Topic: A Question of Preference for the Ladies

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Clawdragons said:
Well, first I think you ought to understand that[snip]

okay whoa there, theres a bit of misinformation and outdated information there.

first off, transsexual is just an outdated term for a transgender person.
secondly, the term for what you described there is "body dysphoria". thats it called when trans person is uncomfortable with their own body.

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Mutisija said:
okay whoa there, theres a bit of misinformation and outdated information there.

first off, transsexual is just an outdated term for a transgender person.
secondly, the term for what you described there is "body dysphoria". thats it called when trans person is uncomfortable with their own body.

The distinction I always heard was between transsexual - which was for someone with body dysphoria, and transgender, which was a more general term, but I fully admit my information could be out of date, and if it is I apologize.

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Sharp_Coyote said:
I also empathize with Ratte when it comes to not wanting/having kids, as it relates to comments of 'not having found the right person yet' ...
(Mom, I love you, and I need you to stop badgering me)

:/ sorry aunt, but theres always my sister. i just don't see how that'd work for me though.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
:/ sorry aunt, but theres always my sister. i just don't see how that'd work for me though.

Hah. I used the same excuse! Poor mom. My younger sister said she is going to adopt so it rests on my older sister for her to become a grandmother.

Updated by anonymous

It's interesting how many furreies don't want any children, it seems to be a pretty common trend with a lot of the ones I meet, but I also meet more men and theres that stereotype that men don't want children but get pestered by their wives and mothers haha.

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Ratte said:
Makes the whole "you should find a nice man" ... comments/questions more irritating, though.

"you should find a nice man"

I think I just vomited a little bit in my mouth.

Sorrowless said:

I can't speak for everyone but I'm trans female and I'll try to answer you based on my own experiences.

One thing I wonder about transsexuals is why they usually aren't comfortable with their own body if they are adults.

Could it be that transgender people are not comfortable with themselves because of the way they grew up? If they never got the change to be get relatively comfortable with themselves and mature I can see how they would carry over their insecurity.

So you think you are the opposite gender mentally, so what?

It's not that I think that I'm female. It's more like I feel like I was screwed genetically from the very beginning. In order to feel comfortable in my own skin I have to remove or hide anything that reminds me of being male. So I have to resort to taking hormones, dealing with facial hair, altering my voice, relearning subtle body queues, etc. just to avoid being constantly reminded by others and myself of how horribly broken I feel.

Hating and being disgusted with what you were born as isn't something that goes away overnight. You see, it's hard to feel comfortable in your own body when even small reminders of what you have to deal with cause massive amounts of depression and anxiety. If one a huge reminder is your genitals, the only thing that will help alleviate that dysphoria is to have surgery to fix that. For myself the biggest reminder is actually facial hair (enough to actually attempt suicide at one point), and the treatment turned out to be laser hair removal.

We live in a society where we don't have to follow gender roles anymore.

Society is more relaxed and accepting than we once were but you will still get a lot of resistance from society when you don't follow them.

Can't you just be your physical gender and think differently?

I'm sure that some do.

However when it comes to the point where the very idea of presenting as your birth gender actually feels less preferable to killing yourself, it's kind of hard to maintain that for very long.

If boys and girls grew up with reversed gender roles, wouldn't they identify with this social construct? How and when does a transgender person get the "idea" that they are the other gender?

They might or might not, it's a bit more complicated than that.

For instance I tend to be really girly myself but I once met a trans girl who was fairly tomboyish.

I'm aware that I may just simply not get it but I don't mind to be corrected.

Being open to understanding is a good thing. :)

I hope that helps answer your questions. If I didn't or if you (or anyone else) have other questions feel free to ask.

Clawdragons said:
The distinction I always heard was between transsexual - which was for someone with body dysphoria, and transgender, which was a more general term, but I fully admit my information could be out of date, and if it is I apologize.

