Topic: About the law trying to be passed in Arizona

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some_londoner said:
I live in North Carolina so I have to use a VPN to look at e621. My plan in the future is moving to California because they value the privacy of others. If you look at a political trifecta map and you see the red states, you will see that it is those states that are pushing for this porn ban nonsense.

for now, at least

there are a lot of things i don't like about living in Cali but sometimes it comes through when other states are doing insane shit. plus we have in n out

some_londoner said:
I live in North Carolina so I have to use a VPN to look at e621. My plan in the future is moving to California because they value the privacy of others. If you look at a political trifecta map and you see the red states, you will see that it is those states that are pushing for this porn ban nonsense.

as someone from Arizona who's curious, let me ask you something; what's it like having to use that VPN? I've never used a VPN before and the prospect of having to pay a monthly fee just to browse e621 sounds... kinda shitty, I won't lie.

this is probably a silly question but I'm just trying to gauge how fucked I am in the event this bill passes, y'know?

smuglytherat said:
An overwhelming majority of the sponsors of these bills are Republicans and all the states that passed these bills are red states.

Not to mention project 2025 is a Republican government takeover plan that includes banning porn too.

Republicans ARE the aggressors here, don't be naïve

Also Dusty Deevers of the Oklahoma senate wants to go further with a 20 year prison sentence for anyone who buys, views, procures, or possesses porn. Even sending nudes consentually would be illegal if he had his way

That isn't to say Dusty Deevers is likely to get his way, but he's still representing his parties values, just without any phoney appeal to populism, normie voters, or any sense of pragmatism.

I see both blue and red states passing and vetoing these bills. The majority of passed bills are in red states because, well... 4/5ths of the country is currently red:

midnite-sunrise said:
as someone from Arizona who's curious, let me ask you something; what's it like having to use that VPN? I've never used a VPN before and the prospect of having to pay a monthly fee just to browse e621 sounds... kinda shitty, I won't lie.

this is probably a silly question but I'm just trying to gauge how fucked I am in the event this bill passes, y'know?

Buying a VPN for your whole computer is probably overkill... and will make your internet slow and laggy
You can use Opera GX's free VPN for accessing e621
There's also Cloudflare Warp which is a free and faster VPN for your whole computer, but they tend you give you an IP in the same state you live in, so it might not work for bypassing restrictions

aidt said:
Buying a VPN for your whole computer is probably overkill... and will make your internet slow and laggy
You can use Opera GX's free VPN for accessing e621
There's also Cloudflare Warp which is a free and faster VPN for your whole computer, but they tend you give you an IP in the same state you live in, so it might not work for bypassing restrictions

Holy shit, thank you. I can't say I disagree with it being overkill, I just wasn't sure of my options. I'm going to look into both options, just incase you know?

cinder said:
It is safe to say that the BD is talking to their lawyers about it.
We don't really have control or say in what will happen. So I do not know what they are planning.

But the obvious option that comes to mind is moving to a different state or country.
It's complicated and costly, obviously. But if staying opens up E6 and BD to lawsuits, then moving is a better alternative.

cinder said:
It is safe to say that the BD is talking to their lawyers about it.
We don't really have control or say in what will happen. So I do not know what they are planning.

But the obvious option that comes to mind is moving to a different state or country.
It's complicated and costly, obviously. But if staying opens up E6 and BD to lawsuits, then moving is a better alternative.

California I would say or Washington maybe

midnite-sunrise said:
as someone from Arizona who's curious, let me ask you something; what's it like having to use that VPN? I've never used a VPN before and the prospect of having to pay a monthly fee just to browse e621 sounds... kinda shitty, I won't lie.

this is probably a silly question but I'm just trying to gauge how fucked I am in the event this bill passes, y'know?

