Topic: Rude messages from mods?

Posted under General

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I dont have direct much interaction with the mods but when I do theyve mostly seemed rather aloof and sometimes unnecessarly sassy.

Lately sometimes when im bored I go reporting troll comments because well it kinda gives a nice feeling to "help out" on a big project. Using the comment search to look for comments telling others to kill themselves and such then reporting them with "troll" as the reason. I always make sure it's actually used as an insult (cant find a qay to search direct qoutes) and that the comment dosen't allready have a "user was x for this message".

Today after I reported someone saying everyone who downvoted a picture were angry incels I got a ticket from the mod with "Do you even understand the context of this comment at all"

The picture was about a very polarized political movement so I fiqured that mod was just heavily invested and biased as that pic had a shitshow of a comment section and multiple users of "both sides" got records. But Ive before gotten needlessly rude responses from different members of the mod team.

Is it just me or is this a general thing? I know being online too long can give a kind of "internet argument brain" but it would be pretty bad if the mod team is so used to trolls they default to snark with everyone.

Updated by bitWolfy

I never had a problem with a mod. I only didn't get a reply once, for a question that was probably asked 100 times before.
In this case, maybe there was a misunderstanding. Maybe it was ok to say this in the context of the picture. (what I can't imagine, if I have the right definition for incel, though). It would be good to see the picture to understand it better.
If you have a serious problem with a mod, you can message NotMeNotYou. But I wouldn't do it in this case.

About the best that can be recommended is, if you feel an admin has been unnecessarily rude and is not likely to answer your courteous questions as to what line you crossed, to send a courteous DMail to NotMeNotYou.

It's been my personal experience that the admins will be rude/dismissive if you report something they don't think was reportable, yes.

Mods/staff having biases that affect how they moderate the site? Nope, I've been around for 8 years and every single time something like that is brought up it is by someone who's in the wrong and thinks that they're being personally targetted

Mods/staff being aloof/sassy in the forums in a way that can scare away new users? Yeah, that's kinda their thing. The forum isn't exactly newbie friendly a lot of the time

felvoex said:

Today after I reported someone saying everyone who downvoted a picture were angry incels I got a ticket from the mod with "Do you even understand the context of this comment at all"

Not even gonna join in on the actual context of the argument. But that doesn't seem that rude honestly. Condescending? Maybe, but not rude, atleast to me.

benjiboyo said:
Not even gonna join in on the actual context of the argument. But that doesn't seem that rude honestly. Condescending? Maybe, but not rude, atleast to me.

It's not even condescending. Terse, perhaps, but a fair question.

bitwolfy said:
I believe they are also upset at me for making fun of them when they thought that 2021-09-11 stood for "December 9th, 2021" in the comments of post #2923425.

man, this dude is just wrong on so many levels. not only is yyyy-mm-dd not the normal ordering for american date stuff, month/day/year is. (yyyy-mm-dd is the international standard as defined by ISO 8601) and for some reason also thinks that December is the eleventh month.
and then he edited his comments to not look as stupid but people already quoted him so it didn't matter.

clawstripe said:
About the best that can be recommended is, if you feel an admin has been unnecessarily rude and is not likely to answer your courteous questions as to what line you crossed, to send a courteous DMail to NotMeNotYou.

Absolutely, I wanted to make it clear I had been polite but I just didn't wanna go all "so I said that and then he said" like a highschool boy/girl. That's the only only reason I wasn't more detailed.

I'll admit asking directly is the best first option but I honestly just got the vibe that if I asked directly I was just gonna get either another condescending response or ignored, hence the post.

darryus said:
thinks that December is the eleventh month.lmao

Read the full context, I mentioned clicking the "11 months ago" on that post linked to 2021-09-12 hence the confusion because I figured the comment was referring too a 9/11 joke then said it's probably some timezone thing.

mabit said:
Mods/staff having biases that affect how they moderate the site? Nope, I've been around for 8 years and every single time something like that is brought up it is by someone who's in the wrong and thinks that they're being personally targetted

Mods/staff being aloof/sassy in the forums in a way that can scare away new users? Yeah, that's kinda their thing. The forum isn't exactly newbie friendly a lot of the time

Exactly, I absolutely dont think mods have the some personal vendetta against me, It's the latter. Like bitwolfy themselves mentioned

bitwolfy said:
I believe they are also upset at me for making fun of them when

"making fun of someone" because of what turned out to be a timezone difference causing something to be a 12 instead of an 11 on their side and "do you even understand the context". Small things but it's just a constant you ask the mod team something polite and you get a sassy/condescending response. Why?


slyroon said:
I'm assuming this is the ticket you are talking about.

Yes, I actually thought tickets were hidden (like pms)? I expected so it prevent people from going in to slapfights over whoever reported something they post or is it some janitor function you have acess too?

furrin_gok said:
That said, if all you're writing in your report is "troll" then you are trolling.

Hard disagree, it's the same reason used in bans and the context is directly linked so it says enough.

