Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Just come across an issue where no posts are showing up. Including this, everyone’s images on here are replaced with “image placeholder”

tokwas said:
So, uh, did you guys... mean to put a captcha in front of the API endpoint when you set up Cloudflare?

same here, and others who i know of.

tokwas said:
So, uh, did you guys... mean to put a captcha in front of the API endpoint when you set up Cloudflare?

i got captcha just too, did it and upon re entering the site its not promting anymore, bit weird out of the blue suddenly

Just reloaded a page and got an error "That page does not exist." Hit the back button on my browser and it went to the tab I was trying to reload. Zero clue how it happened or how to replicate it

Ah. So it's not an issue on my end regarding the captcha thing. Good to know.

Wish I'd checked here before I started a full system scan...

No, that's not the problem. They put a captcha on the main site, which is desinged for users, and they put a captcha on the API which is designed for desktop clients and discord bots to use.

Putting a captcha on a part of the site that is only ever intended to be accessed by robots seems a tad counterproductive.


Former Staff

To everyone complaining about the captcha – it's a temporary measure. Just give it some time.

The Captcha completely made the site inaccessible on Firefox iOS, using DDG or Safari enables access but pictures don’t load. Doesn’t matter what I put in the search bar. I’m gonna see if the site is at least useable on desktop.


bitwolfy said:
To everyone complaining about the captcha – it's a temporary measure. Just give it some time.

This site is almost unusable because of them dude

bitwolfy said:
To everyone complaining about the captcha – it's a temporary measure. Just give it some time.

How long? App broke because of it.


Former Staff

"The captcha broke the site" is an amazing thing to take away from this.
It's the captcha that is causing issues...

antrophod said:
How long? App broke because of it.

It's Cloudflare's DDOS protection.
It will be resolved in the near future, probably today or tomorrow.

bitwolfy said:
"The captcha broke the site" is an amazing thing to take away from this.
It's the captcha that is causing issues...

It's Cloudflare's DDOS protection.
It will be resolved in the near future, probably today or tomorrow.

It broke apps using the API to list content. Is there any workaround for it until it's fixed? Should be an easy fix by simply adding (and other endpoints) as an exception to Cloudflare.

I don't know if this is a bug or not but it irritates me. All of a sudden when I try to load the site I get redirected to another page because Cloudflare says I need to complete a Captcha to access the site. What gives?

brokenmirror said:
On Microsoft edge I had to complete the captcha twice to get access

Can confirm, and that same captcha had no tolerance to error. If you missed a pic, too bad

I hope this ends soon. I'm tired of teaching learning AIs what bicycles look like so when the robot war happens all couriers will be shot first.

Oh, hello captchas from the leading protector of DDOS services, which coincidentally also sells protection from DDOS attacks. *eyeroll*

Even when completed correctly hCaptcha is known to have users complete a second captcha on a regular enough basis to be annoying, the implementation of accessability features is subpar at best, and their solution to both of these things is to have people install the 'privacy pass' browser extension that is certainly not a tracker which they sell the data from to whomever is interested. Because how else would a free captcha service make money? It's not like they're the big G and can charge for it...and it doesn't even get rid of them, you just like one challenge in every three to four protected sites.

In case you haven't guessed, switching sites over to hCaptcha and the ensuing complaints from users has been a thorn in my boot for quite a while now.

Back to Cloudflare, this is not the first time I've seen them add challenges to a websites endpoints willy-nilly without actually looking at what it's doing or reading their docs to see non-user facing endpoints and breaking them without a care in the world. It's just a case of CF being CF, not that any of the other 'bulletproof hosting solutions' do much better.

I got multiple captchas earlier myself, but didn't immediately think about it later when a image downloader failed repeatedly, then I realized that was the cause.

I use puffin browser (iOS), and once I get past the captcha (that it normally has me do three to four times before it lets me in) no images will load.

The only thing that justifies how horrible e621 UI/UX is, is the API that can be used by tools/apps/sites with good design. Would be nice to avoid "ddos protection" that randomly and entirely breaks everything completely.

I had to fill out a dumbass captcha and now the only pictures that loads for me are the sponsor ads.

Same issue. I am being made to fill out a captcha and none of the images will load except for the adds. I tried both mobile and non mobile modes.

Alright, now we've had nearly a full page of complaints about the captcha, I think the admins have probably got the message by now, yeah?