I use Opera actually. It comes with a free VPN. It is annoying because I have to turn on the VPN to look at this site but I'm not going to let some washed up old religious nutjobs in suits stop me from watching and looking at furry stuff.

hiddenbird said:
for now, at least

there are a lot of things i don't like about living in Cali but sometimes it comes through when other states are doing insane shit. plus we have in n out

I've eaten there once and it tastes really good!! I think I am just going to move to Cali though. I can deal with the high prices and the expensive gas and everything else but I just can't handle my privacy being invaded. I just need to save money and move.


some_londoner said:
I live in North Carolina so I have to use a VPN to look at e621. My plan in the future is moving to California because they value the privacy of others. If you look at a political trifecta map and you see the red states, you will see that it is those states that are pushing for this porn ban nonsense.

Why not try moving to a cheaper blue state like Vermont or Connecticut?

some_londoner said:
I use Opera actually. It comes with a free VPN. It is annoying because I have to turn on the VPN to look at this site but I'm not going to let some washed up old religious nutjobs in suits stop me from watching and looking at furry stuff.

If you open up a private tab, you can have the VPN turned off for your regular session and turned on for everything else within your private session (like e6) at the same time :3

aidt said:
I see both blue and red states passing and vetoing these bills. The majority of passed bills are in red states because, well... 4/5ths of the country is currently red:

Ok, but all 9 states that have it passed now and every state that had it going to their respective governors are red states.

Also I don't trust your map to be accurate since it's not an actual source, just a random map. Nor do I buy that 4/5ths of this country is red considering Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a long time, and have had to rely on gerrymandering and the electoral college's method of weighing rural areas more heavily than urban areas.

Plus you blatenly ignored everything else I said. Yes there are simar bills introduced in blue states but they haven't been making it far before they die, never having made it to the governor in the first place

Edit: I just looked up Political party strength by U.S. state in 2024

Your map is wrong about Nevada and Pennsylvania right off the bat since both those states have almost entirely democrats representing every state branch with the acceptions being the state senate for Pennsylvania, and the governor of Nevada. Michigan is fully represented by a Democrat majority at both state and federal level.

But that's assuming your map was meant to demonstrate Political party strength by U.S. state in 2024 and not something else, and if it was something else it's probably irrelevant to your claim.

Idek what point you're trying to make here. You wanna sit in the fence and blame both sides but also try and prove that this country is overwhelmingly run by the right when its a lot more balenced than that?


smuglytherat said:
Why not try moving to a cheaper blue state like Vermont or Connecticut?

that would be nice. I do enjoy the new england states a lot honestly. I've been trying to find a site or make a chart or something where I can see a side by side comparison of all of the things that I would have to worry about or what would change if I moved to one of those states. I for sure want to move to a blue state though. North Carolina is horrible. I lived in Ohio before and it was okay but being in a better state overall where I feel like my privacy is not compromised would make my mental health improve by a lot. I'm a very progressive person as well so I would like to see other things improve also if I move to one of those blue states.

Wish there was more I could do, but I don't live in Arizona, so it won't even accept my attempt to message the governor.

raleth said:
Wish there was more I could do, but I don't live in Arizona, so it won't even accept my attempt to message the governor.


smuglytherat said:

Ok, but all 9 states that have it passed now and every state that had it going to their respective governors are red states.

Also I don't trust your map to be accurate since it's not an actual source, just a random map. Nor do I buy that 4/5ths of this country is red considering Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a long time, and have had to rely on gerrymandering and the electoral college's method of weighing rural areas more heavily than urban areas.

Plus you blatenly ignored everything else I said. Yes there are simar bills introduced in blue states but they haven't been making it far before they die, never having made it to the governor in the first place

Edit: I just looked up Political party strength by U.S. state in 2024

Your map is wrong about Nevada and Pennsylvania right off the bat since both those states have almost entirely democrats representing every state branch with the acceptions being the state senate for Pennsylvania, and the governor of Nevada. Michigan is fully represented by a Democrat majority at both state and federal level.

But that's assuming your map was meant to demonstrate Political party strength by U.S. state in 2024 and not something else, and if it was something else it's probably irrelevant to your claim.

