friendship is magic and etc created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • Incredibly offensive.
    Look at her rear left hoof, there was a lineart error near her hair. UGH. some people.

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  • I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

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  • TribalKing said:
    Do you respect the Terroists you little shit?! Do you respect Osama?!?! Ya Better not!!!!! Get this fucking pic outa here dude! Not cool! x[

    post #116544

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  • I don't even know who drew this, but thought it should be archived here.

    Though, apparently, 10 years later is still too soon.

    However, 4 years ago:

    62,171,400 people, including 418,500 Americans die in WW2? Nobody gets upset about furries glorifying Nazis or Nazi humor.

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  • Mistress_Snowtail said:
    realy? do you live in NY? i live nearby, it is EXTREMELY offensive to me as well, and i like MLP and Macro.....but making fun........of an event where thousands of people died? realy? thats cool? i think not, its sick, its distrusting, it makes this site look bad. if it stays when ill be disgusted with whoever approves it, but whatever, not my call.

    Come on, mate, we're making fun of the holocaust, afghanistan, Vietnam, the Berlin Wall, KKK and all that crap all the time. If we keep mourning over the same tragedies for so many years, how can we move on? 9/11 was terrible, but it was a small tragic event compared to the war that followed it. You have to move on from these things, smile, and hope for the best in the future that is yet to come.


    I feel terrible trying to write a serious comment like this on a picture of a pony wearing a turban shooting laser out of it's ass...

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  • Jakihro said:
    Come on, mate, we're making fun of the holocaust, afghanistan, Vietnam, the Berlin Wall, KKK and all that crap all the time. If we keep mourning over the same tragedies for so many years, how can we move on? 9/11 was terrible, but it was a small tragic event compared to the war that followed it. You have to move on from these things, smile, and hope for the best in the future that is yet to come.


    I feel terrible trying to write a serious comment like this on a picture of a pony wearing a turban shooting laser out of it's ass...

    Those aren't ass lasers, those are clearly the twin towers.



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  • TribalKing said:
    Not because it's offensive Did i just hear u fucking right?! X[

    Yup. It'll be deleted because it's an image macro.
    There's tons of stuff on here that could be considered offensive, but it wasn't deleted.

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  • Ingevi said:
    Those aren't ass lasers, those are clearly the twin towers.



    Oh, yeah, i can see that now :3

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  • TribalKing said:
    I hope you're not approving this pal! |=[

    Not at all. I'm just saying that... were it not for the addition of those three words at the bottom of the image, it'd probably get approved and you'd get a ton of macro lovers fapping to it. xD

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  • Test-Subject_217601 said:
    Not at all. I'm just saying that... were it not for the addition of those three words at the bottom of the image, it'd probably get approved and you'd get a ton of macro lovers fapping to it. xD

    *facepaws* your probably right, still its eh........yeah sorry still disgusted by it, disgusted by nazi stuff as well i just dont voice it....i lost a few friends on 9/11 so it hits a personal note is all im saying :/

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  • If you don't like something, blacklist it. If it offends you,don't click it, don't comment. Agreed, a lot of people find this offensive, but there are others that moved on during the 10 year time span.
    Is it really so hard to learn to just f-ing walk away? Why try to get them to see the things the way you do? That's annoying and quite frankly asking for a VERY boring world. I could say more, but that's going too far as it is I think.

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  • I'm willing to bet that there is a considerable overlap between people who find this picture offensive and people who consider, for example, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki "acceptable losses"...

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  • I'm still wondering what rules this supposedly violates.

    I don't see anything in the list, or on the list.

    I imagine a "don't post anything offensive" rule would be a horrifyingly slippery slope for the admins. What constitutes offensive?

    I do, however, see:
    "WARNING: Do NOT flag posts for deletion because you do not like it..."
    "Don't backseat mod."
    and the ever-popular "Blacklist or Die (ignore it if it bothers you)" policy, all of which seem to pop up a lot here:

    Really, though. It was ten years ago. Stop being offended, and find humor in things or move along. There's much more offensive things out there, and most of you probably repeat or encourage them without thinking about it. I was just as upset about 9/11 as anyone, but it's over and done with. I'm not surprised art like this comes up, and I find humor in it only because I see so many people who hold a pair of buildings and the deaths of 3,000 office workers and city employees more sacred than all the victims of any war, AIDS, cancer, hate crimes, or religious persecution.

