Topic: Tag Alias: girlfriend -> invalid_tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Furrin_Gok said:
I mean, to be a girlfriend they must be a female right?

people might tag it on dickgirls, herms and ambiguous characters.

Updated by anonymous

hiekkapillu said:
people might tag it on dickgirls, herms and ambiguous characters.

Well then it's not accurate to call it a girlfriend, is it?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Well then it's not accurate to call it a girlfriend, is it?

If your significant other was herm, would you call them boyfriend or girlfriend?
Because those are the two normally used terms and neither exactly fits.

Also do consider that the tag overall is extremely ambiguous to begin with. What if it's tagged because the character is calling their girlfriend, but only males are actually visible?

Also also, if there is female on the image, it should be extremely easy to tag it as such, instead of risking there being false tags thanks to this kind of alias from girlfriend to female.

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said:
If your significant other was herm, would you call them boyfriend or girlfriend?
Because those are the two normally used terms and neither exactly fits.

Also do consider that the tag overall is extremely ambiguous to begin with. What if it's tagged because the character is calling their girlfriend, but only males are actually visible?

Also also, if there is female on the image, it should be extremely easy to tag it as such, instead of risking there being false tags thanks to this kind of alias from girlfriend to female.

The rules are tag what you see. If you tagged girlfriend because of dialogue, you're tagging wrong.

A hermaphroditic significant other would likely be called a hermfriend, seeing as a male significant other is only called a boyfriend. You shouldn't tag female when the character is a hermaphrodite, but we get a few mistags every now and then.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
The rules are tag what you see. If you tagged girlfriend because of dialogue, you're tagging wrong. do realize that if they were tagging by the rules, then they would not be tagging "girlfriend" to begin with?

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said: do realize that if they were tagging by the rules, then they would not be tagging "girlfriend" to begin with?

That's my point??? "If you're tagging based on dialogue you're tagging wrong"

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
A hermaphroditic significant other would likely be called a hermfriend

Have you ever, during your time in the furry fandom, heard the phrase 'hermfriend'? I sure haven't. Dgirls/herms are usually referred to as 'her' so it would make sense to call them girlfriend. I think it should be invalidated.

Updated by anonymous

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Have you ever, during your time in the furry fandom, heard the phrase 'hermfriend'? I sure haven't. Dgirls/herms are usually referred to as 'her' so it would make sense to call them girlfriend. I think it should be invalidated.

It was 14 hours ago

Updated by anonymous

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Have you ever, during your time in the furry fandom, heard the phrase 'hermfriend'? I sure haven't. Dgirls/herms are usually referred to as 'her' so it would make sense to call them girlfriend. I think it should be invalidated.

I have, though rarely. Girl is Female so girlfriend should be too.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I have, though rarely. Girl is Female so girlfriend should be too.

OK, you are clearly once again in that mental state where you are thinking in one way and cannot see anything else.

The point here is that if someone were to tag everything according to our tagging rules and guidelines, girlfriend is a tag that should not be tagged to begin with. What that means is that they are tagging the image opposed to the tagging rules and guidelines.

You with me still?

As such, we cannot assume that they would follow any other guidelines either, e.g. tagging by text or source or going by literal definitions of girlfriend and using it as slang or for non-female partners. It wouldn't surprise me if male gay couple used the term for sub in relationship, similar to how it's common to refer sub male anus as pussy, even when it clearly objectively isn't one, so similarly we cannot assume that boipussy is referring to pussy just because it's in the word (also likelyhood of the word being used for extremely masculine female is high so it's not good to assume male either.

What I'm saying is that you cannot assume that people who tag againts the guidelines, suddenly would tag within guidelines, especially when there are examples of the term being used outside it's real world intentions.