Edit: I found the public ticket thing. Holy shit that's toxic , it's filled with reasons like "yeah she is", " Mispelling" (lol), "just look at this shit" etc

Also someone talking about someone working with team rocket being slander wich cracks me up. Atleast that person isnt serious.


felvoex said:
Yes, I actually thought tickets were hidden (like pms)? I expected so it prevent people from going in to slapfights over whoever reported something they post or is it some janitor function you have acess too?

Hard disagree, it's the same reason used in bans and the context is directly linked so it says enough.

Edit: I found the public ticket thing. Holy shit that's toxic , it's filled with reasons like "yeah she is", " Mispelling" (lol), "just look at this shit" etc

Also someone talking about someone working with team rocket being slander wich cracks me up. Atleast that person isnt serious.

While the ticket is public, the name of the reporter isn't.

If you don't understand or like the reason you got, you can always ask the mod in question to flesh out their original response.
Or ask another admin for a second opinion.
If you feel like an admin is targeting you tell NotMeNotYou

Although I gotta say it seems a bit disingenuous that you changed the original response from:

"Do you understand the context of this comment at all?"
"Do you even understand the context of this comment at all"

Also the whole timezone thing you had with bitWolfy is funny.
You tried to call out someone for being wrong. When they where right.
And now you feel called out, for being told you were wrong.

If you don't understand or like the reason you got, you can always ask the mod in question to flesh out their original response.
Or ask another admin for a second opinion.
If you feel like an admin is targeting you tell NotMeNotYou

Vaguely remember something along the lines of "I cannot put into nice words exactly how stupid you sound" (their words were nicer) as to why they choose not to respond to someone else asking for their explanation. And that response was only when they publically called NMNY out on the forum.

To me, that aptly fits the description of a mod team that seems aloof, or seems to not care about the conduct handled. They're pulling double duty sure, running all manner of site operations and dealing with bad behaviour, but a lot of the criticism I see stems from the fact they cannot find the means to justify their decision to the person being dealt with. Either because they assume they're doing the right thing and it need not be said as it's common sense, or because the moderation ends up being an on-the-spot decision when they've got tickets to burn through.

It's alike to several game companies suspending players from their games with no proper explanation or appeal, only a link underneath the email to the EULA/ToS.

edit: posting without actually being on topic with the forum...
but yeah, knots might be a lil biased in op's case. you can't defend people calling others incels just because they side with a certain party. though op's certainly not a saint either.

furrin_gok said:
I have no idea what the context is that would make it not a troll. That said, if all you're writing in your report is "troll" then you are trolling. Be thoughtful, put in a full message.

exactly this, it goes both ways. mods need the additional context to act on reports better.


felvoex said:
"making fun of someone" because of what turned out to be a timezone difference causing something to be a 12 instead of an 11 on their side

That must be some timezone different to be a month behind/ahead. It's not even a timezone thing as it'd be a alt timeline if you somehow mixed up an 2 with an 1. But eh, die on that hill.

the_shinx said:
That must be some timezone different to be a month behind/ahead. It's not even a timezone thing as it'd be a alt timeline if you somehow mixed up an 2 with an 1. But eh, die on that hill.

Dude, 2021-09-12 screenshot:

bitwolfy said:
I believe they are also upset at me for making fun of them when they thought that 2021-09-11 stood for "December 9th, 2021" in the comments of post #2923425.

DubsTheFox and Clawstripe are correct.
If you have a problem with how you were treated, you should bring it up with NotMeNotYou.

darryus said:
thinks that December is the eleventh month.
and then he edited his comments to not look as stupid but people already quoted him so it didn't matter.

I know I quoted two of you before but Ive now had 3 separate people say I think December is in September or call bs after I mentioned timezones making it 12 on my end so wanted link all that stuff to the screenshot.

For shinx specifically: The 11/12 was the DAY. MagnusEffect even mentioned the timezone modifiers on the original post. And darrys the reason I edited the comments was because when bitwolfy talked aout the 11 month (before I realised the timezone thing) I thought I must have misread it or messed up.

slyroon said:

While the ticket is public, the name of the reporter isn't.

If you don't understand or like the reason you got, you can always ask the mod in question to flesh out their original response.
Or ask another admin for a second opinion.
If you feel like an admin is targeting you tell NotMeNotYou

Although I gotta say it seems a bit disingenuous that you changed the original response from:

"Do you understand the context of this comment at all?"
"Do you even understand the context of this comment at all"

Also the whole timezone thing you had with bitWolfy is funny.
You tried to call out someone for being wrong. When they where right.
And now you feel called out, for being told you were wrong.

My bad geniunly misremembered that bit of the qoute. The timezone bit is only because of all the "lol you messed up the month" like bit wolfy thought I thought december was the 11 month because (what turned out to be the day) was a 11 on his end but a 12 on mine. (see above)


felvoex said:
Countless edits upon edits

Let's start off and be blunt: you're an untrustworthy narrator, the fact someone have to come in and give the full context of what was said because you have to spice it up to support your standpoint clearly shows you have to spin it to favor you. Along with that, you having to edit your own post in the given link, three days ago when it was posted a month beforehand, shows that you're unable to admit to your faults only shows you have to save face.