I just found out that searching for added tags apparently has an age limit. I was trying to find who was responsible for the 6 posts tagged pearly_gates_position (which appears to be a distinction without a difference from bent_spoon_position), but the post changes page wouldn't tell me. Searching for "final tags" worked, however. Since there were only 6 posts, I was able to scroll to the bottom and find that the last time the tag was added was in May 2019.

wat8548 said:
Alright, now we've had nearly a full page of complaints about the captcha, I think the admins have probably got the message by now, yeah?

I just found out that searching for added tags apparently has an age limit. I was trying to find who was responsible for the 6 posts tagged pearly_gates_position (which appears to be a distinction without a difference from bent_spoon_position), but the post changes page wouldn't tell me. Searching for "final tags" worked, however. Since there were only 6 posts, I was able to scroll to the bottom and find that the last time the tag was added was in May 2019.

We'll keep reminding them until they fix it. *shrug*

wat8548 said:
I think the admins have probably got the message by now, yeah?

Well they haven't updated the site news section with news of the temporary captcha so it shouldn't be surprising that people are surprised about it. Why keep the news feature around if it isn't going to be used?

Could we please get a news update when things like this happen? Thanks.

mrox said:
Well they haven't updated the site news section with news of the temporary captcha so it shouldn't be surprising that people are surprised about it. Why keep the news feature around if it isn't going to be used?

Could we please get a news update when things like this happen? Thanks.

I don't think it's supposed to be a feature, thus you wouldn't see it advertised in the homepage. I'm positive this is cloudflare's strategy to protect the site from a DDoS, and it will drop once traffic gets normal again.

hCaptcha is completely bugged. Even with accessibility cookies (which, due to how bad their challenge is is a MUST), it still triggers way too often.

I've started encountering a bunch of issues on the mobile site that relate to JavaScript.

If my JavaScript is activated, images won't load, nor will the top bar. But I can't get through the captcha or interact with any posts (upvoting, changing image size, etc) unless I have the JavaScript activated.

edit: actually, interacting doesn't work with javascript enabled either - stuff acts like it's been pressed, but no actual changes occur (like I can cause the upvote arrow to darken when I'm pressing on it, but it won't actually give an upvote when I release it)

My problem began after I cleared the cookies from safari on my iPhone in an attempt to deal with an issue on another site. However, I don't think that the errors were caused by this, because stuff also doesn't load in the chrome app, which shouldn't have been affected by the safari cookies.


captcha as well since yesterday, hopefully it will be back to normal soon, but never too careful with DDoS

Anyone know what's happening on this site? Had to do a capcha twice just to get in. Did someone tried to hack into the site again? But the whole sit actually works fine for me.


Issue when using the random button, text as follows

error I get when using random button

403 Access Denied - Oh no!
If you were using a script/program you found to try and download content, it's likely that the script was what resulted in your request being blocked. Have you perhaps tried Grabber instead? It's great, and probably does what you want! But is unfortunately partially broken after the site update, give it a few days and it should be updated to work with the new site.

There are a few different reasons that you can run into this message:

You have not updated your application to use the new API urls and response formats. See #1
You are using an outdated program that makes use of bad practices or old API endpoints. See #2
Your applications user agent is incorrectly configured. See #3
Something else, I've checked the above 3 and they don't apply to me. See #4

#1 Outdated API usage

We updated our codebase quite drastically in March 2020. As the result of no shared code between the old and new site, the API changed, both in response format and urls. You need to update your application to use the new API urls and response formats.

If you are making requests to endpoints that are not plurals, then you fall under this category. Please visit the wiki for the most up to date information. Do not use some random "documentation" you found on github, it is out of date and incorrect.
#2 Outdated application

You likely can't resolve this problem yourself, as the application you are using needs to be updated. Please contact the author, or find another, more up to date tool.
#3 Bad User-Agent usage

If you are attempting to use the API you may be seeing this if your user agent is not in line with our user agent policy. The default user agent for many programming languages and libraries have been blocked for abuse. DO NOT USE A BROWSER USER AGENT FOR API TOOLS - YOU WILL GET MANUALLY BLOCKED. You've been warned. Please see the wiki page for the API for additional details.
#4 Something else, probably abusive behavior

If you repeatedly see this message you should stop all access attempts and contact us so that the problem can be resolved.

If none of the above apply to you, then you have likely been blocked manually after review. These blocks DO NOT EXPIRE. You will need to contact us to have it removed.

