Topic: Time files... by the way?|Publishing "How to use e621" on Pixiv for Japanese

Posted under General

Time is passing more and more quickly these days... At least I think so. This year I was going to do a lot of things, but haven't done much.

By the way, Users are joining this site at an increasing tempo. Perhaps that's why I'm seeing more than a few Japanese here too. Also There are times when they communicate with overseas people. ... However, However, Japanese do Not seem to understand our site well when I go various sites. As I recall, there is No way for them to know what our site really is, Unless they become a user.

So I decided to promote e621 through a wiki on a certain site.

Translation of Original @ 2021.11.09

Source: (( = ))

e621:An overseas image board site aiming mainly at Furry.
It is an image board with a simple social web application, like rule34, and was launched in February 2007.
Characterized by highlighting itself as "for Furry", but there are also human pictures.

Blue and Yellow are the theme colors.
The site name "e621" is based on the E-Number for monosodium glutamate, which is used as an Umami seasoning,
Thus implying the slogan, "The Tasty Furry Site."

Hexerade, a male blue feline anthro, is the official mascot character.
He has multiple appearance designs, depending on the artist, either as a regular anthro or as a robot.

Another characteristic is the mascot illustration, submitted by several artists, which is randomly displayed when you access the top site of e621.
Note that, As is currently the case with FA and Fchan, pornography of characters under 18 is generally not allowed here.
There are strict rules about uploading, and images that violate these rules will be deleted.

Seems obviously young loli/shota is difficult to handle by e621.
But WildCritters is mainly handling them, so if you want to see low-headed Furries, that site would be a better choice.
How to Sign-Up

1:Click "Signup"
2:Enter desired Name, Email (You can use a disposable address), and Password
3:Access the URL sent to you
4:Registration is done

User Name must be between 2 - 20 chars, and must not contain spaces, commas, or semicolons.

You may have found this explanation to be incomplete or inaccurate, But I must say my understanding is Not good enough. (( And considering I'm a member here I do Not want to edit it on my own arbitrary/dogmatic decisions. ))

In order to make it better, First of all,
 I would like to collect opinions in this topic. Then I'd like to make my draft and then edit Wiki.

  • It would be helpful to have feedback from Admin/Janitor and Frequent forum Users;On the other hand I don't want people who don't know this site to see this.

I might use external sites preferentially to speak Japanese language. (( Why is e621's everything so open to web crawlers ಠ_ಠ ))

  • DMail is available on e621 or Discord.
Thoughts and Policies (Frequently updating!)


  • #1 What is e621? What's good about this site?
    • "e621 is a social web application (furry and anthropomorphic image board) that allows you to upload, share, and tag images. It is based off of and inspired by Danbooru."
    • The richness and completeness of TAGs is the greatest advantage of this site
    • Anyone can upload, Not just the artist.
    • ↑ I would describe these as like Google or Yahoo. It's soooo ironic, but going to add this purposefully.
    • Yeah, No introduction for takedowns.
    • History and characteristics → Will use most of the original
    • You can upload Rating:S/Q, of course.
    • Censor is Not needed
    • Videos[webm] and Novels[with art] also can be uploaded ← Max File size?
    • Definitely introduce Blacklist feature!!
    • Note feature → some volunteers would translate
    • Up/Down Vote, Favorite
    • e621 has its Wiki for tags
    • No need to have an account to view (most of) contents 


  • #2 How do you use e621:
    • How to sign-up → Inappropriate names like N-slur are Never allowed
    • How to upload things ← Using 4 tags is required, right?But How many do you recommend?
    • How to use/know Tags → Browse Wiki
    • Tags must abide by standard meanings set by the site. Also TWYS.
    • Unlike other sites, e621 is powered by users' self-government in cooperation with Admin/Janitor.
    • Everyone can add/remove/correct tags from works.


  • #3 What you can and can't do:
    • human_only is allowed on a conditional and exceptional status. → Comics, Sets → "Humans and e621"
    • Other species are allowed but not always. → There're also zero_pictured
    • All uploads are subject to manual approval;Must follow quality standards. → bad digitalization , noised poorly encoded video...
    • ↑ Link to Uploading Guidelines
    • Upload-Limit exists. It depends on the number of uploads. Trusted users get more privileges. ← Maybe I'm Not in a position to say that?
    • Thinking how to deal with cub/loli/shota. This site doesn't prohibit them, does it? But, Hmm...


