Topic: Tag Alias: excalibur -> excalibur_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

okay, now I'm just confused, so we _are_ still diambiguating tags... then what's up with the other recent ones getting rejected?

darryus said:
okay, now I'm just confused, so we _are_ still diambiguating tags... then what's up with the other recent ones getting rejected?

I DM'd Rainbow Dash about it.

We are cleaning out the queue and downsizing disambiguations as much as possible. They just didn't work out how we'd hoped they would, so we are reserving them things that are consistently tagged with one tag for two different things

I'll make a forum post with more info.

I don't know anything more beyond that.

strikerman said:
I DM'd Rainbow Dash about it.

We are cleaning out the queue and downsizing disambiguations as much as possible. They just didn't work out how we'd hoped they would, so we are reserving them things that are consistently tagged with one tag for two different things

I'll make a forum post with more info.

Then dock should be reevaluated because it has been and still is used to mean a waterside dock and horse tail/butt, which are quite different things. Along with court, which is consistently tagged to mean courtship (a character trying to romance another), a court of law, and a basketball/tennis court, also quite different things.

strikerman said:
I DM'd Rainbow Dash about it.

We are cleaning out the queue and downsizing disambiguations as much as possible. They just didn't work out how we'd hoped they would, so we are reserving them things that are consistently tagged with one tag for two different things

I'll make a forum post with more info.

I don't know anything more beyond that.

I really feel like this is the wrong idea. Cleaning up the alias backlog is all well and good, if anything needs disambiguation it'll likely get suggested again. But saying that disambiguating tags doesn't work out is just hiding the problem. Those tags will still be used, still resulting in thousands of mistagged things, and nobody will easily be able to identify them by searching *(disambiguation) or invtags:>0. It's just pretending we don't have problems and then making it harder to solve them. The only real problem is the character disambiguation tags, but at the same time, they're necessary because we can't just go around having posts tagged as Fred or other common first names.

I'll repeat what I said at topic #19101

faucet said:
The disambiguation backlog is in a better state than ever with only 6844 posts left to disambiguate, that shouldn't take long at all considering I can personally disambiguate a few hundred posts per day. The largest number of results for a disambiguation tag is menacing_(disambiguation) which has 286 results. Only 286. The larger disambiguation tags used to be in the thousands.

Even if the backlog is big, it lets us know where work needs to be done rather than having clusters of the same amount of work in other places that can't be found easily because the tags aren't unified and ending with (disambiguation).

It's not a big backlog, people just don't want to do it. I'll have some spare time on Tuesday, I'll take some time to tackle it and personally pledge to half the total down to 3000 or so.

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