Check out the sections below to see what's changed!
- Achievements 2.0!
** Interface have been wholly overhauled to be prettier!
** Comes with a fancy toast whenever you earn an achievement. Multiple toast support!
- Added the following achievements:
** Gourmand: This has been in limbo for years and is now available! Refill your hunger 10 times for that.
** Pure Marble: Complete Marble purification quest.
** Everybody Loves Me: Have at least five NPCs with maximum affection.
** Ghost Host: Allow Shouldra to use you as host.
** Shark Tale: Move Izma into your camp.
** A Full Season: Reach day 90+. This achievement fills the gap between 30 days and 180 days.
- Added a new item: Girtho+. This will increase the girth of your cock up to a max of 1/2 your length.
** Take Gro+ to Lumi to have it be changed to Girtho+.
- Kobold codex entry has been added. This is unlocked once you encounter Ember's egg. This is also retroactively unlocked.
- You can now upgrade weapons at the Chill Smith.
- Due to the return of main menu texts, the version text has been lowered a bit to match.
- Urta's True Lover now only requires the completion of Urta's Infertility quest.
- Cleansing Palm can now be made permanent on ascension.
- You can make cabin permanent! It'll be carried over to subsequent ascensions so you don't have to build it again.
- You are no longer stripped of weapons at the end of Ingnam prologue.
- While using debug, you can now run away while under the effect of rut and sealed.
- Numbers can now display as going over the maximum value for experience bar, once again.
- All backgrounds no longer have built-in text background. So you can now have different backgrounds. Just make sure to tweak BG for readability!
- Changed the way interfaces are loaded, so they are loaded from the beginning. This should reduce the possible lag on entering interfaces. This applies to settings, achievements, and level up.
- Laid the second batch of groundwork for Dragon City. This is still not yet accessible normally, but you could test the fights in Beta Zone.
- The main menu texts for debug, silly mode, and events should now be back!
- Fixed text background settings and rendering for all screens. It should be corrected, hopefully.
- Fixed an issue where attribute selection screen can get stuck.
- Fixed monster target text error in tail slam attack.
- Fixed Joy reference to cutie/sweetie.
- Fixed double pronoun at Arian in one scene.
- Fixed a grammatical error when you land heavy damage with regular attack (mutilate).
- Selecting Low Stock should now properly advance. Turns out there's a check if flag is exactly 0 and it was set to 0.5 for tooltip purposes. This is now fixed.
- Possible fox for Benoit rambling about basilisk womb recipes by tweaking conditions required.
- Getting the Pacifist run achievement should now be possible and Stone Statue can be destroyed without ruining pacifist, due to him being HP victory only. Same goes for Lethice as she had lust shield.
- Fixed permanent Toughness loss and Sensitivity gain from Lizan Rogue. Turns out those stats changes were applied twice.
- Fixed Indefatigable perk oversights, courtesy of ElsaTheHobo.
- Finally fixed the blank mountain text. It took a lot of chasing but the bug has been slain.
- Fixed canine cock description.
- Fixed Priscilla sex options for hermaphrodite players.
- Grammatical fix for a character creation page, specifically when the character doesn't have pre-defined history.
MemberOh hey, new stuff
Memberaddictions is still broke so you can not do Mable's quest
Pc Genie
MemberI wonder when there will be more watersports stuff. One can always wish!
MemberOh shit, new adventure
Memberwonderful, coc update
user 278061
Memberhell yer
MemberWelp, decided to finally try this out.
...got stuck at the part where i had to name someone i freed, and the game wouldn't let me type anything.
Liiiitle disappointing, but i got off before that, so that's something.
(Edit) Never mind, it worked when i clicked back in. Still, odd.
Ramadan Steve
MemberThis game has its own wiki, you can find the link on fenoxos site, you might want to check that out so you know what to expect. Also a quick note, theres 2 main hubs in the game, keep exploring the desert with under 20 corruption to get access to tel adre, and theres also a caravan in the plains that you need I think 30 corruption or more to gain access to. Once youre accepted in, youll stay welcome regardless of corruption
Ramadan Steve
MemberI just played the last version a few days ago thinking that was the final update after monthes of inactivity. Glad I was wrong
Rowan Bojog
MemberFound a bug. According to the release notes:
This doesn't work. When you take a Gro+ to Lumi, it won't show up in the enhance list. In stead there will be a second entry for "Golden Seed" (two entries, one should be Gro+). If you click to enhance this bugged "Golden Seed" it just takes your money and deletes the Gro+ from your inventory. You can click the button repeatedly, wasting all your gems and losing the item you came to enhance.
