Aliasing head_pat → patting_head
Link to alias
Suggest head_pat alias to patting_head OR visa versa (patting_head -> head_pat).
patting_head seems good, since main tag seems to patting (45 posts).
One the other hand,
another type of pat is called a "pat on the back"
( )
so maybe head_pat would be better. (also shorter)
10 posts tagged with patting_head
19 posts tagged with head_pat
1) headpat tag with 3 posts
2) (and there was head_patting tag with one post)
3) pat_on_head with one post
4) patting_back with one post (aka "pat on the back")
EDIT: I kept putting patting_head -> head_pat
into the suggestion fields (head_pat just seems nicer),
but went with -> patting_head
because of patting tag.
On the other hand, if we went with head_pat then some people would tag with pat also, which is now a character tag but needs to be disambiguated because some tagged with pat show act of patting ... while others probably one of the nine characters named Pat.
EDIT: made alias suggestion of pat -> pat_(disambiguation) at forum #262226
EDIT: The tag alias head_pat -> patting_head (forum #262222) has been rejected by @furrypickle.
Updated by auto moderator