Yeah transsexual is very outdated. A lot of trans people find it to be distasteful or even offensive, partly because of the stigma attached to it. Using transgender/trans for both is usually preferred. If you mean to refer to trans people that want/have had genital surgery it's better to go with pre-op or post-op trans (I'm personally non-op. That is, my genitals don't really bother me.)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Sorrowless said:
Hah. I used the same excuse! Poor mom. My younger sister said she is going to adopt so it rests on my older sister for her to become a grandmother.

Was waiting for something with my grandma and she goes, "You know, at your age (23) I already had three kids and I don't regret it," followed by something to the tune of "you're falling behind".

Good. I'm not sorry I don't want to be a broodmare and throw away all I've worked for to raise six kids I don't want. Go bother my cousin for progeny.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I think I just vomited a little bit in my mouth.

I can't speak for everyone but I'm trans female and I'll try to answer you based on my own experiences.

It's not that I think that I'm female. It's more like I feel like I was screwed genetically from the very beginning. In order to feel comfortable in my own skin I have to remove or hide anything that reminds me of being male. So I have to resort to taking hormones, dealing with facial hair, altering my voice, relearning subtle body queues, etc. just to avoid being constantly reminded by others and myself of how horribly broken I feel.

Hating and being disgusted with what you were born as isn't something that goes away overnight. You see, it's hard to feel comfortable in your own body when even small reminders of what you have to deal with cause massive amounts of depression and anxiety. If one a huge reminder is your genitals, the only thing that will help alleviate that dysphoria is to have surgery to fix that. For myself the biggest reminder is actually facial hair (enough to actually attempt suicide at one point), and the treatment turned out to be laser hair removal.

It's still odd. If you don't think you are female, why are you unhappy with a male body? If you identify as male mentally, it sounds really bad if you aren't happy with it. If you were born the other gender, wouldn't you be a male in a female body? That's a bit of a strange thing to want.
I think I must have misunderstood you.

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Sorrowless said:
It's still odd. If you don't think you are female, why are you unhappy with a male body? If you identify as male mentally, it sounds really bad if you aren't happy with it. If you were born the other gender, wouldn't you be a male in a female body? That's a bit of a strange thing to want.
I think I must have misunderstood you.

You just have it backwards. I'm trans female, which means I was born male but identify as female.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
You just have it backwards. I'm trans female, which means I was born male but identify as female.

My bad. I can image it being much easier for yourself if you could be relatively comfortable just behaving the way you liked. Is it so that it's not that you have a male body, but more that you are uncomfortable with it? That, I can get behind being a nightmare.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Yeah transsexual is very outdated. A lot of trans people find it to be distasteful or even offensive, partly because of the stigma attached to it. Using transgender/trans for both is usually preferred. If you mean to refer to trans people that want/have had genital surgery it's better to go with pre-op or post-op trans (I'm personally non-op. That is, my genitals don't really bother me.)

More than any other subject I've ever talked about, this one seems to be the pickiest regarding language, by a wide margin. It can get a bit frustrating, honestly.

Updated by anonymous

Sorrowless said:
My bad. I can image it being much easier for yourself if you could be relatively comfortable just behaving the way you liked. Is it so that it's not that you have a male body, but more that you are uncomfortable with it? That, I can get behind being a nightmare.

Yes, that is precisely it. :)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Yes, that is precisely it. :)

It's normal for people to change their appearance to suit them better. But for the trans, it's easy for people to think "who are they fooling?" while other kinds of drastic changes such as changing the size of one's breasts don't get that line of thought. Then again, it's not easy to change the look of one's entire body and humans are quite good at identifying faces.

Did you ever see Orange is the New Black? There is a trans character who at one point, despite her efforts in becoming a woman is still being seen as different from her peers. My point is that changing your appearance is a good thing if you can more easily relax and be yourself, but one should also try to come to terms with yourself and find self acceptance.

I myself am born with a light chronic disease but it doesn't bother me. I am also a high functioning autist. A few years back I was diagnosed with it after finally seeking professional help for my long lasting depression. Getting to know this was a bit puzzling at first but it explained a lot about me and my past. I eventually dropped the act of trying to fit in and instead be completely honest with myself and do what I wanted. That came at a cost to my social life, though. Especially in regards to my family and I'm quite sure they see me as pretty apathetic guy now.

