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Dragon x Maiden - by pantswrestler ( )
  • Comments
  • Is it just me or Braixen managed to become the number 1 Playmon in the world recently ? ^^
    Anyway this is an outstanding work here.

    𝓑𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸

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  • Glaice said:
    Great anim, HOWEVER! The cervical penetration is just eh, it's a giant "OWWWW" to the woman.

    As with everything else in the fandom, trying to apply real-world logic to a fantasy isn't going to make any sense.

    Cervical penetration happens because it's fucking hot.

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  • bakeneko said:
    Now while I like this, if they did something like this but with anal I would think it would be hotter because anal sex is my fetish.

    Go look at other Zonk vids, this is one of the few instances where he hasn't done anal. :/

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  • This whole thing took a full year to make. The Second scene took about 4 months to do. Zonk work very hard on this one. He did an excellent job.

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  • Qwazzy said:
    As with everything else in the fandom, trying to apply real-world logic to a fantasy isn't going to make any sense.

    Cervical penetration happens because it's fucking hot.

    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.


    Huh, interesting. It's talked about almost exclusively as a silly idea, so the thought of it being more natural a thing never occurred to me.

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  • Should have run that ejaculation into the womb scene all the way through the orgasm. Hnnnng.

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  • You_Dont_Know_Me said:
    I would probably die if this was gay. If a gay version comes out I'm going to end up giving myself a hernia.

    Zonk has gay content and you'll also notice very quickly that there are no "alternate" versions of his animations with other genders to appease people.

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  • Draciakarath said:
    i cant see that webm :*(

    This is the most unhelpful comment ever. Instead of saying that you cannot see it, maybe look up how you can? Or at least give a hint for the reason why you cannot see it, so someone could help with that or even look up if the problem is in the file itself.

    Do you have problems with any other files on the website? Are you using software that supports playing back webm files?

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  • I also see that e621 has outdone themselves. 284 upvotes in less than 4 hours is quite record-breaking. Where's everyone suddenly coming from?

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  • IkeFanboy64 said:
    Why is my comment so disliked? I'm not trying to an ass, I'm just womdering considering how liked Zonk's work is

    Because you care about things like timestamps and likes, and us cool kids and too cool for that because we're cool and we don't care about anything except for being cool, but caring about being cool is uncool so we don't care about that either.
    Also porn. We care about porn, too.

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  • Yasume said:
    be better if the shots were from the front during when he's in her vagina rather than all the focus on the off putting internal stuff.

    I'm actually pretty happy that the internal was included - it's not done that often and it turned out rather well in this instance.

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  • This is by far the best Braixen yiff animation someone have ever made. You have outdone yourself and the result is fantastic. We so much need more Braixen animations like this

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  • Well, we have reached the end of the line. This is what life and the universe is all about, folks. This, is what god faps to.

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  • Wow, hats off dude.
    This makes my animations look like shit haha...I still have a lot to learn I suppose.

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  • Jeremy_X said:
    I also see that e621 has outdone themselves. 284 upvotes in less than 4 hours is quite record-breaking. Where's everyone suddenly coming from?

    There is a song: My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
    I'm pretty certain that Zonk got a better milkshake.

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  • Actually, I've seen this even before it was released (in some leak website or something) and I fapped to it... And will do it again now.

    PS: This is really hot. Grade S quality.

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  • Well guys, the ride has finally come to an end.
    This is the last animation from Zonkpunch.
    He had a really good run, and made an entirely new standard for animations.

    Zonkpunch, if you are reading this, you will be missed, but we understand, family comes first.
    Goodbye, and have a good one!


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  • SoulFlame said:
    It was godlike until the cervical penetration, I crossed my legs thinking of the pain :(

    Just assume she's got an animal's womb~ Then you don't have to worry yourself!

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  • cellidor said:
    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex).

    It isn't at all common BUT some women actually enjoy cervical penetration. It's hard to believe, but I know a gal who quite likes pushing stuff through her cervix.

    That said, the cervical anhiliation in this animation will probably be enough to seriously injure, but hey, fucking furries man. It's hot shit in that case.

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  • Morgenergy said:
    It isn't at all common BUT some women actually enjoy cervical penetration. It's hard to believe, but I know a gal who quite likes pushing stuff through her cervix.

    That said, the cervical anhiliation in this animation will probably be enough to seriously injure, but hey, fucking furries man. It's hot shit in that case.

    Well again, that's assuming that the internals there are built like a humans, right? If you assume though that this gal's got internals built more towards a different animal like canine or other beastie(much like other parts of her body), then that level of penetration could be just fine! It's like I mentioned in a bigger comment earlier on, animal cervix's are by and large built quite different from humans!

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  • DVNC said:
    Because you care about things like timestamps and likes, and us cool kids and too cool for that because we're cool and we don't care about anything except for being cool, but caring about being cool is uncool so we don't care about that either.
    Also porn. We care about porn, too.

    Well pardon me for being curious and pointing out the logic of this guy's content

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  • IkeFanboy64 said:
    Why is my comment so disliked? I'm not trying to an ass, I'm just womdering considering how liked Zonk's work is

    Wondering why too, you were just inquiring into how many likes this would get, it's not like you said anything negative about it.

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  • canadianmoose said:
    Wondering why too, you were just inquiring into how many likes this would get, it's not like you said anything negative about it.