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  • That artist is pathetic. Using MLP as a tool of offensiveness. That artist deserves to be killed in that blast along with his sick ideas.

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  • "This is not funny".

    It's amusing for me. Am I disrespecting anyone? No. You're disrespecting yourselves here by acting like crybabies.

    Shit's happened almost 10 years ago. No one cares about Pearl Harbor, no one cares about 1995 Oklahoma bombing, why should we care about 9/11. Oh yeah, sure, you live there, and familiars died there.

    But live the fuck up. Not everything is a fuckin' tragedy. Sometimes, shit's gotta light up and make people laugh. IF YOU FIND IT OFFENSIVE, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LOOKED AT IT, LESS MADE AN INANE COMMENT ON IT!

    Bitches. :|

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  • This is a very large and uncalled for attack on the MLP fanbase... o .o and in respect, 9/11 shouldn't be the brunt of any kind of joke. That's just wrong, this image is like encouraging terrorism.

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  • Raven_Blakwulf said:
    This is a very large and uncalled for attack on the MLP fanbase...

    I don't know about you, but I didn't take this picture seriously. Regardless, I'm pretty sure the ponies will survive this smear campaign, and any resulting homeland security investigations are sure to be brief. If the ponies are indeed innocent.

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  • One, even though I find 9/11 saddening, I just don't want to get involved in the issue of it. I just wanna be humble, pay my respects, and move on with my day.

    Two, even though I am a brony, I don't take this pic seriously. It is a cheap shot below the belt, so the artist deserves a good tongue lashing, but I just hope the MLP fanbase won't become a dead topic to support. Yeah, get rid of this pic.

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  • Right, after reading this entire thread, and looking over the picture. I've come to an official decision.

    1. Any further arguing on weather its offensive or not, and DEMANDING it be taken down will be dealt with as appropriate, as backseat moderation is against the rules.

    2. While I personally find this disgusting, and distasteful {As both someone whos lost someone in the twin towers, AND an MLP Fan} this does NOT violate the TOS, or the U.P. It's not an image Macro, its decent quality, and its not illegal. So while I would prefer to delete it, it stays up.

    3. Any further abuse of the FFD tool, or crying to the mod team to delete it because its offensive WILL be dealt with as according to the TOS.

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  • let's see... this is coming from the users from a site that uploads pics with VORE, GORE, NAZIS, PEDOPHILIA, NECROPHILIA and tons and tons of nightmare fuel

    and regarding the eda-pony... come on guys... you didn't say anything about a story where a pink pony tortures and kills her best friend in order to bake her into cupcakes, some of you even go out of your way to make fanart of it

    and yet you find this offensive...

    sorry but you got what you deserve guys... it's not like the brony image could be hurt any further on sites like this LOL

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  • Darlthris said:
    ....i give up, seems like ponies are the biggest freaks to exist.

    see what i mean?

    thank you for making us bronies look even worse

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  • Look, we all know that Osama's dead, but that doesn't mean we get to start making 9/11 jokes because of his death. I was starting to become one of you guys, but because of this, I'm staying neutral.

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  • PornPlox said:
    I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

    Yeah what he said, hand the land over back to us:[. Looks like we're getting alot a land back. Yay Chinooks. :]

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    I was wondering when there'd be 9/11 MLP porn.

    You know, I was just thinking "ponies did wtc" just moments before finding this picture. Also, infinite kudos to the Sun Goddess for upholding free speech even in the face of a topic that is a very personal tragedy for her.

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  • LOL if you value your right to spew the hate for this then you have to accept that its been posted. It may be offensive but if you force the admins to take this down then you are now working toward violating a free persons right to speech or their own right to voice their own ideas. How would you like it if all furry art was found offensive by the rest of the world and trust me there are those out their that are just as offended by furry art as this image is to us all. I am not defending the content here only the right the person has to post and voice their ideas. In the end this is a privately owned Site and the Admins can do as they wish.