I don't feel that sharing this part of myself here have much of an upside, but I think it's just fair when even you admins drop the "tough admin act" and talk about very personal things.
It goes to show that we all have our issues in life.

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i want peababies but i'm also like 80% gay

need to find a peapartner who's as androgynous as I am, so we can have little ambiguous peababies together

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Knotty_Curls said:
i want peababies but i'm also like 80% gay

I think the way that works is that you can still have peachildren, but the peapartner gives birth to 20% of the peachild at a time so you've got to put it on ice until it's ready to be assembled.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Girls on e621: conspicuously absent.

They're all on Wattpad!
(had to jump in and say that)

I'll input on this forum an say that also remove the pregnancy aspect and the ladies would love it.

Updated by anonymous

Syderen said:
They're all on Wattpad!
(had to jump in and say that)

I'll input on this forum an say that also remove the pregnancy aspect and the ladies would love it.

I don't always like it, it depends on my mood, but if she's on the pill and takes it at the right time all the time, the pregnancy chance is pretty low.

You'd be surprised how many girls are on e621

I wish they'd input more in stuff or I saw them more, but I could also just be missing them or mistaking someone for a guy. I know a lot of artists are female too oddly, maybe even most of them if I remember correctly [forgot where I learned this, but it was apparently like a huge percentage of furry artists where chicks], but that doesn't always equal being part of the community unfortunately.

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Cuddledump said:
I wish [female users would] input more in stuff or I saw them more, but I could also just be missing them or mistaking someone for a guy.

You aren't mistaking them for guys, you're assuming they are male unless you have evidence to the contrary. :P

Updated by anonymous

I do apologize for the necro if this counts as one, just saw this thread and wanted to check it out.

First and foremost, I am a girl myself both inside and out. Second, I was actually gonna say something along the lines of 'Hell No' at first, but it's only because I have an immense fear of being pregnant with a baby as a result. But since you mentioned that being removed as a possibility in the OP, I can give a less blunt and more honest answer. >w<;

I.. guess I'd like it? I said that with a little uncertainty because I'm pretty much a virgin (I did a lot of research on sex and how it works ever since I was a young teen though, pretty much out of curiosity and nothing else, internet was a better sex ed teacher for me than my entire middleschool years. =3=').
Anyways.. never really got THAT close to a guy in my life, all my relationships (A.k.a, only 2. One was a girl, and the one I'm in now is with a guy) have been internet dating, so I wouldn't know what cum in the vag feels like anyways since I never really got that far. But still, I wouldn't mind feeling it if the risks were taken out of the equation. I don't mind the idea of sex in general either.
So yeah, I'd probably want it inside if we remove the whole possibility of a baby and STDs. Especially if it makes me feel good, and I feel it'd be rather intimate in a way, and I love intimacy so yeah.

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Jayfiregrowlithe said:
I'd probably want it inside if we remove the whole possibility of a baby and STDs.

There is a way to avoid pregnancy, its called Birth Control, Male & Female Condoms, and Period Sex. Avoiding STDs? Have a full spectrum STD/STI test done of yourself, and whatever partner you choose to be with, before intercourse. Testing isn't just for gay guys, chicks can get it too.

Though personally to add to the topic, I've been pressured a lot recently by my mother, to find someone and to produce offspring with them, for the basis of continuing the family name, lineage, and to keep the family 'pure', since SOME in my family hold views that are best left in the 1940s, and my Brother married half-black, half-latino, and he's sterile. I wouldn't mind having children, but my main problem is that I have a lot of furry-related fetishes and kinks, which I've found that non-furs just can't deal with. And almost every female-furry I've found whom is single and receptive to a relationship, has turned out to be frigging fat and disgusting, or paper-bag-on-head ugly. But since I'm financially independent and rather well-on, I may just see about finding a healthy woman to act as a surrogate mother, and raise a kid as a single father.

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