Updated by anonymous

Granted this forum topic was originally made before lore tags existed, but shouldn't boyfriend and girlfriend be made lore tags instead of invalidated? Same could be said for husband and wife. It's even mentioned in the main lore tag request thread:
They, and their variations (such as boy-friend or wives etc) should all be aliased to their _(lore) counterparts

Also, just as an aside, hermfriend? Really? Lmao


trevortheyeen said:
Granted this forum topic was originally made before lore tags existed, but shouldn't boyfriend and girlfriend be made lore tags instead of invalidated? Same could be said for husband and wife. It's even mentioned in the main lore tag request thread:
They, and their variations (such as boy-friend or wives etc) should all be aliased to their _(lore) counterparts

Also, just as an aside, hermfriend? Really? Lmao

I don’t think husband and wife should be lore. You can tell a couple is married if they’re wearing wedding rings, especially if they match. Furthermore, that information can be used to tag infidelity.

The problem I see with boyfriend/girlfriend is that they don’t have any identifiable characteristics outside of being a romantic couple, so that tag should just be used instead.

scaliespe said:
I don’t think husband and wife should be lore. You can tell a couple is married if they’re wearing wedding rings, especially if they match. Furthermore, that information can be used to tag infidelity.

The problem I see with boyfriend/girlfriend is that they don’t have any identifiable characteristics outside of being a romantic couple, so that tag should just be used instead.

Well I mean, that's what lore tags are for, right? They're there to add what might be considered important information to some that wouldn't be able to be added under normal TWYS. Kind of like how it's not immediately obvious in many images tagged incest_(lore) that they're related. I'm sure that not every image depicting spouses has wedding bands nor that every image depicting couples falls under romantic_couple but that's where lore tags can help.

trevortheyeen said:
Well I mean, that's what lore tags are for, right? They're there to add what might be considered important information to some that wouldn't be able to be added under normal TWYS. Kind of like how it's not immediately obvious in many images tagged incest_(lore) that they're related.

This site is still primarily TWYS-focused. We don't jump to making a lore tag whenever something falls outside of TYWS, there needs to be a really good reason to keep a tag as a lore tag when it breaks TYWS. Incest is a particular kink that can be very contentious to some people and strongly enjoyed by others, yet is often difficult to discern visually, so the lore tag helps. In contrast, characters merely being husband/wife isn't anywhere near that level of importance, so there's no pressing need to break TWYS for them.

watsit said:
This site is still primarily TWYS-focused. We don't jump to making a lore tag whenever something falls outside of TYWS, there needs to be a really good reason to keep a tag as a lore tag when it breaks TYWS. Incest is a particular kink that can be very contentious to some people and strongly enjoyed by others, yet is often difficult to discern visually, so the lore tag helps. In contrast, characters merely being husband/wife isn't anywhere near that level of importance, so there's no pressing need to break TWYS for them.

Well of course I wasn't implying we should jump to add a ton of lore tags, just that relationship status seems like it might be something important to people, just maybe not to the same level as gender or incest, which seems the be the only things lore tags are used for thus far

watsit said:
This site is still primarily TWYS-focused. We don't jump to making a lore tag whenever something falls outside of TYWS, there needs to be a really good reason to keep a tag as a lore tag when it breaks TYWS. Incest is a particular kink that can be very contentious to some people and strongly enjoyed by others, yet is often difficult to discern visually, so the lore tag helps. In contrast, characters merely being husband/wife isn't anywhere near that level of importance, so there's no pressing need to break TWYS for them.

I don't see why lore tags need to be rationed based on a subjective sense of "importance". Even if that were the case, there are people out there who consider adultery to be at least as sinful as incest. (Don't ask what such people would be doing on a furry porn site in the first place, I've learned not to question such things.)

wat8548 said:
I don't see why lore tags need to be rationed based on a subjective sense of "importance".

Because literally everything can be a lore tag. greg_likes_hotdogs_with_ketchup_and_mustard_on_wednesdays_(lore) would be just as valid as adult_(lore) if importance isn't factored into it. Again, this site is still primarily TWYS, lore tags are a concession that sometimes TWYS doesn't work for the site's purposes, but that doesn't mean it opens the floodgates to any and all non-TWYS tags.

wat8548 said:
Even if that were the case, there are people out there who consider adultery to be at least as sinful as incest.

