Topic: Alias Ideas

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Not sure what the term is for having certain tags be automatically added with a tag. Might be aliasing.

naked apron apron
slasher smile smile
grin smile
princess c/l princess
fangs teeth
necromorph zombie
zombie_pony zombie+pony
poodle dog
corgi dog
pomeranian dog
fim friendship is magic
spoof parody
short dress dress
dress lift dress
ponification pony
princess (anyone) princess
prince (anyone) prince
similar with queen/king if relevant

Just a few ideas of fairly obviously related tags.

They were so neatly divided by a tab break. Now it looks less readable...


Sods said:
They were so neatly divided by a tab break. Now it looks less readable...

Even less readable, because tags with spaces in them uses underscore instead, which you didn't use for the majority of tags.. Also, the term you're looking for is "imply"

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
Even less readable, because tags with spaces in them uses underscore instead, which you didn't use for the majority of tags.. Also, the term you're looking for is "imply"

Untrus. Tags that have been added show without underscores, right? Logic. Every space would be an underscore in tag form.

Updated by anonymous

That's for the effort though!

might_i_suggest *to imply* Im_suggesting
breaking_up_the_tabs_like_this? *to imply* putting_this_little_underscore thing_between_lines_of_suggestions

Updated by anonymous

And I assumed it was a given and the people capable of adding aliases would know this already. Silly me.

Updated by anonymous

Other alias. Since raizy and the-chu are the same artist, one could be aliased accordingly to the other. Think most call her Chu.

Updated by anonymous

Think you're getting aliases mixed up with implications here, dude.

Updated by anonymous

I see. Last would be an alias.Downside of not knowing the terms in play. Wonder if there's yet another term. Expecting 3 is often apt. Maybe that's just parenting or pooling.

The artist pukao. When I first encountered the artist, the site was pukarin-ko's. May or may not be all that necessary, but it is am alias. See?

Implication thought. Gryphon and harpy could be tagged as avians and chicken could be bird. Do we have a tag for flightless birds? Flightless seems to be an artist...

Updated by anonymous

I think gryphon should have a feline tag >_>
They have catbutts, damnit!

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I think gryphon should have a feline tag >_>
They have catbutts, damnit!

Should be a triple implication: avian, feline, hybrid.

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
Should be a triple implication: avian, feline, hybrid.

Agreed. Eagle, avian, lion, hybrid.

Would hyper body parts need big and huge? I'm asking. Hyper is a bit new for me.

puppy, chick, and kitten-->young dog, young chickenv, and young cat?

What is the difference between an alicorn and a pegacorn? Got me on that one.

Scared could be aliased to fear. Sorry if I'm repeating others' concerns, as I'm only stating mine as I become aware of them/ remember them again.

At minimum, nekomata should imply feline. Neopets for all the next few. Lupe is a wolf or dog, Aisha is an alien cat, Drayk is a dragon, scorchio is also a dragon, wocky is a cat, usul seems rather like a squirrel. Those are off the top of my head and I can't recall many of them. Cait_sith, in all forms I'm aware of, is a cat.

Updated by anonymous

Please use the Edit button instead of repeatedly making new posts.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Please use the Edit button instead of repeatedly making new posts.

Learning! Is there a way to undo the posts? I could clean up for the convenience of everyone.

Updated by anonymous

Consolidate all of the information into one post and remove the text from the rest of them (just fill them with underscores or something since each post needs a body).

A mod will eventually come along and delete the unnecessary posts.

Updated by anonymous

Sods said: naked apron => apron


slasher smile => smile

Perhaps evil grin could replace slasher_smile?

grin -> smile

Alias or implication? I would agree with this if it were an alias.

princess c/l => princess

Who? Don't use abbreviations when describing characters.

fangs => teeth

Teeth is such a useless tag. It's obvious they would be there.

necromorph => zombie

Not everything undead are zombies.

zombie_pony => zombie+pony

Zombie_pony should not be a tag. It not a separate species or anything.

poodle => dog, corgi => dog, pomeranian => dog

Not sure if they're all dogs, but a canine implication would be okay.

fim -> friendship is magic


spoof -> parody

This is already aliased.

short dress => dress


dress lift => dress


ponification => pony


princess (anyone) => princess, prince (anyone) => prince, similar with queen/king if relevant

Not always true. See king kazuma.

raizy -> the-chu

Seems legit.

gryphon => eagle, avian, lion, hybrid.