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  • lordmaesu said:
    LOL if you value your right to spew the hate for this then you have to accept that its been posted. It may be offensive but if you force the admins to take this down then you are now working toward violating a free persons right to speech or their own right to voice their own ideas. How would you like it if all furry art was found offensive by the rest of the world and trust me there are those out their that are just as offended by furry art as this image is to us all. I am not defending the content here only the right the person has to post and voice their ideas. In the end this is a privately owned Site and the Admins can do as they wish.

    The rights of free speech don't apply to the internet, because as you's private property.

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  • everyone knows the goverment had a part in this im just saying they knew alot more then they let on thats all im going to say about this and ya this pic is really just a big fucking no i mean really

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  • Princess_Celestia said:
    LAST warning, any further drama will result in unhappy mods, which = bad.

    Leaving it up creates drama. Take it down, and I guarantee you won't see any more drama from either side.

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  • Kclub said:
    Leaving it up creates drama. Take it down, and I guarantee you won't see any more drama from either side.

    agreed, look at the votes! more than -15. don't you think it that proves it enough?

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  • Long_Fallen said:
    Jesus people, 10 years and you're still crying over this? I thought we were better than that.

    Not everyone, thousands die everyday but even more are being born at the same time to replaced those who have parished.

    Darlthris said:
    agreed, look at the votes! more than -15. don't you think it that proves it enough?

    Careful there, Celestia.

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  • Oh shut ya whining. The US tortures and mistreats prisoners of war from an illegal occupation into foreign lands and its all okay, someone draws a picture and you get up in arms about it?! America, always a victim.

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  • Why do people whine and bitch about shit that happened 10 years ago? I'm black, and I don't get my dick in a not every time someone makes a slave joke.

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  • You guys think this is bad, check out will smith twin towers gif. You know what, I could have had some distant relatives that I didn't know about die in 9/11. Just ignore'em, this person is just obviously trolling, but yea, my prayers goes out to everyone who lost someone on that tragic day. Now that i'm off that subject, is it wrong if I laughed at the Will Smith Gif because DAMN IT I WAS TRRYING NOT TO!

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  • Kclub said:
    Leaving it up creates drama. Take it down, and I guarantee you won't see any more drama from either side.

    Sorry man, if that idea is actually taken, I foresee many people deciding to post things related simply to create anti drama. IE: "The 9/11 pic wasn't breaking any rules so it should have stayed, lets all post tons of similar things as revenge".

    Now to the picture!
    I laughed my ass off.
    Then I Jacked my cock off.
    Then I laughed some more as I read the posts.
    Then again I laugh at just about anything that involves mass murder because I'm sick like that and find people's reactions amusing. Sucks that people die yea, but ironically enough, that's life. Get used to it. :D

    Now excuse me while I go off in search of more fapping material.

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  • If on the tenth anniversary of the attack you DON'T find this offensive then you are either not a live person or a member of the very group that committed this atrocity... Who in the right or left mind thinks this is funny or appropriate??? I mean really??? Many of my brother and sister, fire fighter and police officers, died in this, many of my fellow Americans died there as well... This was not the death of some unknown plant, this was people, real people with real families doing what was needed to save as many lives as possible...

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  • Shaya said:
    Whine whine whine whine whine bitch complain after everything everyone's already said, and threatened, etc etc etc

    You seem upset. I'm sure there's a professional who could help you with that.

    Oh, and nice opinion.

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  • Oh my, how offensive! If only this terrorist thought about what they we...

    What am I saying, people died, people die all the time. Get over it? I hope to god none of you 'patriots' make fun of the bombings of Hiroshima or Nagasaki... Cause that was like... 911 times 217.3435784851811... (Averaged out... of course)

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  • *Shakes head side to side* only one sentence. Why does this pic hav to be here? If anyone can answer this question i will be lighter on this subject.

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  • CL said:
    *Shakes head side to side* only one sentence. Why does this pic hav to be here? If anyone can answer this question i will be lighter on this subject.

    I find it kinda funny.