Idek what point you're trying to make here. You wanna sit in the fence and blame both sides but also try and prove that this country is overwhelmingly run by the right when its a lot more balenced than that?

My map is from Wikipedia, they're all most or less the same, here's the full article:

Blue states passing:
Arizona - Final stage:
Georgia - Final stage:

Red states NOT passing:
Mississippi -
Tennessee -
West Virginia -
Wyoming -
Nebraska -

My point is that dumbing every single political issue down to "red bad, blue good" is unhelpful. I can assure you that majority of republicans voters don't want the government controlling what they can see and spying on them.

I should note another piece of the puzzle, granted my Arizona civics are a bit rusty here: Arizona is legit (not fake) Libertarian. There’s a good chance that if against all odds it does pass I can see some kind of voter initiative easily overturning it and then making sure it never happens again.

In short, you can generally count on voters to not tolerate two things:
1. Tax hikes
2. Being told they can’t do something.

aidt said:
My map is from Wikipedia, they're all most or less the same, here's the full article:

Blue states passing:
Arizona - Final stage:
Georgia - Final stage:

Red states NOT passing:
Mississippi -
Tennessee -
West Virginia -
Wyoming -
Nebraska -

My point is that dumbing every single political issue down to "red bad, blue good" is unhelpful. I can assure you that majority of republicans voters don't want the government controlling what they can see and spying on them.

Uuuh, did you seriously call Georgia a blue state?

You realize the fact they voted in favor of Biden in 2020 was a suprise because it's a Red State and the only democrat representation they have is their federal Senators and that's it.

aidt said:
My point is that dumbing every single political issue down to "red bad, blue good" is unhelpful. I can assure you that majority of republicans voters don't want the government controlling what they can see and spying on them.

Republican voters ≠ Republican legislators.
I’m certain a majority of republican voters don’t want this either, but it is overwhelmingly republican legislators that are introducing and voting to pass these bills.

terminally_horny said:
Republican voters ≠ Republican legislators.
I’m certain a majority of republican voters don’t want this either, but it is overwhelmingly republican legislators that are introducing and voting to pass these bills.

Yes that is true. I live in an area and work with nothing but right wingers and some of their biggest concerns are lowering their taxes, affordable cost of living, protecting our constitutional rights, a healthy job market, no cuts to social security, a stop to outsourcing jobs, and general worker protections which republican politicians actively go against while in office in spite of the fact they often campaign in favor of these policies.

Either that or they campaign on culture war issues and try to avoid answering questions related to any of the subjects I mentioned.

kalupto said:
Does anyone know any good alternatives to e6?

There is based in EU. It is using a fork of the same open source backend that Derpibooru uses so those sites are very similar in functionalities, but Furbooru is for all furry art.

aidt said:
My map is from Wikipedia, they're all most or less the same, here's the full article:

Blue states passing:
Arizona - Final stage:
Georgia - Final stage:

Red states NOT passing:
Mississippi -
Tennessee -
West Virginia -
Wyoming -
Nebraska -

My point is that dumbing every single political issue down to "red bad, blue good" is unhelpful. I can assure you that majority of republicans voters don't want the government controlling what they can see and spying on them.

Logged back in to a lurk account to point out my State, Mississippi, already had one on the books so don't count us as a red state NOT passing the bill. I would know, I live here.

k since this devolved into just red vs blue, i just wanna know, in the highly likely case that the bill will not be vetoed...

Will the site be saved somehow or should we start saying our goodbyes?

groovypls said:
k since this devolved into just red vs blue, i just wanna know, in the highly likely case that the bill will not be vetoed...

Will the site be saved somehow or should we start saying our goodbyes?