    The e6 community is quite trigger happy with downvoting comments

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  • That's one chubby Charizard :'3
    Really love this animation, Zonk really outdone himself in that animation

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  • IkeFanboy64 said:
    The e6 community is quite trigger happy with downvoting comments


    "I analyze commenting on websites way too much"

    By the way, if you were really confused, it's mainly because you mentioned timestamps which is a huge "Why?" in this community. Also, the mention of likes can be interpreted as "how many likes will my comments get?" instead of the post itself. Not what you meant, but no one cares what you mean. They only care about their own personal interpretations for a few moments before downvoting and leaving.
    On top of that, it's the very first post on a page that gets thousands of views and it's only talking about likes instead of the post. As in, instead of saying "This is awesome because it's awesome and I'm saying it's awesome", you made a comment that practically said "This is going to have a lot of likes". Of course you mean it as in "This is going to have a lot of likes because this is awesome", but the massive crowd is going to look at the comment with only one glance and assume you only care about likes and numbers; "You only care about the art being popular rather than the art being good", is what people would be thinking when you leave a comment that ONLY talks about likes and minutes.
    Speaking of minutes, dislikes are probably mostly because the minutes. Quit that. It's never interesting. Never. Even if it was seconds. Stop.
    As you can tell, I personally dislike timestamp comments, but mainly when that's the only thing in a comment. Go ahead and tack it on to your comment if you actually have something to say, but I don't recommend just posting your time by itself just because it's oh-so special.

    tl;dr People don't like hearing how fresh your porn is when you see it. People also think you were whoring yourself for likes, but even though you weren't trying to, people also don't care about how popular things get.

    The community is filled with assholes and strangers that will silently judge you with red arrows pointing down, but usually there's a reason behind it.

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  • I'm sad to hear that ZonkPunch is going away. He was my most favorite animator. I hope he at least posts some updates once in a while see we can see how he's doing. Glad he's taking care of his grandmother.

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  • eSaucey621 said:
    I'm sad to hear that ZonkPunch is going away. He was my most favorite animator. I hope he at least posts some updates once in a while see we can see how he's doing. Glad he's taking care of his grandmother.

    He will be back one day though :)
    Only thing is that he's one of the platinum tier content creators on E621, so he will be missed by the community :P

    But we Have other artists to follow up with meanwhile he takes care of his/her grandmother

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  • Voltmander said:
    He will be back one day though :)
    Only thing is that he's one of the platinum tier content creators on E621, so he will be missed by the community :P

    But we Have other artists to follow up with meanwhile he takes care of his/her grandmother

    Not to crush your dreams but, he DID say "permanent hiatus"...

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  • 1 day since upload and already 14th place in the best ratings on this site. Well done and good job for temporary ending on a big bang! ^3^

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  • Qwazzy said:
    As with everything else in the fandom, trying to apply real-world logic to a fantasy isn't going to make any sense.

    Cervical penetration happens because it's fucking hot.

    Also some people like ball stomping which, imo, seems more painful.

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  • What a way for what is probably/potentially the last ZonkPunch video to go out, with what is probably the world's largest cumshot.

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  • Zonk, I think I speak for much of the e6 community when I say we thought of you like a "friend we never met". Every gift you've given us has been a real treat. You're seriously talented, and we'll always have our doors open if you choose to return.

    In the meantime, I wish your grandmother good health! Good luck in life bro, we're all rooting for you.

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  • Zonkpunch may be gone, but he is not forgotten. He left us with this amazing video, and he will be remembered a legend. (To the furry community, at least.)
    On a different note, damn these upvotes are going up very quickly. It's less than two days old, and it already has the 12th best score of the million posts on this site.

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  • Great work as always you will be missed but not forgotten I just hope that you'll return at some point thanks for the faps bro!

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  • 747Dragon said:
    Amazing animation... just wish the sounds weren't so... rapey

    Personally I think the sounds a really fukin hot.

    IkeFanboy64 said:
    The e6 community is quite trigger happy with downvoting comments

    If your comment can be perceived negatively in any way possible, especially towards the content creator, the keyboard warriors of e621 will show no mercy.

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  • And Zonkpunch goes out with a bang. Gonna miss seeing new works from him. This was fuckin' epic.

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  • zonkpunch, you are the furry porn animated god.
    My hero, I will miss you...
    Hope you can come back someday, We will waiting.
    I wish your family happy.

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  • Toothless-chan said:
    This is hot beyond words

    I came here out of interest for why he'd leave and what the last animation would be, then I saw your picture and was immediately distracted by the beautiful image of maybe my favourite character of all times, thank you

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  • Shame you've been placed in this position where you have to choose between work and family, but it seems you made the right decision. You can always return to this line of work in the future, while your relatives won't be here for forever.

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  • awwww zonkpunch, i hope your grandma gets better soon, you've been an artist i aspire to become, not because of your porn, because of your unique art style and an animation style that i doubt anyone else has. i'm glad you chose family over work. As family means more then anything else this world has to offer. (Yes even furry porn). and thank you zonkpunch,thanks for doing the right thing.

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  • Hope all goes well for you, what a way to end 2017. You are perhaps one of my favorite pr0n animators out there. Godspeed you magnificent bastard.

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  • zryunit said:
    so your solution to a giant dick destroying someones anatomy is to imagine it being closer to bestiality? got it.

    Oh veeeery funny! You know what I meant ya goofball.

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  • Magnificent way to end 2017. And, I wish your grandmother well Zonk. Good luck and god speed, you magnificent animator and person.

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  • Once again Zonk has stunned us all with his amazing animations. Yet sadly it has become to a end. Thank you Zonk for the amazing art and animations you have done and hopefully one day you return and get your groove back at what you do best. But till then, take care of your family :)

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  • zryunit said:
    so your solution to a giant dick destroying someones anatomy is to imagine it being closer to bestiality? got it.