  • #4 Prohibited behaviors:
    • Link to rule
    • Tracing/Plagiarism will not be tolerated
    • Commercial contents cannot be uploaded except by artist
    • Advertisements are Not allowed!!
    • Users must see and follow TOS
    • Advice on the strictly enforced rules → Make the sentences more literal/stiff at the section
    • Feedback from Ticket Center. Creepy Comments, Use-your-blacklist, Troll/Spam, RPing, Be nice to others ... Considering overseas users are using this site
    • Under 18 is not allowed
    • Ban Evasion leads you perma-ban


  • Other Thoughts and Policies:
    • Misleading/Blatantly incorrect Japanese!;will correct it to tell the message accurately.
    • I don't expect to be able to tell everything of e621, nor to contain everything of here to output. ex. Purposefully omit about Takedown
    • e621 has its Forum and Discord and opened for question ... ← Is it necessary to tell?



If the translate is right, telling people human content is here is technically right, but factually wrong. As current posting restrictions prohibit human_only content if it isn't apart of a set.

versperus said:
If the translate is right, telling people human content is here is technically right, but factually wrong. As current posting restrictions prohibit human_only content if it isn't apart of a set.

In other words, human content is allowed as long as its part of a largely furry-focused piece or series. So a comic where a few pages are human-only but the majority have furries or animals as a focus, or images that have humans along side furries or animals, are fine. But stand-alone images that only have humans, or an image series which has little to no furry- or animal-related content, aren't allowed.

versperus said:
If the translate is right, telling people human content is here is technically right, but factually wrong. As current posting restrictions prohibit human_only content if it isn't apart of a set.

watsit said:
In other words, human content is allowed as long as its part of a largely furry-focused piece or series. So a comic where a few pages are human-only but the majority have furries or animals as a focus, or images that have humans along side furries or animals, are fine. But stand-alone images that only have humans, or an image series which has little to no furry- or animal-related content, aren't allowed.

True, human_only is just an exception on this site. But there is no explanation as to Why.

- I'll add to the list "Reasons why Human_Only is not allowed" , "Allowed species (ex. animal_humanoid ...)" , "Users must see TOS"

I would say the most important aspects of this site to convey to Pixiv artists are, in rough descending order of importance:

  • Anyone can upload art here, not just the artist. All images are supposed to include a source link pointing to a different site, such as Pixiv.
  • The original artist of any work can submit a takedown to have it removed from the site. You do not need an account to do this.
  • All uploads are subject to manual approval. Art which falls below certain quality standards will be deleted.
  • Most images can be viewed without logging in, with the exception of R-18 works of underage characters.
  • Anyone can add or remove tags from a work, not just the artist. Tags must abide by standard meanings set by the site.
  • Censorship is not required.

wat8548 said:

  • Censorship is not required.

Just an off-topic question here, what is stopping Japanese artists from sharing non-censored versions of their NSFW artworks on non-Japanese websites?

I've seen Japanese artists reluctant to share the non-censored versions of their artwork because they say certain galleries they use have Terms of Services that block the sharing of non-censored work outside of the main website. E.g.,

Is it a legal requirement for them to always censor NSFW artwork, or are they free to uncensor them for non-Japanese websites?

wat8548 said:
I would say the most important aspects of this site to convey to Pixiv artists are, in rough descending order of importance: (( ... ))

Thanks for suggestion. There were some items I totally forgot about, also it gives me ideas of a good way to describe.

I'd like to tell you that, I'm going to make it not Only for Pixiv artists, but for All Japanese.
All people are supposed to be able to see that wiki even if they are not using Pixiv. In fact, there are 2 famous wikis on Jpn Internet, but I clearly do Not trust the other one.  The users on that site have NO respect for others. Therefore, Pixiv-Wiki is virtually the only way to do this, and most effective.

Also, Introducing Takedown to the masses may not be a good idea. Even recently, I've seen statements that have been reported by supposed 3rd parties.

kurogi_foxsiv said:
Also, Introducing Takedown to the masses may not be a good idea. Even recently, I've seen statements that have been reported by supposed 3rd parties.

