Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause shit the bump on my head that I got from getting hit by my friend Marcels trombone slide grew to the size of like a fucking kiwi... and my siamese cat won't shut up :V

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:

banned causendear lord and black jesus... well I could have been hit by ANY of my university's like twenty trombonists and it had to be the one that loves to heave his slide as hard as he fucking can then theres that little plastic tip, spike, thingy at the end of the slide...

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:
Yeah, should have worded that otherwise.


ah its ok I work as a sudstitute teacher band and orchestra teacher in high schools and middle schools i'm prolly gonna see worse so banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause oh my! I just got another teaching job offer at a different high school than the last one *takes job*

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause oh my! I just got another teaching job offer at a different high school than the last one *takes job*

I'm sure WalMart would love to hire you if you need a second job. Banned cause welcome to WalMart LMAO!

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
I'm sure WalMart would love to hire you if you need a second job. Banned cause welcome to WalMart LMAO!

Banned cause I work at a music store as a salesperson for woodwind insturments and accsesorys like fancy mouthpieaces, special reeds, ligatures, cork grease/oil, and also a sudstitute band and orchestra for secondary education level grafes 6-12 in my state

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause holy shit according to the notes the actual teacher e-mailed me my smallest class is 69 kids o.0

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause great googly moogly

banned cause 3rd period freshman band 69 students, 4th period sophmore band 76 students, 5th period junior band 82 students, 6th period senior band 87 students my jimmes are rustled and i'm the FIRST openly gay teacher in the district where I work

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause had to reset password after trying "a few" 27 attempts to log in -.-

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause had to reset password after trying "a few" 27 attempts to log in -.-

banned cause try login button instead of pressing enter

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause am I the only one TERIFFIED of spiders like one time I screamed and cried a little when I was packing to leave for college and there was a brown recluse behind my dresser had to get my BF to kill it and huggle me cause of that :l

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:

Banned cause knot the bees you say?

post #209407

Updated by anonymous