Topic: [Feature] Embed YouTube links, webms

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.

YouTube links in comments, forum posts, and blips should automatically embed the video in something that looks like a \[section\]:


YouTube: Video title

The title of the video would be displayed in the section header.

It would be preferable to not start loading the embed code until the user expands the section. That would keep page loads as fast as they are now even if users linked dozens of videos.

Some YouTube videos are restricted from being embedded on other sites. Detect these and exclude creating a section for them.

Consider changing the color of the section box slightly to distinguish them from user-created sections.

The same thing could be done with Twitter or Instagram links, but YouTube seems to be the most popufur here.

Webm could be handled by creating a new video #1234 syntax. Handling of post #1234 and thumb #1234 for webm videos would stay the same.

video #1402994

webm post #1402994, zonkpunch, Score: 1999

The video #1234 text would link to the post just like post #1234 does, but the embed section would also be displayed under it.

Why would it be useful?

Have an idea about unknown YouTube links without clicking or even loading the embedded version.

Watch video content without leaving the page.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Post comments, forums, blips.

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