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(DEBUG BUILD ONLY) Added experimental sprite viewer for appearance by Aimozg. This is a work in progress!
Terracotta Impy shadow achievement added.

UI completely refactored, thanks Aimozg!
Black borders around the game are now restored.
Brought more of image pack support across many more scenes and tweaked several as part of the on-going efforts.

Fixed the missing text if your speed decreases at basilisks.
Fixed the Blademaster perk not working with large claymore.
Corrected the tooltip if you don't have enough ebonbloom for armour or robes. Should state 10 ebonblooms required, not 8.
Tooltip mix-up for ebonweave thong and jockstrap should be fixed.
Tail Slap can no longer be spammed past full fatigue.
Tail Whip now fatigues you.
Minor correction for entering Uma's clinic without meeting Loppe.
Correct Joy turning into Jojo during Marble Purification quest and Jack Frost event.
Dominika error should be corrected.
Farm talk should be corrected regarding the lake corruption after blowing up the factory.
Wellspring of Lust now takes priority over Battlemage.
Fixes to Priscilla foreplay. (Peterinox)
Tooltip header font should be fixed. (Aimozg)
Lust resistance should now properly apply to most lust attacks again. (BelshazzarII)
Fixed unclosed italics tag. (BelshazzarII)
Fixed unclosed bold tag. *
Many transformative items should now properly increment TIMES_TRANSFORMED flag. *
Fixes to Rhino Steak transformation. *
Imp Food should be fixed now. *
Corrupted Glades should no longer be encounterable if extinct. *
And many more undocumented fixes.

  • Comments
  • I remember I stopped playing this game when the community demanded that certain parts of it be censored. Then fenoxo complied with the censorship.

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  • The_Batter said:
    where the hell is the tf2 stuff i always see the tag for it here but i never find out where it is

    silly mode must be on and you have to go to the mountains too early (before level 3 I think.) instead of the normal text of 'you decide to head home instead' you'll get that as an encounter instead.

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  • "(DEBUG BUILD ONLY) Added experimental sprite viewer for appearance by Aimozg. This is a work in progress!"

    How do you get that build, and how to activate it? Is it available to the public?

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  • BigfootsMotherInLaw said:
    How do i add to blacklist?

    Honestly, people who ask these sort of questions make me think they're too young to be browsing around here.

    DevilLynxGirl said:
    How do you get Izma to come to camp?

    You have to spar with her a bunch of times I think she also gives you some knuckle weapons for doing that if I remember well.

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  • shrapnelman88 said:
    Honestly, people who ask these sort of questions make me think they're too young to be browsing around here.

    You have to spar with her a bunch of times I think she also gives you some knuckle weapons for doing that if I remember well.

    Gotta admit there's no security on this website plus the title needs to be changed or else the kids will keep coming it will be bookmarked in case if they turn 18 or higher

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  • shrapnelman88 said:
    Honestly, people who ask these sort of questions make me think they're too young to be browsing around here.

    You have to spar with her a bunch of times I think she also gives you some knuckle weapons for doing that if I remember well.

    Im 18, i just dont know where the add to blacklist option is. Instead of making false claims without anything to back it up, try being useful.

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  • BigfootsMotherInLaw said:
    Instead of making false claims without anything to back it up, try being useful.

    shrapnelman88 said:
    You have to spar with her a bunch of times I think she also gives you some knuckle weapons for doing that if I remember well.

    probably not the right comment to respond that to considering he just was useful to someone else.

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  • commode7x said:
    I remember I stopped playing this game when the community demanded that certain parts of it be censored. Then fenoxo complied with the censorship.

    Anyone willing to elaborate? Been out of the loop for a LONG while.

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  • Futa_Fun said:
    Anyone willing to elaborate? Been out of the loop for a LONG while.

    I don't know for sure but I have a feeling that it involves snowflakes hurt by such "disgusting text"

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  • EdgeTheWolf said:
    I don't know for sure but I have a feeling that it involves snowflakes hurt by such "disgusting text"

    A few things were removed like the incest of your kids with Izma. Other then that one specifically I can't recall. Though for some reason you can still fuck your mice children from corrupted Amily. My guess is because they got aged up, same with Bimbo Sophie's kids. While Izma must have been just straight loli territory.

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  • Jadrin_Elwyn said:
    Is anyone else finding it impossible to find the Factory?

    Haven't set out to do that yet, so far the only difficulties I'm having is encountering Lucia and Marcus. Also for some reason Jojo is already corrupt before I've even encountered him?

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  • Anyone else having it where when you download the flash, it's just a white screen and never loads the flash?

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  • I see Raphael's first encounter also triggers when the MC is a male. Will you see him again after it if you let him go without raping or slapping him?

