Not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request, but the page for requesting a new tag implication ( doesn't seem to work like it should. It either requires fixing or further clarification.
I just tried to use it to request a new implication (girly/girly -> girly) but it gave an error message saying "Antecedent name has already been taken". What does this mean? There are two required text boxes in the form, and neither is labelled "antecedent". It seems like it's trying to tell me "that tag already exists", but why would that even be a problem? I also just successfully created a different implication request, so I don't think I'm using the form wrong.
I checked the help page on tag implications, but it didn't answer any of the above questions. It also says the tags in each implication are called the "predicate" and "consequent", even though neither of these words are used in the implication request form. It'd be a good idea to change the terminology either in the help page or in the request form, so that they're consistent with each other.
I also suggest changing the wording of the error message I got so it's more clear, or maybe adding an explanation of the error to the help page.
And it'd be nice if someone could request the girly/girly -> girly implication when this is sorted out.