Topic: Meet Dylan the Armadillo, e621's new mascot.

Posted under General

VariantofTheme said:
See, Snow, I don't think he's overreacting. Looks to me like -you- are.

I'm also impressed that you actually pulled out the "they've never posted before! They have no say in this" card earlier on.

You know.. I started out with a much longer reply, but... it's not worth it.

I wrote my post with the intention of summarizing varka's posts. I had small amounts of commentary on the matter. I don't see how this is over reacting. But if you want to think I'm throwing a hissy fit, go for it, dude. I'll still be here tomorrow.

As for the 'they've never posted' card... no. This was in reply to the people who were, very early on, crying "This armadillo is terrible, it has a PENIS, I HATE it, what was the point of you running a mascot contest if you aren't using the winners???" The people who very clearly came to the website, clicked on the 'find out more' text, read the first post, then hit reply. without even looking at anything else. not even the 3rd post. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. I just wish people would look at the available data--the things stated repeatedly in a thread--before sharing their opinion.

*steps out of thread* I've given more then my 2 cents. I'll post more if I come up with someting productive to offer about mascot design.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
that's the fuckton of ram.

That's a fuckton of ram? Really? 'cause I've got 24 gigs, and that's how I, personally, define a fuckton.

Updated by anonymous

ShadeWolf said:
That's a fuckton of ram? Really? 'cause I've got 24 gigs, and that's how I, personally, define a fuckton.

That's a ridiculous amount of ram.

I have 4 gigs, and have never needed/wanted more.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
That's a ridiculous amount of ram.

I have 4 gigs, and have never needed/wanted more.

Well, yes. As I said, that's how I personally define a fuckton of RAM. I was all "Just 200 bucks? OKAY!", because I still remember when 1 gig cost 100.

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
Oh I'm sure there'll end up being a female Dylan sometime...

We'll call her Nalyd?

Updated by anonymous

i love the new mascot, and love the artist of course, but i suggest, for all those annoying fans that don't, either a muzzle or... maybe putting blue plates on his back? ones that would mimic the classic hexagon?

Updated by anonymous

Dylan looks good as he is now, but it occurred to me that a slightly darker colour would be great. Nothing too drastic, one to three shades darker is all.

Updated by anonymous

Rookke said:
Dylan looks good as he is now, but it occurred to me that a slightly darker colour would be great. Nothing too drastic, one to three shades darker is all.


Updated by anonymous

I'm reserving some time after Further Confusion to go and sit down and get the image changer/chooser coded up and implemented; I estimate, realistically, 2 weeks until this'll be done.

Thanks SnowWolf for compiling a succinct summary of my responses so far in the thread. <3

Updated by anonymous

When I first saw 'Dylan' I wondered why there was a gay armadillo on e621 on new years, now I learn he's the new mascot? Where'd this choice come from? There are plenty of unused animals and we could probably do with an asexual mascot. Being a "Danbooru" type site the purpose of the site is not to share porn, but art and hopefully, artistic opinion. I can't say I enjoy seeing a nude male armadillo everytime I come to the site, and I would REALLY be appalled if there was a futa on the site, but I digress. I think a cleaner more friendly mascot would be more acceptable. Not a half nude unused animal.

Updated by anonymous

i read the entire thread. the entire. dang. thread. before posting. and all i have to say, is:
varka, your running this site like a champ.
im really glad that i dont live very close to a select few of our members, because i can imagine the pure rage and beatings that must echo from their homes when they are not happy.

Updated by anonymous

Pyrebuilder said:
im really glad that i dont live very close to a select few of our members, because i can imagine the pure rage and beatings that must echo from their homes when they are not happy.

I'm so glad this is the internet; that nobody is going to actually come and lynch me for putting armadillo cock on the front page.

Pyrebuilder said:
i read the entire thread. the entire. dang. thread. before posting. and all i have to say, is:
varka, your running this site like a champ.

I'm trying my best; I can now see why the previous administration decided to go with multiple mascots - because with such a broad audience, it's so incredibly hard to please everyone, the best you can do is try to give a selection of options and hope nobody stabs you!

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
I'm so glad this is the internet; that nobody is going to actually come and lynch me for putting armadillo cock on the front page.

I'm trying my best; I can now see why the previous administration decided to go with multiple mascots - because with such a broad audience, it's so incredibly hard to please everyone, the best you can do is try to give a selection of options and hope nobody stabs you!

The problem isn't about the broad audience or whatever. It's that Dylan is a terrible choice for a e621 mascot. Also, it looks like crap and doesn't even make any sense as a mascot, which is why people are QQing, mostly.