MemberSo is this from Fenoxo himself or is this one of the many modded versions?
MemberThe mod is done by me and some people. The mod is unofficial and not done by Fenoxo, and it's not officially supported.
Thank you, I will get that looked into!
RexPride 1
Memberi also found a bug that when buying the potions of the wandering merchant, the player drink them emidietly for no reason. (also this bugs the arian healing quest) as far as iv played, you can still do stuff as learing magic and do sexy stuff... but havent goten the move in camp dialouge yet. (a quick way around this atm would let ether a enemy be able to drop the potions or fix it ofc) just a heads up to everyone aswell... tho drinking the potions have no negative effect, you will be trowing away 15 gems if you are trying to heal arian. {il also try making a new game and test this if it gets fixed this way... il post if so}
Korgie files
MemberGetting the Girtho+ is really bugged; please get it fixed asap because increasing girth size but maintaining a length that almost any character to enjoy is tricky.
Memberhey, i'm having a lot of trouble saving my game so if someone could pleas help me out that wold be great!
RexPride 1
Memberif your playing in [icognito mode] the your progress might not save. if you just simply cant save then that might be of your browser settings or pageblocks (???maybe addblock???) and if you downloaded the game then it might be bcuz of [harddrive space] (p.s im no master in this matter) sidenote ( i have no problem on browser/side/page play) also would be nice to state more info b4 posting, just saying.
MemberDoes anyone know the free way to get stones? They are really stacking up in price... I'd guess Mountain or Highmountain, but I could be wrong...
user 416612
MemberAh, dope
RexPride 1
Memberyou sould go to the [Desert] and try to find an ant named Phylla
shes a optainable Lover and she can dig up Gems and Stone
also the bigger her collony the more income.. unless they nerfed it
MemberI see. Is importing saves the same? Or will I have to restart from scratch?
MemberIs there a way to see your own character? I remember I have played a version years ago with this feature.
Memberalso once Amily is in your camp revisit the ruins and you can tear it apart for all the stuff to build
What happened to NG+?
Memberin options=interface=character apperence spirite.
Membergonna make a note here for those going for marble. If you haven't gotten addicted, check the options to make sure the addiction "fetish" was not turned off automatically
there appears to be a glitch whenever you end up getting beaten by the Amerok in the Glacial Rift
RexPride 1
Memberis it just me or is it just that its strange that DOOMGUY is not in the carakter creation (premade/with history). i mean.. there are so many demons.. and nobody to RIP N TEAR them into gore... just dosnt add up imo... hope he gets a implementation in future versions.. (tho i/we can use a program to make our own but it could bug the game and/or glitch it up entirely) [dont take me serious.. unless RIPnTEAR is wanted]
MemberWould be cool if the other imperial measurements will be replaced by metric. So far I see the only metric measurements are in appearance?
MemberI somehow managed to break the corrupt Jojo, and got him to (rape with state -1)
Memberi feel cheated i got titan grip making two handed weapons usable with one hand and it says i can use a shield but it won't let me
Memberwhen i enable flash i just get a white screen any ideas on how to fix?
Membernvm its fixed i just didnt wait long rnpough for it to l9ad
Korgie files
MemberHow did you pull that off?
MemberI apologize if this is a very noob question, I've searched the wiki and forums to find an answer but couldn't. My question is about Raphael, I'm a 100% Male character with no female attributes of any kind and yet he showed up to my camp and commented on my male features being attractive. My only options at the time were to either slap him or let him go, I couldn't swoon him or anything. With all this in mind, is it possible to still complete his sidequest as a male? I loaded a prior save because I didn't want to mess anything up. And if I simply let him go is that enough to complete his quest or do I have to swoon him, and how do I go about doing that? Thank you for any help :)
MemberSo is there an item that gives you giant tits non stop and if there is how do you get rid of it?
BlockedStorage glitch again: last time I could stop it deleting my main items by using the higher save slots (11+). Haven't tried the lower slots yet, but now my chest is empty using slot 11 :(
Memberplz fix the gro+ non evolve glitch!
MemberIn the name of all that is holy why is the wiki for the game closed, does anyone know what happened with that?