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  • I find sand traps entirely infuriating, coming across them is almost a guaranteed knockout and unwanted pregnancy without the option to terminate. Normally I walk away but occasionally I find my self somehow stuck. Infuriating.

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  • spider26 said:
    I find sand traps entirely infuriating, coming across them is almost a guaranteed knockout and unwanted pregnancy without the option to terminate. Normally I walk away but occasionally I find my self somehow stuck. Infuriating.

    You have to make sure that during combat with sand traps that you immediately hit the climb button to reach the edge of the pit, from there you can use ranged abilities to damage them. Keep in mind that if you try to use any melee attacks it will just draw you into the pit with the sand trap, so only use ranged abilities such as magic or the bow.

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  • Um, is Grim dark mode breaking for everyone? the buttons works, in fact it's all there. It's just the screen is black.

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  • Is jojo broken for anyone else? he dosn't seem to remember me between encounters, unless you try to corrupt him.

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  • Angelziz said:
    where can I find a reducto?

    Angelziz said:
    how do I remove my vagina

    You can buy Reducto from Rathazul after he moved to camp.

    Large Blue Egg will remove vaginas, use some ovi elixiers then go to the lake till you get the encounter where you can decide what colour the egg will have.

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  • Thenewdogz said:
    hey does anyone know how to corrupt Amily? i'm a bit stuck on how to corrupt Jojo and her

    Well first thing is first you have to meet Amily before your corruption get to high. Then you need a bunch of Goblin Ale + Lust Drafts. Amily will be in an area called Town Ruins. There is a shop you randomly meet through the explore -> Explore option. She will sell both of them. To maximize this, meet amily. Get a bunch of corruption, she will freak out the second time you see her corrupted. Find the Bazaar. You can buy more item slots, then stock up on Goblin Ale and Lust drafts.

    Jojo is easily, get a high enough corruption, which you should have after corruption Amily. Keep meeting him in the forest and raping him. His sex scenes are not that great post corruption in my opinion though.

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  • Hermit20 said:
    Well first thing is first you have to meet Amily before your corruption get to high. Then you need a bunch of Goblin Ale + Lust Drafts. Amily will be in an area called Town Ruins. There is a shop you randomly meet through the explore -> Explore option. She will sell both of them. To maximize this, meet amily. Get a bunch of corruption, she will freak out the second time you see her corrupted. Find the Bazaar. You can buy more item slots, then stock up on Goblin Ale and Lust drafts.

    Jojo is easily, get a high enough corruption, which you should have after corruption Amily. Keep meeting him in the forest and raping him. His sex scenes are not that great post corruption in my opinion though.

    ok, so rape them till they're corrupted is what your saying? well i can give tht a try, i wasn't so sure about doing that before but ok, oh and Amily just goes back to the ruins right, i can find Jojo but last time i tried to find her she completely disappeared off radar

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  • Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
    You have to make sure that during combat with sand traps that you immediately hit the climb button to reach the edge of the pit, from there you can use ranged abilities to damage them. Keep in mind that if you try to use any melee attacks it will just draw you into the pit with the sand trap, so only use ranged abilities such as magic or the bow.

    also tease, tease counts as ranged

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  • Does anyone know if there's a way or a mod to be able to chose what you start as?
    I'd really wish to start as wolf and not have to spend most of the game struggling to get enough wolf peppers...

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  • shrapnelman88 said:
    Honestly, people who ask these sort of questions make me think they're too young to be browsing around here.

    your comment to that person's question is very rude in 26 and I don't even know how to black list things.

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  • fun fact if yall didn't already know, if you have an egg in you and go to the lake you may incounter lights in the water to dicate the colour of the egg

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  • 'Her eyes light up, the brown orbs becoming two unholy amber flames as she laughs at your completely stunned expression. With a devilish wink and a proclamation of, “I’m going ghost!” '


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  • PimpFur said:
    Well, time to start a new character! For the fouth time.

    And one that isn't a cow.

    I prefer full female, and that she be a predator; a carnivorous creature.

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  • how do I get magic and how do I understand it enough to get the dragon egg out of the bog

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  • Jesus ... i discovered Bimbo Jojo (Joy?) while watching this video... its relevent because of this :: (Congratulations! Your Jojo has evolved into Joy. Bust size increased, Lust increased, Intelligence decreased. Joy is trying to learn how to use Sex, but Joy can’t learn more than 4 moves. Should Joy forget an old move and learn Sex? Yes! 1...2...3... Poof! Joy forgot Chastity and learned Sex.)

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  • I feel like I've sinned for not playing this earlier until now.

    I love it! But it is kinda hard to play a.k.a. read when you want to beat the meat like a madman - the scenes are just that good!