An adultery_(lore) tag may be fine if it's kept to posts where the artist intends it to be adultery without some visual indication (and not just when a canonically married character is having sex with someone other than their spouse, re: topic #34932). But husband_and_wife would be kind of useless there because they would apply without any adultery/infidelity, and would start getting messy when you consider all possible relationship groupings that aren't strictly monogamous.

scaliespe said:
You can tell a couple is married if they’re wearing wedding rings, especially if they match.

ah yes, no artist would ever have 2 characters wear similar looking wedding rings in the same panel but have it turn out that they are, in fact, not married to each other and they only just so happen to have similar looking rings by complete coincidence. let alone use that opportunity for intentional misdirection

post #2913547 post #2913549 post #2913550 post #2913551

that would just be really inconsiderate to us e6 taggers


watsit said:
Because literally everything can be a lore tag. greg_likes_hotdogs_with_ketchup_and_mustard_on_wednesdays_(lore) would be just as valid as adult_(lore) if importance isn't factored into it. Again, this site is still primarily TWYS, lore tags are a concession that sometimes TWYS doesn't work for the site's purposes, but that doesn't mean it opens the floodgates to any and all non-TWYS tags.

No one is asking for superfluous tags like that and it's super disingenuous to imply that we are lmao. So far lore tags are really only being used to denote character gender and familial relationship for incest purposes. Romantic relationship isn't that much of a stretch, and neither is adult_(lore) and young_(lore) since cub is just as or more contentious than incest is.

An adultery_(lore) tag may be fine if it's kept to posts where the artist intends it to be adultery without some visual indication (and not just when a canonically married character is having sex with someone other than their spouse, re: topic #34932). But husband_and_wife would be kind of useless there because they would apply without any adultery/infidelity, and would start getting messy when you consider all possible relationship groupings that aren't strictly monogamous.

Well that's why you wouldn't throw them together into one tag of husband_and_wife, because that assumes a straight monogamous relationship, like you said. Just leave em separate like I initially suggested, or have it more generalized like married_(lore)

trevortheyeen said:
No one is asking for superfluous tags like that and it's super disingenuous to imply that we are lmao.

He explicitly said "I don't see why lore tags need to be rationed based on a subjective sense of "importance"." Whether or not a tag is superfluous depends on a subjective sense of importance -- the less important it is, the more superfluous it is.

trevortheyeen said:
So far lore tags are really only being used to denote character gender and familial relationship for incest purposes. Romantic relationship isn't that much of a stretch, and neither is adult_(lore) and young_(lore) since cub is just as or more contentious than incest is.

Cub and incest are more on the contentious side of things, yes. General romantic relationship isn't though, so it's superfluous to add them.

trevortheyeen said:
Well that's why you wouldn't throw them together into one tag of husband_and_wife, because that assumes a straight monogamous relationship, like you said. Just leave em separate like I initially suggested, or have it more generalized like married_(lore)

I don't see what's contentious about married characters that warrants lore tags. If you need a tag for something, it's best to tag the intended information (like a partner is being unfaithful), rather than information that's kinda sorta vaguely related (like a character just generally being a husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend). It doesn't help find/avoid/deal with adulterous images if, for example, every post with Kass is tagged husband_(lore) or married_(lore) (since he is a married husband) regardless of who he's banging or being banged by.

dripen_arn said:
ah yes, no artist would ever have 2 characters wear similar looking wedding rings in the same panel but have it turn out that they are, in fact, not married to each other and they only just so happen to have similar looking rings by complete coincidence. let alone use that opportunity for intentional misdirection

post #2913547 post #2913549 post #2913550 post #2913551

that would just be really inconsiderate to us e6 taggers

That’s entirely beside the point. TWYS states that if two characters appear to be married (ie. Matching wedding rings) and there’s no evidence to the contrary in the current image, the post gets tagged married couple. Misdirection by artists is common, but it doesn’t change how we tag things. I’m sure you’ve seen a male character made by the artist to look like a female, the so-called “trap” - even if you know the character is male by lore, or if this is revealed in a later panel of a comic. It still gets tagged as female if that’s what it appears to be.

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