Topic: What makes you sad?

Posted under General

BlackLicorice said:
The fact that the Nintendo Switch is $470 here in Australia. :(

At least it's not $1000 like the PS3 was at launch.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:

Attempting to do surveys* like this and responding to the majority of the questions with either:

  • I've never watched/listened to that show/song before.
  • I've never seen/heard of this person/thing before.
  • Does it count if I was forced to do it? (then answering "no" via technicality.)
  • What does this have to do with the topic of this survey?

Needless to say, I scored very low on this survey.

Survey: Have you ever eaten soup from a bread bowl?
Me: What's a bread bowl? *googles* Oh, okay... No.[/sub]

Survey: Wanted to live in Portland?
Me: I don't even know what continent that's on.[/sub]

Survey: Used the hashtag #WhitePeopleProblems becaus-
Me: I don't use Twitter... And people still think I'm full of shit when I tell them that.[/sub]

Survey: Gone square dancing?
Me: No. The "gone" part implies choice. I was forced to do it.

Survey: Rode a unicycle?
Me: Haven't had the opportunity yet. I'm willing to try, though.

Survey: Owned a pair of New Balance shoes?
Me: FINALLY, something I can answer yes to! Ahem... Yes.

My result: 6/100. This survey is terrible and too american-centric.

As an American person who is right on the edge between a I and II on the Fitzpatrick scale: 9/100 for a solid "not white". Hmm. Though I did answer yes to square dancing despite not really having a choice, so call it 8/100 for comparison with your score.

Updated by anonymous

I'm easily being depress,
and it run in the family,
mostly the male side.

My uncle committed suicide a long time ago
and my Dad had thoughts of it.

and I had thoughts and attempts to do them.

I give up easily too, when I don't want to.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
I got "You checked off 4 out of 100 possible white people scenarios.

Congratulations, you are NOT white! You're the first of your friends to perfect a new dance move and never have to worry about what level of SPF you should use."

I'm white

They go into SPF? Wow. Never mind I have had at least one incident where a sunburn caused me to literally fit myself like a glove and the aforementioned inability of some to realize that skin isn't the only thing to determine albinism.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
I'm easily being depress,
and it run in the family,
mostly the male side.

My uncle committed suicide a long time ago
and my Dad had thoughts of it.

and I had thoughts and attempts to do them.

I give up easily too, when I don't want to.

For what its worth, I suffer from the same thing.
It's even worse when you have no one to talk too at all and the prospects of daily life make me want to kill myself the more I have to deal with them. Frankly, death seems far more interesting when you consider how unlucky and bleak reality really is for some people.

Updated by anonymous