Topic: [REJECTED] Character name updates

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2334 has been rejected.

create alias demi_(tiger) (17) -> demi_(drpepper12) (0)
create alias drixx (46) -> drixx_(drpepper12) (0)
create alias vesara (25) -> vesara_(gamegod210) (0)
create alias sharpfury_(character) (0) -> sharpfury_(gamegod210) (93)
create alias adhara (95) -> adhara_(guardian-hawk) (0)
create alias hueroc (45) -> hueroc_(guardian-hawk) (0)
create alias chloe_shiwulf (157) -> chloe_shiwulf_(zp92) (0)
create alias margret_stalizburg (424) -> margret_stalizburg_(zp92) (0)
create alias ms._renee_l'noire (124) -> ms._renee_l'noire_(zp92) (0)
create alias ms._zard (139) -> ms._zard_(zp92) (0)
create alias carine_(character) (32) -> carine_(caroo) (0)
create alias jody_roo (16) -> jody_(caroo) (0)
create alias sibey]] (0) -> sibey_(sibeyiii) (0)
create alias the_imp (116) -> the_imp_(impximon) (0)
update demi_(tiger) -> demi_(drpepper12)
update drixx -> drixx_(drpepper12)
update vesara -> vesara_(gamegod210)
update sharpfury_(character) -> sharpfury_(gamegod210)
update adhara -> adhara_(guardian-hawk)
update hueroc -> hueroc_(guardian-hawk)
update chloe_shiwulf -> chloe_shiwulf_(zp92)
update margret_stalizburg -> margret_stalizburg_(zp92)
update ms._renee_l'noire -> ms._renee_l'noire_(zp92)
update ms._zard -> ms._zard_(zp92)
update carine_(character) -> carine_(caroo)
update jody_roo -> jody_(caroo)
update sibey -> sibey_(sibeyiii)
update the_imp -> the_imp_(impximon)

Reason: some character name changes for easy organization

EDIT: The bulk update request #2334 (forum #332741) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

barefootslavedragon said:
create alias chloe_shiwulf -> chloe_shiwulf_(zp92)
create alias margret_stalizburg -> margret_stalizburg_(zp92)
create alias ms._renee_l'noire -> ms._renee_l'noire_(zp92)
create alias jody_roo -> jody_(caroo)

Unique character names, particularly those with first and last names, shouldn't get a suffix. Jody Roo might be generic enough, but the others I think should be left as-is.

watsit said:
Unique character names, particularly those with first and last names, shouldn't get a suffix.

No, there is nothing wrong with suffixes. The "uniqueness" of a character name cannot be quantified.

gattonero2001 said:
No, there is nothing wrong with suffixes. The "uniqueness" of a character name cannot be quantified.

It's stated plenty of times to not use suffixes on names that are unlikely to clash or be ambiguous. Unnecessary suffixes caused tags to be longer than needed, and can cause issues if the owner changes their name or the character is given to someone else.

watsit said:
It's stated plenty of times to not use suffixes on names that are unlikely to clash or be ambiguous.

Where and by whom? Your opinions do not dictate e621 policy, no matter how many times you repeat it.

Unnecessary suffixes caused tags to be longer than needed, and can cause issues if the owner changes their name or the character is given to someone else.

Insignificant drawbacks compared to the benefits.

Edit: @barefootslavedragon I suggest changing create alias to update in your BUR.

gattonero2001 said:
Where and by whom? Your opinions do not dictate e621 policy, no matter how many times you repeat it.

forum #331898 - Clawstripe
If a character has a unique enough name, they don't need to have a parenthesis suffix, strictly speaking. Ideally, the parentheses should only be applied to character names that are used by more than one character so we can tell them apart.

forum #317556 - bitWolfy
Do we really need _(mlp) suffixes for those names?
I know that's the current pattern for mlp characters, but in my opinion, the names are unique enough to stand on their own.

topic #32114 - Furrin Gok
Wow! (FNAFSL) is an unnecessary suffix. Every single character, every last one of them, is uniquely named.

forum #275403 - ImpidiDinkaDoo
If a name is unique enough, it doesn't need a copyright suffix. The reasons those are there to begin with is because of these names/terms being shared by multiple things.

Then there's topic #30791 - BUR #1340 by bitWolfy, approved by Rainbow Dash, de-suffixing a bunch of unique character names. topic #29833 tried to alias to a suffix, but was rejected and the person going around adding them was considered to be vandalizing them. There's plenty more I've seen, but searching the forum isn't the easiest thing in the world. You're the only one I regularly see saying suffixes can or should be added anyway.

gattonero2001 said:
Insignificant drawbacks compared to the benefits.

