Topic: Meet Dylan the Armadillo, e621's new mascot.

Posted under General

So after much deliberation, we decided to go for a new, completely different mascot for the site; thus, we have Dylan the Armadillo!

Representing e621's resilience and uniqueness, Dylan's celebrating (in style, of course) this very important milestone in the site's history, with a toga (which of course hides almost nothing) and an awesome party hat.

We're going to use Dylan as the site mascot for a while as an experiment; I know that by the law of averages we should have a twink furry fox as our mascot but I quite like the idea of having a *unique* mascot; something that represents what the site's about.

The first of two images Narse has drawn for us is currently on the front page (complete with CPU-intensive snowing hexagons); in about a week's time we'll swap this over for the second image we have.

You can see the full image of Dylan here:

Questions? Comments? Post 'em below!

Updated by SnowWolf

The balls.. first thing I saw..
Then I saw the balls on the armadillo.

All I can say is wow. Impressive and Strange! Good Job.

I just wish we had a female parts version.

Updated by anonymous

I just wish we had a female parts version.

Oh I'm sure there'll end up being a female Dylan sometime...

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
You can see the full image of Dylan here: [link]

Questions? Comments? Post 'em below!

Missing link.

Updated by anonymous

HA HA HA! I read this before the link was fixed.

Updated by anonymous

Eh, I don't know. I prefer eSix.

But, I suppose an armadillo is fine, too.

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
Representing e621's resilience and uniqueness, Dylan's celebrating (in style, of course) this very important milestone in the site's history, with a toga (which of course hides almost nothing) and an awesome party hat.

... and a raging boner.

Updated by anonymous

Aside from the... raging boner, great idea.

Updated by anonymous

Unique indeed. I must admit, it's more interesting than Esix or any of the other proposed mascots from way back when.

Updated by anonymous

Other than the fact that it's a 'dillo, which is somewhat unique on it's own, I found the mascot to be absolutely boring. At least Esix, and her incredibly gay cat companion directly reflected the site in their appearance. When you looked at them, you could see the direct parallels to e621, and the planning that had gone into their creation.

Is there any chance of getting a female mascot for Dylan to share his throne with? I'd really liked the idea of having one of each gender.

Updated by anonymous

i like the new mascot, but maybe a clean version on the front page? =p

Updated by anonymous

A good day and a good decision, one that goes for a meaning rather then popularity among people fapping to it.
though I really do dislike that you went for a one sexed character, i mean, female is the highest uploaded material here, so at least make it sexless and cartoony...

Updated by anonymous

That's a very disappointing choice of mascot.

Please tell me I don't have to see that every time I go to the main page, that's going to suck =|

Updated by anonymous

I will admit the the armadillo is definitely unique, but it's pretty tasteless and not very coordinated with the style of this site. If it was updated to better fit the color palette of the site, it'd be a lot more pleasing to the eye. I personally liked the other mascots a bit more thanks to their catchy designs, especially Hexerade. This one just sticks out like a sore thumb. This mascot is as bland as the bunny.

Updated by anonymous

Funny, I had to re-login to post a comment I already wrote, but got deleted after logging in.

So I'll keep it extra short this time. I don't dig the nude armadillo on the front-page. e621, to me, was an art archive meticulously organized by tags and categories. It's not a porn archive. It's an archive that also has porn on it. If I missed a memo about the site's mission statement, I'll gladly read up on it, but seeing nakedness on the front-page after years of there being no porn on the front-page... I just don't agree with it.

I like porn. I come here for porn. But I also have a semi-functioning blacklist for a reason. It's worth noting that I'd say the same thing if there was a naked female armadillo on the front-page.

Updated by anonymous

So what was the point of previous mascot competition? The users were voting for what they think would be the best mascot and artist were trying to make one, it was a fair contest (well, sort of). And now all that effort was just thrown away?
-Oh hey guys, i've just decided to change the mascot for no reason.
-But, but we already have a mascot that the users chose...
-Pfft, who cares about the users and their opinion anyway, lol.

P.S. You could at least make it genderless.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, the massive boner right in the middle of the god damn page did come off as a bit vulgar to me.

Imagine a straight guy / homosexual girl's reaction to that?

Clean version for great justice.

Updated by anonymous

Sizer said:
Yeah, the massive boner right in the middle of the god damn page did come off as a bit vulgar to me.

Imagine a straight guy / homosexual girl's reaction to that?