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  • treppan said:
    I don't even know who drew this, but thought it should be archived here.

    Though, apparently, 10 years later is still too soon.

    However, 4 years ago:

    62,171,400 people, including 418,500 Americans die in WW2? Nobody gets upset about furries glorifying Nazis or Nazi humor.

    Thank you! Also. Comedy= Tragedy + Time.

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  • Shatari said:
    Anyone remember how everyone laughed at Draw Muhammad day? Why is this any different?

    draw muhammad day is a silly idea of drawing something that muslims believed to be unseen of which consistantly didn't lead to anybody dying in the thousands. also it would mean that its going to be killed by a individual. which 9/11 wasn't attacked by a individual, it was attacked by a terrorist group. that is why its different. i am still waiting for approval for deletion...i'm still miffed the day it was posted.

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  • Actually, the Muslims used to kill thousands of Hindus and burn down entire cities over idols, statues, and depictions of humanistic figures. (The Orthodox Church used to share the sentiment, albeit with notably less bloodshed.)

    As for this, it seems equally silly that the Trade Towers are something that should not be drawn or pictured ever again. It's in bad taste, but then so is "dead baby" humor. This is no different than when people try to deliberately offend Muslims, and I'm happy that e621 doesn't pick sides.

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  • bitches cant even complain.. my birthday is one day away from 9/11... i was born on 9/12 and i was close to 9 years old when it happend. Do you even know the stress of knowing that your birthday is one day away from a day that everyone will know as a mass murder?

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  • Yellasno said:
    Do you even know the stress of knowing that your birthday is one day away from a day that everyone will know as a mass murder?

    It's probably nothing compared to the stress of losing a family member or the stress of being forcibly outed as gay/transgendered or the stress of, I don't know, a real problem?

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  • Miji said:
    It's probably nothing compared to the stress of losing a family member or the stress of being forcibly outed as gay/transgendered or the stress of, I don't know, a real problem?

    But stress is cumulative. It could be some minor annoyance that pushes you over the edge and causes you to have a stroke. Reading this post for example.

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  • I'm with George Carlin on this one. Fuck you, I think this is Hilarious. More people need to make fun of 9/11. Ten years is entirely too long to be mourning a tragedy like this. It's time to lump this terrible event in with that of Washington being burned down during the revolutionary war, the bloody battles during the civil war, and Pearl Harbor. We should Honor their memory, not dishonor them with pointless grief and endless war. Let it stand as a beacon of pride, not a funeral pyre. So have a happy 9/ll.

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  • Alright, this needs a bit of settling, I apologize to the mods in advance if this violates or seems in some way as back-seat moderation.

    I just recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan. I'm sure there are numerous other fellow American soldiers on this site as well who will dislike/shun this picture. Does that mean hes immediatly a horribly person who uses dead babies for condoms? No it means hes stating his freedom to make a distasteful and dark humor/troll picture.

    Do I approve of the subject? No, but I would still fight for his right to speak it. Every day atrocities happen in this world that would make the plotters responsible for 9/11 look like a smear on the wall compared to what they've done. Every day untold thousands die in Africa to starvation, civil war and disease and people still make fun of it. Do I find THAT distasteful? Perhaps, but I GUARANTEE some of the very same fuckers here complaining about this picture made jokes about other horrors committed elsewhere in the world.

    Grow some thicker fucking skin and take that big jump into maturity, maybe your balls will drop with it. Dont give me that patriotic BS "but it was a horrible event" while you still make casual jokes about millions being rounded into traincars, gassed and their nameless/faceless identities burned from this earth in massive ovens. You call it the Holocaust. I call it the atrocity that makes 9/11 look like an absolute PUSSY.

    In conclusion if your going to bitch and whine about this picture, take it elsewhere. there are more pressing matters of concern for the admins than one fucking picture that you got a little butthurt over because GODS FORBID someone make a joke you didnt like.

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  • Rixoli said:
    Alright, this needs a bit of settling, I apologize to the mods in advance if this violates or seems in some way as back-seat moderation.