You can reach us at management (at) e621 (dot) net

Please include your ip address, the time you received this message and what you were doing at the time. We will respond as quickly as possible.

The website was working normally for me for a little bit and then went back to not displaying post.

So it looks like everybody has had to do a captcha every time they visit this site or is my IP just being flagged

Cloudflare's status page says they "will be performing maintenance on various datacenters...Throughout the months of May and June 2021" for whatever that's worth. Maybe it's just e621's turn.
Disclaimer: I don't work for Cloudflare or E621. I have no idea what's actually happening. I had to do a captcha to enter the site, wondered what was going on, and looked in the forum.
Edit: judging from the posts on this thread going back a little over a day (as of now), no, it's not just you.


fiveout said:
Cloudflare's status page says they "will be performing maintenance on various datacenters...Throughout the months of May and June 2021" for whatever that's worth. Maybe it's just e621's turn.
Disclaimer: I don't work for Cloudflare or E621. I have no idea what's actually happening. I had to do a captcha to enter the site, wondered what was going on, and looked in the forum.

Okay so it’s not just me then

okko said:
On mobile, and no images show. I've tried 4 different browsers.

Seems it's a problem of your platform not popping up the captchas.

kritanta said:
The only thing that justifies how horrible e621 UI/UX is, is the API that can be used by tools/apps/sites with good design.

Compared to FA, it's Paradise.



fiveout said:
Cloudflare's status page says they "will be performing maintenance on various datacenters...Throughout the months of May and June 2021" for whatever that's worth. Maybe it's just e621's turn.
Disclaimer: I don't work for Cloudflare or E621. I have no idea what's actually happening. I had to do a captcha to enter the site, wondered what was going on, and looked in the forum.
Edit: judging from the posts on this thread going back a little over a day (as of now), no, it's not just you.

The site's being DDoSed so Cloudflare upped the protection level, adding a captcha to complete, it'll go back to normal when the DDoS stops.

Looks like you updated the site, now I can't scale images with double tap on mobile, can you fix it please?
To reproduce just go to any post (with its width bigger then layout so horizontal scroll will appear), and try to scale it by double tap and dragging. Earlier it worked and I could easily scale it, now I have to use two fingers to do so, that is really uncomfortable.

pup said:
The site's being DDoSed so Cloudflare upped the protection level, adding a captcha to complete, it'll go back to normal when the DDoS stops.

It's not a DDoS attack. We are mass downloading. I was mass downloading on several sites in fact. I have had no problems with performance. If e621 is having performance issues we will stop using the mass downloader or at least reduce the use an only do it certain hours. Like late at night. We don't mean to hurt the server.

I mean we are free to download. Its just the downloader may be too intense for your server. I will inform the programmer. I was doing 3 Page downloads per turn. I think that is too many. An we should just be using 1 page or half a page to reduce performance issues. Its not an attack. We are all just doing it at once. Really sorry. Gonna message the creator now. Very sorry.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Ugh, now I occasionally get a white page that just says "Prove you aren't a robot" and has a single button to click which then sends you to the landing page instead of back to the page you were trying to access.

furrin_gok said:
Ugh, now I occasionally get a white page that just says "Prove you aren't a robot" and has a single button to click which then sends you to the landing page instead of back to the page you were trying to access.

I get that too and, tbh, I prefer that over the crappy one Cloudflare enforced with hCaptcha with no Accessibility Cookies... Yet it'd be nice if it didn't send us back to the landing page and instead took us toward the page we intended to open.

mrwiskeruwu said:
so that’s why e6 has stopped working

Yeah i didn't think the server would have a problem with it. Everything seemed to work fine. But apparently its hogging all server performance. I do apologize. I left a note for the creator on Twitter and on his Discord.

We are gonna have to wait. I told him to take the program down an set it to a lower rate. Your downloads options are 3 pages at a time or 1 page. I was doing 3 pages.So now i've stopped. Everyone using it should stop using the 3 pages an just wait till the servers are performing properly and do it 1 page at a time slowly. To avoid Doxing the server.

