Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned because I'm not sure if I want that. I mean, glasses+boobs=A-OK but that in the middle, I dunno...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I'm not sure if I want that. I mean, glasses+boobs=A-OK but that in the middle, I dunno...

Banned cause Resistance is futile

Updated by anonymous

Banned because oh joy indeed

Wait, I had that faved too. Are you sifting through my faves?

Updated by anonymous

Banned because that post, the one that furballs posted, says "u gon git fukd" probably literally too

Updated by anonymous

Banned because you didn't want to fave today. I meant Fluttershy didn't want to

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because you didn't want to fave today. I meant Fluttershy didn't want to

I do, but thanks to our tiger girl here I'll be getting 5000 faved pics earlier than expected lol can't complain that much though :3[/spoiler
and Banned.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I'm just at 3264 faves (not counting deleted ones)

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I'll have to sift through furballs' faves to see what I like :P

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I'll have to sift through furballs' faves to see what I like :P

Banned cause whose?

Edit: Nice edit. Ban extended.

Updated by anonymous