    Not sure if being ironic or just straw-manning...

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  • Lol, got here to update, that it's now already fifth place, just to see my praise with -1 votes.
    Anyways, again, congratulations Zonkpunch. Amazing work. What a blast to pause work with. You earned it. ^_^

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    Nope. Doesn't happen in general. The only species where it
    it's part of penetration are pigs and Llamas. Horses and tapir ejaculate into the womb, but not via penetrating. The flare (swollen glans) spreads the cervix, so that he may ejaculate through it. All even toed ungulates, with the exception of pigs and llamas, ejaculate into the vagina, like humans. Penetrating the cervix is extremly rare among animals and happens only in animals with a very thin corkscrew penis and females, where the cervix is more like a floppy funnel, rather than a small button.
    Developing it into somewhat of a fetish revently, is quite surreal in my opinion, because the female would be hardly injured and scream in pain.
    Not that this isn't propably still the best furry animation of all time.

    Well, I already feared Zonkpunch would stop some day.
    He's simply too good and professional for a niche like online furry art.

    By the way: Reptiles have a cloaka and not such thing as a cervix.

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  • I fucking loved this, that Charizard is freaking hot OwO. But, Zonkpunch... Will he come back someday? I mean, I don't think he'll stop working on his amazing animations forever, right? D=.

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  • And so: one of the great titans leave us. but not without gifting us with his mona lisa. the best animation he has made to date... even past the "sexiness" of it, you can see the hard work he has placed into this single piece. it is his goodbye, a final farewell.

    May you have luck in your future, Zonk, Titan of the porn animators. i wish only great and happy things for you and your family.

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  • Well, If you are going to go out, might as well go out with a bang huh? 8 long minutes of a sexy, fat chrizard and braxian. 100/100. Done and Done. Zonkpunch, you will be missed.

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  • nice! but he will totally fail at retirement, cant retire from ur own life choices man.
    wont be complete untill u come back, till then.

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  • EhJay said:
    Tbh way more interested in that Charizard. Need more m/m Zonk.

    Read the description. This is Zonk's last animation indefinitely.

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  • Zonk, you've made me and pretty much all of the furry community proud. You made quality content that rivals whole budgeted animations and for that, we will never forget you. May you have a merry Christmas and godspeed.

    Goodbye for now.


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  • This is the fucking pinacle of pornography! This man, this god of an artist, has smithed another absolutely divine piece of work. I cannot imagine the time required to make something of this caliber! I'm not even a furry myself, I kind of dislike some of the things they my do, but I always find myself coming back to see what this genius has made. Absolute visual ecstasy! Nothing makes me feel the same way other than the quality of Zonk's animations. Maybe I feel this way because I am a fellow artist and to see someone perform like this with the talent of art, I feel amazed and astonished that such things can. be. done.

    I probably sound like a fucking jabroni but I just had to get this out there. If Zonk were to ever read this message, I hope that he understands that to most, and myself, he should be on a similar ranking to the artists of the Renaissance!

    Fantastic work! You should be on a higher level than man of the common era!

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  • 1000+ upvotes in only three days.
    What a fucking legend.
    May this be one of your best pieces of work and an amazing way to leave us, Zonk. We all wish your grandma the best. ❤

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  • Zonkpunch, you are one eof the best furry artist here, and a great inspiration.
    From all your fans:
    ---thanks and good luck!!!---


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  • Dudes be complaining
    But im saying its fantastic and i will probably never be able to animated 2 frames
    So that makes it even more impressive

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  • Godspeed zonkpunch,you will forever be looked upon as an artist who shows the true potential for animated furry porn. You are an example of pure mastery. I'll never forget you. Best wishes to your grandma. You've done so much for us.

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  • Dang! 8 mins? I forgive u for being away for so long now. I had no idea u were working on this, great job!

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  • It saddens me to hear you go, but none of us here will forget the impact you have made to this fandom. You arrived and saw the ceiling of great animation and instead of aspiring to be what others have done, you punched through the ceiling and made your own. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are a goddamn legend and have changed the way animations are viewed as a whole.

    Godspeed wherever life takes you, man. It's been a pleasure.

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  • It's a shame he's leaving, his animations are amazing. I wish him the best of luck, maybe he'll come back one day. Farewell Zonkpunch, we'll miss you.

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  • Corinthian said:
    It's a shame he's leaving, his animations are amazing. I wish him the best of luck, maybe he'll come back one day. Farewell Zonkpunch, we'll miss you.

    I mean, he probably will. Not to sound too blunt, but it's unlikely he'll be taking care of his grandmother forever, especially if her health is failing...

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  • Glaice said:
    Great anim, HOWEVER! The cervical penetration is just eh, it's a giant "OWWWW" to the woman.

    Not to mention we see that his cum squirts out of her, literally STEAMING HOT. Talk about pain.

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  • Moonlit_Wolf said:
    I mean, he probably will. Not to sound too blunt, but it's unlikely he'll be taking care of his grandmother forever, especially if her health is failing...

    If this is even the lone reason why he stops. I may understand, that he stops his patreon commitments, but this looks a bit more like a clear cut. He even gives his soundlibrary away.
    Maybe drawing furry porn got boring and he now want to use his skills in another field. I mean, who knows?

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  • Seriously, he deserves all the fame, prise and the best. For the first time ever I'll pledge a patreon just for the sake of it and to help his situation somewhat. Even if he ever returns or not, the history is already made and a legend lives forever.