Um... We have like maybe 50 people using the program so......Sssssss yeah sorry. It should be lower so i told him half a page or a whole page at a time. One page at a time show not hurt the server. The one for the other servers seems to not cause any problems. So its just this server that its causing disconnects. I think it would be best if the Mods put up a post on the front of the forums to let everyone know the e621 Downloader is causing stability issues please stop! An only download at like 2:00AM or something.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

furrin_gok said:
Ugh, now I occasionally get a white page that just says "Prove you aren't a robot" and has a single button to click which then sends you to the landing page instead of back to the page you were trying to access.

Just gave it to me when I hit the reply button. That's not even a page change!

bpedron said:
I'm getting the following error message when trying to post an image from Furaffinity:

error: Resolv::ResolvError - no address for

This is the image url:

This one gives me a 403, forbidden.

feldnir said:
I just got the same error with this url (which was just uploaded by the artist but I spent 15 minutes sitting on the please wait then getting that error over and over)

Didn't give me any errors, but it is already posted. If you did actually spend fifteen minutes trying to get it to work, then the artist themselves posted it during that time, but it's possible some difficulty arose from it already existing.

warsun said:
Yeah i didn't think the server would have a problem with it. Everything seemed to work fine. But apparently its hogging all server performance. I do apologize. I left a note for the creator on Twitter and on his Discord.

We are gonna have to wait. I told him to take the program down an set it to a lower rate. Your downloads options are 3 pages at a time or 1 page. I was doing 3 pages.So now i've stopped. Everyone using it should stop using the 3 pages an just wait till the servers are performing properly and do it 1 page at a time slowly. To avoid Doxing the server.

Um... We have like maybe 50 people using the program so......Sssssss yeah sorry. It should be lower so i told him half a page or a whole page at a time. One page at a time show not hurt the server. The one for the other servers seems to not cause any problems. So its just this server that its causing disconnects. I think it would be best if the Mods put up a post on the front of the forums to let everyone know the e621 Downloader is causing stability issues please stop! An only download at like 2:00AM or something.

75 posts at a time is still a crazy high number. What exactly are you guys mass downloading for?

feldnir said:
I'm not getting the error on it. Temporary issue?

The 403 was on Bped's link.

tsukiyomaruzero said:
I get that too and, tbh, I prefer that over the crappy one Cloudflare enforced with hCaptcha with no Accessibility Cookies... Yet it'd be nice if it didn't send us back to the landing page and instead took us toward the page we intended to open.

I'd prefer a captcha system that puts you back on the same page.

Can we just completely get rid of this captcha thing? Seems to be affecting damn near every browser judging from the complaints here and talking with friends who visit the site. It pops up like every time I pause more than 20-30 seconds to do literally anything other than actively engage with the site (or follow any links to posts sent from friends). I have to push the "I am not a robot" button, get sent to the home page, then go BACK to the page I was trying to view and refresh it and then I'm good for however long (or rather sort) a time before it blocks every open tab again. It's not necessarily "site breaking" (images still load after going through the stupid song and dance routine) but it IS a pain in the ass.

And it is not lost on me, the irony of having to constantly prove I'M not a robot to a buggy, automated "bot" code on a site whose primary mascot is also a robot.

warsun said:
Yeah i didn't think the server would have a problem with it. Everything seemed to work fine. But apparently its hogging all server performance. I do apologize. I left a note for the creator on Twitter and on his Discord.

We are gonna have to wait. I told him to take the program down an set it to a lower rate. Your downloads options are 3 pages at a time or 1 page. I was doing 3 pages. So now i've stopped. Everyone using it should stop using the 3 pages an just wait till the servers are performing properly and do it 1 page at a time slowly. To avoid Doxing the server.

Um... We have like maybe 50 people using the program so......Sssssss yeah sorry. It should be lower so i told him half a page or a whole page at a time. One page at a time show not hurt the server. The one for the other servers seems to not cause any problems. So its just this server that its causing disconnects. I think it would be best if the Mods put up a post on the front of the forums to let everyone know the e621 Downloader is causing stability issues please stop! An only download at like 2:00AM or something.