I and others have given all the available information reguarding that question already

TL;DR there's no evidence to suggest what the governor's decision will be and e621 is unlikely to shut down permanently if it does pass

Staff will let us know when a decision is made but it sounds like they'll just jump ship to a state where they can opperate as of now


A lot of talks about VPN, but would it even help in case E621 doesn't move out of the Arizona?
The way I understand this situation is that if the bill passes the site will now be required to verify age of _all_ the visitors. Through American databases. So does this mean that if you're not American, you can't pass the age verification (since you do not exist in the American database), and therefore locked out of the site completely and forever? And okay if EU passes a similar bill users from there might be able to access the site, but users from, say, Australia, or Indonesia, or anywhere else that _isn't_ USA or EU, they're still boned, right?

stellar_hips said:
A lot of talks about VPN, but would it even help in case E621 doesn't move out of the Arizona?
The way I understand this situation is that if the bill passes the site will now be required to verify age of _all_ the visitors. Through American databases. So does this mean that if you're not American, you can't pass the age verification (since you do not exist in the American database), and therefore locked out of the site completely and forever? And okay if EU passes a similar bill users from there might be able to access the site, but users from, say, Australia, or Indonesia, or anywhere else that _isn't_ USA or EU, they're still boned, right?

The Admins already said they will not age verify its users due to privacy concerns meaning they will shut down for a time until everything is settled.

As for if they can't move at all, which is unlikely, they'll probably either put the whole site on ice till they can work something out, sell their assets to someone who can host the site without the privacy concerns, or worst case scenario, shut down.

The Bad Dragon/E621 staff are currently discussing it now and we'll know as soon as they have a plan.

I'm sorry but that's everything us users know right now.

Edit: Also for VPNs, they'll give you access to the site if the state you live in happend to enact a similar law but it won't help e621 if the Arizona one passes until they find a way to stay online without having to collect user's government IDs every time they use it


smuglytherat said:
The Admins already said they will not age verify its users due to privacy concerns meaning they will shut down for a time until everything is settled.

As for if they can't move at all, which is unlikely, they'll probably either put the whole site on ice till they can work something out, sell their assets to someone who can host the site without the privacy concerns, or worst case scenario, shut down.

The Bad Dragon/E621 staff are currently discussing it now and we'll know as soon as they have a plan.

I'm sorry but that's everything us users know right now.

Edit: Also for VPNs, they'll give you access to the site if the state you live in happend to enact a similar law but it won't help e621 if the Arizona one passes until they find a way to stay online without having to collect user's government IDs every time they use it

I hope that they don't shut it down, My life is nothing without the furry suff! (Also i am not a furry okay!?)

serpentrider said:
questioning if this life is worth living now, if I'm simply not allowed to be myself.

There's so much more to life than dick and pussy pics. And there's tons of other people in every country who can't be themselves for whatever reason and they manage to survive. And if you consider yourself to be a mass murder then you were never allowed to be yourself in the first place (except if you join an active, poorly regulated military). There's always options and the world runs in cycles. In the future things will swing back more to towards free speech again then back to restrictions then back... It'll happen a few times in your lifetime. Once you're old enough you'll start to recognize the patterns. Plus, an age restriction shouldn't stop you from accessing this site... (excluding international iding issues)

For the people saying to use a VPN, that won't work while e621 is hosted in Arizona because the law would apply directly to e621 itself.

The law itself seems poorly written. Anything with "prurient interests" is banned, so that would include any site showing ads with strong sexual overtones. To deal with that there's an exception. The site has to have 33.3% of it's content be 'harmful' so that lets sites with 33.29% of any type of sexual content not need age verification... So all e621 has to do (and Bad Dragon too since dildos would be considered harmful) is to be sure it has 67% non-harmful content and it gets a complete pass. e621's current safe content is 23%. e6ai's is 9%. Draw more cuddly and cute pictures.

The liability is the cost of the damages, and court and lawyer fees. Good luck demonstrating damages from seeing some porn? I guess if the parents force the kid into therapy the cost of that therapy would count, but there's no minimum fee like some other types of crimes.

The bill also blocks kids from visiting reproductive health sites. There's no exception for educational content. There is an exception for news and search engines.

