"The Rose Garden"
Sketch of the 1114th and 1115th pages of TwoKinds.
Trace: Rose?!
Trace: Huh…? I heard her. Flora, stay here, I’ll—
Flora: No way! You’re not leaving me alone in this haunted place!
Trace: Stoney? Stay close. Protect Flora, okay?
Trace: Good boy.
Roselyn: Trace… Detritus….
Trace: Rose! What’s going on?! You can’t really be… a-are you… dead?
Roselyn: Dead…? Not entirely. But I am… less than I was. And more, I suppose. You’ll see.
Roselyn: Not long ago, death was your obsession. Researching ways to extend life, and bring it back. You needed someone to test your work on, and I was all you had left. So when I got old and my time drew near…
Roselyn: You used me.
Page transcript provided by iliar
MemberWell, that's terrifying.
MemberMan, Templar Trace was seriously fucked in the head
MemberOne more time for good measure.....OH SHIT!!
Member...that's fucked up.
MemberWe've already had indications that Rose isn't exactly.... corporeal?
I presume Euchre is aware of her condition.
Am I the only one getting Homeworld vibes from this? Creepy-style Homeworld vibes.
Navras Econ
MemberReminds me of "Project overlord".
MemberAnd who assures that Euchre's long life does not have a similar nature? After this revelation about Rose, it makes one think about the supposed "longevity" of Euchre himself, what if in fact "he" already Is he dead and all we saw of the Keidran was actually a simple "avatar" or "physical projection"? (although one well enough made to make physical contact with other material beings).
The last thing I want is to see Rose say "The Square root of 912.04 equals ..."
MemberNever before has "WTF" meant so much. Bad Trace was severely fucked up. How the Hell did Nora NOT intervene in this shit?
MemberMy guess is that Nora knows Trace well enough to assume he just didn't want to lose another person dear to him.
MemberI'm getting real 'King of Thorn' vibes from this page...
MemberOn today's episode of how fucked up is fucked up...
user 35468
MemberAll these comments and not one about the fact it looks just like Portal?
user 301520
MemberRose is the GLaDOS of the mansion lmao
MemberWhy is Maren in the crystal?
(Unfortunately, this cannot be seen here.)
Is it a cell or a magic focus?
MemberPlot twist: Rose is actually emperor Palpatine!
Didn't expect that, did ya?
MemberAnd remember that he uncapped her powers, or whatever. We will see if he has impressed on her how much he has changed and/or if this is about to awaken something
MemberPotentially both.
MemberRose has made it to the cover of Dead Or Alive: Xtreme 4?....
Last time I saw a woman in a crystal near a ginger it was Ocarina Of Time.
I'm pretty certain she's Ganondorf.
MemberThis is damn sad...I really hope Rose can be saved.
MemberKinda giving me Bioshock Infinite vibes.
MemberI Don't think that's Maren
I think that's Trace's old wife.
Which leads me to believe he Mr. Freeze'd her.
This does make me think of Freeze a fair bit.
Edit: Looking back yeah it could very well be Maren.
But this is no less creepy.
Also why did she refer to someone as detritus?
MemberI don't even know what to say. Was sooooo caught off guard by this.
MemberNot necessarily.
As she said ~ Dead...? Not entirely. But I am... less than I was. And more. I suppose. You'll see.
So we'll have to wait and see.
MemberAnd the haopy funtimes are 100% dead.
Hey, anybody remember that Trace's Nightmare sketch? Remember those tentacles? Well now we know why they were there.
MemberRose tries to force the necromancy, evil trace awakens, Rose gets put down trying to stop trace.
MemberNah, definitely Maren, she’s still wearing the swimsuit.
MemberThis is something I would see out of an anime with a bit of horror theme to it.
user 35468
MemberYeah I fixed it after I looked back
Thanks for still trying to point it out though.
MemberoH lOoK iT's YoUr oLd FrIeNd, DeAdLy neURoToXiN.
MemberThis begs the question of how many more times Templar Trace has broken the laws of god and man.
..and if it's wrong to want to find out.
MemberDetritus is waste or debris of any kind.
MemberShe said "Detritus. Trace." Right? As though they were the same person? Perhaps Detritus is "bad Trace"? Could we be about to see how Trace went from good to bad? Or good to some sort of split person, one good one bad, and bad is called Detritus? Rose and Detritus corunning the estate as some sort of hivemind/uneasy allies? Detritus trying to bring back Saria by infusing Marens body with Roses long and intimate knowledge of Saria, her memories? Also, something I noticed while rereading old strips: When Natani first comes to the mansion and sees a painting of young Rose, she says that even though all snow wolves look alike, Rose looked familiar. Could she have met Roses cousin Euchre at some point? Could he be involved in all this? He did warn Rose to "leave secrets buried, keep him out of that area of the mansion, that he needed Trace here, all safe and oblivious for now? Hell, Eucre HAS to be involved now that I think about it. I'm just now sure how and why.
MemberShe said "Trace... Detritus...", Rose mostly likely was referring to Flora as detritus or to put it bluntly garbage. Also, Natani and Rose HAVE met before, the side comic "The Dragon Masquerade".
MemberWhich of course, I've never been able to read. At least that is out of the way.
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