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Better quality of post #1339682

Prisoner Fox


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(This is a piece completed from a series of sketches done during a stream, where patrons voted which they most wanted to see colored. I really enjoyed making use of my 'faux watercolor' digital style, a look I may consider featuring in future work.)


"They always release once they're done trapping" he repeated to himself throughout that afternoon in his head, having lost count of those who had made use of his body. As their captive, he provided a valuable service for the traveling pack. Trapping was not a woman's burden, not with pups back home to care for.

It hadn't even been a day since being captured and the mess in his fur was already matted and hardened beneath fresh lines. He guessed it would be less than a week's time before they moved down river and let him free. If he let them do as they pleased, they'd treat him well, or at least they had for the past few years.

So many new faces, including a few dire wolves. Enormous fellows. Good thing the smaller greys had the courtesy to break him in for the evening before the brutes trudged in from their hunt. Traveling meant they hadn't fucked anything in some time. Would those two be gentle?

"Not today..." he thought. "...not today."

High res version for my patrons:

- Zaush

  • Comments
  • I was wondering why my blacklist was hiding this when I already saw it on FA with nothing especially bad in it.

    I guess a tiny bit of blood counts as "gore".

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  • Qwazzy said:
    I was wondering why my blacklist was hiding this when I already saw it on FA with nothing especially bad in it.

    I guess a tiny bit of blood counts as "gore".

    Oh, that's also why I uploaded this myself-I couldn't find it and assumed it hadn't been uploaded. (Also apparently the inkbunny version is higher res.)

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  • I have my black list set to blood... i wonder how many good pics i miss out on because of like, 1 2 drops of blood from neck biting/nose bleeds? because gore does not cover all the bad stuff... still if the rabbit wasn't there it would be better i think because its still a dead rabbit in an anthropomorphic world and i hate any creature dying anthro or not.

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  • This is somehow getting filtered by my blacklist despite not having any matching tags :T
    Managed to catch it on refreshes glad I didn't miss out on it forever.

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  • sergal239 said:
    I have my black list set to blood... i wonder how many good pics i miss out on because of like, 1 2 drops of blood from neck biting/nose bleeds? because gore does not cover all the bad stuff... still if the rabbit wasn't there it would be better i think because its still a dead rabbit in an anthropomorphic world and i hate any creature dying anthro or not.

    Spot on. It's always a challenge to build a blacklist that blocks most of what I really hate but allows enough of what I just don't like to account for odd tagging or, like here, an otherwise super hot pic with a super sad element that would be so easy to edit out if I knew anything about photoshop but someone else totally should :3

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