Topic: The profile picture game

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So I'm bored whal all my programs and files re-download to my computer (just got it back from repair)

So since my activity on the forums has been little to none lately I figured I'd show my face again and play a game with a few people.

Step 1:
- got to this site
- make the "max number" on the right hand side of the page to be:

Step 2:
- Click generate
- I got "656229"

Step 3:
- Change this link to include your number:***656229***/
(The *** contain your numbers remove the *** after you put your number in)

Step 4:
- Click on peoples "avatars" until you find your own avatar
- Count how many avatars you have to click on until you find your own

Whoever gets the lowest number of avatar clicks wins.

(If you click on a picture with no comments you're allowed to go back a page. But you can only do this a max of 6 times after testing this it took a lot so I edited the number from 3 to 6 to be more reasonable.)

45 avatars (exactly)
before I wound up on this page:

where I found my own comment and therefore my own avatar:

post #419231

Updated by Hexdragon

Whoa... deja vu...

Did that back when I had this as my avatar and it was right on the money that time too. post #43169

...And doing it now still gives me a sergal image. post #326540

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Whoa... deja vu...

Did that back when I had this as my avatar and it was right on the money that time too. post #43169

...And doing it now still gives me a sergal image. post #326540

How many posts did it take you to get back to your avatar?

Updated by anonymous

Ten clicks. I genuinely expected it to take far longer than that, but thankfully I remembered that I've commented on GameManiac's current avatar, so it went fast.

Started at post #737567

Updated by anonymous

Odds are definitely stacked against me, seeing as most users' avatars tend to be content I actively avoid commenting on (unless I uploaded it).

I gave it several tries before deciding to leave to get food instead.

I have no time for nonsense, nyeh

post #700744

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Odds are definitely stacked against me, seeing as most users' avatars tend to be content I actively avoid commenting on (unless I uploaded it).

I gave it several tries before deciding to leave to get food instead.

I have no time for nonsense, nyeh

post #700744

well you'll never get it with that attitude

Updated by anonymous

Deh-tiger said:
5 clicks (plus 3(?) for cheating by going back when I could have continued

can't back track unless you hit a dead end. sorry your 5 clicks does not count :(

Updated by anonymous

eh, sure, why not. i'll give this a go.

#1 post #13690 O_O wtf?'s a good thing i don't have a weak stomach seeing as how i'm currently having a bowl of cereal for a snack.

#2 post #707297 uh huh...

#3 post #392707 RNG most certainly does NOT have my interests in mind tonight. :/ i don't like girls in that way, RNG, i'm gay! and male!

#4 post #529726 child version is better. what with being colored but still, not bad.

and lastly, #5 thumb # try this one again. i hit a dud (deleted). post #694076 -_- RNG! what is wrong with you tonight?! i ain't into girls! ESPECIALLY not ones like with pic #1! disgusting in several ways. >.<

edit: seeing 1-3 and 5, i think i can quote Sans by saying that there is absolutely nothing happening down there at the moment.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

eh, sure, why not. i'll give this a go.

#1 post #13690 O_O wtf?'s a good thing i don't have a weak stomach seeing as how i'm currently having a bowl of cereal for a snack.

#2 post #707297 uh huh...

#3 post #392707 RNG most certainly does NOT have my interests in mind tonight. :/ i don't like girls in that way, RNG, i'm gay! and male!

#4 post #529726 child version is better. what with being colored but still, not bad.

and lastly, #5 thumb # try this one again. i hit a dud (deleted). post #694076 -_- RNG! what is wrong with you tonight?! i ain't into girls! ESPECIALLY not ones like with pic #1! disgusting in several ways. >.<

edit: seeing 1-3 and 5, i think i can quote Sans by saying that there is absolutely nothing happening down there at the moment.

I don't think you got the rules down right. I don't see your avatar in the comments of the last image.

Updated by anonymous

The_Diggler said:
I don't think you got the rules down right. I don't see your avatar in the comments of the last image.

...oh...oops. guess my attempt doesn't count then. oh well.

edit: hmmm...200+ clicks just to see if my number came up anyway and nothing. kept coming close by 10-30k+ but no match.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
So I'm bored whal all my programs and files re-download to my computer (just got it back from repair)

So since my activity on the forums has been little to none lately I figured I'd show my face again and play a game with a few people.

I did it! I did IT!

Did I Won?

Answer: Nah, not even once.

I recorded it on video too. 11/10 - Best let's play Evah!
Not that you'll ever see it anyway because of YouTube rules making me have to edit it before hand, and "ain't no body got time fo dat", but what-evs.

Updated by anonymous

1st random number: Pic with no comments
2nd random number: Deleted pic
3rd random number: Pic with no comments
4th random number: post #450849 ...which happens to have one of the comments I'm most proud of.

(Why using RNG site instead of just hitting Random here on e621?)

Updated by anonymous

I don't think you guys understand the rules.

you get ONE random number leading to ONE random post. You then check the comments and in the comment section of that one post you find one of their "avatars" (the little pictures) click on the one you think will bring you closer to finding your own picture (your avatar) and record how many times you need to click on other peoples avatars until you find your own.

Every time you click on a new avatar you have to then search that pictures comment section for more avatars that will hopefulyl lead to you finding your own avatar.

Updated by anonymous

Ugh, way too many clicks that I had to give up an attempt. I did find a cute little picture of
post #446514

Clearly I need to post on more avatars.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I don't think you guys understand the rules.

you get ONE random number leading to ONE random post.

And if the post that ONE random number leads you to has NO comments?

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
I don't think you guys understand the rules.
*reiterated rule*

Yep, that confirms that I understood you perfectly. Thanks

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Yep, that confirms that I understood you perfectly. Thanks

You did. That doesn't mean others did. (Looking at you treos)

Updated by anonymous

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