Amendments add a mandatory written consent and verification of everyone in an image before it can be "uploaded". The way they worded that bit is technically impossible. You have to upload the content in order for the site to verify it (see if the people match those in the image) but uploading prior to verification is illegal (I guess you could mail it in). 72 hour deadline for removing images of people who don't want to be seen.

And finally, the bill says it's illegal for the verification company to hold on to anyone's personal info. But again, good luck demonstrating damages. Though we do know from history that companies will do their hardest to twist your identifying info into a corporate record to get around that restriction (or simply update the law later on to remove that restriction).

Copies of this site's data do exist. 1st, you guys kindly publish DB exports (e6ai doesn't...). 2nd, the images normally come from somewhere else, so you can go to their source (again, db export has all those links). 3rd, other image boards scrape e621 so they have a copy even though they're mixed with other content. 4th, a couple users have their own archives of the content, either for archiving or research purposes. If all the furry sites somehow went offline (always download your favs) I'm sure something would popup as a torrent or on the Internet Archive. If for some reason this site goes offline what will be lost is the forum and user profiles. Everything else currently exists elsewhere.

Admins, thank you for the News warning (and the db exports, seriously those are great).

mta_2_train said:
I hope that they don't shut it down, My life is nothing without the furry suff! (Also i am not a furry okay!?)

Me neither but I really like the art

smuglytherat said:
I and others have given all the available information reguarding that question already

TL;DR there's no evidence to suggest what the governor's decision will be and e621 is unlikely to shut down permanently if it does pass

Staff will let us know when a decision is made but it sounds like they'll just jump ship to a state where they can opperate as of now

I would say California even though its expensive. California values the privacy of others which I appreciate.

loona_loverx said:
I would say California even though its expensive. California values the privacy of others which I appreciate.

... Isn't California specifically used as a headquarters by businesses because you can charge whistleblowers with wiretapping for recording conversations?

votp said:
... Isn't California specifically used as a headquarters by businesses because you can charge whistleblowers with wiretapping for recording conversations?

kinda, yeah, there are exceptions, but, in general, since California is a two-party consent state, recording conversations without the knowledge of the other party is a no-no.

I have to ask, other places that put in laws like this. whats going on there? I know most are just going crazy with VPNs but has there been any push back to said laws or attempt to reverse them? any studies on the effects of said bills. is anybody ACTUALLY using their IDs to access websites at all? I did read something about NC "willing to reverse course" but that was months ago.

thirtyeight said:
Do we have a rough timeframe for when this bill is going to be signed?

It has (now) 1 day, basically, to be vetoed or it goes into law. In Arizona, the governor has 5 days to take action on a bill before it is automatically passed after having passed both their house and senate. The bill passed the Senate on April 1st, meaning it has until April 6th to be vetoed.

Every day of my life I lose the will to live more and more.

Being a creative is utter pain and relentless misery. America is a joke of a nation. I should've just become an accountant.

terminally_horny said:
That’s what all of these laws against “harmful content to minors” are going to turn into. Republicans have for years been pushing that anything lgbtq+ related is “harmful” to minors. Their goal isn’t to protect minors, it’s to discriminate against lgbtq+ people.

They literally already slipped a trick into the Kansas harmful-to-minors ban where the exact definition of harmful to minors used by the law was in another separate thing that had been passed separately and included "homosexual content" in the list.

definitelynotafurry4 said:
It has (now) 1 day, basically, to be vetoed or it goes into law. In Arizona, the governor has 5 days to take action on a bill before it is automatically passed after having passed both their house and senate. The bill passed the Senate on April 1st, meaning it has until April 6th to be vetoed.

Looking at legislature’s website, it arrived on her desk on the 2nd. The 7th is a Sunday and such doesn’t count so she actually has until the 8th to make a decision. Since her last round of vetoes were tearing lawmakers a new one, I would love to see her comments on this one.

So..l how do these 3rd party Age verification systems work for people outside of the US?
Seriously getting harder to be anonymous online these days…

shadowguy28 said:
So..l how do these 3rd party Age verification systems work for people outside of the US?
Seriously getting harder to be anonymous online these days…

as far as I know besides china because of how controlling things are over there...not at all?

kathyohneke said:
as far as I know besides china because of how controlling things are over there...not at all?

