Really not sure what happened. I just tried using the like I usually do to find new posts and artists, and it forwarded me to a 403 page with vaguely hostile prewritten text accusing me of using a script/using a bad user agent/abuse? I mean, I DO use the /random link pretty often (like every other day) but I don't think that would get me banned or anything, as I've been doing it for ages now. There is a section that says "DO NOT USE A BROWSER USER AGENT FOR API TOOLS - YOU WILL GET MANUALLY BLOCKED. You've been warned." Which, honestly, is kinda useless, seeing as I only get that popup page after (supposedly) being blocked.
Anyway, I use Chrome to browse around e6, and I would expect that this wouldn't have any bad API's or anything seeing as it's the most used browser in the world by like an insane 60% margin or so. And given that e6 is DEFINITELY not a mobile app, I don't know why blocking the random link for people using browsers would help. I'm not a coder/webdev so I don't know the intricacies of this stuff, so if it's a me problem, please do let me know.
TLDR, random link isn't working, would love an explanation. Thanks in advance.