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Prisoner Fox brought to you by my patrons at patreon

  • Comments
  • I've got to say, it's sort've weird to see anthropomorphic animals eating (what I can only presume are) feral animals. It's sort've like if humans started eating.. well, whatever evolutionary step there was before neanderthals.

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  • MarcusFlintcock said:
    I've got to say, it's sort've weird to see anthropomorphic animals eating (what I can only presume are) feral animals. It's sort've like if humans started eating.. well, whatever evolutionary step there was before neanderthals.

    Pretty sure they're Anthros, tbh. Plus, we do eat apes in some places.

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  • MarcusFlintcock said:
    I've got to say, it's sort've weird to see anthropomorphic animals eating (what I can only presume are) feral animals. It's sort've like if humans started eating.. well, whatever evolutionary step there was before neanderthals.

    Uma delicia...

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  • Kenji999 said:
    Lucky Fox :o

    Lucky isn't the first thing that comes to mind looking at his situation. It seems the only thing keeping him alive right now is his ability to suck and take dick

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  • aeolicservant said:
    Lucky isn't the first thing that comes to mind looking at his situation. It seems the only thing keeping him alive right now is his ability to suck and take dick

    For some people out there, this is paradise

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  • DracosBlackwing said:
    Wow, that's pretty gruesome.

    I wouldn't say gruesome, the only gory part is the rabbit but in this setting that's just nature taking it's course.

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  • Funlover said:
    why no females in the background?

    From what I'm guessing on a history point of view, is that this is a hunter caravan. Mostly men in tribes or groups would be he hunters, and the women would be the cooks and cleaners. They are probably traveling also, as you can see they are selling furs too. But, I'm probably overthinking this and ruining this artwork. Sorry.

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  • PassTheAss said:
    From what I'm guessing on a history point of view, is that this is a hunter caravan. Mostly men in tribes or groups would be he hunters, and the women would be the cooks and cleaners. They are probably traveling also, as you can see they are selling furs too. But, I'm probably overthinking this and ruining this artwork. Sorry.

    Not at all. I like your analysis. Adds a bit of story to the picture :)

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  • DracosBlackwing said:
    Wow, that's pretty gruesome.

    I mean, go back 200 years, replace wolves with humans and the other animals with deer, chickens, etc. and suddenly it's a normal scene.
    I like it because it's like the furry version of hunting :)

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  • Thatcommentovadere said:
    I mean, go back 200 years, replace wolves with humans and the other animals with deer, chickens, etc. and suddenly it's a normal scene.
    I like it because it's like the furry version of hunting :)

    I think the idea is that it's sentient animals hunting nonsentient animals.
    There's something that pushes that into the Uncanny Valley somewhere.

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  • Kitorou said:
    Just wait until the Kitsune arrive and the tables are turned, pesky wolves....

    Foxes are weaker but smarter. I bet this foxy fella allowed them to capture himself so his tribe could raid wolf tribe while they are distracted.

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  • Ok so I have "death" blacklisted bu this isn't the kind of death I was referring to

    oh no

    Someone at e621 build an AI that can tell the difference please ;-;

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