Others are QQing about GIANT DONG on the homepage, and you can't blame them.

If it was something that remotely matched the site's theme and stuff, people wouldn't have complained (much), but Dylan is just LOL HUEG COCK ON THE FRONT PAGE.

Updated by anonymous

redisdead said:
The problem isn't about the broad audience or whatever. It's that Dylan is a terrible choice for a e621 mascot. Also, it looks like crap and doesn't even make any sense as a mascot, which is why people are QQing, mostly.

Others are QQing about GIANT DONG on the homepage, and you can't blame them.

If it was something that remotely matched the site's theme and stuff, people wouldn't have complained (much), but Dylan is just LOL HUEG COCK ON THE FRONT PAGE.

And you obviously haven't read the thread. Congrats.
The Armadillo is up for artist interpretation, and I like some of the other ways it's been shown. Now get back to work.

Updated by anonymous

doesn't even make any sense as a mascot

how does something "make sense" as a mascot anyway? A mascot is something created to represent something. How does a dog and a robber 'make sense' as the mascot for a cookie flavored cereal? How about the rabbit with the fruity balls cereal? How about the leprechaun for the marshmallow cereal? A mascot is made, and the brande makes the mascot work.

All mascots start off with a 'concept' idea, and designers work and refine it until it looks good, and then they market it. And over time, the mascot 'fits'. We here are seeing the 'concept' idea thrown up in a rush. Over time, it'll be refined, reworked, and in 3 or 4 years, 95% of people would go "yeah, Dylan! e621!" and only a few people will still be grumbling about how they liked the weird hexagonal unspecified critter better.

Fro fun, look at concept art for *insertfavorite disney feature here*

Updated by anonymous

I read that post and thought:

Walt Disney said:
The problem isn't about the broad audience or whatever. It's that Mickey Mouse is a terrible choice for The Wizard's Apprentice. Also, it looks like crap and doesn't even make any sense as the apprentice, which is why people are QQing, mostly.

Others are QQing about GIANT EARS sticking out of the pointy hat, and you can't blame them.

If it was something that remotely matched the song's theme and stuff, people wouldn't have complained (much), but Mickey Mouse is just LOL HUEG EARZ THROUGH THE POINTY HAT.

Updated by anonymous

In all fairness, Mickey sucked. Donald Duck for life!

Updated by anonymous

I look forward to seeing the different mascots. I just hope some uncensored ones are included.

Updated by anonymous

To be honest looking at the all the responses, which are alot, I honestly can see how whil the idea of a unique character is a very good idea, Dylan just doesn't have the feel or look for this site. There's way to many comments about this to just overlook and ignore that, and I can see folks bypassing the main page where you see the mascot just to avoid looking at him.

Updated by anonymous

I actually don't care at all for this mascot at all. He's bland, sure it's unique, but that's nothing compared to the fact that he's naked with a raging boner. :/ Not everyone is here for dicks. Sheesh. Way to appeal to everyone, good job.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Otterwolfy said:
I actually don't care at all for this mascot at all. He's bland, sure it's unique, but that's nothing compared to the fact that he's naked with a raging boner. :/ Not everyone is here for dicks. Sheesh. Way to appeal to everyone, good job.

Why are people still complaining about a raging boner when it's been gone for almost 2 weeks now?

And the day that we can make EVERYONE happy with something as subjective as a mascot will be a very special day indeed.

Updated by anonymous

Oh come on, they've already said that Esix and the other will be selectable replacements. Why can't you people read the thread?

Updated by anonymous

Otterwolfy said:
He's bland, sure it's unique, but that's nothing compared to the fact that he's naked with a raging boner. :/

After an hour on FA, I read that as "naked with a boning rager".

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Why are people still complaining about a raging boner when it's been gone for almost 2 weeks now?

The official pic of him still has a raging boner, even if it's gone from the start page.

If you guys ask me, I prefer the start page without any picture of any mascot or whatever. The simple e621 main page as it was earlier i liked the most.
I hope that's not forever...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Artman said:
The official pic of him still has a raging boner, even if it's gone from the start page.

Doesn't mean that the mascot itself has a permanent raging boner :|

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Doesn't mean that the mascot itself has a permanent raging boner :|

Apparently he does and chooses not to wear clothes; what does that say about furries?

Updated by anonymous

SparktehFox said:
Apparently he does and chooses not to wear clothes; what does that say about furries?

That you are obviously need to go get some sun before saying something like, "Caring about outsiders perspective of furries on a porn site."

Updated by anonymous

SparktehFox said:
Apparently he does

Then he needs to stop taking that medication and see a doctor immediately.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Then he needs to stop taking that medication and see a doctor immediately.