What kind of settings were you guys even using to mass download? I have a mass downloader that's been running for over a year that runs every 15 minutes (currently once an hour until everything is fixed since it just crashes because of Cloudflare, then I'll re-sync and reconfigure it to the old interval) that follows the API guidelines (1 request per second, 1 page at a time, and downloads the images one at a time), and have yet to cause any sort of issues (I assume, anyways, since I imagine they would message me if it did). I do it for archival, and downloaded everything over a few hours without issues by following the guidelines below:

E621/E926 have a hard rate limit of two requests per second. This is a hard upper limit and if you are hitting it, you are already going way too fast. Hitting the rate limit will result in a 503 HTTP response code. You should make a best effort not to make more than one request per second over a sustained period.

zevaryx said:
What kind of settings were you guys even using to mass download? I have a mass downloader that's been running for over a year that runs every 15 minutes (currently once an hour until everything is fixed since it just crashes because of Cloudflare, then I'll re-sync and reconfigure it to the old interval) that follows the API guidelines (1 request per second, 1 page at a time, and downloads the images one at a time), and have yet to cause any sort of issues (I assume, anyways, since I imagine they would message me if it did). I do it for archival, and downloaded everything over a few hours without issues by following the guidelines below:

Well like i said it was the old one. The problem is there are a lot of us now. An we are putting too much pressure on the server. We need to cut back on it. An just stop. and set it to like single page or half a page of performance. Like a slow timmer to do it.

Expanding on that. It would be nice if it let you download a specific subject automatically an it tells you how much hard drive space is needed right from the web page. Then it automatically sets it to a specific space an you just let it run automatically an no one gets bad performance.

The scripts can be slowed down. Its not a problem. An we can all enjoy the server. But as I said i was using the old one. i don't remember the code. MIND YOU! It might actually be someone DDoS. Someone with a grudge maybe?

I will also go into further detail. I did download for over 2 hours an yeah i think that they may have thought it was a DDoS attack. Or it may not be me at all.
I don't know. But also the reason i even bothered with this is i just lost 2 hard drives do to the X570 motherboard flaw. Apparently for anyone who wants to know. Your hard drives may randomly disappear. An you wont be able to get them back online. It is not a Trojan attack or a Live hack. X570 MB set your sleep mode on.

You have to go into Power Options/Change Plan settings/Change Advanced Power Settings and go to Hard Disk set Turn off Hard Disk to Never and USB setting/ Selective Suspend Settings set to Disable. This will prevent your hard drives from not permanently shutting off an never turning back on.
So i lost 2 hard drives MSI wouldn't help me. They just hung up in my face.

So i bought an AsRock one and guess what? It did the same thing. So i knew it was something with the type of motherboard. Got this info an letting you all know. unfortunately at the cost of my 8TB Porrrr i mean Art collection from various sites and my 5TB HDD both wiped out. I need them fixed and they are talking $800.00 dollars for both. An i said.... dude if that's the case, i'll just re-download everything. So here we are.

So i figured it might have been me causing problems. An i am sorry. So i stopped an let them know hey if i am causing problems let me know i will reduce my download speed.

I don't want to many of my friends angry at me.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

warsun said:
Well like i said it was the old one. The problem is there are a lot of us now. An we are putting too much pressure on the server. We need to cut back on it. An just stop. and set it to like single page or half a page of performance. Like a slow timmer to do it.

Expanding on that. It would be nice if it let you download a specific subject automatically an it tells you how much hard drive space is needed right from the web page. Then it automatically sets it to a specific space an you just let it run automatically an no one gets bad performance.

The scripts can be slowed down. Its not a problem. An we can all enjoy the server. But as I said i was using the old one. i don't remember the code. MIND YOU! It might actually be someone DDoS. Someone with a grudge maybe?

I will also go into further detail. I did download for over 2 hours an yeah i think that they may have thought it was a DDoS attack. Or it may not be me at all.
I don't know. But also the reason i even bothered with this is i just lost 2 hard drives do to the X570 motherboard flaw. Apparently for anyone who wants to know. Your hard drives may randomly disappear. An you wont be able to get them back online. It is not a Trojan attack or a Live hack. X570 MB set your sleep mode on.

You have to go into Power Options/Change Plan settings/Change Advanced Power Settings and go to Hard Disk set Turn off Hard Disk to Never and USB setting/ Selective Suspend Settings set to Disable. This will prevent your hard drives from not permanently shutting off an never turning back on.
So i lost 2 hard drives MSI wouldn't help me. They just hung up in my face.

So i bought an AsRock one and guess what? It did the same thing. So i knew it was something with the type of motherboard. Got this info an letting you all know. unfortunately at the cost of my 8TB Porrrr i mean Art collection from various sites and my 5TB HDD both wiped out. I need them fixed and they are talking $800.00 dollars for both. An i said.... dude if that's the case, i'll just re-download everything. So here we are.