So… does that mean that people from outside US won’t need identification?
Or does it mean that we can’t be identified because we’re outside the US, so can’t access it anymore?

It seems the bill will likely pass which means the site will probably shut down until the staff figure something out, this will also affect Bad Dragon since they will be forced to add age verification or shut down, and BD owns e621. Hard times for the fandom and even harder times for Adult artists that pay their bills with their art. I do believe that e621 will come back up, instead of being gone forever, but a potential alternative for everyone could be

It's hosted in the EU, thus not affected by the madness sweeping the US currently, atleast for now. EU has tried passing similar things in the past but they always failed. I assume they will continue to fail.

I think that this is a bit of waking call for adult platforms in general, that the world in fact, has not become more accepting of adult works as we would like to believe, and that these platforms need to move to states where this type of thing will never happen to begin with or start hosting their sites from the EU or Asia.

midnite-sunrise said:
as someone from Arizona who's curious, let me ask you something; what's it like having to use that VPN? I've never used a VPN before and the prospect of having to pay a monthly fee just to browse e621 sounds... kinda shitty, I won't lie.

this is probably a silly question but I'm just trying to gauge how fucked I am in the event this bill passes, y'know?

In Australia I used NordVPN for awhile and it made my internet faster, and games had a better connection (mainly because our internet connections are all terrible unless you manually route them with a VPN) I could only play games like Genshin with a VPN as an example as without one the ping is too high. Not sure how it is in America but because certain VPN services have so many servers to connect to you should end up with a better connection using one. And such things like Opera, while free would be shared by more people. Though still allow access.

Even if this gets Veto'd versions of it already exists in other states, will E6 just be turned off for half of America? 2 days ago, a bill on digital ID's just passed Australia's Senate too... Though for us it appears its going to be a choice if we want to use it or not to prove our online identities... for now.

The only furry art site I use is this place, I have always loved the blacklist features (No seriously, I love the blacklist a lot) and how awesome the tagging system is here. This place just has everything and if we did lose it, I'd honestly stop looking at Furry stuff until a replacement appeared because nothing out there is as good as E621 is.

notknow said:
Not everyone lol, there are some stuff that we can upload here that we can't in furbooru.

The things that are not allowed on Furbooru are:
1) sexually themed art with minors
2) hate speech, endorsing nazi views
3) art that realistically emulates bestiality (so if humans are depicted and animals are looking like in real life)

But on the other hand irl photos are allowed there but not on e621, so fursuit pictures, plushies, sculptures etc.


These laws are popping up everywhere. Canada is introducing a simular law with Bill S-210 which requires adult websites to verify the age of its users or face a fine of 250 000 to 500 000 per violation. The bill doesn't specify how sites are to verify a person's age meaning they could require ridiculous methods like facial recognition. It's gone through its second reading and even if it fails, it's a bipartisan issue with the Conservatives stating they are interested in passing simular bills.

So if you are from Arizona about to be blocked don't feel too bad a whole country will be joining you.

staticnoise said:
The things that are not allowed on Furbooru are:
1) sexually themed art with minors
2) hate speech, endorsing nazi views
3) art that realistically emulates bestiality (so if humans are depicted and animals are looking like in real life)

But on the other hand irl photos are allowed there but not on e621, so fursuit pictures, plushies, sculptures etc.

That's like half of e6, depending on how they decide to interpret those things

notknow said:
Not everyone lol, there are some stuff that we can upload here that we can't in furbooru.

Time to go back to wildcritters?

sbeewun said:
Every day of my life I lose the will to live more and more.

Being a creative is utter pain and relentless misery. America is a joke of a nation. I should've just become an accountant.

Your vent contributes nothing to this conversation, nobody needs more pessimism in this forum.

i have high hopes that the site will continue but if something does happen will the e6 discord be affected? effected? whatever it is, will the discord still exist?

fliphook said:
will the e6 discord be affected? effected? whatever it is, will the discord still exist?

