Topic: Is there a tag for rule 34/copyright content?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'd like to be able to filter out all the rule 34 art from my searches. There used to be a rule_34 tag but that doesn't seem to be applicable any more. So is there a replacement tag or way I could use something else to help remove copyright characters from my searches?

rechan said:
I'd like to be able to filter out all the rule 34 art from my searches. There used to be a rule_34 tag but that doesn't seem to be applicable any more. So is there a replacement tag or way I could use something else to help remove copyright characters from my searches?

copytags:0 is a fair approximation of what you want. The only thing it does that may not be desired is that if an artist has their own universe (eg. annie_and_the_mirror_goat) it will be excluded.

quenir said:
copytags:0 is a fair approximation of what you want. The only thing it does that may not be desired is that if an artist has their own universe (eg. annie_and_the_mirror_goat) it will be excluded.

Or Patreon or holidays or memes or mythology. Copyright tags are used a lot of things that aren't necessarily copyrighted. But yeah, copytags:0 is as close as you'll get. I've certainly used copytags:0 or copytags:>0 in searches before.

quenir said:
copytags:0 is a fair approximation of what you want. The only thing it does that may not be desired is that if an artist has their own universe (eg. annie_and_the_mirror_goat) it will be excluded.

Oh, neat - I didn't realize that existed! I guess I should read the Help/Wiki more.

alphamule said:
Oh, neat - I didn't realize that existed! I guess I should read the Help/Wiki more.

The best thing to check would be the cheatsheet. There's a lot of useful search information on there.

faucet said:
The best thing to check would be the cheatsheet. There's a lot of useful search information on there.

TBH, I think I saw this stuff years ago and never used it, so totally forgot.

  • If you need deterministic results, add randseed:123 to your search. Passing the same seed will return the same set of random posts. This supports pagination, and the following pages will contain no duplicates.

Oh hell, that sounds like what we asked for a few years back. Yeah, setting the seed lets you get the same PRNG outputs for all page loads. Some cool LFSR thing I'd imagine, since those are damn easy to implement (and won't repeat results until you fully cycle them).