human anatomy! >:L I'll stick with paws~

I guess that is one of the reasons why mlp fanart is so popular. Hooves are much simpler and therefore easier to draw.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
prodessional drama queen Ozelot

deal w/ it :3

Updated by anonymous

Most mainstream music.

I feel like the best kind of music nowadays is trailer music (a la Two Steps From Hell), video game music, and instrumentals.

Updated by anonymous


The inability of the rational mind to convince the body that the spider that has come through the opened window and was just sitting on the wall would not attempt to mutilate you.

I'm just glad I got it out without any incidents.

Thinking about this while typing gave me goosebumps. Twice.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
+1 on this.. If i ever listen to anything, its either anime soundtrack or game soundtrack.
Especially after the time i had a "noisy" neighbour for a few months, and he would just put up automatic list on youtube, and it would go thru all of it. ugh..
Some people should be forbidden from singing.

What anime and/or video game music do you listen to?

Here's a GARGANTUAN list I made on a different forum post, about the music I have on my smartphone. Though I should update it to include the Bayonetta Original Soundtrack, among other things.

Wall of Music

Animé/cartoon (Avatar: The Last Airbender; Bleach (Beat collection, Breathless collection, both Concept Covers, the four Original Soundtracks, The Best, The Best Instrumental, everything movie related); Death Note; Dragon Ball Kai (Complete Song Collection, Original Soundtrack, Original Soundtrack 2, Song Collection, and Soundtrack III & Songs); Dragon Ball Z Hit Song Collection (from one to twelve only); Dragon Ball Z American Soundtrack Best of Dragon Ball Z (all of them); H.O.T.D (Highschool of the Dead); Kill la Kill (all of them); My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (all of the songs from the first to fourth seasons, even the full opening song and Japanese versions of the opening songs); Naruto (all three Original Soundtracks, The Very Best Hit Instrumental Version, and the Best Hit Collection II, and everything movie related); Naruto: Shippuden (both Original Soundtracks and everything movie related); Pokémon (2.B.A. Master, 3: The Ultimate Soundtrack, Christmas Bash, Gotta Catch ‘em Live!, Sound Anime Collection, TV Anime Pocket Monsters Original Sountrack Best 1997-2010, World, X: 10 Years of Pokémon, and everything movie related); Shingeki no Kyojin [Attack on Titan] (Both Original Soundtracks); SpongeBob SquarePants (most of the production music, Greatest Hits, The Best Day Ever, The Yellow Album, and “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Soundtrack: Music from the Movie and More….”);Sword Art Online (the Bonus Disc: Original Soundtrack Vol.1; Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (BEST SOUND and Original Soundtrack); The Legend of Korra; Yu-Gi-Oh! (4Kids Opening Collection; 5D’s ED 1-5 Single; 5D’s OP 1-5; 5D’s Sound Duel Vol I-III; Duel Monsters ~ Duel VOCAL BEST!! 2012; Duel Monsters ED 1, 3, and 5; Duel Monsters GX ED 1-4; Duel Monsters GX OP 1-4; Duel Monsters GX Sound Duel Vol I and II; Duel Monsters OP 1-5; Duel Monsters: Original Soundtrack Duel I and II; Duel Monsters: Original Soundtrack Sound Duel I-IV; Kawaita Sakebi CD Single; Music to Duel By; Series Duel VOCAL BEST!! 2; The Movie Soundtrack; The Movie Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcended Time Single – Makemagic; Unreleased Soundtrack; ZEXAL ED 1-3 Single; ZEXAL II ED and OP Single; ZEXAL OP 1-3 Single; ZEXAL Sound Duel 1-3).).

Classical music (The 50 Greatest Pieces of Classical Music; The 99 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music; Mozart – 100 Supreme Classical Masterpieces: Rise of the Masters).