Can you expand on this? Takedowns are a necessary evil after all.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Just an off-topic question here, what is stopping Japanese artists from sharing non-censored versions of their NSFW artworks on non-Japanese websites? ((...))

Though I don't know much about legal matters, I heard that distribution of uncensored works may be considered illegal in Japan, so the sites are refraining.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Is it a legal requirement for them to always censor NSFW artwork, or are they free to uncensor them for non-Japanese websites?

As far as I understand (maybe Kurogi can provide more clarification), it's technically required by law when publishing adult art, but the law isn't really enforced, and people or more and more ignoring it. It's one of those laws that they haven't bothered to get rid of for various reasons, despite how few people want to keep it.

For sites like skeb, I don't see why a rule like that can't be enforced. Obviously it's not a legal requirement to follow their TOS about what can be posted elsewhere, but if they find out you're making art through their site and posting uncensored versions elsewhere, they can terminate your account for that, so artists will be reluctant to since they may be using the site for income.

hexen said:
Can you expand on this? Takedowns are a necessary evil after all.

TBH, there are not a few people who don't seem to understand our site. ...No, understanding the essence is not so easy to do.
In such a situation, If I really introduce Takedown on Wiki and/or to Japanese people, It'd cause someone who is Not an artist to go file it, I bet.
That would be nothing but an act of attracting Trolls.

And that's exactly what I found while patrolling on Twitter the other day. The 3rd party person said to the artist : "I've filed takedown for you, man." 

However, Takedown is still necessary for the Artist. Exactly.
That's why I think the best way is to individually direct the information to the real artists.
There should be a way to introduce them only to the artists If possible ...................... okay I got it, I'm going to go tell "Read the TOS, please."

EDIT : In other words, I can't deny the possibility that this system is being abused.


watsit said:
As far as I understand (maybe Kurogi can provide more clarification),  ((...))

That's the trouble in Japan, "freedom of speech" is allowed, but our blue-clothed guys say that, uncensored pornography is not allowed. #175...
And they don't deal with small personal, but they do target famous authors and organization. So, it is said that Japanese sites and doujin companies are careful not to damage themselves with these vague and meaningless laws, and dare to set strict standards. In fact, arrests were made in 2013, so there's no way around it... Except for posting it overseas, like e621, FA, or Twitter.

Well, Not limited to NSFW (of adult characters), Not limited to fantasy, But there seems to be a tendency in Japan to look at everything as harmful/toxic. For example, violence and suicide.


kurogi_foxsiv said:
If I really introduce Takedown on the Wiki, someone who is not an artist might file it. And that's exactly what I found while patrolling on Twitter the other day. The 3rd party person said to the artist:"I've filed takedown for you, man." ((※The artist seemed to have deleted his statement after Takedown was accepted. ))

Alright, rephrase it as "The original artist (and only the original artist) can..."

wat8548 said:
Alright, rephrase it as "The original artist (and only the original artist) can..."

Got it. But still, I think it's best not to mention Takedown directly. This is a very sensitive issue for us Japanese.
Instead, I will make people visit a page containing a link to get there.

Now It is time for me to start making draft, But there're still a few things I don't understand well.

  • Do we have a recommended count of tags in our uploads? (( Minimum is 4... )) → I will announce the rest can be added by we volunteers or anyone else.
  • Is it necessary to tell: e621 has its Forum and Discord and opened for question?

Also, Are any of these going wrong?:

※ I will mention Danbooru because of the source code and how the site works
With regards to Cub, I would erase the "not allowed" statement, and instead hint its existence by making a mention.

kurogi_foxsiv said:

  • Do we have a recommended count of tags in our uploads? (( Minimum is 4... )) → I will announce the rest can be added by we volunteers or anyone else.

You get an automated warning if you post with fewer than 10 tags in the general category (i.e. not artist, species, character, etc.).

A tagging guide for non-English speakers who are used to Pixiv's tagging system could probably be the subject of a whole wiki article on its own. Maybe you could link to or even translate the Tagging Checklist page?

wat8548 said:
You get an automated warning if you post with fewer than 10 tags in the general category (i.e. not artist, species, character, etc.).

