evals, flora, and mike (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

"Oasis Room"

Sketch of the 1041st page of TwoKinds.



Evals: Wow!

Evals: “Oasis” is right! What is this? Are we outside?

Mike: Can’t be. It was snowing, and the manor’s nowhere near a beach.

Evals: But I can smell the ocean… and it feels warm…

Flora: Rawr I’m a tiger shark!

Evals: Baaugh!

Flora: Oh, it’s just you two. Sorry, I thought… Have you seen Trace lately?

Evals: Can’t say I have. Thanks for soaking my new robes, by the way.

Page transcript provided by Tom

  • Comments
  • Haha! Flora did her tiger shark thing. That cutaway is cool too. I figured the oasis room was an elaborate illusion. With how paranoid the old Trace was he wouldn't have a doorway to an unguarded beach attached to his manor.

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