    Because he just fucking deserves.

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  • Update: He just posted a journal stating, that he wants to continue to create afterwards. He doesn't know when, but he hopes it'll happen 2018.
    So everyone can calm down and let him have this break.

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  • BioBatz said:
    Probably the best animator in the community.

    I wouldnt say that... *looks at H0rs3's animations* probably a tie with the two. Unless there is better? Who knows.

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  • Partytroll23 said:
    I wouldnt say that... *looks at H0rs3's animations* probably a tie with the two. Unless there is better? Who knows.

    No chance. Hand drawn 2D > Digitaly rendered 3D

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  • vermilion888 said:
    No chance. Hand drawn 2D > Digitaly rendered 3D

    it doesn't have to be a competition. more variety is better for everyone involved. (especially me, I'm not picky (i mean, i am but like (look we've gone too deep okay (HELP))))))

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  • It was nice being a patreon supporter for you Chief! Now go and take care of gram gram and I'll see you later in 2018! Can't wait for that Lucario Gangbang animation!

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  • CastorNet said:
    Is it just me or Braixen managed to become the number 1 Playmon in the world recently ? ^^
    Anyway this is an outstanding work here.

    퓑퓻퓪퓿퓸 퓶퓪퓮퓼퓽퓻퓸

    It's the basic anthro fox design. Of COURSE everyone smutted it because all they had to do was add a fur dress to the basic fox design that's been around since Robin Hood.

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  • After lurking for years in this site,i just had to create an account to say that this thing is an f'ing MASTERPIECE!

    Godamn einstein of furry porn this guy!

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  • Seriously, where is everyone coming from? A lot of great animations also live on this site but they only receive like 3 or four comments...

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  • UnknownBeast said:
    1200 likes? is this a new record?!

    It's currently the fourth most voted submission on this site.
    The third has around 1500, the second 1600 and the first 1650. But considering how many upvotes it got in this short period of time, it's bound to get even higher.

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  • Sound isn't working on mobile, I have the earlier version of this (didn't even know that there was vaginal omfg) WITH the sound but no vaginal sex
    Save me

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  • longkule said:
    I will miss you Zonkpunch (for people that don't know, Zonk is quitting making porn videos)

    And for those that don't know, you should just read the other posts, befor adding to the pile. He's going to continue creating stuff after taking care of his relative.

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  • IkeFanboy64 said:
    Uploaded 2 Minutes ago?

    So, how many likes will this get?

    Shame. Being the fist commenter on a Zonk's video you could say something awesome but it happen to say that. Down here no one is noticed

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  • Warizard said:
    Shame. Being the fist commenter on a Zonk's video you could say something awesome but it happen to say that. Down here no one is noticed

    Look on the bright side, you're not in the crosshairs like I was

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  • I've never really been a Zonkpunch follower, but holy shit! Your last animation is undoubtedly the hottest one I've seen (both literally and figuratively)! Plus with it garnering over 1300 likes in two weeks (and likely dozens more, if not hundreds in the coming days), I'll say your last animation may likely be considered your best! Safe travels, Zonkpunch, and I hope all goes well for you in life!

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  • I do hope he returns someday, but at least we have his hot animations thusfar. I think this and the one with Toothless are my personal faves.

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  • Faptastic said:
    I believe this is the most liked thing I have seen on this site as of yet

    Currently fourth place, but growing closer and closer by the day! You can check under the tag "order:score". :D

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  • The fact she spends close to a minute huffing his crotch is what Made this a master piece to me.
    God almighty xD

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  • addmeidstary said:
    To think that this will probably be his last animation. Dude is apparently retiring now.

    Also i dont think retiring is the right word, hes on hiatus is all :0

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  • Nice to have this before Zonk goes on his hiatus, hopefully see more awesome stuff from his in a few years.

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  • Congratulations, this is now the third highest voted submission on this platform! Definitely deserved considering the quality and length! o3o

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  • renevade said:
    The fact she spends close to a minute huffing his crotch is what Made this a master piece to me.
    God almighty xD

    Same for me too! God that is so hot, i'd love to do that to a guy :3

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  • renevade said:
    The fact she spends close to a minute huffing his crotch is what Made this a master piece to me.
    God almighty xD

    QueenHerb said:
    Same for me too! God that is so hot, i'd love to do that to a guy :3


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  • I'd talk about how much zonkpunch outdid themselves, but at this point it's redundant. Absolutely incredible

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  • Kiro75 said:
    That ending tune, he got that from Tekken 7 character customization.

    Thank you! I was trying to figure out where I heard that song before!

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  • This post is currently 8 points behind the highest scoring post on the site.

    I personally love the fact that, for the past 5 years, the most upvoted post on e621 has been a beautiful and bittersweet SFW animation.

    I hope this post stays exactly where it is, I don't want to see that masterpiece relegated to second, but I'm pretty sure this will become the new best.

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  • FluffPeddler said:
    This post is currently 8 points behind the highest scoring post on the site.

    I personally love the fact that, for the past 5 years, the most upvoted post on e621 has been a beautiful and bittersweet SFW animation.

    I hope this post stays exactly where it is, I don't want to see that masterpiece relegated to second, but I'm pretty sure this will become the new best.

    I kind of agree. The irony of the most upovoted post in a furry porn site being a sweet safe animation that shows we still appreciate art and effort. Simply beautiful animation.
    But zonkpunch is zonkpunch. Mind blowing and incredible artist, some day it would happen.

