Topic: hand_on_waist

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2307 is pending approval.

remove alias hand_on_waist (0) -> hand_on_hip (51565)

Reason: Even though the waist can overlap with torso/hip grab/touch, aliasing it with hand_on_hip seems wrong

for example on post #2536581 it can count as waist/torso grab since the hand is touching/grabbing both

post #3269329 last panel seems to be hand_on_waist since its above waist line and below chest area

It's a bad sign when I can't even focus on meaning of a tag I know I had to deal with this year. I guess I'll take a break. All tagged out!

Yes, there was some reasoning for this, I'll have to see if I can find the old forum post for this.

Looks like these are the forum posts relevant:

I did not see much in those posts. I could have sworn I read something about it - maybe in Wiki?


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