Memberit will not load for me
MemberIt's taking longer than usual for me, but it still loads. ChromeOS here.
My guess is the game (and thus wiki) technically violated TOS, and was closed. Even though it did not contain porn, mentioning "sex," "boobs," "penis," and other such is too much, apparently. I hope they'll be allowed to create a SFW version so it stays up.
MemberHope so.
Memberi kinda wish there where more vore options
MemberRaphael will appear for the first time to the players camp regardless of what you look like. But for later encounters, you have to have specific body attributes so you cant continue as a male. Also if you managed to "offend" him (such as yelling at him or raping him) you cant continue.
XxEevee is LovexX
MemberHello viewer of this comment!
This comment is actually a question. My question is: What are the specific requirements for recruiting Marble into your camp?
I've used this site (https://wiki.smutosaur.us/CoC/Marble) as a source of information, but it became apparent that the info was quite out of date. As for my in-game interactions, I have her affection all the way up to 659% and has helped her on the farm, both suckling and weedwacking, and met her in the forest. I would very much like any assistance in my endeavors before I make the import to the squeal game.
MemberNot to complain too much because I am, after all, playing this game on legit the hardest settings I can put it to, but isn't it a bit much to make it so that eating too much of a fruit will suddenly game-over you, but still force you to eat frequently and not give you any other realistic option?
I haven't tried going hungry and seeing where that takes me, but it's kind of a let-down that in order to even play the game I'll have to accept being a multi-creature chimera.
Also, more minor gripe: eating a canine pepper gave me two dicks. Not sure if that's something that's meant to happen but it seems kind of odd.
Memberugh when r they gonna fix hyper happy mode i want to be a demon herm with max size on both breasts and cocks however even with hyper happy mode on succubi milk and inccubi draft still counter each other
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorJust use gro+?
thunder the pikachu
Memberis there a way to somehow avoid or remove a dick if i get one?.. i wanna play as female only but i keep getting a 55 cm dick after a while....
Memberpurified succubi milk has the gender change power of regular just dosent turn u into a demon in the process fair warning however just like regular in the process of shrinking then removing your dick it will make your breasts grow
Memberthis is just me or something is wrong. I download the game and played it fine mostly, but whenever I load a save the character he/she would lost all items
Queen Tyr'ahnee
JanitorYou can also eat pink eggs you lay by drinking an ovi elixir. This will remove male genitalia, and if I remember right also make you more fertile and probably make breasts bigger. (Its been a minute since I played last.)
MemberThere's a "bug" where some of the item text is too long, and is unable to be read. Even if I change the font size, it's still the same size and dis-allows me the ability to read the description fully or even the name.
Memberis there a newer and working version of this - https://github.com/tmedwards/CoCEd/releases/tag/v1.3.3 for the mod for CoC
MemberFennoxo, if you still read the comments... can you make Cera give the hero a pregnancy fetish piercing?
MemberI was wrong it is now a setting you can turn on or off
User 555
MemberHow is undertale related to this?
Memberwhy can't I find bee people
XxEevee is LovexX
MemberIdek if commenting on this site helps, cuz my question has yet to be answered properly.
I recommend checking out Fenoxo's Discord server for more direct assistance
(just click that "connect" button when you get there :D )
Avriel Mimiga
Membercool a thanksgiving event
user 416612
MemberSo, Just a mental note. If you are fighting the Amarok and have Rut, which increases lust with each turn maxes out your lust, you technically lose the fight but cannot progress further, the "Next" Button simply wont do anything...
MemberI just started playing this game today and I might be a little addicted lmao it's great. But how do I get a male lover besides Arian? He's the only one I've come across but he's too submissive for my tastes!
user 416612
MemberHey, If you wanna BE the sub, try Kelt, you can find him at Whitney's farm, He'll ask if you wanna learn the bow, then your charachter eyes him as they walk in one of your visits, he notices and makes you suck his cock, you could eagerly, heasitantly or never, the choice is on you.
MemberFenoxo quit doing CoC ages ago. Kitteh6660 is the one that make the unofficially expanded edition mod.
Memberi really hope the girth + gets fixed
MemberAnother bug to report - Sometimes clicking will click the other option in a quick succession leaving you unable to do anything and ultimately ruining the experience.