Insignificant benefits compared to the drawbacks. The information about who a character belongs to or where they're from can be added to the wiki.


gattonero2001 said:
Where and by whom? Your opinions do not dictate e621 policy, no matter how many times you repeat it.

Insignificant drawbacks compared to the benefits.

Edit: @barefootslavedragon I suggest changing create alias to update in your BUR.

Ok made the changes. thanks for the feedback

btw i really think it is helpful to have owner names in the character copyright so that if someone doesn't know an OC's name but knows the artist/owner, they can just look up their username and find results in the characters related

reading the topic mentioned, the original alias was for
weighted_companion_cube -> [that]_(portal)

which is unneeded, and that was the general consensus I got from it, and I would agree, it's a unique enough object from a well-known game, and they discussed how it should actually be reversed. And really, I don't see how much harm adding a suffix in this context can do, it helps prevent future work in case it does collide later down the line anyway.

watsit said:

barefootslavedragon said:
create alias chloe_shiwulf -> chloe_shiwulf_(zp92)
create alias margret_stalizburg -> margret_stalizburg_(zp92)
create alias ms._renee_l'noire -> ms._renee_l'noire_(zp92)
create alias jody_roo -> jody_(caroo)

Unique character names, particularly those with first and last names, shouldn't get a suffix. Jody Roo might be generic enough, but the others I think should be left as-is.

Basically this. Take those ones off the list.

furrin_gok said:
Unique character names, particularly those with first and last names, shouldn't get a suffix. Jody Roo might be generic enough, but the others I think should be left as-is.

Basically this. Take those ones off the list.

I recently said this: "i really think it is helpful to have owner names in the character copyright so that if someone doesn't know an OC's name but knows the artist/owner, they can just look up their username and find results in the characters related". Also these are OCs and there is zero guarantee that the names will be 100% unique to the characters. Using a "_("copyright/owner")" tag has alway been expectation when tagging OCs but people tend to get lazy or forget i guess

barefootslavedragon said:
I recently said this: "i really think it is helpful to have owner names in the character copyright so that if someone doesn't know an OC's name but knows the artist/owner, they can just look up their username and find results in the characters related". Also these are OCs and there is zero guarantee that the names will be 100% unique to the characters.

That's what wiki pages are for.

wat8548 said:
That's what wiki pages are for.

Wikis do not help with search engine though and are only helpful (rarely) to know more information.

For example if I want to search for my buddy Furguest772 but I do not know their characters’ names but the artwork description says “commissioned by Furguest772” without naming who the character(s) in the picture is, I can look up their username and 6 of their characters show up conveniently and I can easily figure out who the OC is. It just saves a lot of hassle without needing to do research

barefootslavedragon said:
Also these are OCs and there is zero guarantee that the names will be 100% unique to the characters. Using a "_("copyright/owner")" tag has alway been expectation when tagging OCs but people tend to get lazy or forget i guess

The suffix is used when a name is generic enough to have a decently high chance of clashing with another name, in which case the base name should get a disambiguation (aliased to a _(disambiguation) tag, set to the Invalid category, with a wiki describing the different possibilities). Or when the same word/name is used by multiple categories (e.g. an artist and their character sharing the same name, or a franchise/copyright sharing a species name). It's always been the case that a unique enough name that's unlikely to clash shouldn't get a suffix like that, due to it unnecessarily extending the tag name (and we prefer to avoid long tag names since it makes a mess of the tag list).

I can turn that around though, and say there is zero guarantee a character won't be given to someone else, or the owner of the character won't change their name, invalidating the suffix of all their characters. Even if the character has the most unique name in the world, the suffix becomes wrong and needs to be cleaned up.

barefootslavedragon said:
For example if I want to search for my buddy Furguest772 but I do not know their characters’ names but the artwork description says “commissioned by Furguest772” without naming who the character(s) in the picture is, I can look up their username and 6 of their characters show up conveniently and I can easily figure out who the OC is. It just saves a lot of hassle without needing to do research

description:Furguest772 can be used to search post descriptions. Tags aren't supposed to help you find other tags, they're for categorizing what's in a picture, and the tag's wiki is where information about the tag goes. You also can't guarantee a character owner will use the same suffix that you know them by, or that their characters don't have different suffixes from when the owner used different names (e.g. rowan_(fujoshiineko), klaus_(yaoinek0), and joshua_(fezmangaka) are all characters from the same owner; the owner/artist has changed their name a few times over the years). Or that it's not suffixed with a series if the character was made for a story or comic series the owner made, rather than the owner's name (e.g. it's gunter_(frisky_ferals), not gunter_(sefeiren)).


There is no need to debate the subject with walls of text. Let the admins decide whether to approve or reject the BUR as it is.