Clean version for great justice.

Hey, man, it's Narse. It's not vulgar. >it'sbeautiful.jpg

Updated by anonymous

A armadillo is a nice idea, but a female or a female/male picture would be much better. Otherwise e621 look like a gay site on the first view.

Updated by anonymous

reflex said:
A armadillo is a nice idea, but a female or a female/male picture would be much better. Otherwise e621 look like a gay site on the first view.

So it's better of it looks lesbian/straight?

Lolno. If we're going that route, just make it not have a dick, or tits, or vaj.
A armadillo is a nice idea, but a female or a female/male picture would be much better. Otherwise e621 look like a gay site on the first view.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, this is extremely biased towards those who like males, and despite being banned by mellis on multiple occasions, I still prefer his mascot. (<3 you melly) *spite*

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Fozzy said:
So what was the point of previous mascot competition? The users were voting for what they think would be the best mascot and artist were trying to make one, it was a fair contest (well, sort of). And now all that effort was just thrown away?
-Oh hey guys, i've just decided to change the mascot for no reason.
-But, but we already have a mascot that the users chose...
-Pfft, who cares about the users and their opinion anyway, lol.

Everything anyone ever told me or (I presume) Varka was that a vote by the e621 community was held for deciding on the new mascot, and then the idea of users voting on it was abandoned and nullified after it was discovered that some users were voting multiple times. Thus, the administrators ended up deciding on a new mascot.

If that was not the case, it's news to me.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Everything anyone ever told me or (I presume) Varka was that a vote by the e621 community was held for deciding on the new mascot, and then the idea of users voting on it was abandoned and nullified after it was discovered that some users were voting multiple times. Thus, the administrators ended up deciding on a new mascot.

If that was not the case, it's news to me.

They actually decided to use the top 5 entries equally. They just never got around to it.

Updated by anonymous

Needs a female version (or clean version), and not an armadillo (a very unique choice though).

I do like, however, that you tried.

I guess it can't please us all.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Everything anyone ever told me or (I presume) Varka was that a vote by the e621 community was held for deciding on the new mascot, and then the idea of users voting on it was abandoned and nullified after it was discovered that some users were voting multiple times. Thus, the administrators ended up deciding on a new mascot.

If that was not the case, it's news to me.

I think a quote is appropriate in this situation:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
~Joseph Stalin

Updated by anonymous

I'm noticing a few problems here. First off, this new mascot completely blows e6's legal validity out of the water. On the main page, there is no "Not 18? Go [link]here." which linked to Google which was e6's flimsy 'hey, we aren't showing porn to minors' cover. (Yet there was still enough to prevent a solid case). This makes me think someone is going to come after this site or the fandom entirely, branching out to a significant number of legally questionable things hosted within the site, such as images with the 'do not distribute' strips on the bottom or cub and loli.

Second off, it is slightly offensive to place an image that would be labeled "explicit" in tagging on the front page where some people may have male, female, or rating:explicit on their blacklists.

I, personally, thought that the e6 mascot idea of an androgynous mascot was a great idea because it was fair to everyone, not just certain groups of people at a time (when there's a female version made (this is the internet)).

Most important point I'm trying to make: I don't care that there's a mascot. Keep the porn off the front page, and put back that warning. For everyone's sake.

Updated by anonymous

Simply sending a young child a link to the front page will bombard them with anatomically incorrect armadillo cock.

Updated by anonymous

Legati said:
I'm noticing a few problems here. First off, this new mascot completely blows e6's legal validity out of the water. On the main page, there is no "Not 18? Go [link]here." which linked to Google which was e6's flimsy 'hey, we aren't showing porn to minors' cover. (Yet there was still enough to prevent a solid case). This makes me think someone is going to come after this site or the fandom entirely, branching out to a significant number of legally questionable things hosted within the site, such as images with the 'do not distribute' strips on the bottom or cub and loli.

Second off, it is slightly offensive to place an image that would be labeled "explicit" in tagging on the front page where some people may have male, female, or rating:explicit on their blacklists.

I, personally, thought that the e6 mascot idea of an androgynous mascot was a great idea because it was fair to everyone, not just certain groups of people at a time (when there's a female version made (this is the internet)).

Most important point I'm trying to make: I don't care that there's a mascot. Keep the porn off the front page, and put back that warning. For everyone's sake.