Unless the staff delete the server, it should be fine.
Discord is incorporated in Delaware and follow their laws, not Arizona's.


shadowguy28 said:
So… does that mean that people from outside US won’t need identification?
Or does it mean that we can’t be identified because we’re outside the US, so can’t access it anymore?

oh I meant these bills dont work at all because people just simpily VPN around them and almost no one actually uses their IDs so its all a lot of expense for a whole lot of nothing. but typically as long as your not in a area that has similar laws, you dont need to use a ID

kathyohneke said:
oh I meant these bills dont work at all because people just simpily VPN around them and almost no one actually uses their IDs so its all a lot of expense for a whole lot of nothing. but typically as long as your not in a area that has similar laws, you dont need to use a ID

The corporation that runs e6 is located in AZ, so they'd have to verify all users regardless of location. A VPN doesn't help this one.

mangyfox said:
These laws are popping up everywhere. Canada is introducing a simular law with Bill S-210 which requires adult websites to verify the age of its users or face a fine of 250 000 to 500 000 per violation. The bill doesn't specify how sites are to verify a person's age meaning they could require ridiculous methods like facial recognition. It's gone through its second reading and even if it fails, it's a bipartisan issue with the Conservatives stating they are interested in passing simular bills.

So if you are from Arizona about to be blocked don't feel too bad a whole country will be joining you.

Yeah that bill disappeared for a bit but last it was mentioned PP said in a interview they are removing the ID bit because they dont like the idea of people using personal information to access this sort of stuff and would rather require more reasonable things like giving parents better access to better parental blockers and such.

definitelynotafurry4 said:
The corporation that runs e6 is located in AZ, so they'd have to verify all users regardless of location. A VPN doesn't help this one.

they already said they are gonna take steps to avoid this. like possibly moving out of AZ

kathyohneke said:
they already said they are gonna take steps to avoid this. like possibly moving out of AZ

Who and where? I've seen staff say differently in the discord.

aidt said:
Rule34, but it's full of non-furry and the tagging isn't enforced very well
Itaku, but it's not furry-exclusive and it's pretty dead
TailCurl, if it ever gets finished
InkBunny is a decent choice, but not a lot of artists are active there
Furaffinity is a tagging nightmare and they STILL don't have blacklist
And then all the other niche ones like SoFurry, Weasyl, etc...

I'm curious, what does everyone else here use besides e621?

I would strongly advice against going to furaffinity, their moderators and rules are just a hot mess and they are constantly at an uproar on the latest bullshit rule they added.

Last time they declared that character ages that are canon no longer matter if the character looks like a cub and they specifically referred to Gatomon as an example of banable content. Now the artists who barely do art but had Gatomon lewds got banned but those who are hella popular get their art removed and have their 6th final warning sent out.

The only sites i know of that kinda works are:


Sadly none of those work as well as e621.

scalesalad said:
I'm all for child safety and preventing them from accessing porn, but this is just dumb. Maybe just telling parents to get some parental control app or just, you know, be parents might have been better. But oh well, governments gonna government.

I have three questions:
- I am not a US citizen, how the hell do I verrify my age? Does it work like everyone else? (I won't do it anyways if have to)
- Once that law passes, how long until servers are relocated? Days? Weeks? Months?
- Are there ways to get news/update from e6 out of the website? I know there's a twitter account but it's never been touched in years IIRC... Or has it? Anything lther than that?

The thing is they dont want to actually protect kids, they want to make lewds as inaccassible as possible so they can later look around from the high horse and claim they did well.

definitelynotafurry4 said:
Who and where? I've seen staff say differently in the discord.

an admin said something about it, I believe...


cinder said:
But the obvious option that comes to mind is moving to a different state or country.
It's complicated and costly, obviously. But if staying opens up E6 and BD to lawsuits, then moving is a better alternative.

this seems more just speculation of possible solutions on Admin Cinder's part more than saying what Dragonfruit/Bad Dragon/e621's actual plans currently are. people might have been taking it that way, despite this directly preceding it:

cinder said:
I do not know what they are planning.

votp said:
... Isn't California specifically used as a headquarters by businesses because you can charge whistleblowers with wiretapping for recording conversations?