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  • cellidor said:
    [cervical penetration in real animal info]

    I'd love to know how you know that, and before you dismiss me, I'm just genuinely curious. I see this info mentioned time and time again, but I've never seen anyone actually back up their claims, with more than "Because I say so" and then someone else (who's just as credible as the OP) comes along and says almost the complete opposite.

    It would be nice to have a credible easily accessible source, e.g. some google docs book, peer reviewed article or similar to refer to, but they might be far in-between...

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  • If the dragon dick wasn't humanoid, this would be perfect.

    I wish people would stop putting boring man-dicks on everything smh.

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  • -3
  • This became the highest rated post on the site yet I can’t help but get turned off by it. I guess I’m just into fitter bodies, Charizard is too fat for my liking.

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  • Equinok said:
    This became the highest rated post on the site yet I can’t help but get turned off by it. I guess I’m just into fitter bodies, Charizard is too fat for my liking.

    Yeah, quite a few people would agree that he got too much plump in tha rump. People aren't used to fat Charizards.

    While I looked past it, I kindly respect your opinion.

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  • DarkSonic said:
    I really wanted this to stay in 2nd.

    You and me both. Having the SFW heartwarming animation as the top post was special while it lasted.

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  • vermilion888 said:
    Nope. Doesn't happen in general. The only species where it
    it's part of penetration are pigs and Llamas. Horses and tapir ejaculate into the womb, but not via penetrating. The flare (swollen glans) spreads the cervix, so that he may ejaculate through it. All even toed ungulates, with the exception of pigs and llamas, ejaculate into the vagina, like humans. Penetrating the cervix is extremly rare among animals and happens only in animals with a very thin corkscrew penis and females, where the cervix is more like a floppy funnel, rather than a small button.
    Developing it into somewhat of a fetish revently, is quite surreal in my opinion, because the female would be hardly injured and scream in pain.
    Not that this isn't propably still the best furry animation of all time.

    Well, I already feared Zonkpunch would stop some day.
    He's simply too good and professional for a niche like online furry art.

    By the way: Reptiles have a cloaka and not such thing as a cervix.


    DarkSonic said:
    I really wanted this to stay in 2nd.

    You win some you lose some, I prefer this one though

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  • DarkSonic said:
    I really wanted this to stay in 2nd.

    Me too. Or somewhere in the top 10, anyway.
    The previous number one deserved it much more than this one. But hey, people see an animated dick, they upvote, don't they.

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  • I know Braixen was moaning the most, but this idea just came up: What if Charizard panted everytime he was thrusting his fastest, then made low erotic growls everytime he came?

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    I love you for this <3

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  • Gotta say the dick throb combined with musk already had it in my enjoyment. But everything else about it just adds up to make it near perfect!

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  • GuildRavenFleighy said:
    I gotta be honest.. I never have seen over 1700 likes in single post and hell yea this deserves even more than just that. Amazing work there!

    That's because it is the first ever post on this website to receive over 1700 likes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  • Bit of a boring comment section. Almost everyone is just saying a variation of, "It's good." I thought up-voting/down-voting was for that kind of commenting?
    Oh well, that's only a testimony to the animation's seemingly high (subjective (as in, this won't appeal to everyone)) quality.
    I only wish that beautiful animation stayed rank one. It really did showcase the higher aspirations of this community.
    Sorry for the mini-essay. I know, e621 is mainly a porn site, so my point is, for all its worth and ill-fitting formal language, invalid.

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  • The sound effects alone in this one are really hot. Might even be one of those things you could get off to with your eyes closed.

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  • This is it. Porn has topped the score charts and if there’s anything I thought would claim the crown one of zonk’s animations would be my first guess.

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  • It is okay. Better than most other things, but still only okay. There are always things i would enjoy more or you could improve.
    I doubt that most would agree on that, but as dragons are considered reptiles... they should not have testicles outside their body. Reptiles have them near their kidneys. Surely Charizard is not a "dragon" but come on.. I would still handl him as a reptile then. Everytime i see a dragon with balls i cringe a bit if they claim to be a full on dragon.

    On that regard... The dick. You can easily say they are feral.. so why give charizard a human dick? A dragon or at least a more reptilian one would look so much better in my eyes.

    But yeah. My opinion. No balls and no human dick.

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  • -10
  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    Nice atom bomb of knowledge holy shit

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  • Calculator said:
    Why the fuck is this so highly rated?
    the charzard has a human dick for some reason and the brexin has no lower jaw judguing form the fact you can clearly see the cock out line.
    I mean yeah it's a nice long animation and i get people have a hard on for charzard but how is this the highest rated? shouldn't' there be something better out there then this?

    That's the magic of opinions. You got this opinion, almost 1900 people's oppinion was: "This is good.".
    That's just how everything works in this world.

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  • I don't get how this is so high. It's a normalish sex scene with O.K. art. I can't draw, of course, so I can't say it's bad. If I could say it's bad, then I wouldn't of course. It's just... average? (for a furry site that is) I can't see the mass, *mass* appeal. But nevertheless. *liked*.

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  • -9
  • EclipseOTM said:
    I don't get how this is so high. It's a normalish sex scene with O.K. art. I can't draw, of course, so I can't say it's bad. If I could say it's bad, then I wouldn't of course. It's just... average? (for a furry site that is) I can't see the mass, *mass* appeal. But nevertheless. *liked*.

    It's the perfect blend of great art, varied use of sound and impeccable animation that drive so many people towards Zonk's content. Sure, you have great artists like Narse and Braeburned and great animators like H0rs3 and Cavafly, but to be able to pull both off with all kinds of flying colors while making it sound appealing is something that takes talent.