Movie soundtracks (A Bug’s Life; Avengers Assemble (both the original motion picture soundtrack and the inspired music soundtrack); Avengers: Age of Ultron; Big Hero 6; Cars; Ender’s Game; Finding Nemo; Forrest Gump (both the Original Motion Picture Score and the Soundtrack); Frozen; How to Train Your Dragon (and its sequel); James Cameron’s Avatar; Kung Fu Panda (and its sequel); Man of Steel; Monsters Inc.; Ratatouille; Requiem of a Dream (just the “Lux Aeterna” Orchestral Version); Shrek (all of them); Star Wars (all six current episodes); Tangled; The Dark Knight Trilogy; The Hunchback of Notre Dame; The Hunger Games (both the first and second movies); The Incredibles; The Land Before Time; The Lego Movie; The Lion King; The Matrix Revolutions; The Prince of Egypt; Titanic; Toy Story (all three movies); Transformers (all four films’ respective albums and scores); Up; Wall-E; Wreck-It Ralph).

Music artists (ACDC; Arcana; Brand X Music; Coldplay; Deep Purple; Disturbed; DragonForce; Electric Light Orchestra; Elvis Presley; Europe; Foster the People; Gary Stadler; Green Day; Guns N’ Roses; Jean-Jacques Perry; Linkin Park; Lost Horizon; Metallica; Michael Jackson; Queen; Radio Head; Serj Tankian (everything that isn’t System of a Down); Styx; System of a Down; Two Steps From Hell; Van Halen).

Video game soundtracks [by far my largest genre] (A Bug’s Life (the PS1 video game); Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War; Batman: Arkham City; Bayonetta (both the first and its sequel); Call of Duty (all of them); Biohazard Revelations/Resident Evil: Revelations; Dementium II; Donkey Kong Country Returns; Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (both the Original Soundtrack and the Symphonic Suite); Drammatica -The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura-; Final Fantasy (I & II: Dawn of Souls, III DS, IV DS, IV Celtic Moon, the two “Distant Worlds” albums, all three Tactics games, the Symphonic Suite, and the “Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption” fan-made album); Fire Emblem (The Sacred Stones); Gran Turismo; Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright (all of them plus the recent Gyakuten Saiban 5, even Gyakuten Kenji/Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, except for the Japanese Phoenix Wright film); Halo (all of the video games soundtracks and even the one for Halo: Legends); Hotel Dusk: Room 215; Kid Icarus: Uprising; Kingdom Hearts (all of the video game soundtracks and the two piano albums, even 1.5 HD Remix and the two “Project Destati” fan-made albums); Kyokugen Dasshutsu 9 Jikan 9 Nin 9 no Tobira [999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors]; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West; Mario & Luigi (Superstar Saga, Partners in Time, Bowser’s Inside Story, and Dream Team); Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater; Metroid (Fusion, the Prime Trilogy, Other M, and even the “Harmony of a Hunter” and “Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run” fan-made albums); Minecraft (both the Volume Alpha and Volume Beta); Monster Hunter (all of them, including the 8-bit, anniversary, brass, club mix, disco, ethic, guitar, jazz, orgel, and orchestral variants); Need for Speed IV: High Stakes; Okami; Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary; Pokémon (Black and White, Black 2 and White 2, Conquest, Diamond and Pearl, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, Gotta Catch the Sound, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Platinum, Reorchestrated: Kanto Symphony, Reorchestrated: Double Team, Reorchestrated: Hoenn Summer, Ruby and Sapphire; X and Y; and even the “Still Want To Live In Their World?” fan-made album); Portal; Professor Layton (Curious Village, Diabolical Box, The Unwound Future, The Last Specter, Miracle Mask, and even the Professor Layton VS Gyakuten Saiban [Phoenix Wright] Magical Mystery Music); Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (upgraded to the Perfect Sound Track instead of the included CD soundtrack); Super Smash Bros. (Melee, Brawl, 3DS, Wii U, the Smashing…Live! Album, and even the “Harmony of Heroes” fan-made album); Sonic the Hedgehog (the “Dreams of the Absolution [LB vs. JS Remix” only); Star Fox (64 3D, Adventures, Assault, and Command); Subarashiki Kono Sekai [The World Ends With You]; Super Mario (3D Land, 64, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, Sunshine, and World); Symphonic Fantasies -Music from Square Enix-; Symphonic Legends -Music from Nintendo-; The Greatest Video Game Music (and its sequel); The Legend of Zelda (25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD, Hyrule Symphony, Ocarina of Time 3D, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess); Toy Story 2 (the PS1 game); Trauma Center: Under the Knife (and its sequel); Video Games Live; Video Games Live: Level 2).