    I just recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan. I'm sure there are numerous other fellow American soldiers on this site as well who will dislike/shun this picture. Does that mean hes immediatly a horribly person who uses dead babies for condoms? No it means hes stating his freedom to make a distasteful and dark humor/troll picture.

    Do I approve of the subject? No, but I would still fight for his right to speak it. Every day atrocities happen in this world that would make the plotters responsible for 9/11 look like a smear on the wall compared to what they've done. Every day untold thousands die in Africa to starvation, civil war and disease and people still make fun of it. Do I find THAT distasteful? Perhaps, but I GUARANTEE some of the very same fuckers here complaining about this picture made jokes about other horrors committed elsewhere in the world.

    Grow some thicker fucking skin and take that big jump into maturity, maybe your balls will drop with it. Dont give me that patriotic BS "but it was a horrible event" while you still make casual jokes about millions being rounded into traincars, gassed and their nameless/faceless identities burned from this earth in massive ovens. You call it the Holocaust. I call it the atrocity that makes 9/11 look like an absolute PUSSY.

    In conclusion if your going to bitch and whine about this picture, take it elsewhere. there are more pressing matters of concern for the admins than one fucking picture that you got a little butthurt over because GODS FORBID someone make a joke you didnt like.


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  • im fine with it, 9/11 is just kinda 11 years ago? i think this past 9/11 i ate a donut and giggled

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  • Awsum said:
    it has been two months since this image was posted.
    its still here.

    Read my post right above your's and fucking deal with it. it was a tragic event that happened years ago. Its old news that needs to be buried, not allow you to take a trip on the waaahhhmbulance every time someone prods a joke at it.

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  • Yellasno said:
    bitches cant even complain.. my birthday is one day away from 9/11... i was born on 9/12 and i was close to 9 years old when it happend. Do you even know the stress of knowing that your birthday is one day away from a day that everyone will know as a mass murder?

    Bleh, my birthday's one day away from it too, and i don't care. Who knows how many people died at the tenth of september in world war 2, 1, the american civil war, and the ungodly amount of these events before it? It has absolutely nothing to do with us now, unless you're personally one of the poor individuals who actually lost friends or family members during that one small historical tragedy, in which case i'm sorry for you. Or if anyone you personally knew were dispatched to Afghanistan to avenge this whole thing. If not, you should be happy that nothing happened to you or your family, because in the long run, that's significantly easier than having to live with the memories.


    Rixoli said:
    Epic stuff

    I'm Jakihro, and this is my favourite comment on the Citadel!

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  • PornPlox said:
    I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

    Woah there buddy i'm Native american tool 50% abenaki You need to slow the hell down there. Just because we are of one nationality that has had a rather shitty past does not excuse us from being shitty to others especially in times of tragedy. It sounds to me that you use your nationality as a shield then any source of pride. And that makes me quite sad

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  • i have the upmost need to change everything about this image like removing the turban, changing to cutie mark, removing the 9/11 stuff at the bottom so al it is is just a pony fucking some buildings and the cutie mark into hell i dont know something that has to do with fucking buildings

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  • watching americans fight over an event that happened 13 years has got to be the funniest thing ive ever seen. Right next to half of them not knowing when it happened. GG 10/10 would clop

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  • Snowy_River said:
    Oh my, how offensive! If only this terrorist thought about what they we...

    What am I saying, people died, people die all the time. Get over it? I hope to god none of you 'patriots' make fun of the bombings of Hiroshima or Nagasaki... Cause that was like... 911 times 217.3435784851811... (Averaged out... of course)

    Not too many people give a fuck.

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  • cocoxcocoa said:
    just.. no dude its just not right.

    darkenedshadow said:
    I may not be american, but i find this offensive, reasons are simple: making fun of an event where almost over 3000 people died, and that same amount of families lost their loved ones. Because of this, i DEMAND that this picture gets deleted

    Do you guys know about that country named Irag? Yeah and how we AMERICANS killed around 2 million of them, so yeah let's just forget about them because they're not american right? you guys are fucking stupid what about the slaughter of 1997 or how about hitler? hmm? fuck you guys. get the fuck out of america. And fuck those twin towers they were a discrace to america, also I don't support muslims or osama so fuck you all

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  • guys, just FUCK 9/11 already! (see what I did there?) GET OVER IT ALREADY!
    heres some videos for you to check out to stop being scared by media into believing that 9 11 is a horrid joke no matter what.