    So far my favourite is the plant girl :D

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  • Xenop said:
    how do I get magic and how do I understand it enough to get the dragon egg out of the bog

    I don't think you need magic because I got it by becoming a full dragon, minus the legs, and got in.But if you really want magic, explore the desert, battle sand witches and they have a chance of dropping a black or white spellbook.You could also battle the demon family for a possible black spellbook drop.

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  • Just stumbled into dialog with Kath about job in Watch.
    I read as my protagonist being kinda a dick, talking about life that Kath living is shit, which is true.
    She despises Watch, yet no one else will give her job. Yeah... but let's complitly forget that protagonist is in almost same situation.
    Only called deferently :)
    Anyway, back to reason why i writing this - how difficult will be adding option to bring lovers as battle companions?
    I not demanding anything, just curious.

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  • I know this is probably not the place to post this and get anything done but here goes. I've been a long time player of c.o.c a veteran and I've always thought about having jojo as a lover and now that it has finally happened I say why stop at just sex with player in pure anal virgin mode. I say once jojo opens up to PC he should be open to blow jobs, 3 ways and other sexual acts as long as its ok with player. Who agrees give me a show of hands. Anyone?

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  • Loving the subtle changes. I'm having some weird issues though, I know with the worms, it should change the ending scenes sometimes, where the person you're having sex with sees them and it changes. Like with the minotaur urethra fuck, or with the tigershark book girl who won't even talk to you after she finds out you have them. But it doesn't always activate. Also the inventory just seems a little small for me, As i'm a hoarder and i don't have anywhere to keep my useful potions and all of the "unique" items like Mable's Hammer or the Beautiful Sword that i no longer use. I like the added Jewelry box, dresser, and shield rack (only additional stashes I've unlocked) but I literally build a bookshelf in my house and can't store books (black book, tattered scroll, etc) on them. And am i just missing a weapons and/or armor stash? with them being the most prevalent sets of items in the game, I don't get why there's an underwear drawer, but not somewhere to dump my armor.

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  • darkmage2160 said:
    Loving the subtle changes. I'm having some weird issues though, I know with the worms, it should change the ending scenes sometimes, where the person you're having sex with sees them and it changes. Like with the minotaur urethra fuck, or with the tigershark book girl who won't even talk to you after she finds out you have them. But it doesn't always activate. Also the inventory just seems a little small for me, As i'm a hoarder and i don't have anywhere to keep my useful potions and all of the "unique" items like Mable's Hammer or the Beautiful Sword that i no longer use. I like the added Jewelry box, dresser, and shield rack (only additional stashes I've unlocked) but I literally build a bookshelf in my house and can't store books (black book, tattered scroll, etc) on them. And am i just missing a weapons and/or armor stash? with them being the most prevalent sets of items in the game, I don't get why there's an underwear drawer, but not somewhere to dump my armor.

    You should find armor and weapon rack in the town ruins they can be upgraded by exploring the dessert they will hold 10 items each, if i remember correctly. Your Inventory can be upgraded by investing skillpoints in the strong back skill and buying the backpack from the bazaar.
    Hope I understood you correctly and helped you a bit with my answers.

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  • Does anyone agree that pure anal virgin jojo needs some spicier scenes and a bj scene. One where jojo gives you head instead of the other way around only.

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  • Frostsong said:
    I don't think you need magic because I got it by becoming a full dragon, minus the legs, and got in.But if you really want magic, explore the desert, battle sand witches and they have a chance of dropping a black or white spellbook.You could also battle the demon family for a possible black spellbook drop.

    I figured out a way to learn magic, just wait till 7 and to to the tower in Tel'Adre and study. but now I have a new question, how do you become a dragon? Also another question, How do you get rid of Exgartuan?

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  • I am at level 30, so I say get to level 15-25 before going into the deepwoods to find the person who raped you, trust me it will make your life in this game easier.

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  • Frostsong said:
    I am at level 30, so I say get to level 15-25 before going into the deepwoods to find the person who raped you, trust me it will make your life in this game easier.

    i was ;eve; 15 with 70 agility, the option to run from the eriking changes from the usual "run" to
    "run get caught"
    and "run Loose"
    I chose "run get caught" and first time i was able to get revenge on him and turn him into a femboy, iv'e been playing this for a few years now and i gotta, say. THAT WAS FAST KARMA

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  • Xenop said:
    I figured out a way to learn magic, just wait till 7 and to to the tower in Tel'Adre and study. but now I have a new question, how do you become a dragon? Also another question, How do you get rid of Exgartuan?

    To become a dragon, you need to unlock volcanic crag(I forgot how) and eat drake hearts. There isn't anyone else there, but the behemoth who is very nice and won't attack you. I can't help you with the other part.

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  • I HATE this random damn flash games,
    That are really boring and have EVERY DAMN TAG under the sun!
    PLEASE minimalize these damn tags, e621 mods!
    Holy crap this is annoying

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