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  • K4RN4GE911 said:
    It's the perfect blend of great art, varied use of sound and impeccable animation that drive so many people towards Zonk's content. Sure, you have great artists like Narse and Braeburned and great animators like H0rs3 and Cavafly, but to be able to pull both off with all kinds of flying colors while making it sound appealing is something that takes talent.

    Or, skill, I think you mean. Talent is more a thing you're born with, and I think might be a bit of an overused word

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  • AriTheDragon said:
    K, I'm gay... and I fucking love this... Zonkpunch is secretly God, and he wants me to be straight.

    Or you'd just love to be in that braixen's place yourself~ o3o

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  • I'm still starstruck at how 5 loops can get nigh 2k likes, but Jasonafex and Zonkpunch animate in the exact same way, but we only hate Jason. I don't get it.

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  • -5
  • arachmigo said:
    I'm still starstruck at how 5 loops can get nigh 2k likes, but Jasonafex and Zonkpunch animate in the exact same way, but we only hate Jason. I don't get it.

    The method might be similar, but the effort overall is something different.
    Jason often only makes a loop that has different speeds and a climax of a picture that's drawn by someone else. Zonkpunch used multiple, self-made pictures and produced individual animations, which are overall also smoother and more complex than Jasons.
    Yes, obviously personality will have an effect on ratings, but this piece deserves the love it gets in multiple aspects.

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    Thanks wikipedia

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    Hell yeah, SCIENCE!

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  • arachmigo said:
    I'm still starstruck at how 5 loops can get nigh 2k likes, but Jasonafex and Zonkpunch animate in the exact same way, but we only hate Jason. I don't get it.

    Zonkpunch actually draws as well as animated as Jason only animates. And Jasons' "animations" typically have clipping issues IE penis entering left buttcheek.

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  • Retributer said:
    Me too. Or somewhere in the top 10, anyway.
    The previous number one deserved it much more than this one. But hey, people see an animated dick, they upvote, don't they.

    Number 1 actually.

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  • The top three on this entire site via score are made by zonkpunch. If that doesn't tell you that he's a god among men when it comes to animation I don't know what will.

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  • YesThisIsName said:
    The top three on this entire site via score are made by zonkpunch. If that doesn't tell you that he's a god among men when it comes to animation I don't know what will.

    The second place is still the fox-animation that was #1 for a long time. But Zonkpunsh still has #1 #3 and #4. Incredible regardless.

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  • How does it feel to have the most popular post on e621? Zonk really deserves it, man. I didn't personally watch him make this, but I bet he poured his heart and soul into it.

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  • NotWhatYouExpected said:
    This post is ascending into a godlike state.

    And deservedly so.

    I hope one day, I can beat this score. 3D animation is harder than I thought but I'm more than willing to put myself out there like Emperor Zonk...

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  • Mairo said:
    This is the most unhelpful comment ever. Instead of saying that you cannot see it, maybe look up how you can? Or at least give a hint for the reason why you cannot see it, so someone could help with that or even look up if the problem is in the file itself.

    Do you have problems with any other files on the website? Are you using software that supports playing back webm files?

    I wish all mods in the world were so helpful, efficient and honest.

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  • CosmicMewtwo said:
    Zonkpunch makes the smoothest animations. His Pokémon ones are my favorite (especially the one with Mewtwo).


    Its almost as if... You have Mewtwo in your name!

    also i meant it as a joke dont ban me pls

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  • Inicalsio2 said:
    I changed my mind this is actually really hot now upvote me

    The first rule of e621 commenting is to NOT demand upvotes, because it will backfire harder than the Tanacon tragedy.

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  • Is there anything not by Zonkpunch that even is remotely as good as this?
    I've been searching, but this remains to be the only video on the whole planet, out of 7.5 billion people, with this level of quality.

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  • This is arguably the most beautiful fucking masterpiece on here. It's a sign when the first two or three results from order:score (with no added tags) were made by the same person. Furries, we have found the messiah!

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  • i just got high, pulled this vid up, made it the whole way through, and came absolute buckets at the end. this is the closest I will get to doing drugs ever


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  • Fagen said:
    This definitely will get over 1000 likes.

    Not only that. I was searching for the highest upvoted submissions ever, and this one is at the top spot by far.

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  • the sound is perfect, Braxin is hot, but what's up with that charizard? he looks a little fatter then need be and the human cock is ok but I would have rather it have been a dragon cock, some ridges or something and a knot.

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  • kam said:
    the sound is perfect, Braxin is hot, but what's up with that charizard? he looks a little fatter then need be and the human cock is ok but I would have rather it have been a dragon cock, some ridges or something and a knot.

    Preach brother.

    Also, holy upvotes Batman!

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  • -4
  • Just dropping by to say that this guy somehow predicted a Pokemon card before the tag team concept even existed, someone at the Pokemon company must appreciate Zonk's art

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  • I imagine type .. When you spend 4 months creating the best animation you can, and just that day "zonkpunch" uploads a video of more than 23 seconds:
    Oh sh*t, here we go again

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  • -1
  • GabyfrosoUwU said:
    I imagine type .. When you spend 4 months creating the best animation you can, and just that day "zonkpunch" uploads a video of more than 23 seconds:
    Oh sh*t, here we go again


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  • Black_Dragon_God said:Hey so, if you look up: score:>2500 You'll notice that this is the highest rated video on e6.Just a fun fact.

    just a little tip, you know that you can type order:score into e621, and you can see every post in order of upvotes

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  • Wendix said:
    just a little tip, you know that you can type order:score into e621, and you can see every post in order of upvotes

    I actually didn't know this thank you.