These all seem okay.

Would hyper body parts need big and huge? I'm asking. Hyper is a bit new for me.

No. They'd imply hyper.

harpy => avian

Not sure if flightless birds qualify as avians. I'm guessing not all harpies can fly.

chicken => bird.


Do we have a tag for flightless birds?


What is the difference between an alicorn and a pegacorn?

Alicorn is the substance a unicorn's horn is made from. A pegacorn is a hybrid of a unicorn and a pegasus.

scared -> fear

Seems okay.

puppy, chick, kitten => young dog, young chicken, and young cat?

No. They should be aliased to their adult form.

KloH0und said: Please use the Edit button instead of repeatedly making new posts.


Sods said: Learning! Is there a way to undo the posts? I could clean up for the convenience of everyone.

I could delete them. But you can edit your posts to clean everything up first if you want.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Perhaps evil grin could replace slasher_smile?


Teeth is such a useless tag. It's obvious they would be there.

Disagreed. I think it's sometimes used unnecessarily. I only ever use it when my eyes are drawn to the teeth (and not just the grin/grimace/whatever) with a sort of "dem teefs" reaction. Something like

post #106848
post #48980
post #146739

Updated by anonymous

Sods said:
Would hyper body parts need big and huge? I'm asking. Hyper is a bit new for me.

Riversyde said:
No. They'd imply hyper.

So you agree here that hyper body parts shouldn't be tagged big or huge, yet you went ahead with implying big and huge to hyper and big to huge breasts?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
So you agree here that hyper body parts shouldn't be tagged big or huge, yet you went ahead with implying big and huge to hyper and big to huge breasts?

I misunderstood the question, is all. They should have big_(bodypart) and huge_(bodypart) implied.

Updated by anonymous

gryphon => eagle, avian, lion, hybrid.

No. Avian and hybrid, yes, but gryphons are not always specifically eagles and specifically lions. The gryphon tag seems to be used for any generic avian + other hybrid. For example:

post #168960
post #164703

Updated by anonymous

I thought the creatures were named different things based on the parts. Harry Potter books mentioned a hippogriff, if I spelled it right. I think Buckbeak was one. A gryphon/griffin is notably different. A hippogriff has a horse half and seems to be a male griffin on mare deal. Logically, a female griffin on stallion would produce one too.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
No. Avian and hybrid, yes, but gryphons are not always specifically eagles and specifically lions. The gryphon tag seems to be used for any generic avian + other hybrid.

Avian, feline, and hybrid should work. If there's no feline in the mix, it just isn't a gryphon.

Updated by anonymous

According to this WikiFur article, pokemorphs are abthros by default. As such, pokemorph could logically have anthro as ab implication-based tag.

@Riversyde: Princesses C and L are Princesses Celestia and Luna. Does Prince Blueblood count as royalty? Is he an actual prince? I beyond have no idea.

*cutie_mark Do we honestly need all these different cutie mark tags? While I wish it wasn't necessary, aliasing them all to cutie_mark is probably for the best. Unless I'm missing something? Happened before. It is what happened to Molestia, Trollestia, Lunaughty, and probably Trolluna already. false_cutie_mark may or may not also count. Only 2 hits.

Updated by anonymous

All the multitude of different cutie marks should be aliased to the item they are (like cherry_cutie_mark to cherry) and then cutie mark applied appropriately.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
All the multitude of different cutie marks should be aliased to the item they are (like cherry_cutie_mark to cherry) and then cutie mark applied appropriately.

I asked Char if I could do something like this but he said I couldn't :(

Sods said:
According to this WikiFur article, pokemorphs are abthros by default. As such, pokemorph could logically have anthro as ab implication-based tag.

No. Anthros have to be with a feral character for the anthro tag.

@Riversyde: Princesses C and L are Princesses Celestia and Luna. Does Prince Blueblood count as royalty? Is he an actual prince? I beyond have no idea.

I dunno. I don't really care, either.

*cutie_mark Do we honestly need all these different cutie mark tags? While I wish it wasn't necessary, aliasing them all to cutie_mark is probably for the best. Unless I'm missing something? Happened before. It is what happened to Molestia, Trollestia, Lunaughty, and probably Trolluna already. false_cutie_mark may or may not also count. Only 2 hits.