I agree with Legati, this just isn't the kind of thing for the front page. eSix was far more gender neutral most of the time and was better related to the site in theme than random erect armadillo guy...
honestly, this kind of feels bad after having that whole mascot search as well. And if you wanted something male, we had Hexerade- and both eSix and hexerade fit the color theme as well.

Updated by anonymous

>>bawww NSFW on front page

the admins trolled you pretty good with this one
I find it amazing just how many people rage so hard about this.

Geez, it's just a (mostly) furry porn site.
Don't browse e621 at work.

Yeah, it was funny, I hope they move the search box over the mascot's cawk.
Most of us were surprised, some laughed, some cried, some fapped...

And now let's calm down and resume our regular activities.

As for the mascot issue, if you can't decide on the gender, and it's really that much of a serious business, then make one more. Or rule63 this one.

Updated by anonymous

Hey's not cool to steal the Furry Fiesta dog-knotted armadillo...

Updated by anonymous

2 points:

1. I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to have a hexagon pattern on him, since actual armadillos have patterns very close to that.

2. Real armadillo penises are actually much longer than that. It looks rather like a really skinny dolphin cock. I would post a link but I'm not sure that's allowed.

Man... now I want to draw up my own version of Dylan...

Updated by anonymous

Sizer said:
Yeah, the massive boner right in the middle of the god damn page did come off as a bit vulgar to me.

Imagine a straight guy / homosexual girl's reaction to that?

Clean version for great justice.

As a homosexual female, and a member of the staff, I'm pretty meh about the whole thing. I just can't believe they deliberated without me T.T... The choice is unique and I do like it. But it needs work.. Let's see what I can do >)

Updated by anonymous

I love the new mascot (and the new front page!) But, I think that we should remove the -ahem- naughty bits from the front page.

Updated by anonymous

I think it's fine, just fit the colours on the armadillo better. And maybe add more mascots that appear randomly, male, female and herm alike. There were a lot of good characters in the mascot competition and most of them have been posted here.

I'm just happy e621 is up and running.

Updated by anonymous

I vote pangolin for female mascot. :P

edit: and name her Pan, since we're going the "creative" route

Updated by anonymous

Hey folks,

Thanks for the feedback; just to remind you that the front page IS going to be made work-safe (and not so male-specific) very soon, and that I'm going to keep tweaking the mascot over time to ensure he's in keeping with good taste. :p

Keep an eye on the front page for a work-safe, censored version going up.

Thanks everyone for remaining civil and constructive in your feedback; I want you to know that I *am* listening, and trying to balance making something awesome with something that doesn't offend everyone.

Updated by anonymous

Thank you Varka for listening and taking an active role based on what we have to say (yell, scream and generally fuss about too). I, for one, appreciate it. :D

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
I vote pangolin for female mascot. :P

edit: and name her Pan, since we're going the "creative" route

would she be pansexual?

on topic: i am mostly indifferent about the mascot but the cpu consumption is annoying

Updated by anonymous

You know, I should totally be the mascot... yes..

OoOoOoO said:
on topic: i am mostly indifferent about the mascot but the cpu consumption is annoying

Yes, music plus near real time snowflakes makes an FA sized catastrophe... Can we lose the snowflaking? I already had to stop that once. :( Ironically also on FA XD.

Updated by anonymous

OoOoOoO said:
would she be pansexual?

Like any e621 mascot wouldn't eventually be pansexual otherwise?

Updated by anonymous

long time lurker here

I like the idea that finally there is a mascot and someone was bold enough to make a decision, I simply fail to see what this mascot in general has to do with e621.

Personally I do not care how many dicks/breasts/vagoos/cloakas it has but it should reflect the the site and it's users in some way, else it's not a mascot it's a just logo or a brand.

So see this as a bug report for a better mascot.

btw. what happened to the porn free, non-nude variant of e621?

Updated by anonymous

closetfurfag said:
btw. what happened to the porn free, non-nude variant of e621?

That got shut down last year.

Updated by anonymous

closetfurfag said:

long time lurker here

You do a horrible job at lurking :(

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
That got shut down last year.

Would it be possible to make an entry page where only images with a safe rating are shown?

Updated by anonymous

no, srsly, wtf is that crap all about XD i personally dont mind, i bypass the front page whenever i visit, but goddamn what kind of infernal program does that

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You do a horrible job at lurking :(

Previously I just went here looking for porn, so I haven't seen much of the community ...