A tagging guide for non-English speakers who are used to Pixiv's tagging system could probably be the subject of a whole wiki article on its own. Maybe you could link to or even translate the Tagging Checklist page?

Okay, so Guess I'll recommend 10-15 general tags.

I have thought about to link to Tagging Checklist. Actually done it on this site.
But indeed, you are right, given their reactions and Japanese understanding of the site, it would be more useful to translate and explain it. φ( •ω•́ ) In particular, TWYS is unique.

Thanks, I'll try it that way

Long time no see, It's Kurogi.

Err, Due to IRL reasons, This project has been suspended for a while, sorry. But, As you might be able to tell from my new PFP, I had an encounter with another Japanese e621 user outside the site. (( Well, To tell the truth, That was pretty violent, though - My anger's gone too far - There's no problem now, I think ))
In case you're wondering, I do feel threatened by the current situation with e621, and I want to take this project seriously.

To report on the current status, Half of the draft is complete ; The other half is the most important, so I was gathering information as I go -- No, I wanna rewrite everything.
Now, I'd like to restart this project. I am running late, so I'm gonna go a little fast.

There are some Changes of this project, I'd like to leave What this project is, again.

What this project is?
  • What am I trying to do? → To edit Japanese Pixiv-Wiki.
  • The Goals? →

#1:Japanese people know What our site is and How convenient it is. → They seem to me to be not good at English and not making enough effort to learn about overseas.
#2:They know our TWYS policy, and Differences from other sites. → A kind of search engine for Furry, with rich tags
#3:They and Artists know How-to-Use the site. → There are many things that each of them Can/Can't do.
#4:They know what this site deals with. → Human and Furry ...
#5:They know about our rules and the existence of our reporting system. → The manner of the users, and What Admin will do.
#6:They know proper behavior when they become a part of us e621 users.  → Not to be a Troll.

  • Is it JUST a Japanese translation of the guidelines and rules?

→ NO, I never do That! It's for beginners, so I will design the order and method of explanation.
→ Use wording that makes people convince/agree. So, It's Not just a list of rules.

However, it has several problems.

Problems this project may contain
  • In order to do this, volunteers who are familiar with the essence of e621 are needed.  → I think my knowledge is Not that good enough.
  • Also, It has to be edited by a Japanese, because it is Jpn-lang.  → But, Seems I am the Only one who is Both Japanese And volunteer.
  • That's Not official. However, if I were to send out wrong information based on my own knowledge, it would cause tremendous damage to this site.
  • I think We must consider very carefully if the Japanese may unfriendly to our e621 -- In fact, I can't deny that possibility. This is an absolute basic premise!
  • In the first place, Explaining the rules and guidelines and Sending out warning messages against trolls is Backseat-Moderating IF they were on this site.

That's why I am leaving my thoughts in the Forum, where there are volunteer users and Admin/Janitors.
Therefore, When it is finished, I will release my rough to e621 ONLY before I edit Pixiv-Wiki.

Based on the above, I would like to add a few questions.

  • #1 : There are no ""customers"" in e621? -- This is a good idea to have, isn't it? If so, I will use this phrase exactly as IT IS.

This is a phrase that works at Comiket and Social-events.

What I want to say, and Why I thought this, are these 4 things:

- 1A : e621 is made up of lots of power of users ; Users are given the ability to edit.
- 1B : Users need to add Tags by themselves for their Blacklist ; Drama/Troll is not allowed.
- 1C : Good attitude needs in comments. ; Rude and insulting artists is most unacceptable.
- 1D : e621 user should not be a ""customer"" who does nothing but complain and ask others to do things for them.

  • #2 : Is this okay to say that, Advertisement is Not allowed by rules so YCH, Commision-Sheet aren't allowed?
  • #3 : Has e621 ever clearly/officially announced the origin of its name? Well, If not, I'll think of a way to say it.
  • #4 : Can I try to translate the rules and guidelines into Japanese (someday)?

The goal is the same, for the Japanese.  However, Under the current situation, it may not be possible for various reasons.
Well, I know I will be taught to "Just follow the English rules"... Also, I can't stop others from translating them, though.