Ultimately... It's a bruh moment
MemberI don't know if it is just me but I cannot save the file to my documents o anything and when i do save and say refresh the page the save data is deleted
MemberHow do I get into the prison? I have the setting on
The lewdness comez
Memberi wonder if its possible to make a basitin character
MemberSo I know this is a free game and requesting stuff is often viewed as rude I was still wondering if there may ever be any beastiality stuff like with the giant wolf or anything else...but I mostly have my eyes on the big milf wolf.
The lewdness comez
MemberIts usually random, but the bazaar is a place that has the transport
Mighty M
MemberIt's really annoying that I lose all my items whenever I load the game.
MemberTitan Grip perk doesn't work :(
AztepYeen JOLT
MemberPlease, please, please just remove the previous updates when you upload the updated versions of coc. I am trying to be as sincere as possible here about this, I am sure that there are people who agree with me that when we look for the games we want, it can be a little difficult when most of them are just previous updates to this game. Sorry if I come out a bit harsh but I hope you understand. Thank you.
Other than that this is a great game and I hope that more great updates are to follow.
MemberMy save data and character got erased. :) fun.
Memberthis is an update to a mod that updates the game. just saying.
user 423935
Memberthere's a bit of a glitch where you can get the piercings removed but the curse with the piercings still exists
Memberplease post the fixed update!
MemberIf you are refering to Ceraph's piercings, their effects linger and can only be removed from ceraph herself.
If it's the piercings from Tel Adre, then that is a true glitch
Memberman.... i whanna use the girth + already
MemberCan't scroll with the arrow keys anymore, I mean you can but you have to click on the text box every time a new 'page' is loaded, older versions didn't do this they were once and your done
MemberVer 1.4.15 doesn't have this problem
Avriel Mimiga
MemberFinally encountered the TF2 thing
MemberCan't get Kath to a submissiveness above 2, if someone could help that would be appreciated
MemberSo does anyone know how to become a non corrupted kitsune? any help is appreciated.
MemberWhen are we getting Behemoth back?
MemberSo, Im trying to download the game because of all this adobe is shutting down thing and i want to be able to play it again in a few months, but im having trouble, what is the best way?
MemberUsing a different browser?
BlockedThe only other one I'm aware of who you can have in your camp as a lover all year is Ember.
Here's how to make him male.
During December and January, you can make the snow spirit Nieve male. (You can change your computer clock for this)
Outside the camp, there are:
-Anzu (dominant but sweet, found in glacial rift)
-Ro'gar (dominant but sweet, found in swamp then at bar)
-Rubi (submissive, girly, found at bakery)
Less like lovers but worthwhile:
-Andy (mostly submissive, boyish, found at food tent in bazaar)
-Akbal (dominant, in deepwoods)
-Harry (dominant, in food tent)
-Kelt (dominant, abusive, found at farm)
More than a dozen others, but they're less like lovers with a menu of options and more like enemies or friendly npcs with only one or two scenes. If you want the more submissive scenes, a few I should mention because they can be easy to miss are:
-tiger assault (visit the bazaar in the last 2 hours of the day, visit a shop and go back to the main bazaar until the option to "wait" comes up")
-the Hunt (explore deepwoods, run from the Erlking with low enough speed or high fatigue to get caught either by the hounds or by the Erlking)
-satyr gangbang (bazaar>food tent>patrons in the last 2 hours of the day - this is the only way I've found for males to get pregnant that doesn't involve eggs)
Anyone else, please chime in with your favorite males I've missed! Always looking for new encounters lol
feline fuckboy
MemberI want to see the dragon city beta fights but I have no clue how debug works, does anybody have it figured out?
MemberForgive me if i sound stupid or lazy, but i haven't played this in a long while and im having trouble getting to the volcanic crag if anyone can help out id appreciate it.
MemberWhat happened to my HP?
MemberI was able to find the Bazaar while having 0 Corruption. I had to fight a level 30 guard to get in, though.
I'm not sure if I was supposed to do that, but I don't think it's a bug since I was able to access the Bazaar that way on every playthrough.
MemberDoes anyone know how to get shelia as lover? i invite her to live with me but she always says no.
MemberThey removed it, you can still find drake hearts and obsidian in the frozen area
Memberi found that if i use incognito, the page is different from normal. in incognito i cant get addicted, but in normal browser, i can
MemberBug report:
1) Okay, so. My first time not immediately selling off a bottle of Bimbo Liqueur out of dire need of cash. I got the thief prompt and told Jojo to catch them, not realizing it would lead to getting Joy instead. I hadn't learned all I needed from Jojo, so I reverted to a prior save (which I'd overwritten a still earlier save for). My inventory and chest items are now those of the earlier save, which means I have Jojo back but lost the Bimbo Liqueur and Raphael's classy red bodysuit as well. Not cool.
