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MemberThe more I look at this picture, the more it confuses me.
Why did she start tossing her clothes of after coming out of the room? What's going on with her right arm? Why the rag, was the masturbating with it? Is she even remotely surprised at the smaller lizards out there committing a very stylish suicide pact?
I'm not even going to start on the kobolds riding a rocket in (presumably) hard vacuum, that shit's just so far gone I'm writing it off.
MemberMaybe the arm turning grey is the start of a full-body camouflage.
BlockedI'm guessing the arm coloration is the artist trying to do lighting effects?
I think the 'rag' she's holding is supposed to be her underwear; at least panties.
Either my eyesight is WAY worse than yours (possible!), or I have no idea where you're seeing 'smaller lizards committing suicide'. What are you seeing that I'm not? If you mean in the background, that appears to be ab asteroid belt and a planet with a ring around it seen through a window.
Raggin on the poster seems like you're going a bit far, I think. It's obviously meant to be silly, and, just for consideration, couldn't they just be climbing on one at night while it's still on the ground? I'm sure if you showed aliens images of that 'kitten hanging from a tree branch' poster/meme, they'd be like 'WTF is this?!' too.
As for the rest? ...not sure. ^^; I guess the artist wanted to leave things up to your imagination.
MemberI'm just thinking about what that would imply. A cobra-lady just stripped on her way out of her room and is roaming the halls naked but camouflaged. A thrilling (and sexy) experience no doubt.
MemberOh, don't get me wrong, the actual picture itself is allright from my admittedly terrible understanding of art. Most of that is just off-the-cuff reactions. I don't tend to get too worked up over this stuff after the initial reaction. I'm fully aware there's a lot I don't know, and even more I really ought not to.
The window on the right side with the kobolds hanging off the rocket - going off of what little else can be seen from the window in her room and making a guess at the style of the room, hallway, lighting, and decor, I'm inclined to think this is in a space station of some sort. If that's the case, there's a good chance that quartet of lizards are clinging on to a rocket with zero protection or any sort of clear indication of environmental controls or breathing apparatus in a hard vacuum. I'm even more inclined to think it's outside the station since there's a hint of external light coming up from beneath the rocket, presumably where the exhaust port would be. Unless those chucklenuts don't need to breathe, that would be cause for pants-destroying alarm, which only one of them is really expressing.
I think that's really the mental break point for just shrugging and moving on with life.
BlockedI think that's just a poster though, due to the words drawn on it. They don't look like as readout or anything, just a silly poster with some silly quote printed on it. And I mean... if it's a poster, then it's just a picture, right? The light from the exhaust could just be actual photographic lights being used to make it seem more real.
MemberMaybe it's just the ship's dress code :3
Of course, maybe that room number has something to do with it, and she's getting prepared
MemberGood catch.
MemberThe snake girl seems to be daring herself deeper into exhibitionism.
Look at the order that the clothing is dropped: first the boots, then escalating to the shirt, then the bottoms... all while coming closer and closer to the open hallway where anyone could glance around the corner. This scene is a perfect example of risk and apprehension: the more you slip away from your safe zone, the more intense the feelings get.
That's my interpretation of what's happening here.
Cerulean Splash
MemberI am salivating over those thighs :0
MemberThere is quite a lot to analyze in this pic
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