  • #5 : Here's how I introduce upgraded users.  I think this is a good idea, but I'd like to hear something else if you think it's not good.
What is Privileged+ and Admin?

In e621, There are users with "privileged"+ other than the normal "member". They have been upgraded by meeting special conditions -- In other words, they are "trusted users". 
They can do the necessary operations on behalf of unfamiliar users. For example, Janitor/Admin can approve and delete posts.

Also, "Admin"s are the users with the highest level of privileges, and their name is shown in orange. 
They know the rules well enough, can operate everything, are trying to this site peace.
Though They may not be omniscient like God, but They can lead the users to a solution when trouble occurs -- In other words, They are mediators/arbitrator so to speak. -- Therefore, ALL users are obliged to follow any instructions given directly by the Admin. You can joke around with all users, but just remember to be respectful.

In addition, Insulting the work and/or its Artist is strictly prohibited in e621. I want to remind you that you can use the reporting system when you happen to find such behavior. Also, If you don't have an account, one of the best ways is to contact someone who does.

  • #6 : In e621, when you say "mods" in general, it means Admins, right? ... Though I wouldn't introduce them that way.
  • #7 : Do you think any other goals should be added? → I will include what's already been said in this topic.


I would like to know If that kind of idea is Bad or Not.
If not, then, I'll keep going.


I wanna be a real e621 user if I could, But there are limits to my abilities, time, knowledge ... and personality.
It is obvious that I cannot do everything by myself.  So, I need someone to help me, after all :p

Regards. Thank you.


kurogi_foxsiv said:

  • #1 : There are no ""customers"" in e621? -- This is a good idea to have, isn't it? If so, I will use this phrase exactly as IT IS.

That would be a correct statement. Curation is in the hands of site staff, not the artists. That makes this a terrible site for actively advertising or soliciting customers (not counting Bad Dragon and whoever buys banner ad space). Of course, an artist can try attracting customers by posting their free works here for better visibility, but beyond that, this isn't a site meant for conducting business.

  • #2 : Is this okay to say that, Advertisement is Not allowed by rules so YCH, Commision-Sheet aren't allowed?

I'd say that's an accurate statement, from what I understand, although adding non-obnoxious links in descriptions is okay.

  • #3 : Has e621 ever clearly/officially announced the origin of its name? Well, If not, I'll think of a way to say it.

It's just the E number for monosodium glutamate, the taste-good flavor enhancer. There's no big secret there. The Safe version of the site, e926, is the E number for chlorine dioxide, a bleach.

  • #4 : Can I try to translate the rules and guidelines into Japanese (someday)?

I would think that to be a good idea, as it allows for better access for the Japanese community and thus hopefully encourages them to contribute to the site.

  • #5 : Here's how I introduce upgraded users.

There's also Contributors, who are basically super-Privileged, trusted to provide quality content to e621. Basically, you get there by a lot of good posting, plenty of good tagging, not being a pain in anyone's posterior, and patience.

  • #6 : In e621, when you say "mods" in general, it means Admins, right? ... Though I wouldn't introduce them that way.

Actually, Moderators are a separate category from Administrators, although in general, when we say "mods", we're referring to both Moderators and Admins together. They're basically Admins-in-training, still in a probationary period, but capable of a goodly amount of Admin tasks and powers.

(Note: As just another user of the site, I don't speak for it. The above is just how I interpret things.)


clawstripe said:
That would be a correct statement. (...)

#5 : Uh-oh, Pardon me. I'll tell them the grades of all the upgrades without omitting -- Will say Members, Privileged, Contributor, Janitor, Admin(istrator).
#6 : Okay, I now have no wonder no one is there now, It is a temporary purpose. Then I will skip this explanation.

For Note:
No need to worry, Yes that is of course, I thought it should be so.
In the first place, Who should have that sense is me ... to be a decent user and volunteer.
Then, I will regard #1 statement as mine. Thank you very much-


versperus said:
looked at the thing page again, there is a part that says characters marked as under 18 are prohibited, but that's a falsehood ~child ~cub ~loli ~shota

Yeah, I've been aware of that, too.
Pixiv-Wiki's system too keeps records as like our e621, So if I am going to delete it, I'd have to explain the reason.

Don't worry, I'll show my solution for that later (ゝω・)b⌒☆

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