Also, cum production has reset to that of the earlier save. And I apparently have a goblin species score, which hasn't been the case since I figured out what goblin ale does (in my first-ever game, which was overwritten).
Contents of the weapon, armor, and shield racks are correct.
2) Physical special attacks cost double their listed amount of fatigue. (Unsure if mental special attacks are also affected. Spells are working properly.)
3) During the "double helix" scene with Katherine (while she's still living behind the pawn shop; untested in her domicile), the game refers to your "human" penis, when the character has a lizan-model dick.
4) When fighting the Omnibus Overseer in the factory, her lust aura attack doesn't tell you how much effect it's having on you. (No number following the text.)
5) Charging Arian's talisman (sometimes?) doesn't consume materials. Currently tested: Dispelling.
Narrative inconsistencies:
A PC who's a natural-born hermaphrodite and advances Urta's storyline to Lovers, when questioning her about prejudice she's experienced, nonetheless says, "you had never seen - had never even heard - of someone being both female and male at the same time before you came to Mareth..."
Minor text errors:
Is there a better place for these than the comment section? Now that I've started documenting issues, this could get long.
MemberI Love this game I download the new updates of the game each time they're posted
MemberYou successfully restore your game. Everything’s intact. At least, you thought it was. You must have messed up the password somewhere along the line, but oddly enough, the only difference is the clock being set an hour ahead and a few extra gems and EXP in your pocket.
It is like fucking christmas up in here.
Why did I find this so funny
MemberLove the game! I'm thrilled that there are some who continue the good lord's work (Fenoxo may his name be ever praised!).
There are some weird things I've noticed.
1: Aiko's sex option "Missionary" doesn't deplete lust. I'm pretty sure this isn't intentional. It could be a memory leak or something as well that are specific to my instance but I thought I'd bring it up.
2: The Demon Soldier's "Oral" option doesn't seem to work. I click on it and it won't even activate. Kinda odd. I'd like to see this scene with my corrupted character.
3: Am I crazy or was the Volcanic Crag removed? I've spent hours exploring and have over 300 confirmed explorations using the "explore" option and I have yet to find it. I kinda miss sparing with the Behemoth. He was great for XP.
4: I'm not sure if it is intentional but multiple explorations to the Glacier lowers toughness as does having sex with Priscilla.
5: Demon Soldier spawns cause Seraph and other more persistent NPC's to not appear as often as they are supposed to as well as lowering the possibilities of finding foods, items, or stat increasing interactions. Probably intentional but I thought I would voice a small frustration with having to take a couple hours to enslave Seraph because her spawn frequency became closer to 1 in 30 to 40
6: Aiko's Corruption doesn't seem to be working either. Not sure if it is implemented yet or not.
7: There's a weird glitch where after finishing, or starting a battle, the health bar will spaz out and quickly randomize numbers. It only last for a second and doesn't actually affect gameplay, but I thought I would mention it.
Not ragging here. Love the game and the mod. I just want to make sure I'm not crazy on some things and pointing out some odd things here or there. Keep up the good work and I hope to see the next one.
Furrin Gok
MemberAnybody know what causes the Giant Bee girls to panic when you find them?
Memberso where's the WS content?
MemberYou probably attacked them too many times so they just flee when they see you.
MemberSo is anyone else having this problem?
Whenever I save everything saves like normal only all of my items in my inventory aren't saving properly. I'll take something out of my stash, save then load save and my inventory is what it was before I saved. I still have new locations, things in the story still happened but my inventory goes back to a previous save set and not the current save. I lost a few good items just now from this.
MemberHonestly this is such bullshit, my game is bugged in Lethices throne room, and it's making the drider fight WAY harder, I'm having to fight Excelia twice, it thinks I'm fighting the Minotaur king so I fight her twice
MemberWould be really nice if I didn't lose everything in my inventory every time I load from a save file...
MemberIs it possible to wear off the Minimum Lust effect after drinking Bro Brew?
MemberWhere do i get Obsidian Shards? I can't find info about them even in WiKi
Memberquestion. will this be set in a file format or some other program for allowing us to download it and play it ourselves?
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