    FUCK 9/11! GET OVER IT ALREADY! By cultofdusty

    DONT JOIN THE MILITARY! by cultofdusty

    9/11 And the Death of Art: By the amazing atheist.

    I live froom North Korea so I do not see the signifigance of what makes 9/11 so tragic, there are people who have survived as guards for the berlin wall which have undergone severe mental breakdowns and chronic depression and also many more people died within berlins walls as they starved, were sickened to death by pollution or shat themselves to death (malnutrition)

    The KrystalNacht Mobilized 500 and over panzerklein armored units on a single town, raping and killing its inhabitants while they set the entire town on fire!

    The irish massacre had some of the most well armed murderous rioters kill thousands of people in ireland and was nicknamed one of the bloodiest sundays to exist!

    The time of the crusades had millions murdered over their religious fueds!

    and people think just because 9/11 had hundreds of americans killed that you "pure blooded" americans as you put yourselves seem to preach on a soapbox and think you're above every other human being on this earth!

    get the fuck over it this pictures a joke! a Joke, seriously, look up the definition of a joke in your dictionary at home...

    this artwork piece to me is hillarious, yes, controversial, but funny as f*ck, why? 9/11 should be ancient history and we should of moved on by this point.

    hundreds of americans died and suddenly ya'll put yourselves above everyone else and take things too seriously, in the words of applejack / applesing: "Now thats just stinkin' thinkin'."

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  • -3
  • Esme_Belles said:
    realy? do you live in NY? i live nearby, it is EXTREMELY offensive to me as well, and i like MLP and Macro.....but making fun........of an event where thousands of people died? realy? thats cool? i think not, its sick, its distrusting, it makes this site look bad. if it stays when ill be disgusted with whoever approves it, but whatever, not my call.

    you will be the death of art as we know it,like I said above when you over react thats when people look down upon you. get over nine eleven, stuffs ancient f*cking history, and look at the disasters listed above, hundreds of americans died out of how many americans living in the nation? meanwhile the crusades, the krystalnacht, and the irish massacre get less attention than you assert and maybe we should focus more on sympathizing with the people who lost their lives in the krystalnacht or irish massacre than wasting our time on 9/11. I'm from North Korea so I don't see the signifigance at all and I have to ask: "Do ALL americans over react to this? If so lets just say jesus died to execute plans for 9/11" same fucking effect, different debockles of hypocrisy.

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  • Furryletsplays said:

    Hmmm, welcome to the Internet.
    any reason you singled me of the others, oh an thank you for telling me, who had posted those comments three, THREE, years ago that I will be the death of art. I have some choice words id loooove to give you. But then I'd be in the admins sights for instigation.

    Best advice I can give as another User. It probably not a good idea to "retaliate" against a 3 year old comment.
    Only reason your even getting a reply is because I check my comment que at least once a week.

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  • Furryletsplays said:

    Do you regularly start arguments with comments from years past?

    I bet you shout into wells and argue with the echos, too.

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    Hmmm, welcome to the Internet.
    any reason you singled me of the others, oh an thank you for telling me, who had posted those comments three, THREE, years ago that I will be the death of art. I have some choice words id loooove to give you. But then I'd be in the admins sights for instigation.

    Best advice I can give as another User. It probably not a good idea to "retaliate" against a 3 year old comment.
    Only reason your even getting a reply is because I check my comment que at least once a week.

    welcome also to e621, where the oldest comment is the first impression you have on a person,and related post. Really the only reason I replied was to use your comment as an addendum, an example.

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  • Furryletsplays said:
    welcome also to e621, where the oldest comment is the first impression you have on a person,and related post. Really the only reason I replied was to use your comment as an addendum, an example.

    well my oppinion still stands relitivly around where those comments left it. Or id have removed it after play here brought it back up. Though three years ago I was new to the Internet still... new in the sense of the drama and stuff. (Mien parent kept me from using it at home and the like before that)

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  • Hyenide-89 said:
    Do you regularly start arguments with comments from years past?