Cali can be like like a broken clock at times. It's right twice a day.

tester29 said:
The thing is they dont want to actually protect kids, they want to make lewds as inaccassible as possible so they can later look around from the high horse and claim they did well.

Ducking Puritains

Stuff like this makes me glad that these politicians are running out of time. Especially with the tax base approaching collapse.

salesdepartment said:
rule34, but it has a horrible tagging problem, and the community, from what i can tell, sucks.

It's also pretty vague about shota/loli/cub content, and it doesn't allow regular users to post animated files until you've reached some sort of quota first



big_gay said:
I almost want to doubt that the bill will pass. Even the most extreme Republicans don't want to give up their porn. Porn is popular.

But then again, when have politicians ever listened to what people want.

I hope the site moves to another state in the case it does pass, despite literally no one wanting that.

Kansas banned whiskey. Just saying...

t24ttffrg said:
You know what's funny especially about that? Steam has banned Germany from accessing and buying Pornographic games, after the German Government said they have to do a proper age verification for these games. Valve doesn't want to do that and blocks these games foe Germans. Only these games, the ones where you can kill, murder, gore, etc, everything else that is mature does not need to be verified online it seems. This approach, that porno needs age verification but we don't care about violence, shows that lawmakers really are... not that smart when it comes to logical thinking. (I know this is a german exclusive problem... for now, until american lawmakers realize there also porno games and not only internet sites) This example shows that politicians and lawmakers really don't understand the gravity of their decisions and the consequences they have.

You assume that sociopaths care.

abadbird said:
In her letter to the Senate, Hobbs wrote that these four bills “are attempts to criminalize free expression and ostracize the LBGTQIA+ community both implicitly and explicitly, creating statutory language that could be weaponized by those who choose hate over acceptance.” She notes, “I have made it abundantly clear that I am committed to building an Arizona for everyone and will not support and legislation attempts to marginalize our fellow Arizonans.”

I wonder if this'll be like the thing that made the founders of the EFF take the nuclear option like they did. I mean not a small number of people are very vocally pissed off. EFF was created specifically for idiocy like this. Reminds me a bit of stuff like the right-to-repair movement responding to awful behavior of different PTBs (Apple, etc.).

matirion said:
It's also a 1st amendment violation if it could reasonably be expected that people would be disincentivized from visiting the site. Porn is still speech, and making it riskier to access it would fall under that scope. Anyone with privacy awareness would want to avoid handing over their ID to third parties because of the risks it carries (identity theft for one), and thus it's still a 1st amendment violation. The government is not allowed to restrict access in any way on the basis of the contents of the speech, and that's exactly what they are trying to do by creating a risk that didn't exist before.

"Naw, bro, we just make it possible for non-government people to ruin you in court in a state you don't even live in, and never have been. It's totally not to use a chilling effect to force you out of existance, state-by-state." I mean, that's basically the legal argument for these loopholes around the constitution. Judges will eventually catch up, but for now it's being allowed. I suspect it'll eventually get to someone's *favorite thing* being given this treatment before they try to pass a federal-level law banning the practice.

smuglytherat said:
Also Dusty Deevers of the Oklahoma senate wants to go further with a 20 year prison sentence for anyone who buys, views, procures, or possesses porn. Even sending nudes consentually would be illegal if he had his way

I know of people that seriously say they want to literally kill anyone involved in porn of all kinds. It's hilarious that Dusty is being moderate with that 'compromise'.


I wonder how something like this works with adult games or mods for games that make them adult.

Steam does have many adult games (many Furry ones too) and well, mod sites feature a lot of content for all sources.

Or they could just leave it alone and let us get on with our lives, wouldn't that be grand