Just got back from work, thank you. ^ This, right here, made me LOL. Hard. And besides, don't you think there are enough people yelling out furfaggot? I'm not because I openly despise that kind of thing but it's still there. Just like the N-Word. And prejudice is one of the things I can't stand in the least, right there with inhumane conduct, and futas.

Updated by anonymous

If you have a raging boner lasting for longer than two weeks, consider a job as a prostitute.

Updated by anonymous

SparktehFox said:
And besides, don't you think there are enough people yelling out furfaggot?

I say it all the time.

Updated by anonymous

I think we should consider looking at my idea for frontpage. The comment's in the non-yiffy picture of Dylan; the front and back one. In a nut-shell, it's Esix and Dylan shoulder to shoulder, arm eachothers' shoulders, big grins on their faces, as though to welcome the users.

Now, if only someone would draw it already, 'cause IMHO... it needs to be done as a few users have said they like my idea.

Updated by anonymous

Dude... I agree with the "troll" you are definitly Varka's pet. I have been using this site for a few years now and I do like some of the changes and others we could really do without. I didn't like coming on to this site to see a not sexy armadillo. I like the mascot idea. But could we possibly do with another?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Xerxes_Ayaphane said:
Dude... I agree with the "troll" you are definitly Varka's pet. I have been using this site for a few years now and I do like some of the changes and others we could really do without. I didn't like coming on to this site to see a not sexy armadillo. I like the mascot idea. But could we possibly do with another?

So you read enough of the thread to conclude that I am Varka's "pet", but not enough to learn that we've already said we're going to get artwork of the mascots from 3 of the previous mascot contest winners and implement them on the site?

Updated by anonymous

Xerxes_Ayaphane said:
dur dur durrr

selective reading, it's bad and you shouldn't do it. read the thread in its entirety.

Updated by anonymous

Xerxes_Ayaphane said:
Dude... I agree with the "troll" you are definitly Varka's pet. I have been using this site for a few years now and I do like some of the changes and others we could really do without. I didn't like coming on to this site to see a not sexy armadillo. I like the mascot idea. But could we possibly do with another?

As much as we appreciate your vast contributions to the site over the years, having created an account just to insult our administrator, you'll understand if we don't hold your opinion in a high regard.

Updated by anonymous

If I had made the account just to insult the admins then I would have already been banned. And due to how much the droid sucks it took me to page 5 when I hit page 9. So that was my fault and I apologize. I had misread.

Updated by anonymous

Oh hey, the armadillo's gone from the front page. Awesome!
Oh man, the site's down. One thing at a time, I guess.

Updated by anonymous

Midway said:
Oh hey, the armadillo's gone from the front page. Awesome!
Oh man, the site's down. One thing at a time, I guess.

The armadillo is staying. Now someone draw it better >(

Updated by anonymous

out of curiosity, have you guys contacted the old mascots owners yet?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

NOU said:
out of curiosity, have you guys contacted the old mascots owners yet?

Yes they've been contacted and we're still waiting on a few pictures.

Updated by anonymous

Until the whole mascot fiasco began (the original vote, not just Dylan) the site was distinguished by one thing: its design.

I'm pretty sure that's how everyone recognized it. Why not keep that idea and simply adapt the design to different characters to decorate the site, rather than restricting it to a single obscure character. It would give artists a lot more creative freedom when designing content to represent the site, and we could have a much more diversified theme instead of plastering armadillos everywhere. Plus, it would maintain its established method of recognition with long-time users.

Most companies don't use mascots, they just use logos and uniform designs to identify themselves (neither Microsoft nor Apple have mascots. Just logos).

Personally I don't like the idea of a dedicated mascot. It seems childish, like something more befitting a sports team than an online image archive.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Personally I don't like the idea of a dedicated mascot. It seems childish, like something more befitting a sports team than an online image archive.

I like you

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:

I'm pretty sure that's how everyone recognized it. Why not keep that idea and simply adapt the design to different characters to decorate the site, rather than restricting it to a single obscure character.

Personally I don't like the idea of a dedicated mascot. It seems childish, like something more befitting a sports team than an online image archive.

Spoken liek a bauss

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:

Quit bitching and moaning about your little pet favorites from the original administration's little game. It's over. Both those mascots and the original administration are gone. GONE.

This is the new. Quit clinging to your old little comfortable spot with such dogged asbergian determination and embrace the new one. Varka put some effort into this, in an effort to appease you. And you throw it back in his face like a toddler who didn't get his peas.

Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

Here's a stunning little factoid for you hate-spewing little larval maggots. You don't get a choice. Here, let me add some more formatting so your ADD-riddled minds can latch onto this little nugget. You don't get a choice. And in case you don't comprehend contractions, You do not get a choice. If Varka decides there's going to be dancing ponies on the front page, there will be dancing ponies. If Varka decides that the front page will be blinding pink, it will be blinding pink. If Varka decides to get Narse to do a piece and put it on the front page, it will be there.

So quit your bitching and go somewhere else if a little thing like an image on the front page offends your delicate little princess-esque personalities. Not a single shit will be given about your departure.

And before the inevitable 'u mad' memes, yes. I mad. I mad.

U mad?

Updated by anonymous

I'm late to the party.
We were promised more Dylan.
Where is it?

Updated by anonymous

...So it's been a little over a month now.

I kinda' just need to come right out and say it.

This joke is getting old. Time to put the chubby, shameless charlatan away and bring the real mascots back now. The armadillo isn't funny anymore, guys.

Updated by anonymous

Stonehawk said:
...So it's been a little over a month now.

I kinda' just need to come right out and say it.

This joke is getting old. Time to put the chubby, shameless charlatan away and bring the real mascots back now. The armadillo isn't funny anymore, guys.

there are no real mascots anymore.. they are all lies!

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
there are no real mascots anymore.. they are all lies!

But what about eSix? What about the competition?

Updated by anonymous

Artman said:
But what about eSix? What about the competition?

Esix is a lie.

Updated by anonymous

Artman said:
But what about eSix? What about the competition?

The whole mascot competition went out the window when Varka took over. He has no obligations to use eSix or any of the pervious mascots. In fact, Arcturus had no obligations either; he was just being nice and giving the users a say in the design of the site.

Varka could choose to use the old mascots of his own free will, of course. But it looks like he's just opting with Dylan.

Updated by anonymous

Varka said: What we're planning to do is give people the OPTION of choosing what mascot they want to see on the site; in particular, have a 'change mascot' link in the corner of the page that, site-wide, changes the mascot imagery shown on the front page as well as the new little banner thing we'll be doing at the top corner of each page.

I've contacted the original artists who created the top 3 voted mascots and have asked them if they would like to submit an improved/finalised/new image of their mascot to go on the site. This way, everyone can have what they want :p

technical note: the background changer will probably be implemented as a javascript include, which will use your local cookies to store your preferences. This means it should save and display your preferences site-wide without logging in. It also saves me from having to touch the horrid Ruby on Rails the site engine is coded in.

There will, of course, be an option for NO mascot also.

I also like this guy:

As char said, CONSTRUCTIVE bitching is good - it means we can get stuff sorted, and find a comfortable middle ground for everyone. Flaming and trolling, less so.

Keep it relevant and constructive, people!

Updated by anonymous

for people who don't like reading the whole forum and come here to complain. didn't think the new mascot would ruin so many peoples browsing time here on e621, even though he is just on the front page, not following you around anywhere you go. i for one like him, he makes the front page look, not so plain. definitely an improvement imo.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
and why did you repost that snowwolf?

He was responding to KloH0und's comment about Varka's decision.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
He was responding to KloH0und's comment about Varka's decision.

hmm that might make more sense.... i thought it was in response to artman or stonehawk .-.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
and why did you repost that snowwolf?

because it contained information relevant to the five posts directly above me. Copying and pasting was a lot easier then manually retyping the spirit of what Varka had said... plus, by actually quoting Varka, the words gained credibility, rather then just 'what that one guy' said.

It wasn't directly in reply to any one person or another (Kl0hound vs Artman or stonehawk)... Just resurfacing the information, as it seemed to have been buried too far once again.

Updated by anonymous

Hey guys,

I'm going to modify the front page to have a javascript mascot changer for the background; unfortunately I haven't had the time to actually sit down and write it (particularly one that uses cookies to store user's preferences).

We've got some great artwork of eSix and a number of the other mascots; it just needs to be coded up and posted.

I was wondering; chances are anyone who knows Javascript will know it better than me... Perhaps somebody better qualified than me to write the background changer could take a shot at coding something up?

In the meantime I've removed Dylan from the homepage. I'll see about coding up something real quick tonight if it's not too difficult.

Updated by anonymous


I saw this, and I think I have a boner.

Please let me know what you think.

Updated by anonymous


Your boner is pretty awesome. Can I touch it?

Updated by anonymous

Varka, are you drunk again? also links cause you didn't T.T

Updated by anonymous

AH AH AH! I've got it!

one hour ago (same as when he posted his boner), he commented on post #128599 with "holy shit, do want"

then ,to answer, that's pretty fucking awesome, actually.

Updated by anonymous