    I bet you shout into wells and argue with the echos, too.

    This just made my morning... xD

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  • Would've been hilarious without the turban. But spelling it out that much just ruins it. Don't spell out jokes.

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  • DJ-WOLFBEAT5 said:
    Do you respect the Terroists you little shit?! Do you respect Osama?!?! Ya Better not!!!!! Get this fucking pic outa here dude! Not cool! x[

    Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

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  • I'm American. I've lived here my whole life. The most offensive thing in this image to me is how weird her left hind hoof looks like.

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  • This post was flagged for deletion. Reason: Artist is on the avoid posting list

    *looks at artist tag*


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  • Whoever made this, if by some random chance your seeing this. I hate you. A couple days from now I will have completely forgotten about this and you and will go about my life as if nothing happened. But until then, I will hate you. I hate you for making fun of the day thousands of my fellow Americans died. For laughing at the husbands, wives, mothers, and fathers that either burned to death or fell to there demise on that day. And I hate all of you who are trying to defend him by saying it's just a joke or just a drawing. Not for me it isn't. My parents, grandparents, and me and my friends had to experience that day personally. So no, I'm not going to stand by while someone makes fun of 9/11. I'm going to fucking say something about it and you can't stop me. To conclude, I hate you and your drawing, I hope it gets deleted one day, and good day to you.

    Edit: Okay, I don't quite agree with past men's zeal. But I still think it's a dumb joke.


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  • esme_belles said:
    even that only gets you so far though~

    Everything in the name of "free speech" gets too far, buddy. You know the company charlie hebdo (or whatever that is)? Yeah, fuck those guys, hiding behind the "free speech".

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  • rohit said:
    That artist is pathetic. Using MLP as a tool of offensiveness. That artist deserves to be killed in that blast along with his sick ideas.

    Woah, i thought you aren't a terrorist. Is death threat supposed to be terrorist tactics?

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  • corgi_bread said:
    The rights of free speech don't apply to the internet, because as you's private property.

    It is the internet, dude. You think what applied in the real world won't be able to be applied in the internet?
    What kind of logic is dass?

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  • killer11784 said:
    whoever drew this is a terorist! D-:<

    Lol, terrorist terrorize people, the artist didn't terrorize anyone. Well it terrorize some of the thin skins.

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  • Hmm, I think im gonna let this one slide, let's be honest, it's pretty offensive yet there are way worse

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  • test-subject_217601 said:
    Luckily for you folks: This probably will be deleted.
    Unfortunately for the guy who flagged it: It'll be deleted because it's an image macro. Not because it's offensive.

    are you sure 'bout that?

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  • pornplox said:
    I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

    I'm Japanese. My ancestors had it a bit worse, considering we got nuked. Twice. And my grandmother was in a concentration camp. Native Americans are some of the richest people in America, quit your bitching. Others have had it worse, it's not the first time people have been wiped out due to colonization. I'm sure you adore Britain, right? They wiped out hundreds of millions in their conquests and colonizations. Considering America isn't even 300 years old and it's already made dues for it, it's pretty good. It took Britain over 2000 years to figure out slavery and genocide. And even now they're not even all that better. Every country did this, it's just that America happens to be one of the youngest countries.

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  • pornplox said:
    I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

    Lol no? Give me your land

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  • fgtexas said:
    Hmm, I think im gonna let this one slide, let's be honest, it's pretty offensive yet there are way worse

    Oh thank you for gracing us with you unending humility great lord however this has existed for years and hasn't been taken down so I doubt you could make it happen

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  • That took forever. But I finally read my way through all the comments. I'll have to give it a go in another ten years.

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  • "treppan said:
    Flagged for deletion by a pedophile? :o"

    Wait, miniladd or EDP? Oh... maybe it was Mandopony... Either way all 3 check out.

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  • pornplox said:
    I'm native American, all people who are offended by this and live in America, please give me your land.

    Oh and yeah, terrible event killing of all of those native Americans etc. Land plox.

    kthx :D

    I don't really care

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