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  • Banana_blast3r said:
    I know Braixen was moaning the most, but this idea just came up: What if Charizard panted everytime he was thrusting his fastest, then made low erotic growls everytime he came?

    YES! EXACTLY!! I'll love to hear Charizard moaning 🧡🧡🧡🔥🔥

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  • Karma197 said:

    I meant because this artist was always in 1st place when uploading animations, and then .. other artists who wanted to create a great project .. xD
    I'm sorry, it was absurd, but it made me laugh

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  • Someone removed all of the tags and deactivated their account about four hours ago. I reverted it to the last set before that. Apologies if anything is wrong.

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  • riderofdragons said:
    Someone removed all of the tags and deactivated their account about four hours ago. I reverted it to the last set before that. Apologies if anything is wrong.

    yea whoever did that won't be coming back lol

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  • oh god theres too much comments its actually hard to get down here on mobile.
    anyways this is probably the best animation i have ever seen

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  • I think its safe to say Zonkpunch is one of the best, if not even THE best animator on this site,

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    I'm glad furry porn has taught me more than school has.

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  • masterball said:
    what make this animation good ?_?
    i saw animations with way more movement.

    I think it's not only the movement, but a perfect storm of artsyle, effects, subject and so on that make Zonk the best. The jiggles.. the steam. It's all perfect. You can really feel the heat from each and every animation he puts out.

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  • I honestly would have loved to see a gay version where Charizard is pounding into a Chesnaught or Incineroar. This....this is nice tho!

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  • And 3 years later, I've only just now noticed the BGM is the Tekken 7 character customization theme.

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  • castornet said:
    Is it just me or Braixen managed to become the number 1 Playmon in the world recently ? ^^
    Anyway this is an outstanding work here.

    𝓑𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸

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  • dutchando said:
    ayo, im sorry but charkzard isnt a dragon •-•

    Tag what you see. Not what you know. If Charizard appears to be a dragon, he gets tagged as one.

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  • haseo said:
    This is amazing. I'm just going to save this for later, it's... research.

    Hm, yes, research. Wonder what kind of data and knowledge you’ll learn from this wonderful piece of art.

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  • qwazzy said:
    I'm actually pretty happy that the internal was included - it's not done that often and it turned out rather well in this instance.

    Yeah! Plus I was able to use my imagination for what it looked like from the front which was pretty hawt

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  • i'm going to put my idea out there.
    maybe, maybe, the teachers assumed that pokemon is for kids, so they went "oh, the kids will like the pokemon, and through that, we can show them how sex works. so as we can see here, the braixen is-"

    I still can't imagine actually seeing this in school though. I would be speechless if I saw it

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  • Dutchando said:
    ayo, im sorry but charkzard isnt a dragon •-•

    Charizard is a Dragon. he just doesn't have the Dragon typing in game. or at least not until he mega evolves.

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  • About the China Sex Ed, I might have witness the history when this is born.
    My first encounter of this is some guy on Facebook, share this video with only the internal part, and the captions are something like(in Traditional Chinese):"Wow this is what happened during sex."
    And this is where the misinformation starts. At first, only the Taiwanese saw this, me and other furries knows the origin, so we had a laugh about it. But after this video got shared a lot, this video reached to basically every country. People were just tagging each other, flooding the comment sections because, well, it's a porn video, they're all going "omg Facebook allowed this???"
    At this point there's no turning back, saying the truth now won't fix anything. People will live their live, not knowing what they saw was a clipped version of one of the greatest furry animation.
    Back to the Sex Ed. The teacher's probably thinking: Hey look an animated sex video, I can use this to educate my students. Surely this isn't some false information someone made up, since it got so many views.
    I genuinely hope, when those kids grew up, they will not find Zonkpunch's stuff if they become a furry. Because that, is going to unlock a core memory, where their teacher showed them a furry porn animation, and no one have any idea about it.

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  • 22
  • kopioteh said:
    About the China Sex Ed, I might have witness the history when this is born.
    My first encounter of this is some guy on Facebook, share this video with only the internal part, and the captions are something like(in Traditional Chinese):"Wow this is what happened during sex."
    And this is where the misinformation starts. At first, only the Taiwanese saw this, me and other furries knows the origin, so we had a laugh about it. But after this video got shared a lot, this video reached to basically every country. People were just tagging each other, flooding the comment sections because, well, it's a porn video, they're all going "omg Facebook allowed this???"
    At this point there's no turning back, saying the truth now won't fix anything. People will live their live, not knowing what they saw was a clipped version of one of the greatest furry animation.
    Back to the Sex Ed. The teacher's probably thinking: Hey look an animated sex video, I can use this to educate my students. Surely this isn't some false information someone made up, since it got so many views.
    I genuinely hope, when those kids grew up, they will not find Zonkpunch's stuff if they become a furry. Because that, is going to unlock a core memory, where their teacher showed them a furry porn animation, and no one have any idea about it.

    Thank you for the lore.

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  • This page was featured in "Show Hall's Internet Tally" and I found this post from the blurriest screenshot in existence. Making this comment for my own future reference.

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  • The og animation that solidified Zonk as the god of all furry porn. His counterpart being Nezumi, the devil of all furry porn. While the devil is infamous, he is adored by many (Including myself). It's said these two beings balance the power of horniness, itself. Light and dark. Sun and moon. Hard and flaccid. May these beings continue to bless our insatiable flesh.