To be frank, I find it funny as hell at how hard you're trying to get others to believe you on this matter, more so when we can plainly see what you posted, what you replied to and the like. At no point did you even try to get new info, explained to you, or even thought it through before posting. No, we have to watch you go Muppet arms.

the_shinx said:
Let's start off and be blunt: you're an untrustworthy narrator, the fact someone have to come in and give the full context of what was said because you have to spice it up to support your standpoint clearly shows you have to spin it to favor you. Along with that, you having to edit your own post in the given link, three days ago when it was posted a month beforehand, shows that you're unable to admit to your faults only shows you have to save face.

To be frank, I find it funny as hell at how hard you're trying to get others to believe you on this matter, more so when we can plainly see what you posted, what you replied to and the like. At no point did you even try to get new info, explained to you, or even thought it through before posting. No, we have to watch you go Muppet arms.

Dude theres a screenshot and were talking about date formats on a furry porn site. The only person who "cant admit fault" is you talking about "months changing" then changing the subject when I posted a screenshot of exactly that. Because it was the day not the month affected by timezones

felvoex said:
Dude theres a screenshot and were talking about date formats on a furry porn site. The only person who "cant admit fault" is you talking about "months changing" then changing the subject when I posted a screenshot of exactly that. Because it was the day not the month affected by timezones

this ain't the hill you wanna die on for an honest mistake bruv

aversioncapacitor' said:
this ain't the hill you wanna die on for an honest mistake bruv

Nah but I do wanna point out if someone said I was bs-ing, got a screenshot saying exactly what I said then changes the subject to calling me an "untrustworthy narrator" and a bunch of purple prose about not accepting new info.


the_shinx said:
Let's start off and be blunt: you're an untrustworthy narrator, the fact someone have to come in and give the full context of what was said because you have to spice it up to support your standpoint clearly shows you have to spin it to favor you. Along with that, you having to edit your own post in the given link, three days ago when it was posted a month beforehand, shows that you're unable to admit to your faults only shows you have to save face.

To be frank, I find it funny as hell at how hard you're trying to get others to believe you on this matter, more so when we can plainly see what you posted, what you replied to and the like. At no point did you even try to get new info, explained to you, or even thought it through before posting. No, we have to watch you go Muppet arms.

Shinx, I allready mentioned why I edited the og comment in the comment you replied to because when wolfy first Said 11 I thought I had misread it. Look at the date he said that and when the comments were edited. 3 days ago.

If you think im bs ing when I explained something please dont then say im unreliable or "going muppet arms" or whatever when I give you a screenshot of the excact thing you didn't belive.

That's just saying im full of shit, finding out im not then doubling down and getting personal.

aversioncapacitor' said:
Vaguely remember something along the lines of "I cannot put into nice words exactly how stupid you sound" (their words were nicer) as to why they choose not to respond to someone else asking for their explanation. And that response was only when they publically called NMNY out on the forum.

This thread is getting locked anyway, so I might as well link the source: forum #332749

It was 100% deserved.

aversioncapacitor' said:
Vaguely remember something along the lines of "I cannot put into nice words exactly how stupid you sound" (their words were nicer) as to why they choose not to respond to someone else asking for their explanation. And that response was only when they publically called NMNY out on the forum.

To me, that aptly fits the description of a mod team that seems aloof, or seems to not care about the conduct handled. They're pulling double duty sure, running all manner of site operations and dealing with bad behaviour, but a lot of the criticism I see stems from the fact they cannot find the means to justify their decision to the person being dealt with. Either because they assume they're doing the right thing and it need not be said as it's common sense, or because the moderation ends up being an on-the-spot decision when they've got tickets to burn through.

You're thinking of this reply and the context is that I've butted heads with the guy multiple times over the years how he acts rude towards others and then gets upset when people echo the sentiment back at him. I can only say the same spiel so many times to the same person before I start to sound like a broken record.

It's not a matter of being put on the spot but a matter of having to tell someone poking someone with a stick is not a nice thing to do and the poked person may react negatively to being poked.

felvoex said:
Dude, 2021-09-12 screenshot:

I know I quoted two of you before but Ive now had 3 separate people say I think December is in September or call bs after I mentioned timezones making it 12 on my end so wanted link all that stuff to the screenshot.

For shinx specifically: The 11/12 was the DAY. MagnusEffect even mentioned the timezone modifiers on the original post. And darrys the reason I edited the comments was because when bitwolfy talked aout the 11 month (before I realised the timezone thing) I thought I must have misread it or messed up.

My bad geniunly misremembered that bit of the qoute. The timezone bit is only because of all the "lol you messed up the month" like bit wolfy thought I thought december was the 11 month because (what turned out to be the day) was a 11 on his end but a 12 on mine. (see above)

As a timezone bro I can confirm that's a real screenshot, however I'd go out on a limb and say you calling it "gun-fat time format" as well as making a ticket reporting the first dude replying to you and reporting them as a "kid" for reading the ISO 8601 timestamp correctly didn't really set the mood for a serious reply by bitwolfy.

It feels like a bit of a stretch calling your own behavior polite there and try to hold other people to a higher standard than you hold yourself to.

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