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
no, srsly, wtf is that crap all about XD i personally dont mind, i bypass the front page whenever i visit, but goddamn what kind of infernal program does that


Updated by anonymous

Good ol' AdBlock to the rescue. Two clicks and the ugly drawing on the front page is gone <3

Plz to take the gay prons off my front page, tyvm. I don't mind looking at cocks, but seriously, this made me throw up a little in my mouth.

Updated by anonymous

It's pretty shameless to have straight-up non artistic porn on the front page, irregardless of the gender.

Personally, I like the idea of an armadillo, but I'd prefer it if the design was simplified to be more symbolic of the site. It would be much, much better if it matched the designs of the number counters and was colored accordingly.

I didn't feel one way or the other about the Esix character, and I understand why it's no longer being considered as a mascot. With that being said, when compared to this Dylan character, Esix is much more preferable.

Updated by anonymous

I don't care what anyone says, including the site owners past and present, e621 is and has always been furry porn site. I wouldn't be caught dead viewing even the normal front page in public just in case anyone decided to get curious. And if you go anywhere near any part of e621 at work, you deserve to be fired. There have been ads 1000 times more offensive than this on e621, so I'm not sure what the big deal is.

Updated by anonymous

ITT: I'm angry because the mascot is male

Also ITT: And naked

Updated by anonymous

I agree with RlctntFr, this site isn't exactly the thing you'd open at work, and if you have a decent (read non-IE) browser you can just block Dylan from your frontpage.

Updated by anonymous

The new mascot sucks big time.

Nothing wrong with an armadillo... but he still sucks.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with most of the people here who state that Dylan barely seems to represent E621 at all. It's like what another said about that bunny; it's just bland and rather unexciting. It just feels like what someone would expect coming to a furry site, an animal humanoid with a dick sticking out.

The other options for mascots were much more related to the site. It should be an androgynous figure that symbolizes the site in most of its entirety. What happened to those who offered idea for mascots and had their entries voted upon? Should we just ignore them?

I also agree with the person who stated that E621 is an archive that just happens to have porn on it; blatantly posting porn on the frontpage is rather tasteless and a bit crude, and completely disregards the fact that there is a large number of clean images on this site, and that there are people who would very much rather not see that kind of shit on their screen.

It's not about offending anyone, Varka, it's about being considerate of as many of the user community as possible, not just whimsically doing whatever you see fit.

I am aware of the fact that you own the site though, and you have the complete right to be inconsiderate, but this site runs off of the community that posts and uses the site, and it would probably benefit the site to be aware of what those people think.

Just my two cents.

PS: The legal issues are a bit staggering here, also. Just thought I should also point that out.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, you people are pants-on-head-retarted, aren't you?

If you don't like it, follow these steps:

1.) Engage the protrusions on the bottom of your torso. (these protrustions are called 'legs', by the way)

2.) Continue engaging them until you arrive at a large plank of wood, plastic, or metal set into a wall. (you might have seen them in your h-games; they're called doors.)

3.) Turn the knob on the 'door'. Push. If that does not 'open' the 'door', pull.

4.) Again, engage your 'legs' until you are fully out of the house.


Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Wow, you people are pants-on-head-retarted, aren't you?

At least we can count on you to post constructive advice completely relevant to the situation at hand.

Updated by anonymous

Needs a bigger dick, and possibly a script that sets it as everyone's wallpaper and deletes all their female/straight porn

mosh_grizzly said:
It's pretty shameless to have straight-up non artistic porn on the front page, irregardless of the gender.

Also irregardless is not a word. And non-artistic is subjective.

Updated by anonymous

Drakea said: I also agree with the person who stated that E621 is an archive that just happens to have porn on it

That is a ridiculous claim. 19.3% of this site is rated Safe and many of those "clean" images are at least suggestive by normal standards. That leaves 4/5th of the site as a porn site. It's a porn site that happens to have clean stuff on it. If you're going to this site and are not looking for porn, you're doing it wrong.

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
That is a ridiculous claim.

Not everyone is as porn-crazed as you are, my friend.

Updated by anonymous

Drakea said:
Not everyone is as porn-crazed as you are, my friend.

Softcore porn is still porn.

Drakea said:
PS: The legal issues are a bit staggering here, also. Just thought I should also point that out.

Actually, this is the only point that actually makes sense. Aren't you required to have a disclaimer?

Updated by anonymous