    And that ends my Tedtalk.

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  • The fact that they used this in Chinese sex Ed is amazing. Zonk is everywhere. Thought it was a edit at first but damn they did show this during a lesson.

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  • sethveeper said:
    Is this corrupted for anyone else?

    Could someone fix that?

    Well it DID work from what I can recall from memory, though now it's permanently broken.

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  • insulindianphasmid said:
    The file was corrupted and unplayable in some devices

    Smart phones can still play this video, people will have to rotate their phone so that the screen changes to the orintation that they have their phone in, sideways for landscape orintation [horizontal view] and camera right side up for portrait orintation [vertical view] and if the display is partially cropped off, they will need to exit full screen of the video and repeat the process to be able to view the video correctly. That is why this video was removed due to an misunderstanding, guessing my words in the forum brought enough attention to bring it back.

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  • r4v3n-45 said:
    Smart phones can still play this video, people will have to rotate their phone so that the screen changes to the orintation that they have their phone in, sideways for landscape orintation [horizontal view] and camera right side up for portrait orintation [vertical view] and if the display is partially cropped off, they will need to exit full screen of the video and repeat the process to be able to view the video correctly. That is why this video was removed due to an misunderstanding, guessing my words in the forum brought enough attention to bring it back.

    Are you like, suggesting that mobile phone users aren't aware that they can rotate their phone to change between portrait and landscape mode to see more and less of the video?
    Also no, this is definitely not why the video was removed, there wasn't misunderstanding and I had to go and look up your forum message, which seems to be entirely irrelevant thread.

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  • mairo said:
    Are you like, suggesting that mobile phone users aren't aware that they can rotate their phone to change between portrait and landscape mode to see more and less of the video?
    Also no, this is definitely not why the video was removed, there wasn't misunderstanding and I had to go and look up your forum message, which seems to be entirely irrelevant thread.

    How is it irrelevant?? I use an Samsung Galaxy A51 that was made before 5G, hence why I said what I said as an "If you're having a problem playing videos, try this", not "do this if your phone is being stupid".

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  • If you have a Lovense Toy I'm making a few Patterns that Sync up with this and a few other videos of ZonkPunch. Just have to search ZonkPunch or e621 when searching for patterns. <3

    May benefit from having two devices to play them exactly at the same time as they're supposed to by synced.

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  • Not sure if anyone else cares or if it's just me, but the transition at 3:58 seems to be incorrect with the re-upload of this video. I just really like that transition and it stinks that it's messed up now.

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    huh, never thought I'd learn something from e621 lmao

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  • This is pretty much everything i like condensed into one top-tier animation, and judging by the amount of likes, i'd say i'm certainly not the only one with that sentiment.

    Absolute mastery on display here 10/10

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  • Honestly there probably isn't an animation as good as this one. This is the hottest thing ever. And probably will never be beaten.

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  • remember that time someone (chinese teacher?) tried teaching human anatomy with that internal shot

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  • Alxyz_on said:
    Remember that time someone (Chinese teacher?) tried teaching human anatomy with that internal shot?

    Is there a source that this happened? I'm quite curious.


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  • "Mom get out of my room, I'm trying to draw a realistic motion tween inside of a pokemons vagina"

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  • sksjsjsjjs said:
    He’s probably a 7 years old who watch skibidi toliet and Minecraft Non Stop, Also Who TF is Technoblade, Looks like a Shitty Corporate Name from East Asia.

    Pretty sure Technoblade is some Minecraft guy, which makes that whole comment more ironic.

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  • qwazzy said:
    Huh, interesting. It's talked about almost exclusively as a silly idea, so the thought of it being more natural a thing never occurred to me.

    So like, if you're still alive. It makes sense. Not every day we're talking about the science behind animal sex. It being an uncommon and bizarre idea is perfectly logical when it's just painful for humans, and I think it still is for many animals.

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  • sussyballs3d said:
    i love the whole big dude with a big gut with a small lady deal, pretty hot if ya ask me

    Yeah definitely this is the best thing I seen of stuff like it there is just something that's just really hot about it

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  • I think i saw these two in a dream. They didn't have sex but i kinda thought they would. And also i lived in a huge hollow tree in Italy for some reason.

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  • cellidor said:
    Actually, cervical penetration -does- happen in the real world, it's actually pretty common among plenty of animal species.

    For humans, yes, the cervix is a rigid structure not intended to be penetrated (or for that matter even possible via normal sex). However, the noble houses of Cervidae, Canidae, Equidae, Bovidae, Suidae, Tapiridae, some rodent families, and a large portion of reptiles in general, just as easy examples, have cervical penetration or ejaculation as a literal reproductive trait, and males that cannot penetrate or ejaculate through the cervix typically don't sire any young.

    Given that we're talking about furry characters, who often have the eyes, ears, tails, cocks, pussies, fur, and so on of different animals, it's not a far stretch to say they also have an animal cervix/womb on top of that.

    The more you know!

    No puedo creer que leí todo esto y lo mejor es que lo he googleado y tiene razón lo que dice 🤯

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  • Years later, and this remains one of my favourite "I've had a rough day and don't wanna think about anything for a half hour" videos. Probably a similar sentiment to what that lucky poor Braixen is experiencing.

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  • Hey zonkpunch, could we mabye have a rework from Thies? Mabye with the Same sexy charizard but it have a bigger dick and a Male braixen. Im still gay but Thies pice of Art Always get me. I cant Stop watching Thies big charizard.

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