So i figured it might have been me causing problems. An i am sorry. So i stopped an let them know hey if i am causing problems let me know i will reduce my download speed.

I don't want to many of my friends angry at me.

I am more concerned with the developer not reading the API documentation more than anything really. It is a group effort so I wouldn't feel too bad. Worst thing they could do is paywall the API.

This could happen if devs dont read documentation haha.

Uhh, hey guys? Thanks for making the captcha less annoying, but 1) I somehow doubt that simply clicking a button is going to keep any robots out, and 2) more importantly the JSON API is still broken

jahkyah said:
I am more concerned with the developer not reading the API documentation more than anything really. It is a group effort so I wouldn't feel too bad. Worst thing they could do is paywall the API.

This could happen if devs dont read documentation haha.

They could add in a backwards way of making sure the devs read the API, like adding a EULA that you have to answer a question about the API usage before it grants you an API key.

And for reference, this is part of my configuration for my sync utility:

e621 = {
    "root": "",
    "posts": "/posts.json",
    "pools": "/pools.json",
    "post": "?tag=id:{}",
    "pool": "/pools/{}.json",
    "limit": 320,
    "page_max": 750,  # Should never change

I don't use the page_max field anymore, instead only getting ones after the last one I downloaded, and it uses a local database to track the sync progress so that I only download the latest ones. Have never run into issues before, and every request is locked behind a 1 second limit, excluding the time it takes to retrieve and insert the data from e621 into my database, or download a file, so it's probably closer to 1.5 seconds between requests. Again, the limit I set in that code is based on their API guidelines. I only get so many at once due to how rare it is for me to sync more than 5-10 at a time, so it never gets more than 5-10 at a time. I'll probably cut that back to 150 for the sync I'm going to have to do once the DDoS protection is over, but it doesn't bother me if it takes longer.

This happens on phones:

When I go onto e621 (after not using it for a while) it takes me to a white screen. It still has the ‘please verify you’re 18’ pop-up, but it’s black text rather than a usual blue box. When I do, it sends me to the title screen even though I remain signed on in most cases.

I get the captcha thing every time I go to a picture I have to accept the captcha after a few minutes if I tab away, sometimes instantly, when I hit accept that I'm not a robot or whatever it boots me back to the main page and I lost whatever it was I'm looking at

thathuskypup said:
[...] when I hit accept that I'm not a robot or whatever it boots me back to the main page and I lost whatever it was I'm looking at

Just back in your browser and reload.

potatermino said:
This happens on phones:

When I go onto e621 (after not using it for a while) it takes me to a white screen. It still has the ‘please verify you’re 18’ pop-up, but it’s black text rather than a usual blue box. When I do, it sends me to the title screen even though I remain signed on in most cases.

Correction: It says “Please confirm you’re not a robot.”

I never ever use the forums cause I never really have issues but this captcha thing was annoying at first, but seemed to happen once per day to me so it wasn't the worst...
Now this “Please confirm you’re not a robot.” IS annoying cause it happens at random and instead of having it continue to the link I clicked, it just redirects to the e621 main page...

It's quite frustrating to be honest when I open multiple images at once and all of them have this annoying thing that redirects to the main page instead of the link :/

The discord thing doesn't work for me :(

Also, blacklists are strongly selective. As a test I made blacklist of "(common tag) -(other common tag) -(artist)". It blocks some of (common tag) that don't have (other common tag) but lot of (common tag) still keep appearing. This makes for unpleasant surprises.

nazwa said:
The discord thing doesn't work for me :(

Also, blacklists are strongly selective. As a test I made blacklist of "(common tag) -(other common tag) -(artist)". It blocks some of (common tag) that don't have (other common tag) but lot of (common tag) still keep appearing. This makes for unpleasant surprises.

Just to verify, you have all three on their own line, right?
cat -dog -trout_(artist)
should blacklist anything that is tagged Cat unless it also has a dog or is from Trout--though tags that imply feline that aren't domestic_cat will still get through by nature of the species tags.

Is the API documentation out of date? I see posts are limited to 320 per request. Tags still say they are limited to 1000 per request, however it's only returning 320 as well.


Former Staff

azerai~ said:
Is the API documentation out of date? I see posts are limited to 320 per request. Tags still say they are limited to 1000 per request, however it's only returning 320 as well.

Yes, it's slightly outdated.
The tags are limited to 320 results per request.