Char seems to think so <_<

<&Riversyde> second: can i nuke the *cutie_mark tags? they're only specific to one given pony, so that can be covered by a character tag
<~Char> they're not necessarily specific to one pony
<&Riversyde> that information could be added in their wiki, don't you think? once the mlp craze is over, those tags will just be in the way
<~Char> if this is a trend that just recently started, it's probably because we've been doing it on 20pc
<&Riversyde> but our tagging system is broader than 20pc's
<~Char> i don't see the harm in them though. They can cover multiple characters, and maybe someone doesn't know the name of a character, but knows they have a star cutie mark, etc
<&Riversyde> how could you recognise the cutie mark but not the character?
<~Char> they may not know the character's NAME, but they remember the cutie mark had a star in it
<&Riversyde> well, they can search star and my_little_pony
<~Char> possibly but i still don't see the harm in these tags. we tell users "tag what you see". they're tagging what they see.
<&Riversyde> but they clutter the tag index. it's a specific tag which can be covered by other means which aren't so specific.
<&Riversyde> users looking for stars would miss stars on ponies' backsides

Updated by anonymous

Sods said:
Does Prince Blueblood count as royalty? Is he an actual prince? I beyond have no idea.

"The show's creator stated that Celestia's nephew had no name in the show, and that he's the "great great great great great great great great great great great (and probably even more greats) nephew on Celestia's and Luna's mother's side, about 52 times removed, roughly speaking." He was originally a Duke but was changed to a Prince on Hasbro's request."

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
"The show's creator stated that Celestia's nephew had no name in the show, and that he's the "great great great great great great great great great great great (and probably even more greats) nephew on Celestia's and Luna's mother's side, about 52 times removed, roughly speaking." He was originally a Duke but was changed to a Prince on Hasbro's request."

Maybe so, but this has no meaning to us, of course.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I asked Char if I could do something like this but he said I couldn't :(
No. Anthros have to be with a feral character for the anthro tag.

I dunno. I don't really care, either.

Char seems to think so <_<

s/he's against nuking the cutie mark tags oturight, which is what you seem to be suggesting. I believe they should still have cutie_mark and star given the example above. thus they can do a search for star cutie_mark and locate it; Also, cutie_mark is an appropriate tag because they're more like beauty marks than tattoos, but more specific to the MLPs.

Updated by anonymous

As the alternate names of most ponies seems to be on the way out, psychoshy_(mlp) is probably in need of aliasing. Would scary being aliased to nightmare_fuel be apt? Quite a number of the images with one tag have the other. Only 58 images are tagged as scary and 21 of them are also tagged as nightmare fuel.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:

Nope. I pony turned from a pony into a tree and a plain. Those aren't ponifications in the first place. People's tagging habits at work. I would not have tagged either as a "ponification," personally. Wasn't aware those two were beforehand.

Ponification implies "turned into a pony" the way I've been using it. user:sods ponified would be mine. Note that I only use the tag for transformations into ponies. Transformation may work for the examples you provided, though.

Sods said:
Raizy, rather than Chu, was chosen. Hmmmm. The only reason Raizy had more hits is me doing most of the tags and not having tagged as Chu at first.

Probably the main reason I tagged her as Raizy most is that being the name I personally discovered her as. Her incentives and most things do in fact call her "Chu." I also think Raizy is her Raichu character.

Oh, before I forget.
None of them should have hits as I personally removed all hits from all five of them. Note that using the names I chose provides no less information, is easier to type, and requires fewer keys. Done talking.

Apple Bloom
Pinkie Pie or Pinkamena
Mayor Mare
Doctor Whoof
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Sweetie Belle
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Diamond Dogs
Derpy Hooves
Dinky Hooves
Vinyl Scratch
Berry Punch
Guess what all these tags have in common? Non-existant non-MLP uses. I know I don't have them all. That's just unnecessary. I don't care what's habit. A dysfunction protected out of habit is still a dysfunction. What possible benefit does it have? My Little Pony is already present. There's necessary disambiguation, and then there's this.
correcton on lyra

Could herm imply penis and pussy? It might help people learn to stop using herm/futa when the term they mean would be a dickgirl.

Updated by anonymous

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