Other (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? The Album; WWE (Piledriver: The Wrestling Album 2; RAW: Greatest Hits – the Music; The Wrestling Album; ThemeAddict: WWE The Music, Vol. 6; Voices: WWE The Music, Vol. 9; WrestleMania: The Album; WWE Anthology; WWE Hall of Fame 2012 – The Music; WWE Originals; WWE The Music, Vol. 8; WWE The Music: A New Day, Vol. 10; WWE The Music: The Beginning (Volumes 1-5); WWE The Music: Vol. 7; WWE Wreckless Intent; WWE: SummerSlam – The Music 2013; WWF Aggression; WWF Forceable Entry; WWF The Music, Vol. 2-5; WWF We Gotta Wrestle; You Can’t See Me).)

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Most mainstream music.

I feel like the best kind of music nowadays is trailer music (a la Two Steps From Hell), video game music, and instrumentals.

that's why i like this playlist i found. over 1k tracks from cuntless video games (i think the tag list on that page would be a good bit longer if it covered the entire playlist. maybe). ^.^ it's nice leaving that going when i go to bed.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
This kind of shit ruins the hobby.

Makes me happy that some stores establish a "one pre-order/purchase per customer" rule, to prevent scalping.

That's how I got my Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate New Nintendo 3DS XL at GameStop. Though at the time, I went to pre-order it when I heard an additional shipment was confirmed.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Makes me happy that some stores establish a "one pre-order/purchase per customer" rule, to prevent scalping.

That's how I got my Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate New Nintendo 3DS XL at GameStop. Though at the time, I went to pre-order it when I heard an additional shipment was confirmed.

hmmm...that 3ds sounds uncommon/rare. reminds me of this guy i saw on youtube once who would buy then put things like that (including a super rare zelda...handheld. i forgot which handheld/version it was) in a microwave and dare to call the smoldering remains art. that's sickening to even think about. :( makes me wish i could cause serious injury to such a person.

Updated by anonymous

Fucking hate scalpers, here in Mexico I wasn't able to get an spider-verse variant cover because of them seriously scalpers should burn in hell!!!!!

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
hmmm...that 3ds sounds uncommon/rare.

Probably not as much as the Majora's Mash New 3DS XL, but definitely pricey, based on what I've seen on eBay anyway.

The same applies to the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Collector's Edition (which I ALSO have).

Updated by anonymous

People that don't put earbuds to listen their music.
I mean, music is cool right? Inside public transports sometimes a bit of music can cheer up a bit.
EXCEPT if the music was mostly this (I'll try to make it understandable):

*Overused mouth beat box thing*
Yeah, shoot the police and make the girls shake their ass, ass, ass (weird wannabe-a-criminal slangs)
*More overused beat box*

And if you think that avoiding the public transport would help, lots of people, be it young or adult also listen to this everywhere, and loudly.
Crappy music and disrespectful people, that's what pisses me off.

Updated by anonymous

DrakkenShakal said:
*Overused mouth beat box thing*
Yeah, shoot the police and make the girls shake their ass, ass, ass (weird wannabe-a-criminal slangs)
*More overused beat box*

I HATE that! Whenever I drive with the windows down, outside of a dick driver trying to cut ahead, there's also those that play garbage music at high volume.

Why don't more people put different kind of music at a high but bearable volume? I, for example, like to listen to Two Steps From Hell music that I burn onto CDs when I drive.

aurel said:
In the bookmarks.. few tracks from battlestar galactica, pkm mystery dungeon, sins of the solar empire, freespace 1/2, puella magi madoka magica, paradox interactive games..
overall soundtrack list reflect my favorites quite well.

I've actually spent more money on memory storage than I have on the music that I download. And I prefer to keep the music that I like and listen to.

I'm a collector/hoarder that way.

Updated by anonymous